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Shini  [developer] Mar 31, 2016 @ 8:47am
Regarding Keyboard controls
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused, but currently the in-game Keyboard configuration UI is not complete, thus we have to ask of your kind patience while we work things out.

Upon the first boot of the game, "localsettings.ini" will be created in the local content root folder of the game. You can edit it using regular Microsoft Notepad and change the keys according to your likings, based on the following rules:

1) Only capital alphabets, spacebar, enter, backspace, and "ARROW_" keys are accepted by the system for now. We are working to get more keys working and configurable.
2) Numbers and numpad, shift, ctrl, alt etc. are currently unusable.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Last edited by Shini; Mar 31, 2016 @ 8:47am
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
Just want to say thanks. It may be in avery barebones state but it seems fun and as a big guilty gear fan, the more games on PC the better! Got revelator on PS4 hoping it comes to PC too! Keep the guilty gear love coming
Strider Apr 2, 2016 @ 10:33am 
We love GG, don't let us down, and we will support the F%$CK out of you guys.
Please, don't let us down.
Last edited by Strider; Apr 2, 2016 @ 10:49am
Shadow Alchemist Apr 2, 2016 @ 11:36am 
Well... i use Xbox controller (shame on me - but i bought Xbox just for Overture :3) but its nice to use keyboard: just please, dont mess controller configurations (im already used to it). BTW, i love this game, you seriously made me cry in joy.
yagamiyasaki Apr 2, 2016 @ 1:01pm 
i can wait all you want! thank you very much for it i really tried to find it when it comes out first until now -_- and here it is WOW
PS: im really sorry for all that swear whenever i saw something related to overture specially in xrd story and really dont know why it isnt anime yet hell that story even contains first game background
Animus Furandi Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:57pm 
Nice, thanks for this. Looking forward to a fix. I've always wanted to play this game and was kind of disappointed by how lazy a port this is in its current form.

By the way, is anyone playing this with a Steam controller? I've been using an old PS2 controller for a lot of games lately with no problems, but for some reason nothing happens when I push in the sticks in this game. Is this happening with anyone else, or is it just my very old controller?
Futeki Apr 3, 2016 @ 5:47am 
Greetings Shini & All ASW staff,

Infinitely thanks for releasing a PC port version of GG2O.

Coming from a pure positive manner, I think the followings need to be added:

[1] Mouse enable with all its settings.

[2] Keyboard configuration with assistive technology settings (color blind, left handed ...etc)
left-handed (or disabled-handed) players.

[3] Add some assistive technology settings such as color blind, sensitivity levels on all input peripherals, ... etc.

[4] Remove online enforcement.

[5] There're other requirements but can not be posted here due to the developer directions that this discussion on this topic only about Keyboard settings.
Kindly, check my article with 10 points requirements for GG2O

Point #4 meant to be a direct & a straight requirements. Not offending, underrating, or whatsoever.

I think all ASW fans especially PC fans are thirst for a fully experience and a complete utilizing the PC capabilities with ASW 3D games ported to PC.

So, this is why we have to add comments & reminders about what's missing for quality assurance & to adhere the complete high end set of ASW 3D games, not until the game is released.

Every opinion is helpful indeed. We all trust ASW staff and we're extremely happy for their rapid & massive PC port releases progress.

We all care about our beloved ASW games, so I'm not criticizing nor underrating.

All positive constructive criticism , corrections, & updates are welcomed
Last edited by Futeki; Apr 12, 2016 @ 4:38am
Haguen Apr 3, 2016 @ 11:22am 
Originally posted by Shini:
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused, but currently the in-game Keyboard configuration UI is not complete, thus we have to ask of your kind patience while we work things out.

Upon the first boot of the game, "localsettings.ini" will be created in the local content root folder of the game. You can edit it using regular Microsoft Notepad and change the keys according to your likings, based on the following rules:

1) Only capital alphabets, spacebar, enter, backspace, and "ARROW_" keys are accepted by the system for now. We are working to get more keys working and configurable.
2) Numbers and numpad, shift, ctrl, alt etc. are currently unusable.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Hello Shini, Thanks for your Support and help, maybe you can do this temporaly for this Beatiful Game Saga:

1) Create another executable Program that will be launch before of the "GUILTY GEAR 2 -OVERTURE-" main excutable program that can show and configurate the Keyboard Controls and maybe the XBOX Gamepad Controls too, this way will be faster an easy.

2) After a couple of ideas we can build with the community best choices for make better the game in this part: The Keyboard and Gamepad controls Easy managed and Options embed to the main program of this great GUILTY GEAR 2 -OVERTURE- and :bluespawn: of Game :yazdsmile:.

Thanks for your help and Regards!, cya Shini! :steamhappy::steammocking:

Haguen Apr 3, 2016 @ 11:25am 
Originally posted by Futeki:
Greetings Shini & All ASW staff,

Infinitely thanks for releasing a PC port version of GG2O.

Coming from a pure positive manner, I think the followings need to be added:

1- Mouse enable with all its settings.
2- Keyboard configuration with assistive technology settings (color blind, left handed ...etc)
left-handed (or disabled-handed) players.
3- Add some assistive technology settings such as color blind, sensitivity levels on all input peripherals, ... etc.
4- There're other requirements but can not be posted here due to only about Keyboard settings. Kindly, check my article with 10 points requirements for GG2O.

Point #4 meant to be a direct & a straight requirements. Not offending, underrating, or whatsoever.

I think all ASW fans especially PC fans are thirst for a fully experience and a complete utilizing the PC capabilities with ASW 3D games ported to PC.

So, this is why we have to add comments & reminders about what's missing for quality assurance & to adhere the complete set of ASW 3D games, not until the game is released.

Every opinion is helpful indeed. We all trust ASW staff and we're extremely happy for their rapid & massive PC port releases progress.

As a consumer and a fan of ASW, we care about our beloved ASW games, so I'm not criticizing nor underrating.

Thanks for your thoughs, Futeki... This will help so much, Regards :steamhappy::steammocking:!
When is the update coming? I can't play it in it's current state but even if I could the lack of english dub patch on launch is depressing.
sseymour85 Apr 4, 2016 @ 1:19pm 
Aw man, GG2O on Steam! How I waited to finally be able to play this game! Just get the contol settings updated and I'll be set!
STAR PLATINUM Apr 6, 2016 @ 12:44am 
Sorry for posting here but I want to ask you something if you are one of ASW

Will ASW release a chinese translation of xblaze? It seems some parts of BBCF story is based on xblaze .
Klaria Apr 7, 2016 @ 7:05am 

What I don't understand is that here you're talking about keyboard settings UI and "localsettings.ini"
But the point is that I can't play at all with keyboard.
I can launch the game and enter the mode selection, go right and left but Enter does not work and I can't get anywhere.
So changing the settings in the *.ini is not really helpfull ...

Is it just a problem I have or a new problem since this topic or ... did I just miss something in translation :D ? (I'm french)
Red Apr 8, 2016 @ 10:19am 
Originally posted by Klaria:

What I don't understand is that here you're talking about keyboard settings UI and "localsettings.ini"
But the point is that I can't play at all with keyboard.
I can launch the game and enter the mode selection, go right and left but Enter does not work and I can't get anywhere.
So changing the settings in the *.ini is not really helpfull ...

Is it just a problem I have or a new problem since this topic or ... did I just miss something in translation :D ? (I'm french)
I'm French too, but I'm going to answer in English (just in case anyone would make the same mistake).
As it's written in the file, Enter = Start, the A button is set on the J key. Also, just in case, make sure you don't translate the key when you write it in the file (I doubt it will work if you write "ENTREE"), and not to bind the same key to two different actions.
Hope this helped!
TheDeadCobra Jun 3, 2016 @ 11:33am 
I do hope this game will have the keyboard controls fixed and one can chose witch buttons
But i also have the problem that my Super Backstep is not working
Boomy Jun 6, 2016 @ 1:49am 
Are there any official plans for mouse look/mouse controls? I'm afraid the game is not going to be playable and/or easy to recommend without mouse support.
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