Nadia Was Here

Nadia Was Here

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Unresettable error in the mines
I am in the mines, at a puzzle with lots of + shaped junctions blocked by track blocks. Only one of the blocks is vertical and the others are horizontal. Unfortunately I pushed a horizontal block into the hole, and the room has no reset button, so I'm permanently stuck.

Is there a reset button hidden somewhere in the room or is it just broken? I'd rather not start the game over. Again. (see thread about new game erasing existing saves)
Last edited by clockwork crane; Feb 28, 2018 @ 11:00pm
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jaj.aben  [developer] Mar 5, 2018 @ 6:19am 
I see that there is indeed no way to reset this puzzle. I'm very sorry for this inconvenience! Obviously this has first priority to be fixed next update, but as I am the only developer working on this game, and I currently don't have a lot of time, next update may take a while to be finished. This issue can be fixed by following these steps:

*[WINDOWS] Go to C:/Users/Yourname/Appdata/Local/NadiaWasHere. Some of these folders may be hidden, so unhide all folders. [MAC] go to Users, Name, Library, Application support, com.jajaben.nadiamac
* Open basic.ini in a text editor. (I recommend notepad for windows)
* Search for "Sink37" under the applicable save slot (Slot0 for the first slot, Slot1 for the second slot, Slot2 for the third slot)
* Change "H" to "" (Or if you want to skip the puzzle, "V")

That's it! Let me know if it works!

I advise you to not change anything else in the save file, tempting as it may be. It may break the game.
Last edited by jaj.aben; Mar 5, 2018 @ 6:57am
clockwork crane Mar 7, 2018 @ 10:02pm 
Yes, that worked! I was able to finish the mines. Thanks.
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