Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator

Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator

What exactly IS the price of FS2
If you enter FS2 into the search bar, FS2 is listed as being £29.99. Good value, even for early access only.

However, if you look at the 'add to cart ' price, it is £44.99, which is too much for an early access game.

Steam do not provide support for pre-purchase enquiries, as far as I can find any way. Oh, and Aerofly have not responded to my email or my request for price details submitted on their web contact form.

So, Steam admin, Aerofly - or anyone else - what is the price exactly?
Dernière modification de rp198419; 5 nov. 2017 à 8h54
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59,99€ is the current store page, for this price you get a pretty stable, high quality software. Sure, we're not done yet developing but this is a simulator and we put in a lot of hours developing it.
ipacs aerofly  [dév.] 6 nov. 2017 à 3h38 
We also intend to move out of Early Access this year or beginning of next year.

A new and free DLC is also around the corner in a few days. After Early Access we still intend to add more features or detail to Aerofly. You can also expect another airplane this year.
A new airplane this year? I didn't exepct that, personally hope it's not a too big airplane ^^ but anyway it's a goood news. Thanks.
when I paid back in August this year it was £29.99. There must have been a price increase after that. Anyways it's still a great value, and if you have a VR headset your mind will be blown
ipacs aerofly a écrit :
We also intend to move out of Early Access this year or beginning of next year.

A new and free DLC is also around the corner in a few days. After Early Access we still intend to add more features or detail to Aerofly. You can also expect another airplane this year.

Is it fair to conclude that no new features will be implimented until after the game leaves early development?
The Oldar a écrit :
ipacs aerofly a écrit :
We also intend to move out of Early Access this year or beginning of next year.

A new and free DLC is also around the corner in a few days. After Early Access we still intend to add more features or detail to Aerofly. You can also expect another airplane this year.

Is it fair to conclude that no new features will be implimented until after the game leaves early development?
The development doesn't stop when we leave early access and publish the DVD version. Quite the opposite actually, now that the base engine is solid we can focus on other things. We're will contine development on the Aerofly FS 2.
That is not what I was asking. I was asking if development is essentially locked until AFTER you release from early access.
The Oldar a écrit :
That is not what I was asking. I was asking if development is essentially locked until AFTER you release from early access.
Ah, ok then I didn't read it properly, sorry.
The answer is both:
- public version mostly frozen so that we can test and validate without changing what we are testing all the time
- internally we can work on other things (e.g. new aircraft scenery) so development isn't stopped
ipacs aerofly  [dév.] 7 nov. 2017 à 8h36 
Oldar, please reread our posting. We have not mentioned that no more features or content will be published after Early Access.
ipacs aerofly a écrit :
Oldar, please reread our posting. We have not mentioned that no more features or content will be published after Early Access.
I did read it quite carefully. Jan understood my question and answered it perfectly. The early access version is unlikely to see any additional features before the release of the release candidate. After the release candidate is launched we will see more updates.

I'm not sure why you thought I was implying that there would be no more updates after the early access ends, but you seem to have thought that is what I was saying, which was 100% not the case! I have never thought development was going to stop, I was just asking if we should expect to see any further develpments BEFORE the end of early access. As I expected, the answer is most likely no, we will get more features only after the program exits early access.

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Posté le 5 nov. 2017 à 6h54
Messages : 10