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REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Sep 21, 2016 @ 8:47am
Patch Notes
Current Patch on Steam: Beta Candidate 0.840 updated on 4/26/2019

Patch Notes on our website:
Last edited by REALLY REALLY RED PANDA; Apr 25, 2019 @ 9:18pm
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Sep 21, 2016 @ 8:48am 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.665
  • Fixed issue where losing to the Ekosi instructor on Day 1 and replaying the match will lock the player’s Hit and Stand buttons.
  • Fixed issue where talking to Krista on Day 1 at Krista’s home, would lockup the conversation about the mini-map tutorial if the player didn’t click Next within 30 seconds. This has been fixed and the player can take as long as they need now.
  • Fixed Clark in the swimming pool having the same dialog after talking to the parents. His dialog will now update after talking to the parents.
  • Fixed Sarah’s deck for the 2nd battle inside Krista’s Home. She had a card she shouldn’t have which caused her to play -5 when she should have been playing +5.
Last edited by REALLY REALLY RED PANDA; Sep 21, 2016 @ 8:48am
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Sep 29, 2016 @ 2:41pm 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.666
  • Fixed opening dream battle so that players are able to rematch it.
  • Changed dialog about tooltips after defeating the instructor on Day 1.
  • Rotated Mini-map 45 degrees so it now displays the same view angle (isometric) as the rest of the game.
  • Rotated Full-map 45 degrees so it now displays the same view angle (isometric) as the rest of the game.
  • Changed button colors for Mini-map and Full-map to purple circles, before they were black squares.
  • All map buttons now have sound effects
  • Removed fullscreen Full-map button, removed X/Y coordinates from Full-map, removed other unused and broken buttons from Full-map.
  • Fixed the poufs (couches), chairs, bookshelves and tables in the library from receiving Mark’s shadow from the upper floor.
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Nov 28, 2016 @ 4:13am 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.667
  • NEW: The Ekosi Battle Board now has notifications for when a tie-breaker is active for either player. The notification is just under the score for each player.
  • ADDED: a small dumpster to Krista’s home that clearly blocks the player from walking around the top of the house to the backyard. The path was always unwalkable, but now this object helps reflect that.
  • ADDED: Once arriving at the Casino with Jamie, a tutorial will inform the player that they are able to zoom in and out using the mouse wheel
  • ADDED: The opening werewolf battle will now teach the player about replenishment cards.
  • FIXED: The Ekosi Guide will now appear on top of the tooltips in the opening Werewolf match.
  • FIXED: Resolved the game breaking bug on Day 2 outside of the casino. Players will now be able to battle more than one opponent.
  • CHANGED: The Start Menu is going through a small redesign and is not totally complete. This update is being pushed ahead of time to resolve the game breaking bug for Day 2 story. More redesigns and polish will be added to the Start Menu for the next update.
  • CHANGED: Button colors for the Ekosi Battle Board have been changed from blue to teal. This makes the buttons more noticeable for new players. Buttons that have been changed: Hit, Stand, Undo, Ekosi Guide, Options Menu, and Okay.
  • CHANGED: Tooltips in the Ekosi Battle Board now have a slight gradient on them.
  • CHANGED: The opponent's speech during matches is now easier to read.
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Feb 8, 2017 @ 7:41am 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.700
  • NEW: Added Day 4 daylight story to the demo. Adding over 45 minutes of story and 18 new opponents.
  • NEW: Added question marks to guide the player through the story.
  • NEW: Added trophies above characters who the player can battle.
  • NEW: Added dollar symbols above characters who sell Ekosi cards.
  • NEW: Song added to general Ekosi battles “Limited Edition”. Total of three general Ekosi battle songs and each song has a 1/3 chance to play. More to come in the future.
  • CHANGED: Added small tutorial to purchase cards.
  • CHANGED: Cards now sell for the buy price. There is no punishment for accidentally buying cards now.
  • CHANGED: Loading screens are smoother
  • CHANGED: Start Menu has been upgraded. It is faster to load, retextured and small lighting changes.
  • CHANGED: More of the Ekosi battle board buttons are teal.
  • CHANGED: Mark and Jamie no longer repeat their conversation from the end of Krista’s place on Day 2 when they get to the Casino.
  • FIXED: “Check In” quest now correctly moves to the completed tab when completing the quest.
  • FIXED: Jacob’s conversation during the “Check In” quest would on one conversation paths display multiple options instead of the selected one.
  • FIXED: Peter’s pathfinding in the hospital has been adjusted so won’t get stuck on any corners. If he still does, please let me know. If you run into this issue, a temporary fix is to just talk to Peter, that will restart his pathfinding until he gets to the correct location.
  • FIXED: Untangled the mess that was Day 3 Casino minimap markers. The map should now correctly display current objectives and remove markers when objectives are completed.
  • FIXED: An issue in the library where the dialogue from battling opponents would close off immediately.
  • FIXED: The question mark icon to leave the library now properly shows on the minimap.
  • FIXED: Some main characters were pulling out invisible phones. Now they have real phones again.
  • FIXED: Turned off many quest markers when activated now. Before the three white circles would just keep spinning under Mark until his conversation was completed.
  • FIXED: A massive amount of tiny bugs.
  • FIXED: The notification text for refusing to help the irresponsible dad now correctly displays.
  • FIXED: Fixed “Check In” journal entries from being displayed if the player failed the quest to help irresponsible dad.
  • KNOWN ISSUE: Some characters sit strangely, close to falling off their chair.
  • KNOWN ISSUE: Canna’s portrait is not showing up correctly. All she does is idle right now so she won’t affect the gameplay.
  • KNOWN ISSUE: One of the Guardian’s has a trophy on his head in the parking lot but cannot be battled.
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Feb 27, 2017 @ 6:24am 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.705
  • NEW: Added environmental audio for Day 4. (windy trees, coursing river, coastal beach, and ocean)
  • NEW: Added sound effects to arcade buttons in the battle board when choosing Free Play.
  • NEW: Card shop on Day 2 has a new song for the area “Window Shopping”
  • NEW: Added a new animation for Krista setting up camp
  • MAJOR CHANGE: Rebalanced audio. Music should sound better and the sound effects are more balanced.
  • CHANGED: Day 4: Increased Krista’s walking speed between Rest Areas
  • CHANGED: Day 4: Ryan and Krista’s pathfinding is smoother
  • CHANGED: Added more grass, made the grass corners smoother and removed some pitch black grass.
  • CHANGED: Hit button tooltip now has green text for “green card”
  • CHANGED: Loading screens are even smoother now.
  • CHANGED: Day 4: Navya and Dave will now have quest markers above their head instead of a quest marker on the ground. This fixes potential fail states.
  • MAJOR FIX: Exiting after defeating an opponent while in the overworld will no longer create a fail state for the game. This use to break the game. I am still hunting for any locations that create fail states, please let me know if you find any.
  • FIXED: Day 4 trail now has a screen fade in effect
  • FIXED: Significantly reduced the stuttering for walking on quest markers and at the end of dialogues.
  • FIXED: Canna, Dahlia and Wisteria portraits now display correctly.
  • FIXED: Day 4: One of the guardian’s incorrectly had a trophy above his head. It has now been removed.
  • FIXED: Some characters sitting like they are going to fall off the edge of their seat. Fixed many characters inside the hospital and casino. Please let us know if you spot any others.
  • FIXED: Some dialogue typos
  • FIXED: The Ekosi guide in the Battle Board has been fixed so the text appears correctly.
  • FIXED: Day 4: Krista will now correctly become a follower after talking to her a second time at the bridge.
  • FIXED: Day 4: Fixed rare issue where Krista would fall off the cliff.
  • FIXED: Day 4: An extra minimap arrow would appear after defeating Emerald, that no longer happens.
  • FIXED: Day 1: Fixed minimap problem outside of Krista’s house when talking to the parents. It would continue to show the minimap icon after listening to all of the extra gossip dialogues.
  • FIXED: Day 1: Maria’s minimap marker no longer gives a false arrow on Day One after helping the kids.
  • FIXED: Day 1: Martha’s minimap marker no longer gives a false arrow on Day One after helping her with the computer.
  • FIXED: Day 2. Jamie no longer teleports and walks to you after accepting a battle outside of the casino.
  • FIXED: Day 4. Fixed dialogue arrows pointing to the wrong person (Jessica).
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Mar 27, 2017 @ 7:14pm 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.715
  • NEW: Added campfire scene to the end of Day 4.
  • NEW: Song added to general Ekosi battles “Inversion”. Total of four general Ekosi battle songs and each song has a 1/4 chance to play. More to come in the future.
  • NEW: Day 4: Added the option to teleport back to camp after collecting all the wood.
  • CHANGED: Day 4: Added a dialogue line to Krista when hiking.
  • MAJOR FIX: Fixed nearly all cases of mini-map quest arrows that don’t disappear.
  • FIXED: Arcade mode, Bertrand’s tutorial page 2 was too high.
  • FIXED: Day 1: The mini-map for Mark’s home now fills the dimensions of the mini-map.
  • FIXED: Day 3: Fixed Broski’s battle board dialogue.
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Jun 12, 2017 @ 6:59pm 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.736
  • NEW: Added saving and loading. Includes manual saves and autosaves.
  • NEW: Load menu from the start menu
  • CHANGE: Changed many of the dialogues from day 1 background characters. They now are more informative, relevant and humorous.
  • CHANGE: Certain walking characters will no longer stop in the hospital when the player talks to them
  • FIXED: Day 4 Night: Sometimes the dialogue would get stuck, that no longer happens.
  • FIXED: Day 4 Daytime: Fixed Krista stopping after you talk to her.
  • FIXED: Day 4 Daytime: Fixed the fast travel back to camp at the end of Day 4
  • FIXED: Day 4 Daytime: Mark no longer starts running after fast traveling.
  • FIXED: Day 4 Daytime: Mark now just needs to pick up five sticks in total to complete the quest. Before Mark was required to complete both battles in addition to picking up 5 sticks.
  • FIXED: Day 4 Daytime: Fixed multiple spelling and grammar mistakes

Please note there is no Linux version for this update. We will release the update to Linux soon.
Last edited by REALLY REALLY RED PANDA; Jun 12, 2017 @ 11:18pm
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Jun 18, 2017 @ 7:20pm 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.737
  • IMPROVEMENT: Loading the list of Save/Load files is now slightly faster.
  • FIXED: The arcade mode works again!
  • FIXED: Player’s decks won’t disappear after part way through day 1.
  • FIXED: Players can now customize their decks again.
  • FIXED: Battleboard: If a player used the large map and then entered a battle. Sometimes the some of the buttons on the battle board would become unusable. This no longer occurs.
  • FIXED: Day 4 Daytime: Mark no longer spawns in the corner of a map if the user exited the game just after reaching the large bridge (second bridge).
  • FIXED: Inventory: The player now receives money for selling single cards to the merchants. Before players could only make money by selling cards from a stack.
  • FIXED: Inventory: Fixed placing cards into deck slots. Before if a stack of 2 cards was placed into a deck slot, it would destroy one of the cards placed into it.
  • FIXED: Save Files: The player’s money now always saves correctly.
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Jun 21, 2017 @ 1:44am 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.738
  • FIXED: Save Files: If the player did not have any save profiles and did not make a manual save their first-time playing, the game would break. This no longer happens.
Last edited by REALLY REALLY RED PANDA; Jun 21, 2017 @ 1:49am
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Oct 18, 2017 @ 12:11pm 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.752
  • NEW: Added some areas in Day 1 where the player can pick up cards off the ground.
  • NEW: Players will now win cards from nearly every Ekosi battle.
  • NEW: Story starts in the start menu
  • NEW: Start menu is now in the isometric view (before it was first person)
  • NEW: Each story day will now appear on screen at the beginning of that day.
  • NEW: Added portraits for the shopkeeper in the casino area.
  • NEW: Score end screen on the Ekosi board now displays the Money and Cards won from Ekosi battle.
  • NEW: Added a small light to the cursor so it is easier to navigate when controlling Mark.
  • NEW: Day 1: Krista Home: Added Pool Sign, floatable donuts and beach ball, new tiles around the pool.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Start Menu: has a new coat of paint and moved several characters around
  • IMPROVEMENT: Ekosi Battle Board: The name and score of both the player and opponent are much sharper and easier to read.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Mark Movement: Mark now turns significantly faster and won’t do awkard U-turns anymore.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Inventory: The entire inventory is much sleeker and easier to read.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Inventory: Tooltips are now much smaller and have colors to help distinguish cards. Cards that are being hovered over will have arrows pointing to them.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Inventory: The inventory closes and saves significantly faster.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Day 1 Eye Icons: Made some of the eye icons more interesting and relating to the world.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Day 1: Krista Home: The walkway to the pool is now easier to navigate and see.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Day 1: Krista Home: The empty garage on the right now has it’s door down so players do not enter.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Day 1: Krista Home: Added new Eye Icon to tell the player which direction to get behind the home.
  • CHANGED: Battle Board: When players tie a round the pop up will now say “The set is tied” instead of “You tied the set”
  • CHANGED: Day 1 Mark’s Apartment: “Instructor” is now called “Tyler Bot”
  • CHANGED: Day 1 Krista’s Interior Home: Emily’s tutorial battle with S and D cards is easier to win.
  • CHANGED: Day 4 Night: Added a delay to the dialogue in the campfire scene
  • CHANGED: Day 4 Night: Added a delay to the demo completion screen.
  • CHANGED: Inventory: Added backs to the store buttons.
  • FIXED: Animations: Fixed sitting characters during the post battle dialogue. Before they would sit further back than they were originally seated causing clipping.
  • FIXED: Battle Board: Fixed one of the help guides that wasn’t displaying text properly. (Thank you James)
  • FIXED: Inventory: Fixed the book slot to only allow books. Before players could place cards into the slot.
  • FIXED: Inventory: Fixed bug that would display incorrect stack size.
  • FIXED: All Days: Fixed multiple dialogues throughout the game. Fixed spelling, grammar, punctuation, and more! (Thank you James)
  • FIXED: Day 1: Fixed Mystery Girl from mysteriously soft locking the game in Ekosi matches.
  • FIXED: Day 2: Fixed Business Man Rogers from mysteriously soft locking the game in Ekosi matches.
  • FIXED: Day 3: Fixed a tournament player who would play a flip card incorrectly. (Thank you James)
  • FIXED: Day 4: Fixed Marcus on the bridge from mysteriously soft locking the game in Ekosi matches. (Thank you James)
  • FIXED: Day 4: Bertrand now talks again. (Thank you James)
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Dec 20, 2017 @ 1:15am 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.770
  • Massive UI and graphics overhaul.
  • Areas that have been remodeled and updated: Player's home (day and night), Fillipelli home interior, library, hospital interior, casino interior.
  • NEW: New UI Elements: Investigation icons & Pick-up icons.
  • NEW: Investigation Icons (magnifying glass). These icons expand on the characters and places of Arithia.
  • NEW: Pickup Icons (grabbing hand). These icons when clicked can reward the player with potential card, currency, or other items!
  • IMPROVEMENT: UI overhaul: New quest notifier, money notifier, phone menu button.
  • IMPROVEMENTS, CHANGES, AND FIXES: There would be over 100 items to list. So, in short. It's improved a great deal!
Last edited by REALLY REALLY RED PANDA; Dec 20, 2017 @ 1:15am
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Feb 17, 2018 @ 8:05pm 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.780
  • Massive UI and graphics overhaul.
  • NEW: Remade several areas: Amethyst Casino Exterior, Amethyst Casino Interior, Pure Ekosi Card Shop.
  • NEW: Updated the game engine to Unity 5.6.
  • CHANGES: Many small UI improvements. Reduced the size of Day 4's trail.
  • FIXES: Significant amount of bugs have been resolved.
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Sep 12, 2018 @ 7:25pm 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Alpha 0.790
    Enough changes and fixes to fill 100 bullet points. So we'll just include the big stuff here:
  • NEW: MASSIVE update to graphics in the overworld. The world looks much more beautiful.
  • NEW: Remade Amethyst Casino Interior and the beach area in Day 4's trail.
  • NEW: Many new moving background elements. New water, cloud shadows, glowy signs, and more!
  • NEW: There are now curtains and they move! Yes, this deserves its own bullet point.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Changed the Filipelli house backyard pool area to look more beautiful.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Graphics improvement to the dialog system.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Rewrote nearly all of the hospital side quest dialogs.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Pathfinding has been improved on bridges or other small areas. Much easier to navigate those spots.
Last edited by REALLY REALLY RED PANDA; Sep 12, 2018 @ 7:34pm
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Sep 12, 2018 @ 7:34pm 
Patch Notes for Luckless Seven Beta Candidate 0.808

This is the first Beta Candidate! The game has come a long way and we are excited with the progress we're making.
  • NEW: Brand new start menu
  • NEW: New songs
  • NEW FEATURE: Versus Screens
  • NEW FEATURE: Quest destination markers. These are used on Day 4 trail with Krista. They make locating Krista much easier.
  • UPGRADED FEATURE: Dialog UI. Now looks better in darker areas. Has a soft glow behind character portraits.
  • UPGRADED FEATURE: Inventory and store UI's were both upgraded to be larger and save/load faster. The tooltips were also improved.
  • FIXES: Many bugs squashed.
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