

iron2010 Feb 7, 2019 @ 10:47pm
Any news of a release date yet ?
Not seen any thing about the release yet so just wondering if you are close to one played the demo and really loved it.
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Showing 1-15 of 32 comments
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Feb 7, 2019 @ 11:31pm 
Hello iron2010,

Thank you for the kind words! <3

We will have a new blog post out at the end of Feburary that will cover our upcoming release plan! Here's a sneak peak:
  • We hope to go into early access on Steam in the next 3-5 months! We've made incredible progress.
  • Make for sale real-life premium linen Ekosi card decks in the next month.
  • Will launch a Discord server in the next month to build a community for hanging out, game suggestions, bug fixes, etc.
  • Last sneak peak, is we will have a new demo with some big improvements! : ]

There will be a ton more in the next devlog so please stay tuned ;]

Also, if you have run into any bugs or have any suggestions, please let me know!

Have a great day!
iron2010 Feb 8, 2019 @ 5:42am 
Thank you for your quick reply and that's great to hear can't wait for the next demo also regards to bugs nothing comes to mind of yet though it's been a month since i last played but will be sure to mention if i notice any. Keep up the great work and hope all is well for every one involved.
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Feb 8, 2019 @ 2:25pm 
Thank you, iron2010! Your kind words mean a lot to us <3
Linde Mar 27, 2019 @ 11:27am 
Hello Panda,

any new updates on the final release?

Kind regards
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Mar 27, 2019 @ 12:05pm 
Hello Linde,

Good to hear from you! :]

Next Update
I'm sorry we haven't posted the new update yet. We will very soon! It's been a crazy past few months and things ended up taking a bit longer =(. However, mid-April, we will launch the new update / devlog / demo and they're absolutely massive!

Future Updates
Also, after the Mid-April update we plan on releasing more consistent news updates. We really don't want to repeat this drought of updates we've had for the past several months. We plan to update around once a month with slightly smaller devlogs.

Release Estimate (Sneak peak)
I feel awful that it is taking so long, I'm sorry =(. We hope to go into Early Access on Steam 3-5 months after we launch our Mid-April update. We don't have a specific date picked out just yet. I am sorry to be so vague right now. But it is coming soon! There will be a ton of content that we have not featured in our demos yet for Early Access. An entire city and multiple new story Days to explore and more!

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!

Have a wonderful day :]
Linde Apr 3, 2019 @ 7:00am 
Thank you Panda. I am as eager as many others to play your game.

All the best
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Apr 3, 2019 @ 10:34am 
Thank you, Linde! :]

You are very sweet <3
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Apr 11, 2019 @ 6:42pm 
Hey guys, I just posted a new Announcement/Update and its BIG :]
Linde Jul 30, 2019 @ 8:48am 
Hello Panda,
the release on steam changed from Q2 to Q3. Whats happening?
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Jul 31, 2019 @ 3:49am 
Hello Linde,

You have very sharp eyes! :]

Actual Date
I apologize that news of a specific date has not be released yet. We actually just picked out the month and the general timeframe. We are going to release an actual date within the next one or two devlogs.

What's Happeneing
But I know that waiting is lame. So here it is: We are going to release Luckless Seven into Early Access in mid-late January 2020. Why so far away? We haven't revealed everything for the dialogue system yet but it has undergone a significant upgrade. Additionally, there is a secondary dialogue system has been created for less important conversations and chats that still allows the player to move around. These huge upgrades require that I remake the entire dialogue system, a significant portion of the quest trigger/flag system, and portions of several other systems. I actually finished most of that, however I am working on rebuilding content (upgrading old dialogues into brand new ones). We will have a new demo (that is shortened but has new quests) with the new systems ready in about a month. Additionally, this new dialog system will bring a massive optimization upgrade (15%-35% bigger optimization for less powerful systems)!

Release Date Change
I also want to address the release date change. It feels absolutely humiliating to have to change the release date like this so many times. I am so sorry Linde. I promise to you that January it is going to happen! The team and I are super excited to release it, we are chugging ahead as hard as we can right now. Again, I am so sorry.

Thanks for saying hi and asking what’s up. I hope you have a great day, Linde :]
DazaKiwi Feb 1, 2020 @ 12:59am 
Just stumbled upon this game and downloading demo as i type. It looks promising. Is there any update on the release? is the game just being polished at this point?
REALLY REALLY RED PANDA  [developer] Feb 1, 2020 @ 11:48am 
Hello DazaKiwi,

Thank you for checking us out and playing the demo! :]

What we are doing
We are creating content, adding features, and all sorts of good stuff. But! We are also polishing up right now for Early Access. And we have many planned things to add once we launch : ]

Launching Soon
We've been developing Luckless Seven for 6+ years now so I think we are getting close to being ready. We plan on launching hopefully in the spring time but we will do the launch when the the game is ready.

Devlog Very Very Soon
We have updated the game so much since the previous devlog! There is just a massive list of improvements and changes that really add a lot to the whole experience. I can't wait to share all of this with you! We will be posting the devlog early next week! Stay up-to-date by joining our devlog mailing list where we send out developer updates approximately once a month. OR if you hit the "Follow" button on the Steam store page it will show you the latest devlogs in your Steam Library.

Please let me know if you have questions or suggestions for the game! :]
Linde Jul 23, 2020 @ 8:00am 
Hello Panda,

is there any news on the release? Late spring is over :)
Keep up the good work.

Kind regards
Tomasz79 Sep 10, 2020 @ 3:16am 
Originally posted by Linde:
Hello Panda,

is there any news on the release? Late spring is over :)
Keep up the good work.

Kind regards

It still shows 'late spring 2020' on the store page, this combined with no answer from the devs to you for a month and a half is pretty offputting and really decreases the intrest for this game.

Saying the game will come out sprind 2019, and still not making it happen September 2020 is actually more or less normal in gamedev; but not bothering with the things I mentioned earlier kinda shows the dev don't care. Or don't care enough to have a decent communication towards his potential customers.
DazaKiwi Sep 10, 2020 @ 4:29pm 
Yeah an update would be good even if its just to say we are still working on the game. Perhaps they are a little behind on this with 2020 being what it has been.
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