Metro: Last Light Complete Edition

Metro: Last Light Complete Edition

ak 47, or kalash 2012?
Hello all, I'm in the church, and I have the option to buy the kalash 2012. But I don't have much left over to buy the automatic shotgun?

Should I buy and customize the 2012? the just buy the auto shotgun? save my money and invest in ammo?

what do you all think?

this is no normal difficulty, if it helps.
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I would take the shotgun as theres nosalis around
Ultima modifica da LagMan_pt; 5 set 2013, ore 13:30
Sell your AK so you can get shotgun. Replace sold AK weapon slot with homemade carbine in locker where the tape recorder is. Plus there is another 3 B*stards in undercity. Since you can carry three weapons upgrade a .44 caliber weapon. 2 shots should kill them. Normal Mode has a bullet spooge element so all weapons could drain your ammo. Shotguns are blinkys. The duplet is pain for your aim isnt great. The 6 shot has a slow reload time if you miss you must always be moving so you're not killed by Nosalis swipping you. The Sagia is good for nosalis too.

If you enjoy a challenge using weaponary On you're Next play through try to use the Tihar. And no shotguns. Tihar are a great upclose and personal, and best snipe weapon with air tight valve. Tihar are one shot kill weapon with the air tight valve for about 10 shots or so shots in a row. Without air tight valve you can get away with a few shots from afar. First Tihar can be found in level Faulity then upgrade with air tight valve at Market. In two sections during Undercity with the Tihar you can steath kill them without alerting the rest of nosalis while they feed.

Buy a few fire genenades( there a few you can pick up during the level) and locate a nook where nosalis can only enter through one way and block with fire . First encounter one fire genenade will kill them. The elevator area you'll need a couple and timing is key, you'll hear them growl before. This will save you ammo for end of the level battle. They always try and run through the fire for some reason. This happens on RHC In Ranger Hardcore the Tihar/Handmade Carbine is way to go.
Ultima modifica da MolCular; 5 set 2013, ore 14:40
use the normal AKM aka the Kalash, the Kalash 2012 has a larger magazine but its also weaker ! Also it eats through your bullets like mad and I would rather have an accurate 30 bullets killing Assault rifle than a weaker 50 bullets semi-smg assault rifle, but it could be just me ! I tested both weapons thoroughly on the tower pack and I was much deadlier with the normal Kalash than the Kalash 2012 which kinda reminds me of the P90 SMG :/
Ultima modifica da AlucarD; 5 set 2013, ore 14:35
Alucar I enjoyed you're guides! I also tested weapons during Tower pack and found Last light in-game bullet power are not the same during Tower pack in any modes including RHC. The Faction pack weapons bullet power were on par with LL in-game. I've tested all weapons strength and weaknesses during every combat and slealth area in game throughly as you have. Why are only 7% elite metro players and 3% survivialist. Are weapons choice being mis-handled? Or game play style. After 4 months they're not more people who finished in RHC.

Carbine holds 30 rounds. In RHC the Carbine has about the same bullet power as an AK-74 and more then 2012, more then the VSV. RPK-74 is stronger then all yet its a non-stealth weapon. Its great for nosalis and watchers.

In RHC the B*astard takes 1-4 for nosalis(1 for head shot) 1-3 for watchers. I for headshot. Humans with out headshots take 2-3 without armor. With armor if you shoot them in between helmet and neck guard it one shot. two shot in the head area for heavily armored. 3-6 body shots. With the VSV, AK,2012 add a couple shots to the Bast*ard totals. A great level to test this is after the korbot level, because of type of weapons(AK-74) being used and the heavy armored included if/when alarm is triggers. where you can drop Bast*ard for an AK to test. Another level is depot where the VSV can be compared. Bandits are a good level to test other calibers against the AK or Bast*ard.

A stock added on Carbine it becomes more accurate the 2012 or Ak-74 and RPK-74. Without stock then AK's are more accurate for sure. You dont need a shotgun at any point in the game.

A Tihar with air tight valve is the best over-all weapon the game. It can snipe more men at Red Square then the most powerful sniper- Preved. It can do massive damage close up. And one shot kills from afar. It one shot kills nosalis and watchers. Its takes only two shots to a demon. Tihar is only consistant weapon concerning bullet power in Orginal or Ranger modes.

I would rather have homemade Metro weapons then a fake AK(2012) and common spec weapon in environment thats not modern. It feels more realistic to me with homemade weapons. This why Metro is such a great game. It all depends on gameplay style of course.

Also the amount of MGR saved for combat is a bonus using two weapons that only need one upgrade each. Air tight valve for Tihar and Siliencer for Carbine. Depending upon what you enjoy playing with. Tihar can be found in Facility and the B*astard in Facility has a stock and heat sink.

Ultima modifica da MolCular; 5 set 2013, ore 15:05
I don't know its just I can down soldiers much easier with the Kalash then the Kalash 2012. On the tower you are forced to use the Kalash 2012 with that terrible yellow optics which I kinda dislike to be honest, but I just found that the normal Kalash is overall faster to reload and a litte bit stronger than the Kalash 2012.
Ultima modifica da AlucarD; 5 set 2013, ore 14:47
Messaggio originale di MolCular:
Sell your AK so you can get shotgun. Replace sold AK weapon slot with homemade carbine in locker where the tape recorder is.
what gun are you talking about? In the locker next to the tape recorder, there is a backpack with ammo and nothing else. Plus all the closed lockers are, well, locked.

Messaggio originale di MolCular:
Since you can carry three weapons upgrade a .44 caliber weapon. 2 shots should kill them.
what .44 cliber weapon? do you mean my pistol? I have the one with the clip, though I use if mainly for stealth. should I mod it for sniping?

Messaggio originale di MolCular:
If you enjoy a challenge using weaponary On you're Next play through try to use the Tihar. And no shotguns. Tihar are a great upclose and personal, and best snipe weapon with air tight valve. Tihar are one shot kill weapon with the air tight valve for about 10 shots or so shots in a row. Without air tight valve you can get away with a few shots from afar. First Tihar can be found in level Faulity then upgrade with air tight valve at Market. In two sections during Undercity with the Tihar you can steath kill them without alerting the rest of nosalis while they feed.
thanks, did no know you could go through w/out alerting them.

Messaggio originale di AlucarD >:):
use the normal AKM aka the Kalash, the Kalash 2012 has a larger magazine but its also weaker ! Also it eats through your bullets like mad and I would rather have an accurate 30 bullets killing Assault rifle than a weaker 50 bullets semi-smg assault rifle, but it could be just me ! I tested both weapons thoroughly on the tower pack and I was much deadlier with the normal Kalash than the Kalash 2012
alright cool beans, thanks for the recomendation mate.
Ultima modifica da mattig; 5 set 2013, ore 14:51

Never knew air guns has such an illustrious history in real life, bit gutted that I swapped my Tihar for a shotgun eairlier and I'm on my way to the church now.
this is one thing I love about Metro, its unique weapon design that could actually also be made in real life, I think one of the devs even said during an interview that they have an actual engeneer working the guns out for the game, very cool !
Originally posted by MolCular:
Sell your AK so you can get shotgun. Replace sold AK weapon slot with homemade carbine in locker where the tape recorder is.
what gun are you talking about? In the locker next to the tape recorder, there is a backpack with ammo and nothing else. Plus all the closed lockers are, well, locked.

There are two lockers one is empty and other has a Ba*stard with a few mods. Another Bast*ard can be found where the church shrines are. Another can be found while walking towards the the door where you turn the wheel to open. Also another is found before you have a first boss section. Then another after first boss section. Two of them have the heat sink for the water cooler. Two have stocks, which make it the most accurate primary weapon in game. Without a stock the carbine shows to be least accurate of all primary weapons. You'll have to explore look around for two of them as the other two cant be missed.

If you use your 44. caliber weapon as stealth, in undercity it will be worthless, you're only encountering nosalis. The level after undercity a stealth weapon value is shown. FYI- You can pick up a fully moddified Tihar(Air tight valve, red dot sight, make sure to pump it) at the beginining of level after finishing undercity in the room where reds excute "infected men" Also, there are a cache of Steel balls when enter the tunnel ( take a right its a dead end you"ll see the cache) Instead going left after exiting the area where Reds excute said men. Only issue with Tihar are ammo counts from scarcer amounts when looting. So buy when you can. If you playing in normal you can hold 90. In Ranger Hardcore the number hold is 45
Ultima modifica da MolCular; 5 set 2013, ore 15:32
Messaggio originale di MolCular:
Originally posted by MolCular:
Sell your AK so you can get shotgun. Replace sold AK weapon slot with homemade carbine in locker where the tape recorder is.
what gun are you talking about? In the locker next to the tape recorder, there is a backpack with ammo and nothing else. Plus all the closed lockers are, well, locked.

There are two lockers one is empty and other has a Ba*stard with a few mods.
I went ahead and uploaded a screen shot of the lockers, such as I see them. onlything there is a backpack with some ammo.

Messaggio originale di MolCular:
If you use your 44. caliber weapon as stealth, in undercity it will be worthless, you're only encountering nosalis. The level after undercity a stealth weapon value is shown. FYI- You can pick up a fully moddified Tihar(Air tight valve, red dot sight, make sure to pump it)
good to know, I don't thik i'll be swaping out my modded ak for the air rifle, but thanks.

Messaggio originale di MolCular:
Only issue with Tihar are ammo counts from scarcer amounts when looting. So buy when you can. If you playing in normal you can hold 90. In Ranger Hardcore the number hold is 45
Wow, thats all? that sucks, I think I'll be avoiding that weapon when I do my next run through in ranger mode. What I'd really like to see is that bolt firing weapon from 2033. I haven't come across one of them yet, recoverable ammo, nice stopping power, and silent. very nice gun, shame you don't see one of them sooner.

Edit: for those who are thinking of picking up the heavy auto shotgun, I can tell you with experience that it takes 3 shots to kill a nosalise. While the one that can only hold 6 shots takes only 2. I went into the underground with 77 shots, after unloading a clip and reloading I'm down to 65 shells. I think I'll be restarting the map and not spending my hard earned cash on that gun.
Ultima modifica da mattig; 5 set 2013, ore 15:48
Alucar, there are experts working with Metro to produce realistic weapons?! No wonder this game shotting feels so much better then Metro 2033. Sound also is much better in LL.

These details are making Metro series into the best games. When I hear or read people complaining about Metro it shows how mainsteam they are.

Metro made this game for a certain tyoe of person. I really think this game could be used as a test show differences what type of person you are. How deeply a person's survival instincts are developed.

I really enjoyed the moral points system in metro series. Its give a player a chance at critical thinking . It no wonder so few have received the "good" ending. They're not caring about the nuanced sections.
Ultima modifica da MolCular; 5 set 2013, ore 16:27
Matt, I'm sorry< I was't Clear explaining this to you. You were looking at the very beginning when you wake up. The Bast*ard is underground. After you wake up from the explosion walk down the stairs and you'll see an area with few dead bodies and a tape recorder on the ground. There are lockers in this area. This where the Bas*tard is.

You could try it the Tihar just for fun during the next level . Tihar weapon has best overall value in game. It makes no noise when shooting, you can snipe from afar. Much farther the silenced pistol or AK.

You can get the Helsing In one more level from undercity, but is costs alot 185 I think, though I'm not sure. If you have enough MGR ,grab its a great weapon but inaccurate at long range(arrows dip so rememebr this when shooting). Its a meduim range weapon at best. When fully pumped its a one shot kill gun. Losing arrows will happen if there is not wall behind target.

Carrying three weapons you can swap out and compare. When you play ranger figure your best weapons as you can only carry two, and keep them most of time. Ammo is much more scarcer. Also you can save alot MGR for combat after the Depot level. Depot is last place you can buy ammo. You'll enjoy the reminding part of game from where you are now!
Ultima modifica da MolCular; 5 set 2013, ore 16:28
yea, the only thing I'm missing more then that bolt weapon is the vold driver. gorramit I loved that thing.

If you beat the game, do you get to keep one of your weapons? thats the one i'd pick
Matt, when you finish game you can select any chapter to play and whatever weapon you started with during those chapters will be there as will be amount of MGR. You can't keep a weapon from a prior game when you start a new game. Two weapons for Ranger mode.

Volt driver can be used in Faction pack.
Ultima modifica da MolCular; 5 set 2013, ore 17:26
rats, more games need a special continue these days. this game and deus ex would be awesome to have that in.

oh, and I found the helsing in the next lvl. I swaped my pistol for it. in fact I just go past the river.

I found a long range rifle, will there be some long range shooting coming up that I should pick it up? or just keep going with the helsing? I like me some stealth, and don't have any other silenced weapons. but if I'm going to be facing some snipers in the near future I might want to be able to reciprocate.
Ultima modifica da mattig; 5 set 2013, ore 17:32
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Data di pubblicazione: 5 set 2013, ore 13:14
Messaggi: 23