Metro: Last Light Complete Edition

Metro: Last Light Complete Edition

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Metro: Last Light full information thread
Hi all,


Digital Comic Book

If you pre-purchased via Steam directly, you will get a code from Steam once it unlocks, which you can enter here:

The comic book can be read in your browser, or using the Dark Horse Comics app for Android and iOS.

You should also be able to find the key/code under LINKS on the right-hand side of your Metro: Last Light page of your Library, after it unlocks.

If you pre-ordered via GMG or other digital retailers, they will supply you with a code themselves.

Digital Metro 2033 novel for U.S. customers

This is exclusive for the U.S. due to the fact that the book distribution rights in the U.S. are owned by the author Dmitry Glukhovsky himself (he self-publishes Metro 2033 there), and he was kind enough to allow us to give it away.

You can find the digital novel in English as a PDF in \Steam\steamapps\common\Metro Last Light\novel once it unlocks. If it's not there, download it manually under "DLC" on the Library entry for Metro: Last Light (under LINKS on the right-hand side). Alternatively, find it in the DLC area of the Store page or in the Library > Metro: Last Light > right-click > Properties > DLC.

If it's not there, your best option is to contact Steam support.

ATI card owners

ATI cards don't run NVIDIA PhysX very well in Metro: Last Light. A shocking surprise, I know. If you encounter lower than expected framerates, try turning off Advanced PhysX under Game Options in the options menu, before tweaking any of the other video options.

Video options

Quality (Low, Normal, High, Very High)
SSAA (Auto, Off, 0.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x)
Texture Filtering (AF 4x, 16x)
Motion Blur (Low, Normal)
Tesselation (Off, Normal, High, Very High)
VSYNC (On, off)

Can I run it?

Generally a good i5 with a 580 (or ATI equivalent) or above should have no problem on 1080p. Higher specs are better, of course. A Titan is only for max settings on higher-end resolutions like 2650x1600.

In addition, Nvidia made this performance guide:

Also, take a look at this discussion thread about framerates using the benchmark tool:

Ranger Mode and the Limited Edition

Ranger Mode as part of the Limited Edition for Metro: Last Light was something that was decided last year by the former publisher, and which has been active for pre-order (outside of Steam which tends to start pre-purchase closer to launch) since that time. By the time Deep Silver took over publishing duties, changing that within the time left to getting the game ready for release was no longer an option.

As long as the first batch of Limited Editions for any platform are in stores, you will be able to get Ranger Mode for free. A pre-order simply guarantees you one of these Limited Editions. Ranger Mode as DLC like this is not something we would have chosen to do, had we have been in charge of publishing this title from the start.

What we were able to do is add the digital comic book “The Gospel According to Artyom” -- written by Metro 2033 author Dmitry Glukhovsky in collaboration with Dark Horse Comics -- to pre-orders as well as a 10% discount for Steam owners of Metro 2033, and the digital novel for U.S. customers.

What is Ranger Mode anyway, really?
If you don’t know what Ranger Mode is: it’s a mode for Rangers. Original Mode has three difficulties (Easy, Normal, and Hardcore) and in Metro: Last Light, Ranger Mode has two (Ranger Normal and Ranger Hardcore). Fans of Metro 2033 who have completed Ranger Mode on Ranger Easy (1.5% of Steam owners) and Ranger Hardcore (1.7% of Steam owners) often consider Ranger Hardcore to be easier than the regular Hardcore mode, due to the way damage is increased for both the player and all enemies; provided you have the skills to survive, you can take down enemies faster.

Ranger Normal has a limited UI, while Ranger Hardcore has no UI at all. This is why it is recommended for new players to start in Original Mode so you know which key does what. But if you are a Metro veteran playing with mouse and keyboard, I think you can figure it out.

Both Ranger Mode difficulties change the damage output for everything, limit how much ammo and Military Grade Rounds you find in the world, limit how long air filters and battery power last, increases the rate of gas mask fogging, and limits the amount of weapons you can carry to 2. It also increases the amount of throwing knives you can carry to 10.

Bonus weapons
The Russian AKSU weapon and 100 Military Grade Rounds are only available in Ranger Mode, but can be discarded at will to tailor your personal playthrough difficulty to your own taste. Shoot all your MGRs into a wall if you don't want them; it can be very cathartic!

The RPK pre-order weapon can be accessed in either mode if you got it by pre-ordering at a retailer that offered it.

I got a code with my Nvidia card, what kind of code is it?
The codes bundles with Nvidia cards are Standard Editions and not Limited Editions.

I hope this provides some additional information to those who have had different questions recently, and I hope that everyone who has been waiting for Metro: Last Light to release will enjoy the game once it is finally in your hands after the delays and the many years of waiting!

[Edit: updated with Nvidia card bundle info, and the performance guide]
Last edited by Professor Pew; May 17, 2013 @ 3:22am
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Showing 1-15 of 141 comments
nu1mlock May 13, 2013 @ 8:29am 
This was great information! Thank you!
I only have one question that wasn't answered; Users that purchased Nvidia GPU's got Metro: Last Light for free. However, they seem to be the Standard Edition which means no Ranger mode for us (unless, of course, we purchase it seperately).

Since we're getting the game on release, we've already received our codes and already pre-loaded the game, I'd call this a kind of pre-order. At the very least, I'd say that it'd count as the same thing as going to a store to get a copy that was part of the first manufacturing run (and so, still Limited Edition).

Please clarify the situation with Nvidia users and why we're not getting the Ranger mode, even though we basically have a pre-order already.

Thank you!
Sckhar 🦊 May 13, 2013 @ 8:34am 
I use an AMD graphics card and I've never had any problems with Pshyx games before :O
Professor Pew May 13, 2013 @ 8:37am 
Originally posted by nu1mlock:
This was great information! Thank you!
I only have one question that wasn't answered; Users that purchased Nvidia GPU's got Metro: Last Light for free. However, they seem to be the Standard Edition which means no Ranger mode for us (unless, of course, we purchase it seperately).

Since we're getting the game on release, we've already received our codes and already pre-loaded the game, I'd call this a kind of pre-order. At the very least, I'd say that it'd count as the same thing as going to a store to get a copy that was part of the first manufacturing run (and so, still Limited Edition).

Please clarify the situation with Nvidia users and why we're not getting the Ranger mode, even though we basically have a pre-order already.

Thank you!

Good question and I was just updating that as you posted this. I wasn't part of the discussion with Nvidia about this, but my guess would be that it's because they will continue selling these bundles for quite a while, and there was just one set of code for everything before and after launch.
Professor Pew May 13, 2013 @ 8:39am 
Originally posted by Furry Sckhar / Ro'Mystic:
I use an AMD graphics card and I've never had any problems with Pshyx games before :O

I should clarify that it's technically "Advanced Physx" but it has been a while since I've been 100% in the loop on PC hardware.

[Edit: nvm, that's what was there already]
Last edited by Professor Pew; May 13, 2013 @ 8:39am
Martial.Lore May 13, 2013 @ 8:44am 
The big difference between Nvidia GPU purchases and pre-orders is obviously that the former purchased a graphics card and the latter purchased a game. Getting Metro: Last Light for free was the "bonus" to purchasing an Nvidia product and is perhaps why you chose not to purchase an ATI card instead. You can't have a bonus added on to your bonus. Make sense? If, however, like me, you are gonna stick it out with a $60 AMD Radeon card, it is a nice bonus to have when purchasing a game (which may not run as well on my rig as on yours). Here's hoping. By the way, is it possible to install both types of card on a rig and have graphic processing switch between tthe two according to application utilized? That would be sweet.
nu1mlock May 13, 2013 @ 8:44am 
Originally posted by Professor Pew:
Good question and I was just updating that as you posted this. I wasn't part of the discussion with Nvidia about this, but my guess would be that it's because they will continue selling these bundles for quite a while, and there was just one set of code for everything before and after launch.
I understand, although I do feel a little bit cheated. Well, not cheated really, but I wish I'd been told, is all. I'm one of those hardcore Metro 2033 fans that would absolutely play the Ranger mode the first playthrough. I thought that I'd get the same things as pre-orders as I purchased the GPU before release. After all, Nvidia said a copy of "Metro: Last Light" not anything about "Standard Edition". And since they only edition currently available is Limited Edition, I thought I'd get exactly that - what is currently available.

Now, 5$ (or 5€ as it'll probably be priced) isn't the whole world, but I would have liked to know this earlier and not get disappointed afterwards. After all, Deep Silver and Nvidia do both gain from my Nvidia purchase.

Either way, the information in your first post is great and it felt like it was needed. I'm glad a representative from Deep Silver is active on the Steam forums!
Last edited by nu1mlock; May 13, 2013 @ 8:48am
SOS_lurbib May 13, 2013 @ 8:46am 
I hope this game is optimized very well.Is it ?
b451bb5d May 13, 2013 @ 8:50am 
Originally posted by nu1mlock:
This was great information! Thank you!
I only have one question that wasn't answered; Users that purchased Nvidia GPU's got Metro: Last Light for free. However, they seem to be the Standard Edition which means no Ranger mode for us (unless, of course, we purchase it seperately).

Since we're getting the game on release, we've already received our codes and already pre-loaded the game, I'd call this a kind of pre-order. At the very least, I'd say that it'd count as the same thing as going to a store to get a copy that was part of the first manufacturing run (and so, still Limited Edition).

Please clarify the situation with Nvidia users and why we're not getting the Ranger mode, even though we basically have a pre-order already.

Thank you!

You're finding a way to rationalise the fact that you really just don't want to shell out a few extra [money units]. Just pay for the Ranger Mode DLC and stop being greedy and self-entitled.

You didn't "pre-order" the game because you didn't pay for it, you were given it for free with an nVidia product.

If you want to look at it this way, you're giving more money to 4A to make a better game later on down the road.
I hope this game is optimized very well.Is it ?

Generally a good i5 with a 580 (or ATI equivalent) or above should have no problem on 1080p. Higher specs are better, of course. A Titan is only for max settings on higher-end resolutions like 2650x1600. if you are below these settings uare going to have problems bro... if not you should not worry
nu1mlock May 13, 2013 @ 8:56am 
Originally posted by lokkenmor:
You're finding a way to rationalise the fact that you really just don't want to shell out a few extra [money units]. Just pay for the Ranger Mode DLC and stop being greedy and self-entitled.

You didn't "pre-order" the game because you didn't pay for it, you were given it for free with an nVidia product.

If you want to look at it this way, you're giving more money to 4A to make a better game later on down the road.
You're absolutely interpreting my post wrong. I'm absolutely not self-entitled. I have no issues paying 5€ for the Ranger mode. I'm saying that I was given a copy of Metro: Last Light and the only copy available is the Limited Edition, yet I got the Standard Edition.

I gladly pay to support developers whos games I enjoy. I'm not greedy. If anything, I pay too much for too many things, give away games to randoms and purchase every single MP game I have in my library for 1-3 friends (depending on how many you can play with). Please stop accusing me of being something I'm not.
nickwithtea May 13, 2013 @ 9:05am 
Thanks for the info

Three questions

1) Can motion blur be turned off 100%, even if it's by config?

2) Can we increase field of view via options, or will we have to go to config? (if it's similar to the first game, I'll make a tutorial thread on this since I know where the three files are)

3) Can DOF (depth of field be disabled) as someone who's always been a competitive gamer, dof never did anything for me, I like to see everything and have no type of distorted image

4) How is mouse input read? Hardware direct, or through the game engine? Is there any software smoothing and etc? hopefully sensitivity isn't adjusted via x-y axis and is just one variable

5) Is there a framerate cap? (I hope not) as I'm running a 120hz monitor

Thanks for the thread, always nice to have a developer on the forums.
Last edited by nickwithtea; May 13, 2013 @ 9:06am
MrFreemanBBQ May 13, 2013 @ 9:11am 
Originally posted by Professor Pew:
Ranger Mode and the Limited Edition

Ranger Mode as part of the Limited Edition for Metro: Last Light was something that was decided last year by the former publisher, and which has been active for pre-order (outside of Steam which tends to start pre-purchase closer to launch) since that time. By the time Deep Silver took over publishing duties, changing that within the time left to getting the game ready release was no longer an option.

Bonus weapons
The Russian AKSU weapon and 100 Military Grade Rounds are only available in Ranger Mode, but can be discarded at will to tailor your personal playthrough difficulty to your own taste. Shoot all your MGRs into a wall if you don't want them; it can be very cathartic!

I know, most people are still ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about it, but anyway isn't this pre-purchase bonus is TOO cheap for a game like that?

Most of publishers doing a nice pre-purchase bonuses.
Let's take a 2K Games for an example. They did a bonus stages. On the first stage people got the first Bioshock, on the second stage pre-purchasers got the hats for TF2 (hats increases a number of pre-purchased copies in a multiple times), on the third stage people got the XCOM: Enemy Unknown (it's pretty awesome game btw).

Originally posted by Professor Pew:

Ranger Normal has a limited UI, while Ranger Hardcore has no UI at all. This is why it is recommended for new players to start in Original Mode so you know which key does what. But if you are a Metro veteran playing with mouse and keyboard, I think you can figure it out.

Are you serious? Do you really think that we are all 10 year old kids which can't complete the game in a "super hardcore mode"? Which have no idea what the "W" and "Spacebar" keys are doing?

I'm not saying anything about it, because already I got my Last Light copy, but guys, this is a very cheap step.
Last edited by MrFreemanBBQ; May 13, 2013 @ 9:13am
Echoplex25 May 13, 2013 @ 9:14am 
Originally posted by MrFreemanBBQ:
Originally posted by Professor Pew:
Ranger Mode and the Limited Edition

Ranger Mode as part of the Limited Edition for Metro: Last Light was something that was decided last year by the former publisher, and which has been active for pre-order (outside of Steam which tends to start pre-purchase closer to launch) since that time. By the time Deep Silver took over publishing duties, changing that within the time left to getting the game ready release was no longer an option.

Bonus weapons
The Russian AKSU weapon and 100 Military Grade Rounds are only available in Ranger Mode, but can be discarded at will to tailor your personal playthrough difficulty to your own taste. Shoot all your MGRs into a wall if you don't want them; it can be very cathartic!

I know, most people are still ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about it, but anyway isn't this pre-purchase bonus is TOO cheap for a game like that?

Most of publishers doing a nice pre-purchase bonuses.
Let's take a 2K Games for an example. They did a bonus stages. On the first stage people got the first Bioshock, on the second stage pre-purchasers got the hats for TF2 (hats increases a number of pre-purchased copies in a multiple times), on the third stage people got the XCOM: Enemy Unknown (it's pretty awesome game btw).

Originally posted by Professor Pew:

Ranger Normal has a limited UI, while Ranger Hardcore has no UI at all. This is why it is recommended for new players to start in Original Mode so you know which key does what. But if you are a Metro veteran playing with mouse and keyboard, I think you can figure it out.

Are you serious? Do you really think that we are all 10 year old kids which can't complete the game in a "super hardcore mode"? Which have no idea what the "W" and "Spacebar" keys are doing?

I'm not saying anything about it, because already I got my Last Light copy, but guys, this is a very cheap step.
It's a cash grab man
nu1mlock May 13, 2013 @ 9:18am 
Originally posted by ;810924134055246632:
No, the Dev is in this thread, i want a REAL anwser to why a difficulty is DLC, i don't want "BUT OTHER COMAPNIES ARE DOING THE SAME!!!"
Don't mistake the publisher for the developers. And like stated above, the Ranger pre-order thing was decided by THQ, not Deep Silver.

Writing like you do isn't going to help your cause though, if you'd like a proper response please use proper language.
MrFreemanBBQ May 13, 2013 @ 9:19am 
Originally posted by siegeh:
It's a cash grab man

I wouldn't say it's a cash grab. 4A Games did such an awesome sequel, so this game cost every cent. This isn't 4A Games' problem, it's a publisher's cheap problem.

Maybe they did this step after the worst DLC ever called "Dead Island: Riptide", maybe, but anyway I'm just saying.
Last edited by MrFreemanBBQ; May 13, 2013 @ 9:19am
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Date Posted: May 13, 2013 @ 8:23am
Posts: 141