Abiotic Factor

Abiotic Factor

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Vantus May 2 @ 11:06am
First off, thank you Deep Field for having the kind nature to add a Misophonia toggle!
Damn considerate of you.

Could I get some clarification on what sort of sounds are removed as a result of the toggle?
Mostly for my own curiosity, plus there's the concern of missing out on immersive or important audio queues as a result of slapping it on.

Much obliged!
< >
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Now you got me wondering as well. I had to look up that phobia and I've never heard of such a setting in a game.

Haven't installed it yet, but if I had to guess, there are sinks that drip water (audio cue to help locate them by ear) and occasionally rumbling and shaking that serves no other purpose than story telling atmosphere.

There could be more sounds that were removed as well.
K8  [developer] May 2 @ 11:26am 

The Misophonia setting covers eating and drinking sounds primarily at this time. I believe there may also some other high-pitched sounds that are muted.

The setting is not final at this time, and I will be using player feedback to help guide future changes. I can't guarantee that all reported sounds will be added, but I'm always looking to hear from players about their experiences.

If you discover a triggering sound please do report it through the Issue Reporter Form[forms.gle]. It can be accessed from in-game by pressing F3, via 'Report A Bug' in the Main & Esc menus, as well as within the Accessibility Settings.
Vantus May 2 @ 11:45am 
That's awesome, thank you so much for the explanation!

Misophonia is a tough one to work around since there's no "catch all". Everyone has different sounds that set it off.
But for me - eating sounds are probably the worst so you have that covered already!

Looking forward to diving in later this evening!
Mr. n May 2 @ 12:12pm 
Assuming what Vantus said is true and it varies between people, I think it may be prudent to keep a "reasonable default" aaaaand add a configuration file with sounds and comments when those occur - comment/uncomment a line and you get a sound muted or unmuted.
Nauya May 3 @ 9:14pm 
I never knew what this was called until I played this game.

And now I know I have Misophonia, but for me it is specifically only eating sounds. Everything else is fine, and I often enjoy other sounds that are common triggers, like the drinking sounds.

I'll throw my hat into the ring and also say that maybe the setting should have specific toggles so players with Misophonia can just turn off the specific triggers that get them and leave the other ones on for immersion.
Haven't quite run into anything that set mine off, but its really cool this game has a toggle for such a thing anyway. Awesome.
Originally posted by K8:
The setting is not final at this time, and I will be using player feedback to help guide future changes. I can't guarantee that all reported sounds will be added, but I'm always looking to hear from players about their experiences.

Something I'd really appreciate is differentiation in the options between a few different sorts of sounds. Personally, I get nauseous if I hear deep enough sounds, and have a friend with severe anxiety reactions to high-pitched sounds. I haven't run across anything that's an issue for me yet, but I can already tell from some videos that things like certain alarms and sirens will be an issue for my friend.

I know it'd be more work, but I think it'd do a lot to increase the accessibility of this game. I'd absolutely love to be able to play this with all the folks I know, and think it'd help a lot on selling them that this kinda stuff is paid attention to.
Dax_B May 11 @ 5:41am 
Just wanted to add my thanks for including this option. So many games I've had to hunt down (and hope even) that mods are made for a game that removes obnoxious eating/drinking sounds.
Kikinaak May 12 @ 5:51am 
Agreed, too many games dismiss this problem, and I am grateful beyond words to see a dev take it seriously.

The thing about letting players turn off specific sounds that trigger them, that used to just be called "modding", and it was a given before all assets started being rolled up in encrypted packs. When it was as simple as renaming or replacing an offending sound file, or making a change to a human readable (and editable) table of contents.

Bring those days back, and the whackamole job of "which sounds qualify for this setting?" is shifted from the devs back to the individual players where it really belongs.
Vantus May 12 @ 12:44pm 
Originally posted by Kikinaak:

Bring those days back, and the whackamole job of "which sounds qualify for this setting?" is shifted from the devs back to the individual players where it really belongs.

Solid agree.

I think it's probably safe to make a sweeping generalisation and include the most common culprits associated with misophonia, which the Devs seem to already have done!

Minority, unique and case-by-case triggers ought to be something players can do themselves with a small amount of tweaking.

I for one am just impressed to see it as an option! It's not a consideration you often see.
Originally posted by K8:

The Misophonia setting covers eating and drinking sounds primarily at this time. I believe there may also some other high-pitched sounds that are muted.

The setting is not final at this time,

There is a minecraft mod called "super sound muffler" that you might want to look at. It allows you to toggle or dampen any of the games sounds. Even detecting what sounds have resonantly bin played. This would let players customize sound settings based on there preferences. And not have to rely on any sort of guess work.
It even can dampen based on location in case you want to build next to that super noisy generator.
Kikinaak May 12 @ 9:24pm 
I will suggest adding in the lip smacking some of the "I'm getting thirsty" lines have to the ban list.
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Date Posted: May 2 @ 11:06am
Posts: 12