Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3 (2011) - Multiplayer

Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3 (2011) - Multiplayer

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This warning is for all those who have little or no integrity and cheat with hacks of any kind. It is illegal. Sanctions include civil and criminal penalties if caught hacking.

Here is the Law on the matter:

All software issued by the makers of any publicly released game such as COD etc is copyrighted. Hacking violates that copyright which is a federal offense. It does not matter if the game was purchased. Purchasing the game merely grants a license to use the game to the purchasor (read your End User License Agreement). Now, the current sanction if cauight hacking is bannishment from Steam etc. Big deal. Hackers, once caught, are going to be subjected to legal action, including possible criminal prosecution for Criminal Mischief, Theft of Service, Criminal Tampering, Computer Fraud etc. Each of these charges are tytpically Misdemeanors. However, in most jurisdictions, being charged with 2 or more misdemeanors arising from the same act is a felony. It is up to the prosecuting authority to determine if felony charges will be pursued. The penalty schedule for most misdemeanors is imprisonment for up to 1 year. Like most new prosecution cases, the first few offenders are usually made examples of and receive harsher punishment. If the defendant is a minor, that is, under the age of 18, the minor offendor may be remanded into juvenile custody for the term of the sentence. In addition, offendors with juvenile status also potentially subject their parents or legal guardian to legal sanctions for not exercising control over the actions of the minor. That means mom and dad get into trouble as well. Now, using your Steam account with a tampered program is like robbing a bank and using your own car as the getawacy vehicle. It matters not if you have multiple accounts under different names. If you have the skills to hack, then you already know that anytime you are on line, you are not totally anonymous. They can and will find you. I promise. Who would like to be the first?

Here's how the civil aspect plays out:

The Civil penalties could include fines upward of $250,000 for Copyright violations. This does not include judgement for damages incurred by Steam and the game manufacturer which has the potential to be rather steap. Again, read your EULA.

How does hacking cause a potential for damages?

Simple. The inherent enjoyment and usability of the mulitplayer feature of the online gameplay is diminished due to the presence of hackers. Like anythjing else, it is cheating. As a result, the integrity of the intended characteristics of the service is reduced. Other players may stop using the service or otherwise, have a negative exerience which results in a negative opinion thereby tarnishing the name and reputation of the service providers. Thus, a civil damage is the result. Anyone remember Napster? Anyone read about individuals being hauled into Court for pirating multimedia? This is no difference when copyrighted material is hacked. It all lives under The Intellectual Property Law. I encourage you to check it out.

Now, I know that many who read this who are hacking this game will not believe it or perhaps, will think "it cant happen to me". I assure can and it will. Do not make the typical smart person mistake and believe you are smarter than everyone else in the room. There are geeks out there who's sole job is to hunt other geeks and they do their job well.

So, if you are hacking or thinking about hacking....don't. It's not worth it. If you know someone who is hacking, spread the word. Unless you have graduated from Law School and have practiced Civil Liability or Criminal Law, please do not regail us with your novice counter arguments. The point of this post was not to spark some useless legal debate. Just do everyone a favor, and dont cheat.

Thanks for reading. Contructive, intelligent replies are welcomed and encouraged.

Happy new year and happy gaming!

Last edited by ~DAMN~ SGSVIRGIL; Jan 1, 2014 @ 10:14am
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Laptop Jan 1, 2014 @ 10:33am 
It is illegal, though I doubt anyone cares unless a court order comes through their door.
Clo1Crew Jan 1, 2014 @ 1:45pm 
will steam get rid of hacking when it goes live?didnt have this problem with xbox,fed up of waisting money in steam,vac secruity mean nothing
Clo1Crew Jan 1, 2014 @ 1:47pm 
just built a coputer that costs 1200pound,what a waste of money
Clo1Crew Jan 1, 2014 @ 1:58pm 
might as well join the hacking.least u will have a chance.steam should ban thease they say they dont tollarate cheating...up to now there surporting it
Giru Jan 1, 2014 @ 2:11pm 
lol i have a ban on mw3 and i dont hack why im banned? im realy pro in mw3
~FS~CapAzzKicKeR Jan 1, 2014 @ 2:18pm 
The only way you would have gotten a ban is if VAC detected a hack in your system or you changed your game files.
CmanOne Jan 1, 2014 @ 2:28pm 
Looks, developers failed to sale sheduled numbers of copies of Ghosts :) Then, they took seriously for cheaters. As speak russian proverb: better late than never. A few years later to finally giraffe understood, that cheaters killing the game.
Clo1Crew Jan 1, 2014 @ 2:31pm 
who is responsible for the secruity in mw3?thanks
~DAMN~ SGSVIRGIL Jan 1, 2014 @ 2:36pm 
Keep the faith, folks. The word on good authority is there are some serious changes coming. Not just from Steam or the makers of COD. But, in the gaming world as a whole. The word is that the powers that be are already putting measures in place to preserve the integrity of the software and detect hacked software. Do not, I repeat, do not buy into the "cant beat em, join em" mentality. There will be consequences, as I explained in this thread.
CmanOne Jan 1, 2014 @ 2:45pm 
Originally posted by HUGO STIGLITZ:
Keep the faith, folks. The word on good authority is there are some serious changes coming. Not just from Steam or the makers of COD. But, in the gaming world as a whole. The word is that the powers that be are already putting measures in place to preserve the integrity of the software and detect hacked software. Do not, I repeat, do not buy into the "cant beat em, join em" mentality. There will be consequences, as I explained in this thread.
Is it too thick, troll? 50 by 50, if not, then it's looks a better future..
I doubt that something will change, man.
But i hope.
Clo1Crew Jan 1, 2014 @ 4:40pm 
Originally posted by HUGO STIGLITZ:
Keep the faith, folks. The word on good authority is there are some serious changes coming. Not just from Steam or the makers of COD. But, in the gaming world as a whole. The word is that the powers that be are already putting measures in place to preserve the integrity of the software and detect hacked software. Do not, I repeat, do not buy into the "cant beat em, join em" mentality. There will be consequences, as I explained in this thread.

wont do,just fed up of spending my hard urnt cash on hacked games.good point
Clo1Crew Jan 1, 2014 @ 4:42pm 
thanks guys,need to hear something positive
MR.FOX May 19, 2014 @ 11:15pm 
not choosing sides, just saying for a new game usually it costs around $80 i just think thats way too much for a game i have to beg my parents for a $30 game
Clo1Crew May 20, 2014 @ 2:00am 
Originally posted by HUGO STIGLITZ:
Keep the faith, folks. The word on good authority is there are some serious changes coming. Not just from Steam or the makers of COD. But, in the gaming world as a whole. The word is that the powers that be are already putting measures in place to preserve the integrity of the software and detect hacked software. Do not, I repeat, do not buy into the "cant beat em, join em" mentality. There will be consequences, as I explained in this thread.

dont know how to hack,dont want to know how to hack...just hacked off
Wedgie Nov 20, 2014 @ 7:06pm 
Well constructed statement - hits it right on the head

Some players who are getting better scores will inevitably be better than many players.

Others who are not better use cheats to look better


Review the theatre....look for pre aim round corners....many one or two shot kills...suspicious clusters of headshots

Keep the gaming is a fantastic community with only a small percentage of CHEATS
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Date Posted: Jan 1, 2014 @ 10:04am
Posts: 24