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Jono997 Mar 4, 2017 @ 2:41am
So, I, like many people, decided to mess with my clock settings to see what happens when the countdown in Refuge hits 0. I got the whole "some things are out of your control" thing everyone else did. However, I wasn't satisfied, so I took advantage of the fact that I have RPG Maker XP and looked at the source code for the event that handles all of that and this is what I found.
Event page 1[]
Event page 2[]
As you can see, the message about being unable to control time is hard-coded into the game. Sorry to ruin the magic, but unless the developers update the game when the countdown ends, nothing's going to happen. If you still don't believe me, get the trial for RPGXP from Enterbrain's site (if they still have it), make a new project, copy-paste the Game.rxproj file from the new project into Oneshot's game files and run the rxproj file. You'll be able to see for yourself.
Last edited by Jono997; Mar 4, 2017 @ 2:48am
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Cloydes Mar 4, 2017 @ 4:11am

They're obviously going to update the game. Pay more attention.
Gerardufoin Mar 4, 2017 @ 6:33am 
The fact that people can change the clock/access the game files is EXACTLY why the content is not yet into the game and will be added in an update :p
Jono997 Mar 4, 2017 @ 12:27pm 
Originally posted by Cloydes:

They're obviously going to update the game. Pay more attention.

Originally posted by Gerardufoin:
The fact that people can change the clock/access the game files is EXACTLY why the content is not yet into the game and will be added in an update :p
Yeah, that was rather stupid of me. In my (poor) defence, I was rather tired at that point.
GIR  [developer] Mar 4, 2017 @ 12:35pm 
The only real defense against datamining is to have no data to mine.
josiah1221 Mar 4, 2017 @ 11:07pm 
Patience my friend! The equinox approaches :)
Jono997 Mar 6, 2017 @ 12:46am 
Originally posted by GIR:
The only real defense against datamining is to have no data to mine.
True. I think the only stuff they've left in there that isn't in the game is stuff that's just going to go unused (eg. the burial grounds in the Glenn (I may have misspelt that)).
SumYungGuy Mar 8, 2017 @ 3:42pm 
Psst, bro... you're talking to a developer. Also I'd be super dissapointed if the burial grounds didn't appear in the update, considering the screenshot they gave us in the burial grounds.
Jono997 Mar 16, 2017 @ 3:08am 
Originally posted by severedwind:
Psst, bro... you're talking to a developer. Also I'd be super dissapointed if the burial grounds didn't appear in the update, considering the screenshot they gave us in the burial grounds.
*Blushes with embarrasment* I feel like the biggest idiot. How the heck did I not see the developer tag next to GIR's name?! Also, the whole thing with the screenshots never really clicked with me, even less so after what GIR said.
rainya Mar 19, 2017 @ 9:55am 
sigh. ever heard of patience?

also it was painfully obvious that the game wouldnt contain anything yet, because of people like you who can ruin all the fun.
Jono997 Mar 20, 2017 @ 12:03am 
Originally posted by Rain:
sigh. ever heard of patience?

also it was painfully obvious that the game wouldnt contain anything yet, because of people like you who can ruin all the fun.
Well, I didn't mean to be a buzzkill, I was just stating a fact. A fact that now doesn't really matter anymore, but still. Sorry if I came off as arrogant, dissatisfied, or ungrateful in my initial post (the title really doesn't help my case), but I didn't mean for it to be that way.
tick dickler Mar 20, 2017 @ 6:47am 
Tired Jono is tired, let it lie, guys. That being said, it was a teeny tiny lie, as we've only gotten a teeny tiny portion of MOAR LORE with this update. Here's hoping that Night, GIR, MatVQ, mark@D or a combination of the above manage to pull through for the next week's update.
Jono997 Mar 23, 2017 @ 11:19pm 
Originally posted by Omega Pi X:
Tired Jono is tired, let it lie, guys. That being said, it was a teeny tiny lie, as we've only gotten a teeny tiny portion of MOAR LORE with this update. Here's hoping that Night, GIR, MatVQ, mark@D or a combination of the above manage to pull through for the next week's update.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Also, I think this game's about to get a massive jolt in popularity for (hopefully) obvious reasons. Let's just hope the community doesn't become the next Undertale community.
SumYungGuy Mar 24, 2017 @ 6:07pm 
I keep hearing this complaint. Let people have their joy. I know there are weird RPers and porn makers, but that's the inevitable byproduct of any large community. As far as I'm concerned, such a fanbase only means I have more people to enjoy something wonderful together with and has brought me interesting reading material such as Dogs of Future Past.
Jono997 Mar 24, 2017 @ 11:10pm 
Originally posted by severedwind:
I keep hearing this complaint. Let people have their joy. I know there are weird RPers and porn makers, but that's the inevitable byproduct of any large community. As far as I'm concerned, such a fanbase only means I have more people to enjoy something wonderful together with and has brought me interesting reading material such as Dogs of Future Past.
I can't believe it's been this long for someone with your point of view on this to come forth and now that I've seen it, I have to agree. With the popularity of Undertale, the bad side was bound to happen, but the problem is that's all people see when they think of the Undertale community and that's what I now think of as the main concern: people will flock to Oneshot, but with popularity comes the bad and vocal side of the fandom which defines the fandom, driving people who might otherwise want to try the game away and give the other fans that stigma.
Coldgamer95 Mar 24, 2017 @ 11:28pm 
Originally posted by Jono997:
Originally posted by severedwind:
I keep hearing this complaint. Let people have their joy. I know there are weird RPers and porn makers, but that's the inevitable byproduct of any large community. As far as I'm concerned, such a fanbase only means I have more people to enjoy something wonderful together with and has brought me interesting reading material such as Dogs of Future Past.
I can't believe it's been this long for someone with your point of view on this to come forth and now that I've seen it, I have to agree. With the popularity of Undertale, the bad side was bound to happen, but the problem is that's all people see when they think of the Undertale community and that's what I now think of as the main concern: people will flock to Oneshot, but with popularity comes the bad and vocal side of the fandom which defines the fandom, driving people who might otherwise want to try the game away and give the other fans that stigma.

There aren't just bad sides with popularity. First good thing is, the developers get a lot of money from this. And while some fans might be driven off by an overaggressive fanbase, a lot of others may have never heard of it, if it didn't get popular. Plus you can always just ignore the the bad and creepy side of the fanbase. It works most of the time.

Originally posted by Rain:
sigh. ever heard of patience?

also it was painfully obvious that the game wouldnt contain anything yet, because of people like you who can ruin all the fun.

I don't know... In a game, that actively supports searching through game files and fideling with them, i would've almost expected it to be intended for the player to change the time settings on their PC.
Last edited by Coldgamer95; Mar 24, 2017 @ 11:29pm
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Date Posted: Mar 4, 2017 @ 2:41am
Posts: 17