

İstatistiklere Bak:
Keep in mind that these theories could have flaws, and possible grammar/spelling errors. They are things my brain have come up with, and things that I have discussed with other people. There aren't too many theories about this game, so I'll try to dump as many as I can into this one discussion, and will add more to this discussion to keep them all in one place. Feel free to leave feedback! (There are also a few theories in other discussions I've made).
SEE MY POSTS ON THE WIKI FOR MORE THEORIES! - http://wick.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:329

1. A simple fact, really, unless the newspaper lies. Benny, Caleb, and Lillian belong to a seperate family from Tim and Tom. Benny, Caleb, and Lillian are siblings; Tim and Tom are siblings/twins. Benny, Caleb, and Lillian belong to the Weaver(Weiver?) family, who's house burnt down, and the parents were found dead.

2. The Weaver family was religious, Benny being the oldest and MOST religious. He preached about twin boys stolen in the night by the devil.

3. Benny probably feared the twins, but why? What happened to Tim and Tom, and did they cause the fire that may have killed Mr. and Mrs. Weaver?

4. Tim and Tom have matching outfits, which look to me like school uniforms. Maybe the twins belonged to a rich family, because back in the old days, when you had something like a uniform, it may mean that you are rich, because uniforms must have been pricey.

5. Did all 5 kids go to the same "district"? Was this district a school? Caleb's trophy mentions "District 55", so maybe all the kids went to this district, and only Tim and Tom's family could afford uniforms. Usually you wouldn't dub a school, especially for younger children(the trophy says boys 12 and under) a "district", so was the district more like a military organization, or a religious one?

6. Tom is obviously bent and distorted, his limbs and neck being the most freakish looking. His legbrace says "used to treat small children with polio". Polio is a highly infectious viral disease, which mainly affects young children. It can cause paralysis, fever, fatigue, and vomiting. It also causes stiffness in the neck, pain in the limbs, and the bending of limbs, also affecting motor skills. Tom has a bent neck which lets his head roll around all over the place, and bent/broken limbs. Perhaps Tom had polio; another clue is that while listening to the baby rattle, you'll hear a baby crying, and a man yelling "what's wrong with him". Maybe this was Tom's father, angry and annoyed by how much Tom cried because he was in so much pain.

7. Since the Weaver family was so religious, maybe they despised Tim and Tom's family, dubbing Tom an "abomination" because of his troubles with polio. Tom probably had to be kept away from people a lot, until everyone around him got the vaccine that would protect them from polio, which probably cost a ton, but their own rich family was able to afford it. This makes me wonder if Tom was bullied by kids in the district/town, or by the Weaver's children.

8. As they grew older, Tim and Tom might have learned to despise the Weavers back. Maybe that's why they caused the fire; the Weavers hated Tom because of polio, and Benny could have feared the twins because of how he preached about them. Tim and Tom could have started that fire to get revenge on how the family treated them.

9. Stolen in the night by the devil. Was some creepy urban legend corrupting the twins? There HAD to be a start to the "children going into the woods and disappearing", so what if the character seen at the end of the montage video was that start to everything? Was this the devil that stole the twins, or corrupted them? What if this character gave Tim and Tom those masks. "For when the bandages come off?" What does that mean? Who had the bandages?

10. The only one I can think of having bandages was Tom. Another mask theory is that Tim made both his and Tom's masks to make Tom feel better about going into public; his face would be hidden so he wouldn't be as shy, and Tim made himself a mask to not single Tom out.

11. Was this mysterious montage video character the one to fall into the well? You hear crying near the well several times. Maybe Tom fell into the well and became all distorted, or maybe Lillian fell in, or anyone else... but I'm quite convinced Tom had polio. So maybe this new character we'll hopefully see soon has to deal with the well. And obviously someone or someONES learned their lesson, since they ended up covering the well with wood planks.

12. Were the original 5 children ACTUALLY the children that wandered into the forest and disappeared one by one? There were five children, but then a 6th grave was added at the end. So what children actually disappeared into the forest?

13. The teenagers describing the game said "the candles moved in the night", and one of the last pieces of evidence shows a cop mentioning something about dogs. You are the one picking up candles in the night. YOU move them around as you walk. And, you even hear dogs barking. What was your character doing? Did they run away to play Wick and were being searched for by police, or was your character stuck in a neverending loop of torture, having been killed in the forest and recalling the dogs barking over and over again as they ran from the ones who caused their death?

14. Caleb is the most decayed out of everyone. His face is rotted and skeletal, and he has torn shorts and no shoes. And, if you look at his design, you can see he's wrapped in some sort of cloth. Did people believe in mummification back then? Did someone try to mummify Caleb, even wrapping him up in that cloth? Or was he buried alive? When you listen to the shovel, you hear digging, and the heavy breathing of someone who sounds scared. Was Caleb the one digging, or was it someone else... Did Tim and Tom bury him alive?

15. You find the shovel near the graves, and it's put on Caleb's shelf. Maybe Caleb was the one to dig the graves; I mean, his strategy is even digging after you. But why would he dig those graves? Did he dig them for his lost parents, or to show that there were 5 kids in the game, you being the 6th? And is that character at the end of the montage video YOU, that 6th grave?

16. Benny is most definitely the oldest child. He's larger than the others, and can really throw a punch... Seriously, he sends you flying. But if that cross showed HIM speaking, his voice sounded really, really young, or maybe he was just very afraid at the time. But afraid of WHAT? I'm mostly convinced it's the twins, but maybe he was even afraid of his own siblings; maybe he started the fire thinking one of them was a threat, or if Tim and Tom attacked the entire family, a fire was started on accident.

17. What's the deal with Lillian? She can obviously teleport, teleport you, and float, so maybe she's a spirit. It would make sense; it doesn't seem likely that a child could survive a few hundred years on their own. But Tim and Tom also teleport. I've never seen Caleb or Benny teleport; Caleb just seems to crawl in and out of the ground, and Benny eventually stops chasing you if you outrun him. Maybe the children are illusions? Tim can fade out of sight, into a green mist, and Tom seems to be the most illusion-like. So are the kids spirits, or just insanely OP and strange? The two I'm convinced that are actually living are Caleb and Benny, although I'm not sure how the both of them could still be alive. Maybe they were the last to disappear?

18. What's up with that green light? Both Tim and Tom can fade away into a strange green mist, along with several other things scattered across the map(the noose and chair, for example). And in the 5th hour, your candle is even green! And it never runs out, thankfully, for I don't think you'd be able to stop and pick up a candle with 4 kids after you, and a 5th lightsleeper wandering. Does this green light have something to do with the mysterious urban legend I mentioned above, or is it something else entirely? Or is it just a funny thing made up about Steam Greenlight?

19. What IS the noose and chair about? Did someone commit suicide? I can only imagine an adult doing so, so maybe one of the parents of either family did it... Most likely isn't Mrs. Weaver; you see her(I presume it's her) burning to death.

20. Since I'm so convinced that the twins started the fire, I have yet another theory based on that. What if they wanted to deal with the entire Weaver family all in one night. They could have scared the children off, burning Mrs. Weaver alive, and then went off to do whatever they wanted with the terrified children. Caleb, the one being buried alive. Benny, the one wandering around with his cross and praying for his survival, and Lillian... who I'm not really sure about. Since I think she's the youngest, maybe she was pushed into the well, and her crying voice was heard?

21. Ages? What are the ages for our lovely kids? We know Caleb is either 12 or younger, and Lillian I can guess around 3-6. Benny seems oldest to me, so maybe 14ish? He still seems young, but the oldest. And the twins, who obviously have to be the same age.
Since the trophy says "boys 12 or younger", and it mentions District 55, maybe the entire district was for children 12 or younger. And what if the district had the camp as a fun activity site for the children to join? I'm sure Caleb was in the camp, since his trophy is right underneath the sign. But the camp is in the same area as the fireplace building, where the fire seems to have taken place, so maybe the fireplace/settlement was the Weavers' home.

Really, there are a LOT of theories.. but these are the ones I came up with just now. I'll probably add more, so stay tuned! Thank you to those who have given me feedback already; it's helped me create more theories. Feel free to leave more feedback!
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 6 Mar 2016 @ 7:15
< >
13 yorumdan 1 ile 13 arası gösteriliyor
Wow a lot of really good theory here. But no the green glow isnt a green light reference ;).
İlk olarak Tromble tarafından gönderildi:
Wow a lot of really good theory here. But no the green glow isnt a green light reference ;).

Gotcha! :)
22. When you listen to the sound short for the blade with "Tim" carved into it, you hear a voice saying "if you hurt him, I'll hurt you". And, that same voice is also heard when you listen to both Tim and Tom's masks. Is Tim talking about his brother, Tom? Perhaps Tim was a protective brother, wanting to make sure Tom was safe because of all the trouble and pain he may have already went through with polio, or bullying. Or was Tim talking about someone else, and does he ACTUALLY care about his brother? We don't know for sure.

23. The "A Bridge Two Fear" achievement is really interesting to me. Both Tim and Tom appear on either side of the bridge, and if you look away from them, they will become closer. Before they reach you, you have to jump through the hole in the bridge, or either run off to the side somehow.
Why do the twins "fear" this bridge? I mean, sure bridges can be scary to little kids, but is there something specific that made them fear it? The bridge is obviously worn down, and the holes look like people could easily fall through them. Perhaps the bridge had had water underneath it long ago, and was a route over the water. Maybe someone drowned... Or Tom fell off the bridge and became so crippled, making both him and Tim fear it. Or did someone else fall off?

24. Was the District a school/military organization, or was it something else entirely? The definition of district is "an area of a country or city, especially one regarded as a distinct unit because of a particular characteristic". So, is this district the area that the children all lived in? In the forest you play in, there are quite a few landmarks, like a burnt down settlement, a shed, signs, a bridge, etc. Maybe District 55 was in that forest, and consisted of the camp and the settlement, and the district uniforms were the ones Tim and Tom wear? Or maybe the uniforms serve another purpose.
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 11 Şub 2016 @ 8:25
25. I can't believe I never really payed attention to this before.
Look at this picture- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618462696
Caleb (I assume that's Caleb) looks different, right? He doesn't look decayed, and he's wearing clothing. I can't see Benny correctly, but he looks very... interesting. What are those black markings on his face? His eyes?
Lillian looks more normal; she isn't floating like how she usually does, but she's still wearing her bunny outfit. Her feet are actually touching the ground.
BUT. Look at Tim and Tom... They look like they are wearing their masks, and Tom's outfit looks worn down (there's that white tear on the side).
Was my mask theory correct? Did Tim and Tom get those masks before all of the bad things happened? Did Tim make the masks for them, to help Tom with his shyness in public? Maybe, or maybe someone else made those masks for them.
What strikes me as odd, is that Lillian and Caleb look normal. Benny looks quite strange, and is hiding behind the shed you can visit on the map. And Tim and Tom... they are wearing masks, and Tom's clothing looks ragged and messy. What's up with that?
And if the children, belonging to two seperate families, hated one another, why are they standing in a group? Were they all actually friends, or was that picture taken because they lived in the same district, and someone wanted to get a good photo of District 55's kids? Or was this photo taken by police, who just managed to snap a picture of them while they wandered in the forest?
See, that doesn't make sense. The shed looks like it's all in one piece, unlike how it looks when you find it in the forest. Lillian doesn't float, and Caleb wears clothes and isn't decayed.
I wish I could decipher what Benny's face looks like, but I'm baffled. He looks... scary, and again, what are those black markings on his face? Eyes?
Why are the twins wearing their masks(or are they not?), and why is Tom's clothing ripped apart?
When was this photo taken, and how close were the children actually? They don't seem to hate each other in this picture. Maybe... they had been friends, or related somehow.
Maybe this peculiar photo had been taken when everything was semi-normal, and Tim and Tom didn't have plans to burn the Weavers' house down... yet.

26. Who drew the drawings that each character has? Lillian is the youngest, so perhaps she doodled them all. But maybe the cold-hearted teenager that made people go out into the forest to play Wick drew them. But why, and how did he know what they looked like?
Or was it the mysterious montage video character that drew the images? Said child seemed young, and wore an outfit similair to Lillian's. But their voice seemed really deep when they were hushing you... and then the voice raised once they screamed. What does that mean?

27. "Jack and Jill went up the hill [to] fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, [and] Jill came tumbling after."
This pail, or bucket, is on Lillian's shelf, so what happened with it? The Jack and Jill term is usually used when talking about twins, and if Lillian is using it... who are these twins? Who is JACK?
Now, at the end of the montage video, you see someone/something resembling Lillian; they are wearing the same bunny costume. (with smaller ears?) (or is this actually Lillian? pst thanks for the little hint, dev)
So, did both Lillian and this "Jack" fall down the well, or was it only one of them? It says Jill came tumbling after, so I assume it was both of them. Were they hurt? I can assume so. But in the newspaper clipping, it never mentioned Lillian having a twin. It just mentioned Benny, Caleb, and Lillian.
Or was it Tom and Lillian who fell into the well? Tom is distorted, his limbs bent and broken. Perhaps when Tom and Lillian were at the camp, they were sent to fetch water from the well. Maybe Tom fell in, and Lillian fell in after.
But there are parts of this theory that don't make sense still. In the picture above, Lillian looks like she's alive, but Tom looks bent and his clothing is torn, and he's wearing his mask(?) along with Tim.
So I believe Lillian DID fall into the well, but who is the "Jack" to the old saying "Jack and Jill"? Is it the montage video character, or someone else?
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 11 Şub 2016 @ 8:30
First, I feel bad for posting so much; I hope I'm not annoying anyone! I just love creating theories and making drawings for Wick. If a theory comes to mind, I'll try my immediate best to post it! And something one of the devs said fueled yet another theory, the 29th. Bare with me.

28. Has anyone noticed how Lillian glows? She seems to have a pinkish glow to her, around her torso area, that lights up the trees and ground around her. Sometimes spirits or ghosts are known to be illuminated by strange lights, or be seen as "spirit orbs", so perhaps this means Lillian IS more of a spirit-like character.

29. I've called the mysterious montage video character an urban legend, a possible twin to Lillian, a cause to all of the bad that's happened, and many other things.
However, I had thought about if the montage video character was actually a more "darker" version of one of the kids. Seeing one of the devs' comments... it fueled that thought.
What if Lillian DID have "tricks up her sleeve"? She seems a lot different than the other characters and has more of an adorable appearance. In the montage video, she certainly looks more scary.
But when the character is hushing you, the voice is really deep. Then, when it screams, it sounds more like Lillian. So what's up with that?
Could the other children have darker versions of themselves, too, or is it just Lillian?
I still think there will be someone new in the next update; I was told there would be a new character, so that could be a possibility.
Is this the new character, or is it just Lillian? It's quite confusing, because it looks exactly like Lillian, but the face is a lot different. We'll figure out who it is soon enough, hopefully.
So is this a twin to Lillian, an evil force, or a new trick Lillian has to show?

Nonetheless, I'm excited for the new content, and I can't wait to make more theories when I get to discover new things! Whatever comes, I can't wait to check it all out and make up for the months I missed when Wick first came out.

Please, let me know if I'm bugging anyone by posting so much. I'd hate to do so, but sometimes I just get too excited and have to share my thoughts! You could say I'm a theorist nerd!

I'll try to post more theories soon, big or small. I want to help make this community thrive, and I hope I'm doing a decent job at contributing. This game deserves more theorists in these forums, so I hope I can encourage others to come.
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 10 Şub 2016 @ 11:46
30. When you listen to what the "holy bible" has to say, you hear a man saying "and taketh with himself seven other spirits, more wicked than himself, and they enter him(in?) and dwell there, and the last state(?) of that man is worse than the first, even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." (Excuse me, I could have translated that wrong.)
So what is this man preaching about? You hear him saying something about "seven other spirits"... but there are only 5 children in the game you run from. At the end, there's a six grave which is YOU? Who's the seventh?
Since you hear about Benny having preached a lot about twin boys, maybe he heard this man speaking in church and that's where the voice is coming from: it's something Benny HEARD. Could Benny have ♥♥♥♥♥♥ frightened and started something? Did he start the fire, assuming if more people died, whatever terror he was being put through would end?
However, it says those seven spirits "enter" someone (I assume that's what it means). Is it talking about the teenager who seemed cruel and led people into the forest to play Wick, and was the one to create the website? Did he let the spirits of the children into himself, possessing him, and is waiting for you, the 6th, and then the 7th, whoever it may be?
It's very confusing, but could make sense in a twisted way. So are seven spirits needed instead of 5? With the new content, will we discover the new "7th" spirit, and will a curse be lifted from the forest or something? It feels like something like that would happen; in several movies and books, people are told to either collect seven souls, or need seven souls for some dark task.
Some think of the number 7 being "the seeker", searching for truth, and some think of a spiritual awakening. In the bible, the number 7 is very important; it stands for a lot of things including the seventh day of creation. I also heard the word "SEVENTH" is connected to the word "complete". WHAT will be complete?

31. In one of the last pieces of evidence, you hear who I presume is the mean, cruel teenager getting angry(?) and knocking over the camera or recorder that was being used for his interrogation. He was angry, saying things like "f*ck you". Then, the crash was heard, and everything became static, the audio glitching as he said "you're too late anyways. There's no way out."
What on earth? It feels like I listened to this piece of evidence before, but I never remember hearing that last part. Was that just added, or did I end the evidence clip too soon before? Silly me.
What does he mean by "there's no way out" and "you're too late anyways". I feel like he did something terrible to awaken something, or maybe he's trying to free the children's spirits himself? Or did they take control over him in a sort of Slenderman like way, and made him do terrible things and made him grow colder towards his friends?
Does he want something bad to happen? Or was he trying to FIX something by taking his friends into the woods and trying to get to the 7th spirit?

32. Hmm. I was told you shouldn't believe everything in newspapers... and that's a little suspicious for me. It's great advice for real life, you should NEVER believe everything in newspapers. But what should we not believe, and what DO we believe?
The newspaper clipping in the game is mainly focused on the Weaver family, the main points being "house burnt down, parents bodies found but kids still missing", and "Benny, Caleb, and Lillian were siblings".
Are they not siblings? Who's related? Who's bodies were found, and did a fire ever actually occur?
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 11 Şub 2016 @ 8:36
33. Ages according to the newspaper!
Benny, 14. Caleb, 9. Lillian, 5. So my theories were correct on Benny being the oldest.
Here is a cleared up picture of the news article- http://wick.wikia.com/wiki/Weaver_Family?file=Newspaper.PNG

34. The Weaver family was supposedly in a remote location, "Mount Todd", since "Mr. Robert Edwards" saw smoke coming from that direction. Perhaps Mount Todd is where you play the game at. Mary Weaver, the mother, was most likely burnt alive since you see her in the "Toasty" event. What happened to John Weaver, if his body was also found? Did he hang himself? There were a noose and chair in the wood shed, and I'm pretty sure only an adult would have the capablity of hanging themselves. But if John was so crippled like the newspaper hints at, how would he be able to get up on the chair and do such a thing?

35. Are Tim and Tom apart of the Weaver family? They aren't mentioned in the newspaper, and wear very different clothing styles in comparision to the Weaver children; they look more.. rich since they wear school uniforms. The Weavers lived at the Homestead, which probably included a farm area, and Benny sure wears a more "country-ish" clothing style. The newspaper only says "a family of five; John, Mary, and Benny, Caleb, and Lillian", but you never know if newspapers could be lying. I believe the twins were in a seperate family than the Weavers due to their different clothing style, and since Benny feared them. It's hinted at that the twins disappeared first, "stolen in their sleep by the devil". Was this a kidnapping? But why was Benny afraid that they would "come back for him"? Did Benny do something bad, or was he just so shaken and terrified by the fact that the twins disappeared? HOW did they disappear, however? I think Tim and Tom started the fire, but for what reason exactly? Some ideas are listed above in the previous theories, but perhaps they were just killed and sought revenge. But why take it out on the Weavers?

36. More proof on if Tim and Tom could have started the fire. When Tim is chasing after you, you hear growls, hisses, and wheezing. What if that wheezing was caused by smoke? He and his brother could have been setting the building ablaze, but got caught in the fire for a period of time.

37. One of Tim's collectibales is the gas mask, and you hear coughing, explosions, etc... John is the only one known for being in the war, but why does Tim have an item of the father of a different family? Are they connected somehow?

38. In the picture with the shed, all of the children are in the same image, and Caleb looks more alive, and Lillian is actually standing on the ground. So Tim and Tom obviously lived around the time the Weavers lived, but why were they all taking a picture together? I now think that perhaps this was a Halloween picture locals wanted to take of District 55's church-going kids (it only says Benny, Caleb, and Lillian went to church, however). Because, if you look at both Benny and Lillian's faces, they look very odd, like they are covered in face paint? Benny's face is almost impossible to make out, so I'm wondering if they were dressing up for some event. Caleb ALSO looks like he's wearing face paint which reminds me of a skull mask or some sort of style similair to the "Day of the Dead" holiday. And Tim and Tom are wearing the masks... Were the masks for a holiday, or were they really for "when the bandages come off?" And did Tim make them for him and his brother to help Tom with his shyness? The masks are most likely hand-crafted.
In this picture, Tom also looks bent and distorted like how he does during gameplay. So Tom most likely DID have polio, and grew up with it since you can hear an angry man shouting "what's wrong with him" while listening to the baby rattle as you hear a baby wailing in, I assume, pain.

39. It says only Mary, Benny, Caleb, and Lillian were the ones who went to church. I assume John was either too busy being involved with the war, or too ashamed to go outside due to his possible deformations to attend church.

40. Tim's full name isn't actually Timothy, but "Timas"!!

41. I believe it's on Midnight, but when you stay near the well long enough, a rotten arm will shoot out and seem to swat at you or your candle. The arm has quite a few wounds and looks decayed, and has what looks like a reddish-pink sleeve. The only scarred, skinny hands we have seen are our own, or "Sam's" at the end of 5:00 AM, and Sam ALSO has a red sleeved shirt on. But how would we have ♥♥♥♥♥♥ into that well if we're walking around? And you hear what sounds like a baby crying, although this arm looks like the arm of a teen or pre-teen. Who is in that well? A new character, or someone we have already seen before?
Image- http://wick.wikia.com/wiki/File:Wellhand.png

Oh, I really hope to make more theories! I've been so busy lately and patiently waiting for the new content, and I will admit that making theories can be stressful. I won't give up, however!

Some of my theories are very outdated, but some I am still siding with, like the twins starting the fire, maybe driving the children away and dealing with them one by one, since Caleb was maybe buried alive and Benny wandered in the forest praying for survival... but did the twins actually do that to them, or was it someone else?
I also believe Tim made the masks for himself and Tom, since he even asks "do you think he'll like it, mama?". What a good brother sweet, creepy Tim is ;)

I also just found out about the Wick Wiki, and I hope to contribute there, as well, though wiki's are sort of confusing to me so I'll be posting my main theories in this discussion and sharing them on the wiki. Stay tuned!
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 5 Mar 2016 @ 11:17
42. It is confirmed that you never hear the main character speak in the beginning scene when the kids go out into the forest.

43. In a "game designer" commentary video, it is said that there is a character that "you know is there, but he hasn't been found". This is mentioned near the noose and chair... Which character hung themselves? Was it John Weaver, or someone entirely different? Or is this phenomena unrelated to the absent character?

44. The shovel apparently "ties into the lure", I assume quite well because of how it's a favorite.

45. Most of the kids have 3 collectibales, some of them have 2, and then there are two other characters that have only 1 collectibale. Now it sort of makes sense that the gas mask wouldn't belong to Tim; it most likely belongs to John Weaver, who took part in the war. Are these two other characters the parents, since one of the collectibales belongs to John?
46. Talking more about collectibles(I've been spelling it wrong all along oh gosh)...

I think the rattle and leg brace were most definitely for Tom (maybe I'm just being biased). Leg brace for polio, and a baby rattle with a baby SCREAMING their head off and a man shouting "what's wrong with him". First, you know the baby is a boy (hint to Tom). Crying baby sounds (hint to Tom, as a young child would most likely be screaming in pain from polio). Confused father? (John was in the war, so what if he didn't exactly KNOW what was going on with Tom because he was away at war when Tom and Tim were born?)

I still don't know if Tim and Tom are apart of the Weaver family, though; they wear VERY different clothing than Benny, Caleb, and Lillian; they look rich instead of how the Weaver children are dressed. And it's hinted at that Tim and Tom vanished before the Weavers', since Benny thought they were "stolen in their sleep by the devil". Benny never even said any names, so he most likely didn't KNOW Tim and Tom well? They were just acquaintances? But they took a picture together, so they obviously knew each other at least a little, right?

47. Since the gas mask most likely belongs to John, I can assume the lantern belongs to Mary. I mean, Lillian even says "your house is on fire and your children are gone." She's most likely directing that sentence at Mary.

48. Again about Caleb's shovel. Talking to other theorists is such a relief, because I know I'm not the only one and there are more ideas to share. Well, the shovel.

You hear someone running, I'm assuming Caleb. Then you hear the sound of something dropping (a body?), and heavy panting as you hear digging. After a while of digging, the panting eventually... stops.

The digging isn't very rapid, and since the children are more on the younger side, it's strange how one of them would be able to dig at all.. And the shovel itself is broken once you find it, but how would you be able to BREAK a shovel in half? A strong force would have had to have done that.

So who was running, and who was digging? I think the panting eventually stops because dirt is being flung over whoever is panting, and maybe Caleb, the one being buried, had no time to scream because he was covered in dirt. His DESIGN even hints towards being buried or mummified, and his tactic: digging.

The shovel is a "vintage farm shovel". Well, since the Weavers owned the "homestead", it makes sense that there would be a shovel on a farm. But how would Tim or Tom, who I assume buried Caleb alive, get a shovel from the farm? Well, only if they had been there a while earlier, maybe setting the homestead ablaze, of course.

How did it break? Maybe Tim and Tom were digging too hard. Maybe Caleb fought back in blind panic? Or was Caleb the one digging, and did HE bury someone? Or am I just rambling nonsense that makes no sense?

Anyways. Main points are 1. Tim or Tom, or both, are chasing Caleb after setting the homestead on fire. Caleb falls or is pushed, and then the twins start to bury him alive. Caleb is panting in terror and is too afraid to scream, and before he actually can, the dirt is now covering him, silencing him.

There are some great theories on the well in the forums section on the wiki.
I recommend you folks on Steam to go check out the wiki to see other theories, since some of mine can actually be found there in comments. It's such a fun place with kind people :)
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 6 Mar 2016 @ 7:52
49. It's confirmed that the children WERE wearing masks in the old photo, the time being a "special time of the year" which I assume is Halloween.

50. There will hopefully be more content added to Wick even after the upcoming DLC. So exciting!!

51. Several other theorists and I have discussed if perhaps John was the one to murder the children, not the twins. Good points such as John suffering from PTSD, or any other disorder from experiencing the hell of war inforce this idea.

John is a hidden character, and I'm pretty certain now that he is the "absent character" that has been mentioned. Also, since it's hinted at that he was badly wounded in battle, he would have the "bandages" that Tim talks about. It was also stated that a new character with those bandages would appear in the upcoming content. So, John may have possibly killed his family due to disorders, maybe including Tim and Tom?

There's much more theories on the wiki about this in "recent blog posts". I don't want to take other peoples' ideas and paste them in my own discussion, so go give the original people who sparked this theory feedback! Of course I'll share some of it here, because I have my own ideas to add, and specific things I want to share on Steam that some of you might not get to see on the wiki.

52. Since I love the idea of protective Tim so much, have yet another theory on the twins. Since newspapers can lie, Tim and Tom COULD possibly be apart of the Weaver family. I first assumed that the Weaver children and the twins hated each other because of me being biased about the twins setting the building ablaze, but once I let in other ideas, more theories sparked.

IF Tim and Tom were apart of the Weaver family, the newspaper might not have mentioned them because they were hidden away. Tom most likely had polio, and couldn't do much, let alone go out to town with the rest of the family, go to church, play around outside like a normal child; he was crippled and probably in pain. It would be difficult for him to get around. And, since Mary, Benny, Caleb, and Lillian were frequent churchgoers, more known to locals, Mary could have been embarrassed to show her deformed son to the public and kept him shut away. With Tom being forced indoors, Tim could have stayed with him to keep him company. He may have refused to leave his brother's side, which resulted in Tim also being hidden away.

What still doesn't make sense is how they have different clothing. Were they sent away to some special place, maybe? I don't understand why a family would send only two of their children away or give them fancy clothing, unless it had something to do with Tom's polio. And, Benny didn't even mention the names of the "twins who were stolen". Either he didn't know them well enough to get their names, or was too frightened about what could have possibly happened to them.

Offically 50 theories/information on the game!! It's great making them, and I hope you like reading them, too. Feel free to share your theories and feedback with me on the wiki.

If you haven't noticed I'll also be sharing some dev quotes confirming things in the game, so if you missed them or can't find them, you can check here :)
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 10 Mar 2016 @ 15:36
53. John could have most likely developed PTSD, and when he returned home to his family, he was probably very crippled. The area they lived in even came up with rumors that he had been injured in war, which lead to him not being seen outside the home at all by locals.

John could have freaked out somehow, and lit the home on fire, resulting in Mary being burnt alive. The children most likely managed to escape the fire, where each experienced their deaths that are still being figured out.

-Benny wandering around with his cross, praying for survival, and perhaps was ambushed by John, or died from exhaustion or cold (keep in mind that they do live up in the mountains). You never heard any struggling from him, if that WAS his voice while you listen to the cross's audio clip.

-Caleb was probably buried alive, since his attack is digging after you AND he has a shovel as a collectible. You probably hear him breathing heavily in the audio since the voice sounds quite young. He could have been running as fast as he could, and either tripped or was knocked to the ground by John, and then buried alive. However, I assume he may have been one of the tougher ones to kill since he was so athletic.

-Lillian; I haven't really found a good theory I really like on how she may have died. Since babies most likely already are connected to the well, I'm not sure if I should try connecting Lillian to it, as well. Since you find one of her collectibles by the well and the bucket, another one of her collectibles, is USED for a well, it's easy to know that they are probably connected somehow. Lillian may have fallen into the well, perhaps hit her head and died, and John placed the boards over it to keep her inside. But who's the "Jack" that Lillian speaks of in the bucket's audio clip? Apparently Jack fell down and broke his crown (hits his head?) and Jill comes tumbling after. I'm pretty sure that Jill is Lillian, but who's Jack?
Or did Lillian die some other way, like getting her head smashed on a rock?

-Tim and Tom... well. I can imagine Tim trying to protect Tom from John, and fails to do so, which results in their deaths. Still not very sure about their deaths, since it's said they were "stolen in their sleep by the devil", and Benny already knew about this before his death. So I'm not sure if John killed the twins, and if he did he probably did before he killed the other 3 kids; the twins deaths could have been a secret that only Benny found out.

After killing the children, John could have hung himself with the noose in the shed after realizing what he had done. So, there we have a reason for why there's a noose in a game with children as the antagonists.

54. You can easily notice that there are only 5 graves in the game, with the 6th being you.
It was confirmed that there were only graves because belongings of the missing children were buried in the place of human remains, which the police/locals hadn't found. Then, there's Mary and John, who's bodies were found at the home. All together, the 3 children (Benny, Caleb, and Lillian), and John and Mary equal a total of 5. There are only 5 graves.

This makes me wonder even MORE if Tim and Tom were ever actually apart of the Weaver family at all. If they had been kept hidden away, most likely inside the house, they could have died along with Mary, and the police would have found them. Why don't the twins get graves like the parents and other 3 children? Were they that despised by locals to not even get a proper burial?

Maybe if they went missing like the other children, the locals wouldn't think of them since they would have been hidden away and never even be known by others. So maybe they WERE also killed by John, but no one even knew?

Or were they never even there? Since they have different clothing choices from the Weaver children, it would be odd if they belonged in the same family; who gives only two of their children fancy clothes? Or maybe they were sent to some special school/organization that gave them those clothes?

It's also hinted at that the twins disappeared BEFORE Benny, Caleb, and Lillian, and were still never mentioned at all by locals. There's no evidence of them being stolen during the night, only Benny preaching about it. Or did John and Mary kill the twins secretly because of the embarrassment of having a disfigured child, and Tim tried to protect his brother? Or was John just the bad guy?
You can see other theories about Benny's preaching and other possible clues that would prove that maybe the twins don't belong in the Weaver family, above.

55. I'm not sure if I mentioned anything about this in other theories, but here it is.
If you look at the old photo, you can clearly see that Caleb looks a lot bigger and stronger than Tim and Tom. It could just be the angle, but Caleb looks strong, and maybe even a little muscular.
He was an athlete, which would give him his strong appearance, but he's only NINE years old, whereas Tim and Tom are thought to be pre-teens. If the twins were older than Caleb, wouldn't they be taller and healthier-looking?

That's the thing. Children who are born prematurely often are smaller and have more of a risk of getting ill. Twins are usually born prematurely, so that would explain why they would be smaller than Caleb. Here is an article with some more information on twins and premature birth- http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/my-baby/twins-multiples/delivering-twins/

So Tim and Tom are smaller and weaker, I'm guessing. Tom most likely had polio, and the two of them probably had a greater risk of getting ill, which is why Tom might have ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it more easily than other children. Tom also could have been even weaker than Tim, which is why Tim seems healthier and polio-free.

AND, both Tim and Tom make some wheezing/growling noises when they are near you. Tim huffs, pants, and growls, and Tom makes... whatever you call those sounds. Keep in mind that the lungs and liver are some of the last organs to actually develop, and the twins could have been premature, so those organs wouldn't have fully developed. This could be proof as to why they breathe so funny; they could have had asthma, or other breathing problems.

So basically, Caleb was a normal sized 9 year old while Tim and Tom were itty bitty and sick-ish?

Also know that twins were usually frowned upon, and even feared. That could be a reason as to why they may have possibly been hidden from locals.

56. If John didn't kill the kids, then I assume Tim and Tom would have. They could have ignited the building, and killed the kids in the ways I've mentioned above; ambushing/stalking, burying them alive, throwing them down wells, etc...
But since Caleb was so much stronger than Tim and Tom, it wouldn't seem easy for the two small twins to take him down, along with Tom having polio which is a disadvantage. Somehow, in some way, those kids died, or went missing, and the culprit is yet to be found out...

I'm very excited for the upcoming DLC! Anyday now, folks! I'm excited to see what this new perspective will be, and how far back we will go into the Wick timeline...

By the way, it was confirmed that you will be able to play the "expansion night" if you've completed up to 2:00 AM!
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 23 Mar 2016 @ 13:43
57. If John had been hung in the shed, or perhaps killed one of the children in there, it would make sense as to why the shed is the background image for the menu screen. It could be hinting at that the shed is very important, and that perhaps the murderer is connected to it.

58. On the wiki, we were shown an image of two hands holding a candle, standing in front of what looks like a pumpkin. AND these hands also look a lot smaller than Sam's, the original playable character. Could this character be a different person? And why is there what looks like a pumpkin? I'm starting to wonder if this new "perspective" that we will play in is actually on Halloween night. That would make sense as to why Lillian looks creepier and sort of like how she looked in the old photo. There's some sort of connection to Halloween night, I'm sure.
Picture- http://wick.wikia.com/wiki/File:Spooptastic.jpg

59. What if instead of John hanging himself, Tim or Tom killed him? They were most likely dead before John died, perhaps having been killed by him earlier on. They probably wouldn't have been able to kill their father alive, since they were most likely weak and too small... though John was injured, which would be an advantage to them. Maybe as spirits they killed John for killing the other children, in the shed in which the noose was found. Maybe they made it look like a suicide, hanging him.
En son ottermeal tarafından düzenlendi; 16 Nis 2016 @ 11:16
From what I can deduce after playing the game and discovering all the collectibles and everything in both the game and the DLC :
-Benny is the oldest child in the Weaver family,so maybe after the Weavers had Benny,John went to war.
-It is hinted many times that Mary is `evil` and had sinned.I think while John was away she was seduced by the devil (the game is obvious about the supernatural forces) and she got pregnant with twins (hence the affair theory TBubber had) ,so that may be the reason why they say in the newspaper that the family that died in the fire had only 3 children.
-The moment John was scarred in battle and got disfigured is the same moment the twins were born (John`s disfigurement is parallel to Tim`s polio).He got home and found 2 new children,which weren`t his (Benny is 14,the twins are around 11) and ,as he was a very religious person,he blamed her for this sin and called the town`s priest to `relieve` her from the sins.
-Mary was possesed by the devil and the priest performed an exorcism;you can hear a demon roaring when listening to one of the journal pages,as if it got out of Mary.The demon got out and was displeased.It continued haunting the Weaver family because he sought it`s revenge (on a journal note,John warned Caleb that there are dangerous things in the woods and that he shall not venture there + the children`s bodies were never found because they were claimed by this demon).
-Tom was constantly bullied,the only one who truly loved him was Tim(the masks and the knife alludes to this);he was even called a changeling by the pastor because he was sick and had polio.Maybe they were kept and raised in the shed ,and that`s why we can see the shed on the main menu.
-The kids grew sick and tired because their mother never talked to them,as she was constantly sitting by the window and waiting for something (she made a pact with that demon and she knew it would come for her to take her part of the bargain).
-The church and the father despised the twins and ostracized them.I think they were the first to die.
-Lillian was schizophrenic and had an imaginary friend (she killed a rabbit and took it`s skull to make the honey-bunny plush).The only living person interacting with her was Caleb,as stated in that poem.
-The night of the fire incident,Mary went to look for her children,fearing the devil took them,and when she returned home she went to the shed to leave her lamp there and found her husband hanged.When you get the lamp you can hear Lillian saying a nursery rhyme about a house burning,so she saw the fire in the house and she hurried there because she tought her children were in the house (her ghost is sobbing by the house because she never found them) ,but she died in the fire.
-Now there are two possibilities about who started the fire:Lillian or Tim.
-(1) The twins are the first to die.If Lillian is the one who started the fire,maybe the twins were coming home,and when they saw the house going down ,Tim tried to approach it,but he has asthma or other respiratory problems and inhaled the CO in the air,thus killing him.Tom was scared because he was alone now and tried to get help from outside and while he crossed the bridge ,he fell from it and died.
-(2) If Tim set the fire,maybe he suggested to Tom to climb the water tower (the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme).Tom climbed higher ,but he suffered so much from his polio that he fell.Tim was lower and tried to catch Tom from falling ,only for him to fall too (maybe he fell on his back,which aggravated his asthma and led to his death shortly after) :
(a) They climbed the tower because they didn`t want to be caught by police or they wanted to see the fire from somewhere high.
(b) They saw the devil in the fire and tried to run away and tried to climb the tower in an attempt to get away.Or they wanted to somehow get water to extinguish the fire.
(c) Or,if (1) is true,and Tim died from asphyxia,Tom is the one who saw the devil and tried to get out of the settlement and the woods,and he tried to cross the bridge.The devil either caught up to him and mauled him while he was on the edge,and fell and broke only his neck,or he just fell from the bridge while escaping.
-Now,on their own,and without the medium (Mary) who kept the demon at bay for a while,the children sought to hide from it,but he hunted all of them down and took their souls and bodies,and that is the reason the police never discovered their bodies.They became vengeful spirits afterwards.
-Done with the twins deaths,the next one to die is Caleb.I don`t know if he got shovelled in the back of his head,or if he died because he buried himself and never succeded in getting out,but the obvious thing,he ran from something,he ran from the demon.After he died,Lillian found his corpse and bandaged it and that`s why he looks so mummified.She didn`t understand the notion of dying due to her mental illness and tought that he is just sick.
-And she went to find honey bunny to ask what should she do to help Caleb.She found honey-bunny on the edge of the well,but a hand (demon`s hand) grabbed it and dragged him in the well.She wanted to get it,but she got dragged as well,and she died from drowning.Or she went to the well to fetch water to extinguish the house fire (that`s the case for Tim starting the incident).
-Benny is the last one to die.I think he died on the campsite.He somehow lighted the campfire to get warm and curled up to it and went to sleep,but he never woke up because the campfire surely went out,and,ironically speaking,the devil surely took him in his sleep ,like he said about the twins,only this time taking him in his sleep literally mean killing him.He has the most intact body because he was the most religious out of the whole family members and he somehow managed to ward off the demon lurking in the woods (maybe his bible and cross protected him),but he couldn`t do so in his sleep too.But nonetheles ,the demon couldn`t lay a scratch on his body like it did to the other children.
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