Planet Diver
Fabraz  [developer] Jan 13, 2016 @ 4:01pm
What do you want to see in patch 1.2?
We did a similar thread for the 1.1 patch and got lots of great suggestions! We actually implemented a good chunk of them too!

So, in our quest to continuously support and update Planet Diver, what else would you like to see in the next major patch?

Here's what we're considering:
  • Story missions for the black hole mode.
  • Power up items that give you temporary abilities if you collect them in a dive.
We can't guarantee that these will actually make it in the next patch.

But we're curious to see what else you guys can come up with!
Last edited by Fabraz; Jan 13, 2016 @ 4:04pm
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Revenger210 Jan 14, 2016 @ 6:34pm 
I'm definitely down for the story missions on the black hole mode! Also, I feel the black hole should be unlockable the moment you finish Loki; right now, it's accessible right from the get go, I feel it should be a reward instead of readily available.

Also, as I mentioned in another thread, can we have the option to listen to the old radio songs in the pre 1.1 version if possible? I like those old timey songs, they fit with Diver's personality imo, they're pretty fun to listen to as well :)

Other than that, the power up system feels... idk, I kinda like the game as is and idk what the power ups would do, so I can't really say anything on the matter.
Revenger210 Jan 14, 2016 @ 6:40pm 
Oh, also, maybe we could have a couple new suits, or the existing suits to be less cosmetic, aka choosing a different suit give different bonuses, like with how choosing a different buddy mod changes your playstyle. That'll be a pretty cool thing to see)
Rowtan Jan 26, 2016 @ 11:58am 
+1 to everything Revenger210 said, and I don't feel powerups would help that much, i.e you've already got speed boosts, slow downs, invulnerability, the effects buddy's mods do, etc, they already feel like powerups in themselves, what else do you guys have in mind?

My input: If it's not just me please make the Spider Queen come out faster, maybe shave off 10-15 seconds (or more, sorry I didn't time how long it takes) because imo it feels like ages before it reaches the foreground.
And gameplay wise maybe a bonus mod (or spacesuit) that rewards careful playing (e.g you lose speed level 2+3 or lose the dash ability but you're generating a bomb that goes off the entire screen when you brake, or to make it riskier, when you hit the wall etc etc).
Last edited by Rowtan; Jan 26, 2016 @ 12:09pm
Revenger210 Jan 26, 2016 @ 1:44pm 
I remember the first time I played the level with the Spider Queen, she took her time to spawn. Maybe it should be set for her to spawn after you've descended 500 m or a bit more.
mah boi Jan 27, 2016 @ 10:44am 
I just unlocked the overdrive mod, and I think it could use a nerf. It makes you invincible against everything but walls, and ensures you always get x3 star stuff.
mah boi Jan 27, 2016 @ 9:30pm 
Actually, I take that back. Loki has a bunch of things that make overdrive less useful.
"What do you want to see in patch 1.2?" - Maybe worthwhile controls with usable controller support.

Sorry, but its crap now. Its like an electronic game from the '80s. A cheaper one... Terrible. I like the music, the graph, but with this rugged controls its unplayable for me. I want to move to a direction till I hold down the key / push the controller and stop when release it. Like in any other game alike.
Fabraz  [developer] Mar 8, 2016 @ 1:41pm 
Thanks for your input and thoughts on the power ups, everyone! We will take them into consideration for the next patch.

We also think we could come up with some nifty black hole missions. In fact... We already are! ;)

I hear ya, the Queenie needs to toughen up and show her face quicker.

Sorry to hear you're not enjoying the controls! The lane based horizontal movement system is, however, fully intentional, even if it is not to your personal liking.

The game is precisely about feeling like an arcade title. It requires twitch like reflexes and the lane based system makes sure that you know exactly in what position Diver and the incoming obstacles are at. It also induces panic when you've miscalculated your route!

Revenger210 Mar 8, 2016 @ 1:43pm 
Sweet! Will be fun to see what the Diver will put herself and Buddy through XD

Any chance on having an option to have the old jazzy music back though? That's really my #1 request XD
Fabraz  [developer] Mar 8, 2016 @ 1:50pm 
Unfortunately, for various specific reasons, they will not. Sorry!
Revenger210 Mar 8, 2016 @ 2:09pm 
aw :c
that's a tad sad - I do wonder if it was copyright related or sth, but I won't be asking about it ^^;

oh well, still looking forward to all the other updates! :D Good luck! When shall we expect the update to occur btw, do you have a date on when it might arrive? :)
Fabraz: I have no problem with the arcade feeling or with the the lane based system. This is the way this game works. But hitting a button x times under a second continually in the whole game is absolutely unnecessary, frustrating and weary when it could work without that perfectly.

Keep the hitch movement of the diver, then it will be still obvious which is the actual lane. Make an option for it in the setup menu, so who likes it this way can keep it, who isnt, can change it. Its really just a few minutes of work for a programmer.

Pobably even myself would be able to make a script in a 3rd party keyboard scripting tool like AutoHotkey. But... please.
Last edited by Special Slow-Reaction Unit; Mar 8, 2016 @ 11:07pm
majik Mar 30, 2016 @ 11:36am 
+1 for the Black hole story missions, also a few more songs wouldn't go amiss (so many mods to buy but so few musics, and they're great at that !) and more comic pages here and there would be really nice. The art is great in this game, I'd like to see more of it.
Also how about daily runs with randomized maps and leaderboards (a la Velocity 2x or Race the Sun) ?
Little Bird May 7, 2016 @ 2:50am 
Im fine with lane based movement, but I think its a bit annoying to have to press a key each time to change lanes. Would it be possible to be able to hold down a key to change multiple lanes?
sorry for the late reply
Originally posted by Dan the Irony Man:
Im fine with lane based movement, but I think its a bit annoying to have to press a key each time to change lanes. Would it be possible to be able to hold down a key to change multiple lanes?
sorry for the late reply

That is exactly what I asked for 2 months ago and the answer was No. Cuz make an alternative control variation for those who feel this one is crap must be something very terrible stuff...
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