Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

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Gokuzu Apr 14, 2016 @ 11:47am
What about optimization?
How many fps do you have with the recommended spec (Nvidia GTX 770)?
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Showing 1-15 of 152 comments
Shen Apr 14, 2016 @ 11:48am 
Im getting poor performance on a Titan X. Under 50 fps at max settings and certain points. So there's that.
ko Apr 14, 2016 @ 11:53am 
This game ran utterly terribly on PS4 when I played it. So they can't even optimize for a single platform with fixed hardware.
Last edited by ko; Apr 15, 2016 @ 2:19am
Gokuzu Apr 14, 2016 @ 11:55am 
Wow. The GTX 770 are the recommended spec and everyone, when we see that, think that it's to play it on medium 60fps / high 30fps.

Let's see if more people explain his experience.
Shen Apr 14, 2016 @ 11:56am 
I just tried the Crysis 3 sli bits and they seem to work a bit better-- getting some improvement-- but a bit of stutter now as well. As of now this game is not optimized.
I've got an aging 660 GTX and can barely get above 15FPS with all of the settings turned down to low. :c
tonesims Apr 14, 2016 @ 12:02pm 
I tried it this morning. Getting 40fps at 1080 with 980ti. 45fps at 1440p. When I started moving fps was all over the place (35 -80). Got a refund. I'm not interested in trying to wrestle with optimization and lowering setings for a walking simulator.
Last edited by tonesims; Apr 14, 2016 @ 12:02pm
Shen Apr 14, 2016 @ 12:06pm 
100 percent agree. I'm pretty bummed as this game does look beautiful and is very good. But the lack of optimization seals the deal fo rme. I'll play it on PS4.
Misterfooks Apr 14, 2016 @ 12:14pm 
Hi all,

During development, we ran extensive compatibility testing to establish minimum & recommended specs (and to make sure the game ran as smoothly as possible on as many configs as possible).

The results of said testing showed that the game ran at an average of 55-60FPS on "Medium" settings on the recommended hardware. Obviously, everyone's hardware is different and results will vary.

One thing to try if you're running the game on "Very High" is to go to the Advanced graphical options and lower the "Object Details" from "Very High" to "High" - it is by far the most demanding setting in CryEngine.
Rush Apr 14, 2016 @ 12:16pm 
Originally posted by A Victim of Stars:
I've got an aging 660 GTX and can barely get above 15FPS with all of the settings turned down to low. :c
Seriously? Is it really that bad?
I see a nice gain in frames and stability running in windowed mode, but it doesn't appear to support borderless windowed mode. I'm gonna try running it via Borderless Gaming to see how nicely it plays with Rapture.

Originally posted by Misterfooks:
Hi all,

During development, we ran extensive compatibility testing to establish minimum & recommended specs (and to make sure the game ran as smoothly as possible on as many configs as possible).

The results of said testing showed that the game ran at an average of 55-60FPS on "Medium" settings on the recommended hardware. Obviously, everyone's hardware is different and results will vary.

One thing to try if you're running the game on "Very High" is to go to the Advanced graphical options and lower the "Object Details" from "Very High" to "High" - it is by far the most demanding setting in CryEngine.

I'm aware that my card is only a notch above minimum spec, but it's still a bit frustrating when I can barely hold 30FPS while pushing everything as low as your settings allow.

EDIT: Perhaps you could look into more granular controls for tweaking on systems? Despite my settings lowering, fog and lighting appear to be some of the more intense effects still in use. Might poke around in any ini files to manually tweak, but having more options available for users straight from the menu would be very welcomed!
Last edited by a victim of stars #legdebt; Apr 14, 2016 @ 12:28pm
Gokuzu Apr 14, 2016 @ 12:29pm 
A friend of mine is playing it with a GTX 770 in windowed mode / 800x600 / LOW. He's getting 20~30 fps. Sooooo bad guys. I'm so sad because I like this kind of games.
Misterfooks Apr 14, 2016 @ 12:37pm 
We're very surprised to hear about the kind of performance some of you are reporting...

That might sound obvious to most of you, but probably worth saying anyway: please make sure your graphics driver are up-to-date.

Originally posted by A Victim of Stars:
Perhaps you could look into more granular controls for tweaking on systems? Despite my settings lowering, fog and lighting appear to be some of the more intense effects still in use. Might poke around in any ini files to manually tweak, but having more options available for users straight from the menu would be very welcomed!

Thanks for the suggestion, this is something we'll look into, along with other tweaks.
Narco Reus Apr 14, 2016 @ 12:50pm 
Sad to hear the game isn't running too well for some people. I'll launch it in a bit and see if it's fine for me.

Definite refund if it isn't. I'm a huge fan of Dear Esther, but not big enough to put up with terrible performance, especially after the neglect they've shown PC gamers with this title.

Though, in fairness, they might have been too busy counting their Sony cash to have spent time optimising this game.
Misterfooks Apr 14, 2016 @ 1:02pm 
Now is as good a time as any to remind you of the rules of conduct on Steam forums:
NeoRaider Apr 14, 2016 @ 1:04pm 
Originally posted by we want DENUVO:
They got paid to ♥♥♥♥ up the pc port by Sony and they did it

You should be thankful that they released game on Steam. This post is just unnecessary.

Delete it and grow up.
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Date Posted: Apr 14, 2016 @ 11:47am
Posts: 152