Cargo! - The quest for gravity

Cargo! - The quest for gravity

White Spirit 2013년 10월 9일 오전 9시 42분
The game is mostly ok, however I suspect that the devs simpy dropped its support after release and did not fix anything, since I am getting the same bugs that were on release.

Currently I encountered 3 major bugs, 2 of which could potentially prevent people from completing the game:

1) If you try to enter a 1st volcano in any vehicle with wheels, the game will immediately crash. Every time.

2) When you try to restart the Eggplant, and already dropped the train with colour canisters early on, the game will still tell you to look in the stratosphere for something heavy to drop. I spent 2 hour trying to figure out what is wrong, and only in walkthrough found out that you need to find 2 missing canisters with proper colours and drop the into the Eggplant. The game did not tell me this.

3) One of the canisters visually changes colour after you try to use it as a vehicle base.
Again, if you don't know that, you could be potentially looking for a canister with a colour which you will never find. For example, now I have 2 green canisters. One of which is supposed to be yellow.
White Spirit 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 10월 9일 오전 9시 45분
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3개 댓글 중 1-3개 표시
Deandnn 2015년 4월 9일 오후 7시 37분 
[bug?] Eu não consigo completar a missão do Orgão...
simplesmente não funciona acionar as teclas 1,2,3!
Chazan 2018년 11월 1일 오후 2시 06분 
White Spirit님이 먼저 게시:
2) When you try to restart the Eggplant, and already dropped the train with colour canisters early on, the game will still tell you to look in the stratosphere for something heavy to drop. I spent 2 hour trying to figure out what is wrong, and only in walkthrough found out that you need to find 2 missing canisters with proper colours and drop the into the Eggplant. The game did not tell me this.

Thanks man, you saved my gameplay!
KAT_Editor 2019년 5월 23일 오전 7시 42분 
Meteorite can fall on ground (but you can cotrol its fall), and you cant start tournado from it.
KAT_Editor 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2019년 5월 23일 오전 7시 48분
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3개 댓글 중 1-3개 표시
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