Pay2Win: The Tricks Exposed

Pay2Win: The Tricks Exposed

Beat the game
Beat the game for spending 1400 $ and about 4 hours.
The secret is 'ultimate value'.
The game is great. You will not want to play any F2P game for a long while.
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In real world,if you want to be one of the top players in some online games,you may need to pay more than 10,000,000$.Thay are called krypton gold game players.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von kangpeng1981; 24. Dez. 2015 um 2:12
"F2P" and "P2W" are two totally different concepts. I'm still going to play Path of Exile, imo the best free to play game there is because it is not pay to win.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ☦ Glove; 30. Juni 2016 um 19:08
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