Star Nomad 2

Star Nomad 2

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Viper Sep 9, 2020 @ 10:00pm
We all should be thankful and all to halfgeek
This man is a hard worker
juggling his job and his family he has 3 kids and still is able to make time

on giving us all star nomad and star nomad 2 and all

His game has also made an appearance on the google play(oreo+) ap store which got a 4.2 star rating that is pretty good if you ask me. And on the App store for apple it only got a 3.8 not bad either. and its priced for only 7.99 that is a pretty good deal (they better be sending halfgeek a check)

I remember when steam gave the greenlight for halfgeeks game star nomad 2
dec 13 2015 was the first launch of star nomad 2

On steam though it only got 3 stars but that is steam for you. Don't let those reviews be the main reason to turn away from these games.

halfgeek - huy phan

Thank you very much for the hard work and time you have put into this game

I really wish you and your family the best and wellness

through success and failure you shall prevail my friend
Last edited by Viper; Sep 9, 2020 @ 10:03pm
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Halfgeek  [developer] Sep 9, 2020 @ 10:38pm 
Thank you for the kind words. I only wished I had made an even better game with Nomads of the Fallen Star... but yeah, 2 small kids, then a new baby, it was rough on my ability to focus working from home. :)

It's better now, little one is 2.5yrs old and things are easier.

Working on Star Nomad 3. Procedural galaxy generation a-ok.

Stay safe my friend, 2020 been a funny year.
Last edited by Halfgeek; Sep 9, 2020 @ 10:39pm
Viper Sep 9, 2020 @ 10:47pm 
Ah you did fine the game might not be a master piece but you know what?

at least you put in heart and effort in right?

That is what counts and from a guy who worked for westwood studio's

I can honestly say you did pretty darn good.

you can always make a new star nomad 3 and turn it into a space balls squeal

where the evil spaceball empire is trying to take air from all the planets..

and the transporter always never works either

nomads of the fallen star even if it wasn't that good of a game at least you put effort into it

and learned that you could much better.

don't let that hold you back just keep moving forward and keep reaching for your goals

So when does the invasion army plan you got for the family begin?

Last edited by Viper; Sep 13, 2020 @ 6:36pm
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