Outlast 2
Is the game good or bad?
I bought this game 3 days ago. I just finished it and like most of ya guys, I wanted to express my opinion. For all those punks that find things wrong with the game, and for the fellow lads that support the hard work behind this game, listen : "The graphics suck, corpses look like 90s game" - I played the game with 550 ti, pentium g840, 4 gb of ram, minimum settings, 1920x1080, yet most of the time I was playing with 60+ fps, yet the game still looked amazing.
"The story was not good, I couldn't understand anything" - If you think that having everything on a plate is entertaining, you are either a spoiled dude or just need to learn to think. If you put some effort, you will find a lot, I repeat, a lot of explanation through the whole game, do some research if you want. That is what I actually want in a game, it has to make you think, at least a little.
"It was not as scary as expected, the first game and its DLC were better at that" - Yeah, maybe do not watch the entire gameplay before you play the game, what the ♥♥♥♥ is wrong with you?! Outlast 1 put constant pressure at you and that is why it is scary even if you know what is going to happen. Outast 2 is all about psychological torture for the main character which can be felt by the players itself. You still feel scared, you just have to think now, which makes you feel a different way, so, please, do not compare both the games as they are both really really good and different.
"The ending is trash, why would you make such an ending? - This is the best survival-horror game ending I have ever seen, to be honest I want Outlast 2 to have DLC just for me to play more, not to understand more things about the story and especially - the ending. It made you feel wondering if Blake has really lost it or everything is true. It was epic, it was emotional as well, which I find really good.
Here are some pros of the game :
1. It is very well optimised - Even though my PC is weak for today's standarts, I was able to play the game at 60 fps, let's don't forget that the graphics in my opinion are great. Also, let's don't forget that the game was just released and is not really patched yet so it is expected not to be optimised, yet - it is.
2. The voice acting is amazing in my opinion. The fact that the main character is talking this time, really makes you feel and understand a lot more and it is just more realistic.
3. The sounds are nice, the music is perfect for this setting.
4. The idea of the whole story, the cults - just amazing IMO.
5. The death animations are cool.
6. I just look at the main menu and I already know that this is going to be a good game.
7. The constant change between the school and the desert made you feel like you are playing two different games of the same kind. Not expected, but the school areas are really scary, for me, they are even scarier that the main setting - the desert. The being-able-to-watch-your-records function is amazing and just that option of looking at your batteries ; bandages is awesome IMO.
8. We are actually healing ourselves now.
9. Being able to prone just made the game really really different IMO and the fact that enemies can chase you the same way just changed a lot.
10. The microphone - helps a lot, makes things scarier as well.
11. It is not an Outlast game if the main character is not being tortured -the scene was well executed.
12. Not unlimited running option is not really something bad, it puts more tension and Idk why but I really like the way Blake accelerates when running.
13. The blood of the rain and the showers actually make your clothes bloody - a tiny detail I payed attention to.
14. The slide animations are really good, not glitchy, another tiny detail.
15. The not-so-quick-time events, more like jumpscares that force you to do something are really scary, detailed and cool, and they are often experienced.
16. The lighting is amazing.
17. The enemies' behavior is really different and not so easy to troll now.
18. IMO the scripted scenes where Blake fights back are just badass, people, you have to admit it.
19. Now, this is just not very serious, but have a look at the after-crash scene, when Blake notices the body of the pilot, the "That.. did not happen in the crash" line. Just amazing voice acting for another time.
20. The game is actually connected to the last one and its DLC via small details and huge things that define the whole story.
There are even more pros of the game, I am just tired :*
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sigma Male Brendo; 2 พ.ค. 2017 @ 2: 08pm
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กำลังแสดง 1-10 จาก 10 ความเห็น
I have literally just finished the game (I don't have it on Steam) but I am torn.

I couldn't stop playing the game, something about it just made me wanna play it, literally minutes after I would exit the game to have a break from it. HOWEVER - I personally didn't really enjoy the game overall.

It started off scary but then just seemed to simmer off and become more of a run away simulator - I never felt terrified. If they had removed the option to sprint, maybe as a result of the crash Blake injures his leg so is unable to sprint.

The story was just.. ummmm WHAT??!!? I am not one for reading all the notes etc in games so maybe this one is on me, but I read about the reason they were all crazy is because of a mind control device in the mountain - I got that from Wiki, not the game because it was written on a random note....

The flashbacks were very scary - those sections were the only times I would actually jump and have a sense of fear.

The school story line with Jessica was messed up.

Performance wise - spot on. The game ran like an absolute dream and installed on my SSD the MANY MANY MANY times I died, I was right back into the game thanks to super short load times.

Controls - hmmmm. I'm gonna be honest, I play games like this with a gamepad as I can control the speed of the character a lot easier. On keyboard you have a choice of press W to go forward or press W to go foward. With a gamepad you are able to have more control of the movement speed with small pushes on the stick.

You mention about Blake fighing back. I honestly thought he was a complete ♥♥♥♥♥. Okay, it says at the start he is not a fighter, but cmon - really!! You look at some of the enemies he encounters and you know for a fact they would fall down if as much as a fart hit them head on.

Anyway, I'm not saying you are wrong on any of your points, just felt like adding my opinion
I was talking about the scripted fight backs, like when he kicked Martha when she tried to catch him, but after all, Outlast is not a fighting game so the run-hide-or-die theme is fine by me. Yeah, it felt not so scary sometimes, but I was really really nervous trying to get through a to c while b is waiting in the middle and the b in this case is an enemy. And this goes for the desert. The school part was next level scary ♥♥♥♥. Really well executed IMO, really.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
I bought this game 3 days ago. I just finished it and like most of ya guys, I wanted to express my opinion. For all those punks that find things wrong with the game, and for the fellow lads that support the hard work behind this game, listen : "The graphics suck, corpses look like 90s game" - I played the game with 550 ti, pentium g840, 4 gb of ram, minimum settings, 1920x1080, yet most of the time I was playing with 60+ fps, yet the game still looked amazing.
Wow, people really complained about the graphics of this game?
I have a lot of things to complain about but the graphics were spot on. This game looks fantastic.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
"The story was not good, I couldn't understand anything" - If you think that having everything on a plate is entertaining, you are either a spoiled dude or just need to learn to think. If you put some effort, you will find a lot, I repeat, a lot of explanation through the whole game, do some research if you want. That is what I actually want in a game, it has to make you think, at least a little.
I think the main issue here is that this wasn't the case with the first Outlast game.
On my first playthrough I didn't bother to read any note yet they still explained a lot of it via "cutscenes" and dialouges.
Here you get next to nothing if you don't read every note.
I mean, I disliked the story as well but I understood it.
People that complain about the story not being there should just focus on the game instead of just ignoring everything.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
"It was not as scary as expected, the first game and its DLC were better at that" - Yeah, maybe do not watch the entire gameplay before you play the game, what the ♥♥♥♥ is wrong with you?! Outlast 1 put constant pressure at you and that is why it is scary even if you know what is going to happen. Outast 2 is all about psychological torture for the main character which can be felt by the players itself. You still feel scared, you just have to think now, which makes you feel a different way, so, please, do not compare both the games as they are both really really good and different.
Here I have to disagree with you. Strongly.
I didn't watch a single video and this game did not scare me at all.
Well, only one or two parts in the school did but that's about it.
I think comparing those two games is actually valid here, since they are the same franchise, the same universe and have nearly the same gameplay.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
"The ending is trash, why would you make such an ending? - This is the best survival-horror game ending I have ever seen, to be honest I want Outlast 2 to have DLC just for me to play more, not to understand more things about the story and especially - the ending. It made you feel wondering if Blake has really lost it or everything is true. It was epic, it was emotional as well, which I find really good.
Again, I have to disagree here.
Best ending? What? It is pretty obvious that Blake is just insane at this point and nothing really happened.
In my opinion the ending was bad. We finally interacted with Knoth and he just kills himself. Everyone died, just like that, just because Knoth wanted them dead. Everyone is dead and Blake has gone insane.
Nah, not my type of ending.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
1. It is very well optimised - Even though my PC is weak for today's standarts, I was able to play the game at 60 fps, let's don't forget that the graphics in my opinion are great. Also, let's don't forget that the game was just released and is not really patched yet so it is expected not to be optimised, yet - it is.
Yeah, nothing to say here. It ran like a charm. Very good optimisation.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
2. The voice acting is amazing in my opinion. The fact that the main character is talking this time, really makes you feel and understand a lot more and it is just more realistic.
I agree that this is more realistic and that the voice acting was good.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
3. The sounds are nice, the music is perfect for this setting.
Again, agreed.
Sound was spot on and the music was pretty good as well.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
4. The idea of the whole story, the cults - just amazing IMO.
Have to disagree here.
The setting overall was generic again. The first Outlast already had a generic horror setting.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
5. The death animations are cool.
They were pretty annoying after dying over and over and over again but some of them looked sick, yeah.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
6. I just look at the main menu and I already know that this is going to be a good game.
That is pretty stupid to be honest.
You know it is going to be a good game because the main menu looks cool? What?

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
7. The constant change between the school and the desert made you feel like you are playing two different games of the same kind. Not expected, but the school areas are really scary, for me, they are even scarier that the main setting - the desert. The being-able-to-watch-your-records function is amazing and just that option of looking at your batteries ; bandages is awesome IMO.
I liked the school parts way more than the normal parts but in the end the constant change between those two got pretty annoying.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
8. We are actually healing ourselves now.
Yeah, that adds more to the realism and I liked that.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
9. Being able to prone just made the game really really different IMO and the fact that enemies can chase you the same way just changed a lot.
The fact that enemies would chase you even through crawlspaces was a huge surprise for me. I liked it.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
10. The microphone - helps a lot, makes things scarier as well.
Liked the idea but since the AI is so broken I never used the mic.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
11. It is not an Outlast game if the main character is not being tortured -the scene was well executed.
It was too predictable.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
12. Not unlimited running option is not really something bad, it puts more tension and Idk why but I really like the way Blake accelerates when running.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
13. The blood of the rain and the showers actually make your clothes bloody - a tiny detail I payed attention to.
Didn't pay any attention to it but little details like that are always nice to see.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
14. The slide animations are really good, not glitchy, another tiny detail.
Was pretty bugged for me. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't and sometimes it did when I didn't want him to slide.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
15. The not-so-quick-time events, more like jumpscares that force you to do something are really scary, detailed and cool, and they are often experienced.
For me those weren't scary at all.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
16. The lighting is amazing.
It was way too dark sometimes and overall most of the time you had to use your nightvision. Like, SOME dark places are fine but the vast majority of the game? Come on, I want to see those beautiful graphics and not some weird filter all the time.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
17. The enemies' behavior is really different and not so easy to troll now.
Way easier to troll now. Just run. That's it.
The best way to beat the game, keep running.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
18. IMO the scripted scenes where Blake fights back are just badass, people, you have to admit it.
He fights back? You mean those scenes where he kicks someone here and there? Not that badass. If he can kick someone he sure as hell should be able to punch someone. Come on, let us be able to fight back at least once!

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
19. Now, this is just not very serious, but have a look at the after-crash scene, when Blake notices the body of the pilot, the "That.. did not happen in the crash" line. Just amazing voice acting for another time.
We already had voice acting.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
20. The game is actually connected to the last one and its DLC via small details and huge things that define the whole story.
Yeah, but there isn't a big connection. Just the same company from the first game obviously doing bad stuff again. Boring.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
There are even more pros of the game, I am just tired :*
Was a good list but it was missing some negative points as well.
Come on, no game is perfect and without feedback the next game is going to be the exact same thing.
There is no way you loved everything, there has to be at least one thing you disliked.
Of course there are things I would prefer not to see in this game, but I see a lot of guys, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about this and that and most of them were listing only the cons of the game, so, I decided to do the same thing but with the pros of the game. I found it scary even though I watched the whole gameplay before playing it (which I still regret) and I just imagine what it would be if I had not watched it.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
I bought this game 3 days ago. I just finished it and like most of ya guys, I wanted to express my opinion. For all those punks that find things wrong with the game, and for the fellow lads that support the hard work behind this game, listen : "The graphics suck, corpses look like 90s game" - I played the game with 550 ti, pentium g840, 4 gb of ram, minimum settings, 1920x1080, yet most of the time I was playing with 60+ fps, yet the game still looked amazing.
"The story was not good, I couldn't understand anything" - If you think that having everything on a plate is entertaining, you are either a spoiled dude or just need to learn to think. If you put some effort, you will find a lot, I repeat, a lot of explanation through the whole game, do some research if you want. That is what I actually want in a game, it has to make you think, at least a little.
"It was not as scary as expected, the first game and its DLC were better at that" - Yeah, maybe do not watch the entire gameplay before you play the game, what the ♥♥♥♥ is wrong with you?! Outlast 1 put constant pressure at you and that is why it is scary even if you know what is going to happen. Outast 2 is all about psychological torture for the main character which can be felt by the players itself. You still feel scared, you just have to think now, which makes you feel a different way, so, please, do not compare both the games as they are both really really good and different.
"The ending is trash, why would you make such an ending? - This is the best survival-horror game ending I have ever seen, to be honest I want Outlast 2 to have DLC just for me to play more, not to understand more things about the story and especially - the ending. It made you feel wondering if Blake has really lost it or everything is true. It was epic, it was emotional as well, which I find really good.
Here are some pros of the game :
1. It is very well optimised - Even though my PC is weak for today's standarts, I was able to play the game at 60 fps, let's don't forget that the graphics in my opinion are great. Also, let's don't forget that the game was just released and is not really patched yet so it is expected not to be optimised, yet - it is.
2. The voice acting is amazing in my opinion. The fact that the main character is talking this time, really makes you feel and understand a lot more and it is just more realistic.
3. The sounds are nice, the music is perfect for this setting.
4. The idea of the whole story, the cults - just amazing IMO.
5. The death animations are cool.
6. I just look at the main menu and I already know that this is going to be a good game.
7. The constant change between the school and the desert made you feel like you are playing two different games of the same kind. Not expected, but the school areas are really scary, for me, they are even scarier that the main setting - the desert. The being-able-to-watch-your-records function is amazing and just that option of looking at your batteries ; bandages is awesome IMO.
8. We are actually healing ourselves now.
9. Being able to prone just made the game really really different IMO and the fact that enemies can chase you the same way just changed a lot.
10. The microphone - helps a lot, makes things scarier as well.
11. It is not an Outlast game if the main character is not being tortured -the scene was well executed.
12. Not unlimited running option is not really something bad, it puts more tension and Idk why but I really like the way Blake accelerates when running.
13. The blood of the rain and the showers actually make your clothes bloody - a tiny detail I payed attention to.
14. The slide animations are really good, not glitchy, another tiny detail.
15. The not-so-quick-time events, more like jumpscares that force you to do something are really scary, detailed and cool, and they are often experienced.
16. The lighting is amazing.
17. The enemies' behavior is really different and not so easy to troll now.
18. IMO the scripted scenes where Blake fights back are just badass, people, you have to admit it.
19. Now, this is just not very serious, but have a look at the after-crash scene, when Blake notices the body of the pilot, the "That.. did not happen in the crash" line. Just amazing voice acting for another time.
20. The game is actually connected to the last one and its DLC via small details and huge things that define the whole story.
There are even more pros of the game, I am just tired :*

Minus your insults to those who disagree... I 100% agree with you.

Outlast 2 had me on the edge of my seat and I enjoyed the whole experience and I love the ending!!! The whole story is cool in the way it presents itself. Love it, love it, love it.

I say its a beautiful game. It now stands as my favorite horror game. (And I own a lot of horror games)
Very much agreed! One thing I thought it was lacking in is how they introduced the characters. In the first game, when you first meet each character, they each had a signature line which could give you a nice idea of their personality.
"Little pig!"
"You made the right choice here, buddy."
"Don't you look at us, I love him."
You get the idea. But in this game, a lot of the lines are just bible twoddle etc. Val was the only one that had a nice line imo.
But besides few nitpicky things like that this game is definitely up there on my list of favourite horror games.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Prett; 3 พ.ค. 2017 @ 2: 17am
I saw a lot of guys complaining about this game and they were actually using offensive words against the creators and the ones that like the game as well and that is why I was a bit offensive, I apologize. And yeah, they could introduce characters better than that, I totally agree.
Jocular Josh, yes, there are in fact people that claim the graphics are bad.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Prett:
Very much agreed! One thing I thought it was lacking in is how they introduced the characters. In the first game, when you first meet each character, they each had a signature line which could give you a nice idea of their personality.
"Little pig!"
"You made the right choice here, buddy."
"Don't you look at us, I love him."
You get the idea. But in this game, a lot of the lines are just bible twoddle etc. Val was the only one that had a nice line imo.
But besides few nitpicky things like that this game is definitely up there on my list of favourite horror games.

Yeah the villain introductions in the first game were good which made them memorable. Chris Walker throwing you off the second floor, Richard Trager leading you into his trap and then torturing you., Seeing Frank Manera eating a corpse and then proceding to look at you making you think you're his next prey, the twins' first appearance saying that they were gonna kill you, and the build up to Eddie gluskin when you hear the other variants talking about how dangerous he was, just hearing him him singing in the background was spooky. The Walrider had the best build up, seeing it first kill random sodliers in that video while invisible and the random encounters with it outside and in the female ward. The villains were so good in the first 1 imo, marta was scary at first but became annoying later on, same with nick and lairde and their heat seaking arrows.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย GopnikPower:
I bought this game 3 days ago. I just finished it and like most of ya guys, I wanted to express my opinion. For all those punks that find things wrong with the game, and for the fellow lads that support the hard work behind this game, listen : "The graphics suck, corpses look like 90s game" - I played the game with 550 ti, pentium g840, 4 gb of ram, minimum settings, 1920x1080, yet most of the time I was playing with 60+ fps, yet the game still looked amazing.
"The story was not good, I couldn't understand anything" - If you think that having everything on a plate is entertaining, you are either a spoiled dude or just need to learn to think. If you put some effort, you will find a lot, I repeat, a lot of explanation through the whole game, do some research if you want. That is what I actually want in a game, it has to make you think, at least a little.
"It was not as scary as expected, the first game and its DLC were better at that" - Yeah, maybe do not watch the entire gameplay before you play the game, what the ♥♥♥♥ is wrong with you?! Outlast 1 put constant pressure at you and that is why it is scary even if you know what is going to happen. Outast 2 is all about psychological torture for the main character which can be felt by the players itself. You still feel scared, you just have to think now, which makes you feel a different way, so, please, do not compare both the games as they are both really really good and different.
"The ending is trash, why would you make such an ending? - This is the best survival-horror game ending I have ever seen, to be honest I want Outlast 2 to have DLC just for me to play more, not to understand more things about the story and especially - the ending. It made you feel wondering if Blake has really lost it or everything is true. It was epic, it was emotional as well, which I find really good.
Here are some pros of the game :
1. It is very well optimised - Even though my PC is weak for today's standarts, I was able to play the game at 60 fps, let's don't forget that the graphics in my opinion are great. Also, let's don't forget that the game was just released and is not really patched yet so it is expected not to be optimised, yet - it is.
2. The voice acting is amazing in my opinion. The fact that the main character is talking this time, really makes you feel and understand a lot more and it is just more realistic.
3. The sounds are nice, the music is perfect for this setting.
4. The idea of the whole story, the cults - just amazing IMO.
5. The death animations are cool.
6. I just look at the main menu and I already know that this is going to be a good game.
7. The constant change between the school and the desert made you feel like you are playing two different games of the same kind. Not expected, but the school areas are really scary, for me, they are even scarier that the main setting - the desert. The being-able-to-watch-your-records function is amazing and just that option of looking at your batteries ; bandages is awesome IMO.
8. We are actually healing ourselves now.
9. Being able to prone just made the game really really different IMO and the fact that enemies can chase you the same way just changed a lot.
10. The microphone - helps a lot, makes things scarier as well.
11. It is not an Outlast game if the main character is not being tortured -the scene was well executed.
12. Not unlimited running option is not really something bad, it puts more tension and Idk why but I really like the way Blake accelerates when running.
13. The blood of the rain and the showers actually make your clothes bloody - a tiny detail I payed attention to.
14. The slide animations are really good, not glitchy, another tiny detail.
15. The not-so-quick-time events, more like jumpscares that force you to do something are really scary, detailed and cool, and they are often experienced.
16. The lighting is amazing.
17. The enemies' behavior is really different and not so easy to troll now.
18. IMO the scripted scenes where Blake fights back are just badass, people, you have to admit it.
19. Now, this is just not very serious, but have a look at the after-crash scene, when Blake notices the body of the pilot, the "That.. did not happen in the crash" line. Just amazing voice acting for another time.
20. The game is actually connected to the last one and its DLC via small details and huge things that define the whole story.
There are even more pros of the game, I am just tired :*

Nicely said, and I respect your opinion. But I found this sequal to be disappointing.

The biggest issues of the game is that some of the level designs are terrible. Since the game is linear, it's frustrating on knowing where to go when in a big area getting chased to escape and move on. The enemies know where you are all the time, and they can see you even when you are sneaking. That's a big thing about Outlast, but the magic is gone in this sequal, turning it into a running simulator.

Yah there is more, but I need to leave soon.

But I'm glad you enjoyed the game. We all have opinions, and I respect yours.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Steel; 3 พ.ค. 2017 @ 5: 56am
I respect your opinions as well and you actually think what I do think as well. Yes, it is true that sometimes it feels like the enemies have constant vision on you but I have encountered this just once and after all this game was just released, they can patch all this.
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กำลังแสดง 1-10 จาก 10 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 2 พ.ค. 2017 @ 2: 04pm
โพสต์: 10