Life is Hard

Life is Hard

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Just some suggestions
More diplomatic options - Instead of us only having "trade" and "Buy reinforcements" from certain faction's maybe you could arrange marriage's or invite settlers from said faction into your lands

More factions - Currently there is 3 faction's two of which are pretty undesirable **Cough** nords & Tribals **Cough** maybe we could have a 4th faction "Necromancer" though he'd only ally with followers of the "God of Death"

More endgame events - Currently its pretty empty after you defeat the Naga which isn't terribly hard after you figure out "The sand people with only the aid of your hero can solo the naga."
MAKE WINTER HARDER - I capitalized this because winter currently has been dumbed down to the point where its not a threat. Heres why i say this
1) If you put workers on a farm or working inside w/o clothes they won't die from cold nor will they starve so you can effectively afk winter with no concern aslong as Nords are dead.

2) If you want want production to keep up during winter all you need is stone workers underground and trade Stone -> wood. Since you can make tents & Bath's underground your workers won't freeze cause theres no damage trickle for mines

3) Soldiers don't take winter damage AT ALL which to me is pretty stupid.

4) Soldiers don't eat so you can spam them till you reach max number & Because no damage trickle you can just afk in your castle during winter


More hero options - Currently you're maxxed out at one dude for the game length. Maybe we could have mercenary hero's and add a hero for the nord's so you can't steam roll them on day 10 - 14 depending how good you did

Replace Portals - Currently portals are a death trap if you intend to assault the dude on otherside cause "Lets go in one by one >:^)" maybe we could make ships instead and run the risk of enemy capturing ship and sending a retalitation after your attack fails.
& Finally

Add more options for "God Of Death"

To me the current |God of death| is pretty weak / Disappointing.
Heres why i say this

1) Skeletons that are raised from enemy corpses aren't permanent and will die after 15 s
for something that is a passive and has such a low chance you should get to keep the undead

2) Theres honestly no incentive to keep your god appeased cause they don't do jack and the "God of death" spell's are kinda crap tier compared to other hero's

3) For someone called the "God Of Death" he seems to have a very small connection to undead.. You'd think "God Of Death" followers would like having undead in settlement (Ghosts) but noooo...

4) Hero is♥♥♥♥♥♥tier compared to others .. yeah hes fast but thats about all he has goin for him outside of the two Low rank skeleton summons & Level 4 immortality

Edit: also make achievements harder to get
some of these you can get within the first 20 mins of gameplay
Editat ultima dată de Sel Und Irae; 20 mart. 2018 la 4:27
Postat inițial de Pirozhok Std.:
Are you sure it'd be fine if soldiers took damage from freezing? A player'd have to equip all his army with warm clothes instead of armor
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Pirozhok Std.  [dezvoltator] 21 mart. 2018 la 8:44 
Are you sure it'd be fine if soldiers took damage from freezing? A player'd have to equip all his army with warm clothes instead of armor
Pirozhok Std.  [dezvoltator] 21 mart. 2018 la 8:45 
Do you have any suggestions about how to make winter harder?
Postat inițial de Pirozhok Std.:
Do you have any suggestions about how to make winter harder?
Maybe up food consumption during winter
Also wood could slowly go down //Firewood to keep villagers warm overnight
make animals more scarce during winter. Reason i say that is because i primarily substain myself off of meat during winter and then when warmer weather comes back i immediately put all resources in Pumpkins

Thats just some things off top of my head
Postat inițial de Pirozhok Std.:
Are you sure it'd be fine if soldiers took damage from freezing? A player'd have to equip all his army with warm clothes instead of armor
Could have some kind of building where we can garrison troops during winter and manually send them out when a threat approaches

Though this building would cost wood to maintain
to me right now its an issue because if you think you're going to lose you could put villagers into army and wait out winter before de-enlisting them back into your community
Pirozhok Std.  [dezvoltator] 22 mart. 2018 la 14:51 
I believe I could give soldiers an ability to start a wood-consuming fire automatically in winter & make them freeze without it. Would it be better than now?
What about endgame events? Do you have any ideas?
Editat ultima dată de Pirozhok Std.; 22 mart. 2018 la 14:53
Postat inițial de Pirozhok Std.:
I believe I could give soldiers an ability to start a wood-consuming fire automatically in winter & make them freeze without it. Would it be better than now?
What about endgame events? Do you have any ideas?
It would definately make winter a little more challenging if you intend to house an army over the winter.

As for endgame events (Note some of these might be terrible)

1) maybe a continuation of the Nord storyline after you defeat them and spare them. Maybe tribals would see you as an enemy due to you allying yourselves with their enemy and would in turn ally with naga? or perhaps with the sultan. Not sure if that's possible just guessing it might be due to the fact tribals are the only faction not hit by Naga.
If the tribals allied with the sultan perhaps you could have a 2 v 2 war against them
you'd fight the sultan's troops while the nord would send warriors VIA ships to the tribals
if nord isn't doing well in his war the tribals could reinforce the sultan troops

2) Appearance of a 4th faction
The people of this faction pillage and enslave. Diplomacy is not an option and faction houses multiple hero's so you'll need a decent military to combat them
Could make this faction appear after 72 days pass so you have ample time to prep

3) Zealots
If your god is unappeased your people could revolt and attack you (This could include soldiers aswell) making faith important
when this event triggers it spawns a unique mini hero that will act as the "Leader" of the revolt

4) Plague
This is brought about by low hygene and has multiple downsides (Can be stopped by hiring a healer through church which would cost 20 Drugs + food & cloth) main downside of this is other factions WILL NOT trade with you until it goes away nor will they let you into their cities (will attack you on sight) also your people will lose health at an alarming rate if plague is going through city

5) [Mines] Underground faction
Currently there is no threat to digging underground
Could add-on to the underground by putting "Goblins" or "Dwarves" into the game and adding territorial tension [If you go too far into their lands you'll be attacked]
I only mentioned this one because of the two npc's that showup midgame to offer weapon stores

6) Return of the necromancer
Could have his followers attempt to reanimate him as a lich? Not sure about the lore of this universe so idk if thats a thing : p

Just a couple of ideas but like i said they might be terrible:ravenclan:
Editat ultima dată de Sel Und Irae; 22 mart. 2018 la 16:02
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Data postării: 20 mart. 2018 la 4:18
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