Stardew Valley

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Geneva Convention Violation
From today's patch notes: "Fixed a Geneva Convention violation (by replacing red crosses in graphics)."

I have to say, the most entertaining part of today's patch notes was learning that Stardew Valley has violated the Geneva Convention for years.

Also, if you missed the announcement from the Steam Group, patch notes here:
Terakhir diedit oleh dino_inc; 19 Nov 2018 @ 9:30am
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Menampilkan 31-45 dari 50 komentar
DasaKamov 19 Nov 2018 @ 7:51pm 
@Cuthon: That bit of the Geneva convention you quoted actually covers the protective symbolism of the Red Cross - that is, Article 49 basically says "every signatory understands that individuals of the Red Cross organization are neutral non-combatants and are to be bestowed a protected status".

The real reason for developers changing graphics is simply because the Red Cross is a legally established trademark registered in several different countries. ;)
@ndy 20 Nov 2018 @ 1:24am 
Fixed a Geneva Convention violation (by replacing red crosses in graphics)
well thats how it comes with stupid laws in place, just wait till someone makes a trademark for farts...
DasaKamov 20 Nov 2018 @ 6:54am 
As mentioned a few times before, the neither the ICRC nor its sub-organizations is forcing CA to do this; he (and other developers who've made the change) have voluntarily chosen to do so, either to avoid *possible* cease-and-desist letters in the future, or simply as a sign of respect to the Red Cross organization.
Ghost_Star 20 Nov 2018 @ 12:57pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh @ndy:
Fixed a Geneva Convention violation (by replacing red crosses in graphics)
well thats how it comes with stupid laws in place, just wait till someone makes a trademark for farts...
Well unlike farts, the red cross is responsible for humanitarian works where most of the time the only protection they have is the respect that ennemy combattant have toward their reputation.
It might seem silly but that law is there to protect both the red cross workers and the people that they serve.
Greb 21 Nov 2018 @ 8:22am 
That's pretty sad to be honest but at least they're being good sports about it by not suing the balls off of pretty much every game with healing in existence, lol. It's good to keep all your bases covered though and honestly I probably wouldn't have even noticed either way.

Next up Médecins Sans Frontières will be suing Konami for creating Militares Sans Frontiers etc etc etc..

..good thing they're in the business of helping people, not hindering them, right?
i like if they change the color into green but the clinic just change to some blue color :|
green color mostly use for heal or heart point :steamhappy:
It wasn't what I expected to read in the patch notes lol
Checopoco 21 Nov 2018 @ 10:03am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh ;3104564981118179536:
I am angry, sir. I am angry and ENRAGED! Enraged and absolutely LIVID! And hostile, and many other adjectives that describe being in a foul mood. Because my precious red cross, which I never even noticed in game, has been replaced by a leafy green, less noticeable cross.

This ruffles my jimmies something right fierce with a passion. And I will not stand for this nonsense that offends sensibilities I didn't know I had ANY LONGER!

I have carefully cleared my table of breakable items and stuff that would make a mess so that I may flip it with much aggression and pomp. Let my statement of dissent go on the record for its epressive nature and vicious tonal composition that inform you just how utterly emotionally compromised this situation has made me.

Also, it's always funny to see people/companies react to the whole Red Cross copyright thing. Its unenforceable.

Let's calm down and don't do anything rash, take a deep breath please!
ManCanCook 21 Nov 2018 @ 10:33am 
"I don't understand so it must be wrong and stupid!"
Weirdaholic 21 Nov 2018 @ 11:53pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh liosalpha:
That is prity far fetched.
Its as if your are wondering what Utha is like as a none amarican and starting up farcry 5 for a realistic depiction.
Or starting up wolfenstein for a nice impresion of modern germany.

random thought thou is the amarican flag not trademarked?
It's not that really far fetched. There are enough very persistant conspiricy theories around, so this should make no difference.

And it's in fact the application of Article 53 of the first convention, which has lead to the minor change.

It's not copyright. It's protection against misuse in any form. Even for fictional institutions with the same purpose (in this case, the "hospital" is more like an doctors office, used by Harvey a fictional *private* (!) person, who also would have violated the convention, if he were real). There might be exceptions for historical documentation, which is not the case here.

So the "outrage" for this minor graphical thing is rather silly (thouth some seemed to be "ironically"outraged). The cause may seem ridiculous, too, but it may be a good idea to enforce this article out of principle.

This statement from the canadian red cross was released last year:

It's definitely Article 53! Additionally, article 54 states: "The High Contracting Parties shall, if their legislation is not already adequate, take measures necessary for the prevention and repression, at all times, of the abuses referred to under Article 53".
So, the copyright is not part of the Geneva Convention afaik, but is used to help enforcing Article 53.
Terakhir diedit oleh Weirdaholic; 22 Nov 2018 @ 12:38am
Muerte 22 Nov 2018 @ 1:47am 
I'm swiss and this offends me...
Weirdaholic 22 Nov 2018 @ 3:04am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Wulfrik the Wanderer:
I'm swiss and this offends me...
They just repainted the cross. Why is this offending?
TBH the only reason I don't like it is the symbol is so generic that it's ridiculous. It's literally a red plus sign. That's it.
DasaKamov 22 Nov 2018 @ 3:12pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Anakha:
It's literally a red plus sign. That's it.
As it turns out, a simple, highly-visible, instantly-recognizable symbol is incredibly effective at identifying non-combatant medical aid workers in a chaotic war zone or disaster area. ;)
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Tanggal Diposting: 19 Nov 2018 @ 9:29am
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