BATTLECREW Space Pirates

BATTLECREW Space Pirates

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Minor Update 1.15 out now!
Pirates, we just released a minor update!

Thank you so much for playing. We've done a few fixes and improvements.

Please note that we’ve removed the token system! BATTLECREW is NOW completely FREE!

Have a look:

Patch Note:

Minor Update 1.15

Major improvements:

- End of the token system! BATTLECREW is now totally free. Only the outfits and the trails can be purchased.
- Faster calculation of the rankings. Better support of accents. Supports equal scores.

Minor improvements & fixes:

- Improved Windows focus management.
- Waiting time shortened at the beginning of the games. Possibility of starting the game with Alt-S if you are alone.
- Fix random crash in lasers during map loading.
- Fix a random crash on the music.

Sist redigert av DN11; 27. juli 2018 kl. 7.16
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Viser 115 av 15 kommentarer
76561198322525186 19. apr. 2017 kl. 1.47 
Update 1.01

Patch Note:

Improved « waiting for players » phase:

- Adds a physical ball to play with
- Adds up to two bots, replaced by real users when joining
- Removes infinite waiting when only one real player is in the map

Bug fixing:

- Fixes several crashes when going back to Tortuga
- Fixes Ranking of the day screen
- Fixes bug for empty End Match screen
- Fixes « new » icon display in Hero Selection screen
- Fixes unlock list in End Match screen to display only new unlocks
- Fixes bug in victory screen

Other improvements:

- Adds use of Esc key to exit menus
- Optimizes low video settings
- Increases the delay after match start for other players to join

76561198322525186 19. apr. 2017 kl. 1.48 
Update 1.02

Patch Note:

Bug fixing:
- Fixes a bug in crews when the game host quits the game
- Fixes bug of same bot being in the two teams at the same time.

Other improvements:
- Changes the ball’s skin in map Tageolithic
- Improves ball behaviour
- Displays the player’s contribution to current Global Bounty
- Removes Hero Selection pod during practice games

What you can expect in our future updates?
- We are working on new languages to add
- Optimize the keyboard controls and will add the customisation’s option
- We are working on a new character, new maps and new game mode
- We keep fixing some bugs, feel free to report any you might encounter
76561198322525186 19. apr. 2017 kl. 1.48 
Update 1.03

- New mode:

o 2vs2 Team Deathmatch

- New maps:

o Trashtuga Zone 1 (Team Deathmatch)
o Trashtuga Zone 2 (Team Deathmatch)

- New languages:

o Spanish
o German

- Fixes:

o Fixes counting of quest points to unlock Gold Skins
o Fixes crash when unlocking Emote 3 at 20 000 PP
o Fixes the wrong skin being unlocked when reaching 24 000 PP
o Fixes infinite loading for a crew’s guests when the crew master joins another crew
o Fixes infinite loading for a crew’s guests upon crew master’s disconnection
o Fixes text bugs in Tutorial when player is using keyboard
o Fixes crash at the end of Comet’s practice
o Fixes rare crash when entering Hero Selection screen
o Fixes the « Waiting for player » widget which may not appear for some players
o Fixes some « Press X » texts that were not translated in other languages in Tortuga
o Fixes quests’ description that were cut when too long
o Comet’s « Purple Meteor Dust » skin is now unlockable for 24 000 PP (like other characters), instead of 25 000 PP
o Fixes systematic message for unlocking of Tiburon’s 4th skin
o Fixes rare crash in match end (with bots)

- Improvements:

o Adds a different playlist for training games
o Waiting time reduced to 3 minutes max
o Tiburon’s walls ON TORTUGA can now be destroyed with one strike (ONLY ON TORTUGA)
o No more victory points granted at the end of a game when the result is a draw
o Prevents players to join a game during money time or end screen
o Improves quest description size, to prevent the text from being cut
o Various menu improvements
76561198322525186 19. apr. 2017 kl. 1.48 
Update 1.04


o Removes the ‘A’ button as jump button, by default (can be remapped in the customization menu)


o Adds first iteration of gamepad and keyboard customization menu
o Three difficulty level for bots, depending on the player’s skill perf
o Three training modes to practice against the bots in easy, medium and hard difficulty
o Adds skins, emotes and voice lines preview
o The maps from the playlist are now played in a randomly order
o Adds the “Your Quests” screen at the end of a match
o Keyboard users can now make the player rotate in the Hero Selection screen, by using the movement keys


o Fixes a few texts that were not translated
o Fixes character speed after stealing gold to another character
o Fixes a bug to allow player to invite people to their crew after being back to Tortuga
o Fixes a bug where a character was posing with the default pose when calling for an emote and launching a projectile at the same time
o Fixes camera not zooming correctly when taking gold
o Fixes counting of gold-related quests
o Fixes rare bug on loading screen
o When a bot calls for help, the help icon is displayed on the bot and not on the host’s character

Have fun in game Pirates!
76561198322525186 19. apr. 2017 kl. 1.48 
Update 1.05

- Improvements:

o Huge improvement of bots AI:
- Calling for help
- Helping players
- Helping each other
- Efficiently use Fury
- Better use of skills
- Increases difference between the three bots’ difficulty levels

o New options in video settings menu:
- FPS limit (30 FPS, 60 FPS, NO LIMIT)
- Motion Blur
- Display Debug Info (ping, fps)
- Adds AUTO option in video quality selector

o Can bind the middle mouse button in the gamepad customization menu
o Adds buttons in Pause menu to access Battlecrew social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Discord)
o Improves the display of locked skins, emotes and voice lines in menu
o Skill Perf is not impacted (negatively or positively) when you joined a game after the start

- Fixes:

o The Press [X] message in front of pods in Tortuga are localized as soon as the language changes
o Fixes various crashes
o Fixes links to Bug Report and Survey when French is the current language
o Fixes Emote and Voice line selection bug
76561198322525186 19. apr. 2017 kl. 1.48 
Update 1.06

- Improvements:

o Currently working on a Gold Rush variation mode
o Slight improvement of bots’ behavior:
 Bots now warn players (teammates) when they discover a new chest
 Use of buttons
 Frenetic movements

o Adds physics ball to missing maps
o Many minor GUI improvements

- Fixes:

o Fixes a bug when quitting first launch tutorial
o Fixes a bug with bots and mines
o Fixes the bug where players could be in the same team against bots (but players can still create a crew to ensure being together)
76561198322525186 19. apr. 2017 kl. 1.48 
Update 1.07

- Improvements:

o Adds a textual chat
o Adds a Time Trial for each character’s tutorial: Share your best time 
o Improves the mouse’s sights
o We made some improvements with the “No more chest” mode
o Improves the playlist system

- Fixes:

o Bots behavior are improved when using buttons
o Some minor fixes on GUI
o Fixes a bug when using the game with Fullscreen video options
o Few fixes with displayed translation
76561198322525186 3. mai 2017 kl. 6.52 
Update 1.08

- Improvements:

o Adds a weekly ranking on GoldRush and Team Deathmatch leaderboards.
o Improves the quest system.
o Janger’s shield can no longer protect him from any fury.
o Adds feedbacks in Crew menu.
o Adds feedbacks in Team Deathmatch games.
o Adds Gold/Dark skin unlock progress in the skin menu.
o It’s now possible to write long text in the chat input.

- Fixes:

o AI cannot use double jumps on teleporters.
o Minor UI fix on quest “Victory”.
o Comet’s fury remains after she dies during its activation.
o Prevents joining a Team Deathmatch game when it’s close to the end. [/quote]
76561198322525186 24. mai 2017 kl. 6.39 
Update 1.09

- Improvements:

o Adds Steam Achievements to the game: try to unlock them all .
o Adds Shop Terminal on Tortuga: You can now buy new skins & trails for your characters.
o Adds Game Credits on Credits terminal.
o Changes terminals’ location on Tortuga.
o Changes lighting on Tortuga.
o Adds minor improvements on chat text field.

- Fixes:

o Pop-ups during end game screen cannot block player’s menu.
o Minor fixes on “Video Settings” menu.
o Minor fix on UI Menus. [/quote]
76561198322525186 10. juli 2017 kl. 9.52 
We've just released Update 1.10!

Patch Note:

Update 1.10

- • FREE and UNLIMITED versions:

o The game can now be played for free:
 Every game mode and characters are available.
 Each day, free users will receive free credits to spend to play the various game modes. These free credits are only valid for one day.
 Free users can get credits from Unlimited users as gifts. These credits are not time-limited.
 Free users can purchase pack of credits (15 or 50) in the shop. These credits are not time-limited.
 A counter has just appeared in the bottom left of the screen that shows the player’s remaining credits:
• Blue means that the next credit is a daily free credit (which would be lost if not used).
• Yellow means the next credit is a not-time-limited credit (which could be saved for later).
• Red means the player has no more credits to play for today. But he will get new free-credits the next day.
 The same counter is displayed after each game.

o Unlimited users can give game credits to free users:
 Each day, Unlimited users will receive free gift-credits to offer to free users. These free gift-credits must be given during the same day.
 Unlimited users can drop gift-credit (using the Fury [Y] button) in Tortuga so that free users there can grab them.
 Unlimited users can give gift-credits to their Steam friends in the “Crew & Gifts” menu.
 A counter has just appeared in the bottom left of the screen that shows the player’s remaining gift-credits.


o Adds various popups to explain the free access and gifts mechanics.
o Adds the name of the best player from last week in Tortuga, for both game modes.
o Adds preview icons for Trails in the shop.
o Adds the name and time of the world best performer for each Tutorial Time Trial.
o Displays the Steam shop items in Overlay instead of the system’s browser.
o Improves the maps’ Playlist system for more variety.
o Improves bots’ moves, particularly when they fall down.
o Improves AI’s behavior around buttons on several maps.
o Improves the chat usage (use Enter to start writing and validate).
o Shipping version: improves loading time and fps.


o Fixes a bug in Players’ daily quests (linked to gold skins unlock).
o Fixes a bug in the quests’ remaining time.
o Fixes a bug in the recurring quests.
o Fixes a bug in the gold skin counter.
o Fixes several issues of localization.
o UI cannot be focused on anymore.
o Fixes a bug of the UI disappearing sometimes when changing heroes in the waiting mode.
o Fixes a bug of the launch pop-up in Tortuga that could not appear.
o No vibrations of the pad anymore when playing with a keyboard.
o Improves servers’ stability of Tortuga.
o Translation of the chat hint messages.
76561198322525186 12. juli 2017 kl. 9.59 
]Welcome to our new players!

Thank you so much for playing. Following your feedback, we've fixed a few things already so you have a better experience in game.

Have a look:

Patch Note:

Update 1.11


o Up to 16 players can be on Tortuga at the same time instead of 12
o Floating Rock and Underground Temple maps have been optimized in order to gain framerate


o Fixes issue with the launch button (E or X). Keyboad users will now see « Press E » properly in the pop-up window. It remains “Press X” for pad users.
o Fixes a display issue on the players’ names in the best scores in tutorials.
o Several minor fixes on the ChatBox (keys binding and the possibility to easily quit the chat if players don’t want to type a message)
o Fixes a bug on the Credits menu
76561198322525186 20. juli 2017 kl. 9.55 
Pirates, we just released a new update!

Thank you so much for playing. Following your feedback, we've fixed and improved the game particularly for the free users!

Have a look:

Patch Note:

Update 1.12


- Free users can now create crews, invite their friends or be invited! They need at least 1 credits to do so but it’s now possible! Note that this version is beta, if you encounter any issues, please let us know on the Steam forum.
- Free users have now 10 credits each day to play instead of 5!
- New Sci-Fi Skins are now available in store!
- The game now launches by default on average graphics quality (first launch only)


- Fixes an issue on the pause menu when opening it
- Fixes a very rare crash on the information update of credits
- Fixes typo in credits
- Fixes an animation bug when using a taunt
- Fixes a bug on the end menu, there is no overlapping information on the score screen anymore
- The purchase button is now visually different when a purchase has been done
- Proper save of all the skins’ choices of the player
76561198322525186 29. sep. 2017 kl. 2.57 
Pirates, we just released a minor update!

Thank you so much for playing. Following your feedback, we've done a few fixes and improvements.
To thank our early players for their support we’ve added a star to their playertags!
Do you like it? It’s not much but we thought it would be cool 😊

Have a look:

Patch Note:

Minor Update 1.13


• Players can now keep their chosen skins during tutorials.
• Loading time improved for the leaderboards. Only the 500 firsts in the leaderboards, your friends ‘ranking and the last rank are now displayed.
• To thank our early players for their support we’ve added a star to their player tags!
• Loading time improved when launching the game.


• Fixes a crash on the particles. [/quote]
76561198322525186 25. okt. 2017 kl. 7.26 
Pirates, we just released a minor update!

Thank you so much for playing. Following your feedback, we've done a few fixes and improvements.

The best players in Gold Rush and Team Deathmatch modes have a trophy on their playertags this week!

Have a look:

Patch Note:

Minor Update 1.14


- Improves bots behaviour on Cold Mountain map. They now ignore the treasure at the top, it made them crazy.
- Best players of the week have now a trophy icone on their playertags!


- Fixes a bug on the switch buttons which trigger traps.
- Fixes a bug on traps (spikes). When a wall is created in the trap, it is now destroyed when the spikes go down, no more invisible walls. [/quote]
76561198322525186 27. juli 2018 kl. 7.17 
Pirates, we just released a minor update!

Thank you so much for playing. We've done a few fixes and improvements.

Please note that we’ve removed the token system! BATTLECREW is NOW completely FREE!

Have a look:

Patch Note:

Minor Update 1.15

Major improvements:

- End of the token system! BATTLECREW is now totally free. Only the outfits and the trails can be purchased.
- Faster calculation of the rankings. Better support of accents. Supports equal scores.

Minor improvements & fixes:

- Improved Windows focus management.
- Waiting time shortened at the beginning of the games. Possibility of starting the game with Alt-S if you are alone.
- Fix random crash in lasers during map loading.
- Fix a random crash on the music. [/quote]
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