Serious Sam 3: BFE
Unable to play any saved games on Ubuntu 12.04 x64
It usually tells me something along the lines of "the save file is corrupt." Also, whenever I try to verify game cache in steam, it fails and redownloads the whole thing, and then fails again, and so on.

Requested debug files' contents at
Legutóbb szerkesztette: ethana2; 2013. márc. 25., 9:21
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Have you been backing up those save games and then restoring them later, or perhaps been moving them between machines or folders or similar?

Also when you say it redownloads "the whole thing", do you mean all 4-5 GB , or do you mean just like 10-20 MBs? If it is latter, that is normal. If it is the former, then you might have some problems with the disk that would cause files saved to it to be damaged on arrival. Which would also explain the savegame problem too.
ethana2 eredeti hozzászólása:
It usually tells me something along the lines of "the save file is corrupt." Also, whenever I try to verify game cache in steam, it fails and redownloads the whole thing, and then fails again, and so on.

Requested debug files' contents at
turn your fire wall off. normally when your game cant update or steam wont start, the firewall is typicly the issue
I meant several GB-- and it would successfully download, but then fail to verify. Steam as a whole generally works fine. This problem is probably still there but I stopped caring when I realized that the game autosaves, and those work fine, or at least they've been working fine.. I don't remember if the autosaves were broken when I reported this or if they were all my saves.. I save my games very frequently, like I save everything I've put a lot of time into.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: ethana2; 2013. máj. 11., 15:44
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. márc. 25., 9:16
Hozzászólások: 3