Serious Sam 3: BFE
BillsGymSock Feb 15, 2017 @ 2:25pm
Freesync Woes
If I run the performance test it sets everything to ultra. The frame rates are all over the place with v-sync off as low as 24fps & maxing out about 50 & it stutters like crazy.

If i turn on V-Sync it settles down to about 45fps & sometimes jumps to about 55/60. Am I the only one who seems to get this.

My system

Windows 10 64bit
16gb DDR3 2400mhz
AMD FX-8320
ASUS R9 380X Strix
AOC G2460PF Freesync 144hz Monitor.

-------- START OF LOG --------

22:08:58 LOG: Core version: $Version: distro_Sam3_PC; SeriousSam3-Windows-Final; 261096 2016-04-26 02:52:57 @builder09; Win32-Static-Final-Default$
22:08:58 LOG: Command: $
22:08:58 LOG: Initializing timer.
22:08:58 LOG: QueryPerformanceFrequency: 14318180
22:08:58 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:08:54
22:08:58 LOG: Binary name: Sam3.exe
22:08:58 LOG: Binary soft path: Bin/
22:08:58 LOG: Binary hard path: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\
22:08:58 LOG: Application directory: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\
22:08:58 LOG: * OS...
22:08:58 LOG: Name: Windows 8
22:08:58 LOG: Kernel: WinNT (64-bit)
22:08:58 LOG: Version: 6.2, build 9200
22:08:58 LOG:
22:08:58 LOG: * CPU...
22:08:58 LOG: Vendor: AuthenticAMD
22:08:58 LOG: Name: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor
22:08:58 LOG: Type: 0, Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 0
22:08:58 LOG: Clock: 3.50 GHz
22:08:58 LOG: Cores: 8
22:08:58 LOG: CMOV: Yes
22:08:58 LOG: SSE: Yes
22:08:58 LOG: Invariant TSC: Yes
22:08:58 LOG:
22:08:58 LOG: * Memory...
22:08:58 LOG: Total physical memory: 16332 MB
22:08:58 LOG: Free physical memory: 11647 MB
22:08:58 LOG:
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ScriptLua.dll".
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GameEnv_Steam.dll".
22:08:58 INF: GameEnv API: Steam
22:08:58 INF: Encoded user ID = b494a85b:9cab72f8
22:08:58 LOG: Error getting mixer source line info for microphone. Will not be able to control microphone.
22:08:58 LOG: Created thread 11984(ResourceLoader).
22:08:58 LOG: Loading cvars from "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
22:08:58 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1920x1080(fullscreen)...
22:08:58 INF:
22:08:58 INF: * Desktop settings...
22:08:58 INF: Color depth: 32-bit
22:08:58 INF: Desktop resolution: 1920 x 1080
22:08:58 INF: Virtual screen: 1920 x 1080
22:08:58 INF: Monitors attached: 1
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GfxD3D9.dll".
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D3D9.dll".
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D3DCompiler_43.dll".
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D3DX9_43.dll".
22:09:03 LOG: Loaded "ATIADLXX.DLL".
22:09:04 INF:
22:09:04 INF: Gfx API: Direct3D 9.0c
22:09:04 INF: Resolution: 1920 x 1080
22:09:04 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
22:09:04 INF: Driver: aticfx32.dll (0x6938)
22:09:04 INF: Renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
22:09:04 INF: Version: 21.19.519.2
22:09:04 INF: Video memory size: 4096 MB
22:09:04 INF: Available for textures: 4080 MB
22:09:04 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
22:09:04 INF: Driver version: 2 (required: 1100)
22:09:04 WRN: Display driver is too old, please update it ASAP!
22:09:04 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SfxXAD.dll".
22:09:04 LOG: Loaded "X3DAudio1_7.dll".
22:09:04 INF:
22:09:04 INF: Sfx API: XAudio2
22:09:04 INF: Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
22:09:04 INF: Mixer frequency: 48000 Hz
22:09:04 INF: Mixer voices: 2
22:09:04 INF: Max sound sources: 35
22:09:04 INF: Max total volume: 3
22:09:04 INF: Speaker config: stereo
22:09:04 INF: Environment FX: enabled
22:09:04 INF: Current environment: Padded cell
22:09:04 INF:
22:09:04 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SeriousSam3_Project.dll".
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_01.gro: 6414 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_02.gro: 5133 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_145562.gro: 2565 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_147686.gro: 835 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_150406.gro: 627 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_170136.gro: 703 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_261096.gro: 312 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/CachedShaders_PC.gro: 2753 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:05 LOG: Loading translation tables from Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/.
22:09:05 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation.tbl
22:09:05 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation_All.tbl
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecAudio_Vorbis.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecAudio_Vorbis.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecVideo_Null.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecVideo_Null.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Input.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "xinput1_3.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
22:09:05 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
22:09:05 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
22:09:05 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/Input.module' loaded in '0.04' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Game.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/Game.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ProcRender.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Shaders.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.01' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/ProcRender.module' loaded in '0.02' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
22:09:05 INF: Using cheats will invalidate your score for this level and achievements won't be awarded for the remainder of the game.
22:09:05 LOG: Skipped assigning to prj_strMultiplayerSessionName because the saved version (0) is different than the current version (2).
22:09:05 LOG: Alienware LightFX is not installed.
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/SeriousSam3_Project.module' loaded in '1.08' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Created thread 9056(GameDataJobs).
22:09:05 ERR: Error opening wave in!
22:09:06 LOG: cvarShowDiffs()
22:09:06 LOG: cmp_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
22:09:06 LOG: crm_bCastShadows = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: crm_fDensityBias = 1.1 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: crm_fDistanceBias = 1.2 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: dcl_ctMaxNewTrianglesPerFrame = 4096 (2048)
22:09:06 LOG: dcl_ctMaxTrianglesPerGroup = 8192 (4096)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_bDownsampleHQ = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_bSharpStreaks = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_fOcclusionBufferScale = 1 (0.5)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_iMaxRippleSources = 30 (10)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_iOcclusionBlur = 2 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_iStreaksQuality = 3 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAmmoStays = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bArmorStays = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAutoCycleMaps = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bExtraMPEnemies = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bFriendlyFire = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bHealthStays = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bPowerupsStay = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bRankedMatch = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bRespawnInPlace = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bWeaponsStay = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctFragsLimit = 20 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctGoalsLimit = 10 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctMaxPlayers = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctMinPlayers = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctRoundLimit = 10 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctTimeLimit = 10 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_gdDifficulty = 3 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_bRequiredShaderReload = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_bRequiredTextureReload = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_iFXAA = 4 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1080 (480)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1920 (640)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 1080 (480)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 1920 (640)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixResHeight = 1080 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixResWidth = 1920 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixWinHeight = 1080 (480)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixWinWidth = 1920 (640)
22:09:06 LOG: lmp_bAllowAnisotropy = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: men_iMaxGlows = 5 (3)
22:09:06 LOG: nmp_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_bSkippableIntroScene = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 50 (20)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 20 (8)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebris = 200 (50)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 100 (20)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 10 (4)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 5 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 100 (50)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebrisCoop = 40 (20)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.0010000002 (0.01)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.003 (0.015)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_iCPUSpeed = 4 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_iFlashlightType = 3 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_iGPUMemory = 4 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_iGPUSpeed = 4 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "2017-02-15" ("")
22:09:06 LOG: prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096," ("")
22:09:06 LOG: prt_fParticleBias = 1.2 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_bMultiThreadedRendering = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_fLODBias = 0.5 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_fMirrorQuality = 1 (0.5)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_iMaxThreads = 4 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_iMirrorLevelBias = 2 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 35 (25)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_bShadowTrilinearDithering = 0 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_bVertexShadows = 0 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_fFilledHighlightingDistance = 50 (30)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_fShadowTrilinearSpan = 0.5 (0.25)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_iMaxShockwaves = 40 (8)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_bForceBilinearFiltering = 0 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_fCascadedStepFactor = 5 (4)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_fNearShadowDistance = 5 (4)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 3072 (1536)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_pixShadowDensity = 96 (16)
22:09:06 LOG: snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: tex_iAnisotropy = 16 (4)
22:09:06 LOG: tex_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
22:09:06 INF: AutoDetect: Hardware values unchanged, nothing to do.
22:09:09 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3Controller.xml.
22:09:09 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
22:09:09 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3ControllerAsian.xml.
22:09:09 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
22:09:09 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/SteamController.xml.
22:09:10 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
22:09:10 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/XBox360Controller.xml.
22:09:11 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
22:09:11 LOG: Created thread 9228(SyncWorkshop).
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/CommandTable/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Steam workshop sync operation finished in 0.63 seconds.
22:09:15 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/Startup/'.
22:09:44 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld"
22:09:44 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1439 MB)
22:09:44 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:09:44
22:09:44 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld' in 0.55 seconds.
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 11188(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 10672(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 1684(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 17000(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 16652(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 6652(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 6656(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 TRC: 2 sound channels reinitialized.
22:09:44 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
22:09:49 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld"
22:09:49 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1333x750.
22:09:49 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1451 MB)
22:09:49 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:09:49
22:09:49 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld' in 0.70 seconds.
22:09:50 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
22:09:50 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:10:11 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:10:11
22:10:11 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:10:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '56' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:10:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1280 files in 0.11 seconds.
22:10:11 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:10:11 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
22:10:47 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2051 MB)
22:10:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '17' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:10:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 64 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:10:57 TRC: 29 sound channels reinitialized.
22:12:03 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:03
22:12:03 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:12:03 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:03
22:12:03 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:12:03 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '4' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:04 LOG: World deleted in 0.80(0.79)sec.
22:12:04 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:04 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:12:04 LOG: World stopped in 0.81sec.
22:12:04 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:04
22:12:04 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:12:04 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:12:06 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '2' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:06 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 61 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:12:06 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2229 MB)
22:12:07 TRC: 30 sound channels reinitialized.
22:12:12 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:12
22:12:12 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:12:12 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:12
22:12:12 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:12:12 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:12:12.
22:12:12 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.01 seconds.
22:12:13 LOG: World deleted in 0.28(0.27)sec.
22:12:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2646 files in 0.46 seconds.
22:12:13 LOG: World stopped in 0.74sec.
22:12:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '16' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:22 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
22:12:22 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:12:22 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:12:22 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:12:22 INF:
22:12:41 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
22:12:41 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:12:41 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:12:41 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:12:41 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:12:41 INF:
22:12:41 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:12:41.
22:12:44 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
22:12:44 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:12:44 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:12:44 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:12:44 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:12:44 INF:
22:12:58 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:12:58 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:12:58 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:12:58 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:12:58 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:12:58 INF:
22:12:58 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:12:58 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:12:58 INF:
22:12:58 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:12:58.
22:13:01 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:01 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:01 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:01 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:01 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:01 INF:
22:13:01 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:01 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:01 INF:
22:13:18 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:18 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
22:13:18 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
22:13:18 INF: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 25 (was 35)
22:13:18 INF:
22:13:18 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:18 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:18 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:18 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:18 INF:
22:13:18 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:18 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:18 INF:
22:13:18 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:13:18.
22:13:22 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:22 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
22:13:22 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
22:13:22 INF: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 25 (was 35)
22:13:22 INF:
22:13:22 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:22 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:22 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:22 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:22 INF:
22:13:22 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:22 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:22 INF:
22:13:33 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:33 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
22:13:33 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
22:13:33 INF: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 25 (was 35)
22:13:33 INF:
22:13:33 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:33 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:33 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:33 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:33 INF:
22:13:33 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:33 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:33 INF:
22:13:33 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:13:33.
22:13:35 INF: Apply quality: CPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:35 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
22:13:35 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
22:13:35 INF: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 25 (was 35)
22:13:35 INF:
22:13:35 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:35 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:35 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:35 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:35 INF:
22:13:35 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:35 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:35 INF:
22:13:40 LOG: 554 shaders reloaded in 4.3 seconds
22:13:46 LOG: 430 textures reloaded in 6.3 seconds
22:14:23 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.82kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:14:23.
22:14:32 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:14:32
22:14:32 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:14:32 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '8' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:14:32 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 7 files in 0.01 seconds.
22:14:32 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:14:32 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
22:15:04 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2167 MB)
22:15:17 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '15' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:15:17 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 64 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:15:17 TRC: 29 sound channels reinitialized.
22:15:57 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:15:57
22:15:57 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:15:57 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:15:57
22:15:57 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:15:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:15:58 LOG: World deleted in 0.61(0.61)sec.
22:15:58 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:15:58 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:15:58 LOG: World stopped in 0.63sec.
22:15:58 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:15:58
22:15:58 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:15:58 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:16:00 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:16:00 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 61 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:16:00 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2171 MB)
22:16:00 TRC: 30 sound channels reinitialized.
22:16:56 INF: AutoDetect: Forced to adjust settings automatically.
22:16:56 INF: CPU efficiency: 3150 MHz * 8 cores = 8150.625 Mhz
22:17:05 LOG: 1225 textures reloaded in 9.2 seconds
22:17:10 LOG: 635 shaders reloaded in 5.0 seconds
22:17:18 INF: Vertex thruput: 159.4 Mvertices/s
22:17:18 INF: Pixel thruput: 2831.0 Mpixels/s
22:17:28 LOG: 1225 textures reloaded in 10.1 seconds
22:17:33 LOG: 635 shaders reloaded in 5.2 seconds
22:17:33 INF: AutoDetect: storing new settings: gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096,
22:17:33 INF: Auto detect quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra, GPU memory=Ultra
22:18:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:18:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
22:18:11 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1920x1080.
22:18:12 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:18:12
22:18:12 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:18:12 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:18:12
22:18:12 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:18:12 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:18:13 LOG: World deleted in 0.44(0.44)sec.
22:18:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:18:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.01 seconds.
22:18:13 LOG: World stopped in 0.46sec.
22:18:13 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:18:13
22:18:13 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:18:13 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:18:14 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:18:14 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 61 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:18:14 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2236 MB)
22:18:15 TRC: 30 sound channels reinitialized.
22:19:07 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:19:07
22:19:07 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:19:07 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:19:07
22:19:07 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:19:07 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.82kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:19:07.
22:19:07 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.01 seconds.
22:19:07 LOG: World deleted in 0.29(0.29)sec.
22:19:07 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2646 files in 0.77 seconds.
22:19:08 LOG: World stopped in 1.07sec.
22:19:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '16' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:13 LOG: Saving cvars to "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
22:19:13 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:19:13
22:19:13 LOG: Core is shutting down


-------- START OF LOG --------

18:52:26 LOG: Core version: $Version: distro_Sam3_PC; SeriousSam3-Windows-Final; 261096 2016-04-26 02:52:57 @builder09; Win32-Static-Final-Default$
18:52:26 LOG: Command: $
18:52:26 LOG: Initializing timer.
18:52:26 LOG: QueryPerformanceFrequency: 14318180
18:52:26 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 18:52:26
18:52:26 LOG: Binary name: Sam3.exe
18:52:26 LOG: Binary soft path: Bin/
18:52:26 LOG: Binary hard path: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\
18:52:26 LOG: Application directory: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\
18:52:26 LOG: * OS...
18:52:26 LOG: Name: Windows 8
18:52:26 LOG: Kernel: WinNT (64-bit)
18:52:26 LOG: Version: 6.2, build 9200
18:52:26 LOG:
18:52:26 LOG: * CPU...
18:52:26 LOG: Vendor: AuthenticAMD
18:52:26 LOG: Name: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor
18:52:26 LOG: Type: 0, Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 0
18:52:26 LOG: Clock: 3.50 GHz
18:52:26 LOG: Cores: 8
18:52:26 LOG: CMOV: Yes
18:52:26 LOG: SSE: Yes
18:52:26 LOG: Invariant TSC: Yes
18:52:26 LOG:
18:52:26 LOG: * Memory...
18:52:26 LOG: Total physical memory: 16332 MB
18:52:26 LOG: Free physical memory: 8529 MB
18:52:26 LOG:
18:52:26 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ScriptLua.dll".
18:52:26 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GameEnv_Steam.dll".
18:52:26 INF: GameEnv API: Steam
18:52:26 INF: Encoded user ID = b494a85b:9cab72f8
18:52:26 LOG: Error getting mixer source line info for microphone. Will not be able to control microphone.
18:52:26 LOG: Created thread 1480(ResourceLoader).
18:52:26 LOG: "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini" does not exist, skipping cvar loading.
18:52:28 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1920x1080(fullscreen)...
18:52:28 INF:
18:52:28 INF: * Desktop settings...
18:52:28 INF: Color depth: 32-bit
18:52:28 INF: Desktop resolution: 1920 x 1080
18:52:28 INF: Virtual screen: 1920 x 1080
18:52:28 INF: Monitors attached: 1
18:52:28 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GfxD3D9.dll".
18:52:28 LOG: Loaded "D3D9.dll".
18:52:28 LOG: Loaded "D3DCompiler_43.dll".
18:52:28 LOG: Loaded "D3DX9_43.dll".
18:52:30 LOG: Loaded "ATIADLXX.DLL".
18:52:30 INF:
18:52:30 INF: Gfx API: Direct3D 9.0c
18:52:30 INF: Resolution: 1920 x 1080
18:52:30 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
18:52:30 INF: Driver: aticfx32.dll (0x6938)
18:52:30 INF: Renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
18:52:30 INF: Version: 21.19.407.0
18:52:30 INF: Video memory size: 4096 MB
18:52:30 INF: Available for textures: 4080 MB
18:52:30 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
18:52:30 WRN: Display driver is too old, please update it ASAP!
18:52:36 LOG: Saving cvars to "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
18:52:36 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 18:52:36
18:52:36 LOG: Core is shutting down

-------- START OF LOG --------

18:52:52 LOG: Core version: $Version: distro_Sam3_PC; SeriousSam3-Windows-Final; 261096 2016-04-26 02:52:57 @builder09; Win32-Static-Final-Default$
18:52:52 LOG: Command: $
18:52:52 LOG: Initializing timer.
18:52:52 LOG: QueryPerformanceFrequency: 14318180
18:52:52 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 18:52:51
18:52:52 LOG: Binary name: Sam3.exe
18:52:52 LOG: Binary soft path: Bin/
18:52:52 LOG: Binary hard path: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\
18:52:52 LOG: Application directory: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\
18:52:52 LOG: * OS...
18:52:52 LOG: Name: Windows 8
18:52:52 LOG: Kernel: WinNT (64-bit)
18:52:52 LOG: Version: 6.2, build 9200
18:52:52 LOG:
18:52:52 LOG: * CPU...
18:52:52 LOG: Vendor: AuthenticAMD
18:52:52 LOG: Name: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor
18:52:52 LOG: Type: 0, Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 0
18:52:52 LOG: Clock: 3.50 GHz
18:52:52 LOG: Cores: 8
18:52:52 LOG: CMOV: Yes
18:52:52 LOG: SSE: Yes
18:52:52 LOG: Invariant TSC: Yes
18:52:52 LOG:
18:52:52 LOG: * Memory...
18:52:52 LOG: Total physical memory: 16332 MB
18:52:52 LOG: Free physical memory: 8438 MB
18:52:52 LOG:
18:52:52 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ScriptLua.dll".
18:52:52 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GameEnv_Steam.dll".
18:52:52 INF: GameEnv API: Steam
18:52:52 INF: Encoded user ID = b494a85b:9cab72f8
18:52:52 LOG: Error getting mixer source line info for microphone. Will not be able to control microphone.
18:52:52 LOG: Created thread 10720(ResourceLoader).
18:52:52 LOG: Loading cvars from "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
18:52:52 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1920x1080(fullscreen)...
18:52:52 INF:
18:52:52 INF: * Desktop settings...
18:52:52 INF: Color depth: 32-bit
18:52:52 INF: Desktop resolution: 1920 x 1080
18:52:52 INF: Virtual screen: 1920 x 1080
18:52:52 INF: Monitors attached: 1
18:52:52 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GfxD3D9.dll".
18:52:52 LOG: Loaded "D3D9.dll".
18:52:52 LOG: Loaded "D3DCompiler_43.dll".
18:52:52 LOG: Loaded "D3DX9_43.dll".
18:52:52 LOG: Loaded "ATIADLXX.DLL".
18:52:53 INF:
18:52:53 INF: Gfx API: Direct3D 9.0c
18:52:53 INF: Resolution: 1920 x 1080
18:52:53 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
18:52:53 INF: Driver: aticfx32.dll (0x6938)
18:52:53 INF: Renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
18:52:53 INF: Version: 21.19.407.0
18:52:53 INF: Video memory size: 4096 MB
18:52:53 INF: Available for textures: 4080 MB
18:52:53 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
18:52:53 WRN: Display driver is too old, please update it ASAP!
18:52:53 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SfxXAD.dll".
18:52:53 LOG: Loaded "X3DAudio1_7.dll".
18:52:53 INF:
18:52:53 INF: Sfx API: XAudio2
18:52:53 INF: Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
18:52:53 INF: Mixer frequency: 48000 Hz
18:52:53 INF: Mixer voices: 2
18:52:53 INF: Max sound sources: 25
18:52:53 INF: Max total volume: 3
18:52:53 INF: Speaker config: stereo
18:52:53 INF: Environment FX: enabled
18:52:53 INF: Current environment: Padded cell
18:52:53 INF:
18:52:53 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SeriousSam3_Project.dll".
18:52:53 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_01.gro: 6414 files, signature: OFFICIAL
18:52:53 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_02.gro: 5133 files, signature: OFFICIAL
18:52:53 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_145562.gro: 2565 files, signature: OFFICIAL
18:52:53 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_147686.gro: 835 files, signature: OFFICIAL
18:52:53 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_150406.gro: 627 files, signature: OFFICIAL
18:52:53 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_170136.gro: 703 files, signature: OFFICIAL
18:52:53 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_261096.gro: 312 files, signature: OFFICIAL
18:52:53 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/CachedShaders_PC.gro: 2753 files, signature: OFFICIAL
18:52:54 LOG: Loading translation tables from Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/.
18:52:54 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation.tbl
18:52:54 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation_All.tbl
18:52:54 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecAudio_Vorbis.dll".
18:52:54 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecAudio_Vorbis.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
18:52:54 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecVideo_Null.dll".
18:52:54 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecVideo_Null.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
18:52:54 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Input.dll".
18:52:54 LOG: Loaded "xinput1_3.dll".
18:52:54 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
18:52:54 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
18:52:54 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
18:52:54 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
18:52:54 LOG: Module 'Bin/Input.module' loaded in '0.05' seconds.
18:52:54 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Game.dll".
18:52:54 LOG: Module 'Bin/Game.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
18:52:54 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ProcRender.dll".
18:52:54 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Shaders.dll".
18:52:54 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.01' seconds.
18:52:54 LOG: Module 'Bin/ProcRender.module' loaded in '0.02' seconds.
18:52:54 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
18:52:54 LOG: Alienware LightFX is not installed.
18:52:54 LOG: Module 'Bin/SeriousSam3_Project.module' loaded in '0.84' seconds.
18:52:54 LOG: Created thread 11448(GameDataJobs).
18:52:54 ERR: Error opening wave in!
18:52:54 LOG: cvarShowDiffs()
18:52:54 LOG: gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 1 (0)
18:52:54 LOG: gfx_bRequiredShaderReload = 1 (0)
18:52:54 LOG: gfx_bRequiredTextureReload = 1 (0)
18:52:54 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1080 (480)
18:52:54 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1920 (640)
18:52:54 LOG: gfx_pixResHeight = 1080 (0)
18:52:54 LOG: gfx_pixResWidth = 1920 (0)
18:52:54 LOG: prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "2017-02-14" ("")
18:52:54 LOG: snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7 (1)
18:52:54 INF: AutoDetect: No previous hardware values stored, adjusting settings automatically.
18:52:54 INF: CPU efficiency: 3150 MHz * 8 cores = 8150.625 Mhz
18:52:56 LOG: 0 textures reloaded in 1.2 seconds
18:52:58 LOG: 331 shaders reloaded in 2.6 seconds
18:53:05 INF: Vertex thruput: 308.9 Mvertices/s
18:53:05 INF: Pixel thruput: 3148.7 Mpixels/s
18:53:06 LOG: 0 textures reloaded in 0.9 seconds
18:53:08 LOG: 331 shaders reloaded in 2.2 seconds
18:53:08 INF: AutoDetect: storing new settings: gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096,
18:53:08 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3Controller.xml.
18:53:08 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
18:53:08 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3ControllerAsian.xml.
18:53:08 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
18:53:08 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/SteamController.xml.
18:53:08 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
18:53:08 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/XBox360Controller.xml.
18:53:08 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
18:53:08 LOG: Created thread 8404(SyncWorkshop).
18:53:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/CommandTable/'.
18:53:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
18:53:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
18:53:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
18:53:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
18:53:08 LOG: Steam workshop sync operation finished in 0.23 seconds.
18:53:10 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/Startup/'.
18:54:09 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld"
18:54:09 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1421 MB)
18:54:09 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 18:54:09
18:54:09 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld' in 0.54 seconds.
18:54:09 LOG: Created thread 6380(WorkerThreadPool).
18:54:09 LOG: Created thread 10592(WorkerThreadPool).
18:54:09 LOG: Created thread 692(WorkerThreadPool).
18:54:09 LOG: Created thread 6376(WorkerThreadPool).
18:54:09 LOG: Created thread 6628(WorkerThreadPool).
18:54:09 LOG: Created thread 13524(WorkerThreadPool).
18:54:09 LOG: Created thread 6556(WorkerThreadPool).
18:54:09 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1920x1080.
18:54:31 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Models/Vehicles/FrontLoader02/Textures/Wheel_01_CM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
18:54:56 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld"
18:54:57 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1527 MB)
18:54:57 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 18:54:57
18:54:57 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld' in 0.65 seconds.
18:55:00 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
18:55:28 INF: AutoDetect: Forced to adjust settings automatically.
18:55:28 INF: CPU efficiency: 3150 MHz * 8 cores = 8150.625 Mhz
18:55:33 LOG: 759 textures reloaded in 5.5 seconds
18:56:22 LOG: 679 shaders reloaded in 48.9 seconds
18:56:29 INF: Vertex thruput: 137.4 Mvertices/s
18:56:29 INF: Pixel thruput: 2375.5 Mpixels/s
18:56:36 LOG: 759 textures reloaded in 7.2 seconds
18:56:41 LOG: 679 shaders reloaded in 5.1 seconds
18:56:41 INF: AutoDetect: storing new settings: gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096,
18:56:41 INF: Auto detect quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra, GPU memory=Ultra
18:57:01 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
18:57:14 LOG: Starting level: "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/01_CairoSquare/01_CairoSquare.wld"
18:57:14 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.68kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 18:57:14.
18:57:14 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '53' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
18:57:14 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1276 files in 0.13 seconds.
18:57:14 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/01_CairoSquare/01_CairoSquare.wld"
18:57:38 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2252 MB)
18:57:39 LOG: <roundstart gamemode="SinglePlayer" fraglimit="20" timelimit="10" goalslimit="10" minplayers="1" maxplayers="1" joininprogress="0"/>
18:57:39 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 18:57:39
18:57:39 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/01_CairoSquare/01_CairoSquare.wld' in 25.02 seconds.
18:57:39 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.95MB(24.00MB) in 0.17147536. seconds
18:57:40 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.59MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 18:57:40. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000000_QuickSave.sav)
18:57:40 LOG: Save game created in 0.47738884 seconds.
18:57:43 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '23' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
18:57:43 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 55 files in 0.02 seconds.
18:57:45 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Models/Vehicles/UH_60_BlackHawk_cutscenes/Textures/OuterParts_CM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
18:57:52 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Models/NPCS/Soldiers/Textures/Clothing/Spa/Uniform_AO.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
19:00:24 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/NetricsaLevel.wld"
19:00:25 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2404 MB)
19:00:25 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:00:25
19:00:25 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/NetricsaLevel.wld' in 328.58 seconds.
19:00:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '9' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:00:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 4 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:00:30 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:00:30
19:00:30 LOG: Stopping simulation.
19:00:30 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:00:30
19:00:30 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/01_CairoSquare/01_CairoSquare.wld'.
19:00:30 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.68kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 19:00:30.
19:00:30 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.01 seconds.
19:00:31 LOG: World deleted in 0.13(0.12)sec.
19:00:31 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:00:31 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 3002 files in 0.52 seconds.
19:00:31 LOG: World stopped in 0.65sec.
19:00:31 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '10' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:00:31 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.00 seconds.
19:00:33 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:00:33 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:00:34 LOG: Saving cvars to "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
19:00:34 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:00:34
19:00:34 LOG: Core is shutting down

-------- START OF LOG --------

19:06:26 LOG: Core version: $Version: distro_Sam3_PC; SeriousSam3-Windows-Final; 261096 2016-04-26 02:52:57 @builder09; Win32-Static-Final-Default$
19:06:26 LOG: Command: $
19:06:26 LOG: Initializing timer.
19:06:26 LOG: QueryPerformanceFrequency: 14318180
19:06:26 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:06:25
19:06:26 LOG: Binary name: Sam3.exe
19:06:26 LOG: Binary soft path: Bin/
19:06:26 LOG: Binary hard path: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\
19:06:26 LOG: Application directory: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\
19:06:26 LOG: * OS...
19:06:26 LOG: Name: Windows 8
19:06:26 LOG: Kernel: WinNT (64-bit)
19:06:26 LOG: Version: 6.2, build 9200
19:06:26 LOG:
19:06:26 LOG: * CPU...
19:06:26 LOG: Vendor: AuthenticAMD
19:06:26 LOG: Name: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor
19:06:26 LOG: Type: 0, Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 0
19:06:26 LOG: Clock: 3.50 GHz
19:06:26 LOG: Cores: 8
19:06:26 LOG: CMOV: Yes
19:06:26 LOG: SSE: Yes
19:06:26 LOG: Invariant TSC: Yes
19:06:26 LOG:
19:06:26 LOG: * Memory...
19:06:26 LOG: Total physical memory: 16332 MB
19:06:26 LOG: Free physical memory: 8850 MB
19:06:26 LOG:
19:06:26 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ScriptLua.dll".
19:06:26 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GameEnv_Steam.dll".
19:06:26 INF: GameEnv API: Steam
19:06:26 INF: Encoded user ID = b494a85b:9cab72f8
19:06:26 LOG: Error getting mixer source line info for microphone. Will not be able to control microphone.
19:06:26 LOG: Created thread 3484(ResourceLoader).
19:06:26 LOG: Loading cvars from "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
19:06:26 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1920x1080(fullscreen)...
19:06:26 INF:
19:06:26 INF: * Desktop settings...
19:06:26 INF: Color depth: 32-bit
19:06:26 INF: Desktop resolution: 1920 x 1080
19:06:26 INF: Virtual screen: 1920 x 1080
19:06:26 INF: Monitors attached: 1
19:06:26 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GfxD3D9.dll".
19:06:26 LOG: Loaded "D3D9.dll".
19:06:26 LOG: Loaded "D3DCompiler_43.dll".
19:06:26 LOG: Loaded "D3DX9_43.dll".
19:06:26 LOG: Loaded "ATIADLXX.DLL".
19:06:27 INF:
19:06:27 INF: Gfx API: Direct3D 9.0c
19:06:27 INF: Resolution: 1920 x 1080
19:06:27 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
19:06:27 INF: Driver: aticfx32.dll (0x6938)
19:06:27 INF: Renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
19:06:27 INF: Version: 21.19.407.0
19:06:27 INF: Video memory size: 4096 MB
19:06:27 INF: Available for textures: 4080 MB
19:06:27 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
19:06:27 WRN: Display driver is too old, please update it ASAP!
19:06:27 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SfxXAD.dll".
19:06:27 LOG: Loaded "X3DAudio1_7.dll".
19:06:27 INF:
19:06:27 INF: Sfx API: XAudio2
19:06:27 INF: Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
19:06:27 INF: Mixer frequency: 48000 Hz
19:06:27 INF: Mixer voices: 2
19:06:27 INF: Max sound sources: 35
19:06:27 INF: Max total volume: 3
19:06:27 INF: Speaker config: stereo
19:06:27 INF: Environment FX: enabled
19:06:27 INF: Current environment: Padded cell
19:06:27 INF:
19:06:27 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SeriousSam3_Project.dll".
19:06:27 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_01.gro: 6414 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:06:27 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_02.gro: 5133 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:06:27 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_145562.gro: 2565 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:06:27 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_147686.gro: 835 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:06:27 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_150406.gro: 627 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:06:27 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_170136.gro: 703 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:06:27 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_261096.gro: 312 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:06:27 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/CachedShaders_PC.gro: 2753 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:06:28 LOG: Loading translation tables from Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/.
19:06:28 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation.tbl
19:06:28 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation_All.tbl
19:06:28 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecAudio_Vorbis.dll".
19:06:28 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecAudio_Vorbis.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
19:06:28 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecVideo_Null.dll".
19:06:28 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecVideo_Null.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
19:06:28 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Input.dll".
19:06:28 LOG: Loaded "xinput1_3.dll".
19:06:28 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
19:06:28 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
19:06:28 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
19:06:28 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
19:06:28 LOG: Module 'Bin/Input.module' loaded in '0.05' seconds.
19:06:28 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Game.dll".
19:06:28 LOG: Module 'Bin/Game.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
19:06:28 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ProcRender.dll".
19:06:28 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Shaders.dll".
19:06:28 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.01' seconds.
19:06:28 LOG: Module 'Bin/ProcRender.module' loaded in '0.02' seconds.
19:06:28 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
19:06:28 INF: Using cheats will invalidate your score for this level and achievements won't be awarded for the remainder of the game.
19:06:28 LOG: Skipped assigning to prj_strMultiplayerSessionName because the saved version (0) is different than the current version (2).
19:06:28 LOG: Alienware LightFX is not installed.
19:06:28 LOG: Module 'Bin/SeriousSam3_Project.module' loaded in '0.91' seconds.
19:06:28 LOG: Created thread 2628(GameDataJobs).
19:06:28 ERR: Error opening wave in!
19:06:28 LOG: cvarShowDiffs()
19:06:28 LOG: cmp_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
19:06:28 LOG: crm_bCastShadows = 1 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: crm_fDensityBias = 1.1 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: crm_fDistanceBias = 1.2 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: dcl_ctMaxNewTrianglesPerFrame = 4096 (2048)
19:06:28 LOG: dcl_ctMaxTrianglesPerGroup = 8192 (4096)
19:06:28 LOG: efx_bDownsampleHQ = 1 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: efx_bSharpStreaks = 1 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: efx_fOcclusionBufferScale = 1 (0.5)
19:06:28 LOG: efx_iMaxRippleSources = 30 (10)
19:06:28 LOG: efx_iOcclusionBlur = 2 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: efx_iStreaksQuality = 3 (2)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bAmmoStays = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bArmorStays = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bAutoCycleMaps = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bExtraMPEnemies = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bFriendlyFire = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bHealthStays = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bPowerupsStay = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bRankedMatch = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bRespawnInPlace = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_bWeaponsStay = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_ctFragsLimit = 20 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_ctGoalsLimit = 10 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_ctMaxPlayers = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_ctMinPlayers = 1 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_ctRoundLimit = 10 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_ctTimeLimit = 10 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_gdDifficulty = 3 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 0 (-1)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 1 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_bRequiredShaderReload = 1 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_bRequiredTextureReload = 1 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_iFXAA = 4 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1080 (480)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1920 (640)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 1080 (480)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 1920 (640)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_pixResHeight = 1080 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_pixResWidth = 1920 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_pixWinHeight = 1080 (480)
19:06:28 LOG: gfx_pixWinWidth = 1920 (640)
19:06:28 LOG: lmp_bAllowAnisotropy = 1 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: men_iMaxGlows = 5 (3)
19:06:28 LOG: nmp_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 1 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_bSkippableIntroScene = 1 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 50 (20)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 20 (8)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebris = 200 (50)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 100 (20)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 10 (4)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 5 (2)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 100 (50)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebrisCoop = 40 (20)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.0010000002 (0.01)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.003 (0.015)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_iCPUSpeed = 4 (2)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_iFlashlightType = 3 (2)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_iGPUMemory = 4 (2)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_iGPUSpeed = 4 (2)
19:06:28 LOG: prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "2017-02-14" ("")
19:06:28 LOG: prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096," ("")
19:06:28 LOG: prt_fParticleBias = 1.2 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: ren_fLODBias = 0.5 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 2 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: ren_fMirrorQuality = 1 (0.5)
19:06:28 LOG: ren_iMirrorLevelBias = 2 (0)
19:06:28 LOG: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 35 (25)
19:06:28 LOG: sha_bShadowTrilinearDithering = 0 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: sha_bVertexShadows = 0 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: sha_fFilledHighlightingDistance = 50 (30)
19:06:28 LOG: sha_fShadowTrilinearSpan = 0.5 (0.25)
19:06:28 LOG: sha_iMaxShockwaves = 40 (8)
19:06:28 LOG: shb_bForceBilinearFiltering = 0 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: shb_fCascadedStepFactor = 5 (4)
19:06:28 LOG: shb_fNearShadowDistance = 5 (4)
19:06:28 LOG: shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 3072 (1536)
19:06:28 LOG: shb_pixShadowDensity = 96 (16)
19:06:28 LOG: snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7 (1)
19:06:28 LOG: tex_iAnisotropy = 16 (4)
19:06:28 LOG: tex_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
19:06:28 INF: AutoDetect: Hardware values unchanged, nothing to do.
19:06:31 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3Controller.xml.
19:06:31 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
19:06:31 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3ControllerAsian.xml.
19:06:31 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
19:06:31 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/SteamController.xml.
19:06:31 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
19:06:31 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/XBox360Controller.xml.
19:06:31 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
19:06:31 LOG: Created thread 8224(SyncWorkshop).
19:06:31 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/CommandTable/'.
19:06:31 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:06:31 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:06:31 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:06:32 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:06:32 LOG: Steam workshop sync operation finished in 0.22 seconds.
19:06:33 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/Startup/'.
19:06:37 INF: > ren_bMultiThreadedRendering=1
19:06:37 INF: > ren_iMaxThreads=3
19:06:39 INF: >
19:06:50 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld"
19:06:50 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1437 MB)
19:06:51 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:06:51
19:06:51 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld' in 0.55 seconds.
19:06:51 LOG: Created thread 13448(WorkerThreadPool).
19:06:51 LOG: Created thread 15704(WorkerThreadPool).
19:06:51 LOG: Created thread 13360(WorkerThreadPool).
19:06:51 LOG: Created thread 6376(WorkerThreadPool).
19:06:51 LOG: Created thread 10868(WorkerThreadPool).
19:06:51 LOG: Created thread 16116(WorkerThreadPool).
19:06:51 LOG: Created thread 7472(WorkerThreadPool).
19:06:51 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1920x1080.
19:06:53 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld"
19:06:54 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1450 MB)
19:06:54 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:06:54
19:06:54 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld' in 0.65 seconds.
19:06:57 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:07:04 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:07:04
19:07:04 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000000_QuickSave.sav'.
19:07:04 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '52' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:07:04 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1276 files in 0.12 seconds.
19:07:04 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000000_QuickSave.sav"
19:07:29 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2215 MB)
19:07:33 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '23' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:07:33 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 55 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:08:09 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:08:09
19:08:09 LOG: Stopping simulation.
19:08:09 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:08:09
19:08:09 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/01_CairoSquare/01_CairoSquare.wld'.
19:08:09 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '4' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:08:09 LOG: World deleted in 0.13(0.13)sec.
19:08:09 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:08:09 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:08:09 LOG: World stopped in 0.14sec.
19:08:09 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:08:09
19:08:09 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000000_QuickSave.sav'.
19:08:09 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000000_QuickSave.sav"
19:08:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:08:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 52 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:08:11 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2359 MB)
19:08:51 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/NetricsaLevel.wld"
19:09:05 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra, GPU memory=High
19:09:10 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra, GPU memory=High
19:09:30 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=High
19:09:30 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
19:09:30 INF: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 2 (was 4)
19:09:30 INF:
19:09:30 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.72kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 19:09:30.
19:09:31 INF: Apply quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=High
19:09:31 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
19:09:31 INF: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 2 (was 4)
19:09:31 INF:
19:09:36 LOG: 688 shaders reloaded in 5.3 seconds
19:09:44 LOG: 1366 textures reloaded in 7.4 seconds
19:09:46 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '2' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:09:46 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:09:46 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:09:46 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:09:46 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1920x1080.
19:10:32 INF: > ren_bMultiThreadedRendering=1
19:10:32 INF: > ren_iMaxThreads=3
19:10:34 INF: >
19:10:46 INF: > ren_bMultiThreadedRendering=1
19:10:58 INF: > ren_iMaxThreads=8
19:11:04 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '4' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:11:04 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:11:11 INF: > ren_iMaxThreads=4
19:11:54 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2179 MB)
19:11:54 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:11:54
19:11:54 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/NetricsaLevel.wld' in 301.16 seconds.
19:11:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '9' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:11:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 4 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:13:15 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:13:19 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.99MB(24.00MB) in 0.13091664. seconds
19:13:20 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.63MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:13:20. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000001_QuickSave.sav)
19:13:20 LOG: Save game created in 0.45172508 seconds.
19:13:49 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '4' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:13:49 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:14:29 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:14:29 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.95MB(24.00MB) in 0.1187878. seconds
19:14:29 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.62MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:14:29. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000002_QuickSave.sav)
19:14:30 LOG: Save game created in 0.42781012 seconds.
19:16:11 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:16:11 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.99MB(24.00MB) in 0.14609322. seconds
19:16:11 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.64MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:16:11. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000003_QuickSave.sav)
19:16:11 LOG: Save game created in 0.49634892 seconds.
19:16:33 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:16:33 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.98MB(24.00MB) in 0.12001344. seconds
19:16:33 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.63MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:16:33. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000004_QuickSave.sav)
19:16:33 LOG: Save game created in 0.4396764 seconds.
19:18:15 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:18:15 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:18:34 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:18:34 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.98MB(24.00MB) in 0.12468234. seconds
19:18:34 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.63MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:18:34. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000005_QuickSave.sav)
19:18:34 LOG: Save game created in 0.43740256 seconds.
19:18:37 WRN: Can't find animation 'Aim_Pistol' in anim host Content/SeriousSam3/Presets/Animations/Player.anh.
19:19:20 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:19:20 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.16MB(24.00MB) in 0.13123394. seconds
19:19:20 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.69MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:19:20. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000006_QuickSave.sav)
19:19:20 LOG: Save game created in 0.4625134 seconds.
19:20:21 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:20:21 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.99MB(24.00MB) in 0.12257522. seconds
19:20:21 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.64MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:20:21. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000007_QuickSave.sav)
19:20:21 LOG: Save game created in 0.43078892 seconds.
19:22:58 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '3' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:22:58 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:23:13 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:23:13 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.00MB(24.00MB) in 0.12091446. seconds
19:23:13 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.65MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:23:13. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000008_QuickSave.sav)
19:23:13 LOG: Save game created in 0.45598524 seconds.
19:23:21 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:23:21 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.02MB(24.00MB) in 0.11893496. seconds
19:23:21 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.66MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:23:21. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000009_QuickSave.sav)
19:23:21 LOG: Save game created in 0.43957472 seconds.
19:26:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:26:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:26:41 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=High
19:26:41 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
19:26:41 INF: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 2 (was 4)
19:26:41 INF:
19:27:14 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=High
19:27:14 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
19:27:14 INF: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 30 (was 50)
19:27:14 INF: prj_ctMaxDebris = 100 (was 200)
19:27:14 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
19:27:14 INF:
19:27:14 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
19:27:14 INF: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 2 (was 4)
19:27:14 INF:
19:27:14 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.72kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 19:27:14.
19:27:18 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=High
19:27:18 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
19:27:18 INF: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 30 (was 50)
19:27:18 INF: prj_ctMaxDebris = 100 (was 200)
19:27:18 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
19:27:18 INF:
19:27:18 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
19:27:18 INF: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 2 (was 4)
19:27:18 INF:
19:28:15 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (4 customized), GPU memory=High
19:28:15 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
19:28:15 INF: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 30 (was 50)
19:28:15 INF: prj_ctMaxDebris = 100 (was 200)
19:28:15 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
19:28:15 INF:
19:28:15 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
19:28:15 INF: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 1 (was 4)
19:28:15 INF: ren_fMirrorQuality = 0.5 (was 1)
19:28:15 INF: shb_pixShadowDensity = 16 (was 96)
19:28:15 INF: shb_iShadowAntialiasing = 0 (was 1)
19:28:15 INF:
19:28:15 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.72kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 19:28:15.
19:28:17 INF: Apply quality: CPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (4 customized), GPU memory=High
19:28:17 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
19:28:17 INF: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 30 (was 50)
19:28:17 INF: prj_ctMaxDebris = 100 (was 200)
19:28:17 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
19:28:17 INF:
19:28:17 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
19:28:17 INF: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 1 (was 4)
19:28:17 INF: ren_fMirrorQuality = 0.5 (was 1)
19:28:17 INF: shb_pixShadowDensity = 16 (was 96)
19:28:17 INF: shb_iShadowAntialiasing = 0 (was 1)
19:28:17 INF:
19:28:33 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:28:33 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:28:33 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1920x1080.
19:29:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:29:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:29:09 LOG: Thumbnail generated in 0.51 seconds
19:29:09 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.05MB(24.00MB) in 0.12460704. seconds
19:29:09 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.67MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:29:09. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000010_Save.sav)
19:29:09 LOG: Save game created in 0.9362556 seconds.
19:29:25 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:29:39 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.03MB(24.00MB) in 0.12240606. seconds
19:29:39 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.67MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:29:39. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000011_QuickSave.sav)
19:29:39 LOG: Save game created in 0.43115068 seconds.
19:29:58 WRN: Netricsa HUD element has expired.
19:30:23 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '3' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:30:23 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 3 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:30:23 LOG: Thumbnail generated in 0.24 seconds
19:30:23 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.03MB(24.00MB) in 0.11720038. seconds
19:30:24 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.67MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:30:24. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000012_Save.sav)
19:30:24 LOG: Save game created in 0.66178208 seconds.
19:30:27 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:30:27
19:30:27 LOG: Stopping simulation.
19:30:27 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:30:27
19:30:27 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/01_CairoSquare/01_CairoSquare.wld'.
19:30:27 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.72kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 19:30:27.
19:30:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.01 seconds.
19:30:27 LOG: World deleted in 0.13(0.12)sec.
19:30:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:30:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 3006 files in 0.32 seconds.
19:30:27 LOG: World stopped in 0.45sec.
19:30:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '10' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:30:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:30:30 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:30:30 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:30:31 LOG: Saving cvars to "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
19:30:31 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:30:31
19:30:31 LOG: Core is shutting down

-------- START OF LOG --------

19:36:58 LOG: Core version: $Version: distro_Sam3_PC; SeriousSam3-Windows-Final; 261096 2016-04-26 02:52:57 @builder09; Win32-Static-Final-Default$
19:36:58 LOG: Command: $
19:36:58 LOG: Initializing timer.
19:36:58 LOG: QueryPerformanceFrequency: 14318180
19:36:58 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:36:58
19:36:58 LOG: Binary name: Sam3.exe
19:36:58 LOG: Binary soft path: Bin/
19:36:58 LOG: Binary hard path: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\
19:36:58 LOG: Application directory: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\
19:36:58 LOG: * OS...
19:36:58 LOG: Name: Windows 8
19:36:58 LOG: Kernel: WinNT (64-bit)
19:36:58 LOG: Version: 6.2, build 9200
19:36:58 LOG:
19:36:58 LOG: * CPU...
19:36:58 LOG: Vendor: AuthenticAMD
19:36:58 LOG: Name: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor
19:36:58 LOG: Type: 0, Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 0
19:36:58 LOG: Clock: 3.50 GHz
19:36:58 LOG: Cores: 8
19:36:58 LOG: CMOV: Yes
19:36:58 LOG: SSE: Yes
19:36:58 LOG: Invariant TSC: Yes
19:36:58 LOG:
19:36:58 LOG: * Memory...
19:36:58 LOG: Total physical memory: 16332 MB
19:36:58 LOG: Free physical memory: 8415 MB
19:36:58 LOG:
19:36:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ScriptLua.dll".
19:36:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GameEnv_Steam.dll".
19:36:58 INF: GameEnv API: Steam
19:36:58 INF: Encoded user ID = b494a85b:9cab72f8
19:36:58 LOG: Error getting mixer source line info for microphone. Will not be able to control microphone.
19:36:58 LOG: Created thread 15516(ResourceLoader).
19:36:58 LOG: Loading cvars from "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
19:36:59 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1920x1080(fullscreen)...
19:36:59 INF:
19:36:59 INF: * Desktop settings...
19:36:59 INF: Color depth: 32-bit
19:36:59 INF: Desktop resolution: 1920 x 1080
19:36:59 INF: Virtual screen: 1920 x 1080
19:36:59 INF: Monitors attached: 1
19:36:59 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GfxD3D9.dll".
19:36:59 LOG: Loaded "D3D9.dll".
19:36:59 LOG: Loaded "D3DCompiler_43.dll".
19:36:59 LOG: Loaded "D3DX9_43.dll".
19:36:59 LOG: Loaded "ATIADLXX.DLL".
19:37:00 INF:
19:37:00 INF: Gfx API: Direct3D 9.0c
19:37:00 INF: Resolution: 1920 x 1080
19:37:00 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
19:37:00 INF: Driver: aticfx32.dll (0x6938)
19:37:00 INF: Renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
19:37:00 INF: Version: 21.19.407.0
19:37:00 INF: Video memory size: 4096 MB
19:37:00 INF: Available for textures: 4080 MB
19:37:00 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
19:37:00 WRN: Display driver is too old, please update it ASAP!
19:37:00 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SfxXAD.dll".
19:37:00 LOG: Loaded "X3DAudio1_7.dll".
19:37:00 INF:
19:37:00 INF: Sfx API: XAudio2
19:37:00 INF: Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
19:37:00 INF: Mixer frequency: 48000 Hz
19:37:00 INF: Mixer voices: 2
19:37:00 INF: Max sound sources: 35
19:37:00 INF: Max total volume: 3
19:37:00 INF: Speaker config: stereo
19:37:00 INF: Environment FX: enabled
19:37:00 INF: Current environment: Padded cell
19:37:00 INF:
19:37:00 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SeriousSam3_Project.dll".
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_01.gro: 6414 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_02.gro: 5133 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_145562.gro: 2565 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_147686.gro: 835 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_150406.gro: 627 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_170136.gro: 703 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_261096.gro: 312 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/CachedShaders_PC.gro: 2753 files, signature: OFFICIAL
19:37:00 LOG: Loading translation tables from Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/.
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation.tbl
19:37:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation_All.tbl
19:37:01 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecAudio_Vorbis.dll".
19:37:01 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecAudio_Vorbis.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
19:37:01 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecVideo_Null.dll".
19:37:01 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecVideo_Null.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
19:37:01 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Input.dll".
19:37:01 LOG: Loaded "xinput1_3.dll".
19:37:01 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
19:37:01 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
19:37:01 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
19:37:01 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
19:37:01 LOG: Module 'Bin/Input.module' loaded in '0.04' seconds.
19:37:01 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Game.dll".
19:37:01 LOG: Module 'Bin/Game.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
19:37:01 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ProcRender.dll".
19:37:01 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Shaders.dll".
19:37:01 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.01' seconds.
19:37:01 LOG: Module 'Bin/ProcRender.module' loaded in '0.02' seconds.
19:37:01 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
19:37:01 INF: Using cheats will invalidate your score for this level and achievements won't be awarded for the remainder of the game.
19:37:01 LOG: Skipped assigning to prj_strMultiplayerSessionName because the saved version (0) is different than the current version (2).
19:37:01 LOG: Alienware LightFX is not installed.
19:37:01 LOG: Module 'Bin/SeriousSam3_Project.module' loaded in '0.80' seconds.
19:37:01 LOG: Created thread 3012(GameDataJobs).
19:37:01 ERR: Error opening wave in!
19:37:01 LOG: cvarShowDiffs()
19:37:01 LOG: crm_bCastShadows = 1 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: crm_fDensityBias = 1.1 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: crm_fDistanceBias = 1.2 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: dcl_ctMaxNewTrianglesPerFrame = 4096 (2048)
19:37:01 LOG: dcl_ctMaxTrianglesPerGroup = 8192 (4096)
19:37:01 LOG: efx_bDownsampleHQ = 1 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: efx_bSharpStreaks = 1 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: efx_fOcclusionBufferScale = 1 (0.5)
19:37:01 LOG: efx_iMaxRippleSources = 30 (10)
19:37:01 LOG: efx_iOcclusionBlur = 2 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: efx_iStreaksQuality = 3 (2)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bAmmoStays = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bArmorStays = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bAutoCycleMaps = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bExtraMPEnemies = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bFriendlyFire = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bHealthStays = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bPowerupsStay = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bRankedMatch = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bRespawnInPlace = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_bWeaponsStay = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_ctFragsLimit = 20 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_ctGoalsLimit = 10 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_ctMaxPlayers = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_ctMinPlayers = 1 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_ctRoundLimit = 10 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_ctTimeLimit = 10 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_gdDifficulty = 3 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 0 (-1)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 1 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_bRequiredShaderReload = 1 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_bRequiredTextureReload = 1 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 1 (4)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_iFXAA = 4 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1080 (480)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1920 (640)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 1080 (480)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 1920 (640)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_pixResHeight = 1080 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_pixResWidth = 1920 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_pixWinHeight = 1080 (480)
19:37:01 LOG: gfx_pixWinWidth = 1920 (640)
19:37:01 LOG: lmp_bAllowAnisotropy = 1 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: men_iMaxGlows = 5 (3)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_bSkippableIntroScene = 1 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 30 (20)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 20 (8)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebris = 100 (50)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 100 (20)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 10 (4)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 5 (2)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 100 (50)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebrisCoop = 40 (20)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.0010000002 (0.01)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.003 (0.015)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_iCPUSpeed = 4 (2)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_iFlashlightType = 3 (2)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_iGPUMemory = 3 (2)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_iGPUSpeed = 4 (2)
19:37:01 LOG: prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "2017-02-14" ("")
19:37:01 LOG: prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096," ("")
19:37:01 LOG: prt_fParticleBias = 1.2 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: ren_bMultiThreadedRendering = 1 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: ren_fLODBias = 0.5 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 2 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: ren_iMaxThreads = 4 (2)
19:37:01 LOG: ren_iMirrorLevelBias = 2 (0)
19:37:01 LOG: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 35 (25)
19:37:01 LOG: sha_bShadowTrilinearDithering = 0 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: sha_bVertexShadows = 0 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: sha_fFilledHighlightingDistance = 50 (30)
19:37:01 LOG: sha_fShadowTrilinearSpan = 0.5 (0.25)
19:37:01 LOG: sha_iMaxShockwaves = 40 (8)
19:37:01 LOG: shb_bForceBilinearFiltering = 0 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: shb_fCascadedStepFactor = 5 (4)
19:37:01 LOG: shb_fNearShadowDistance = 5 (4)
19:37:01 LOG: shb_iShadowAntialiasing = 0 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 3072 (1536)
19:37:01 LOG: snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7 (1)
19:37:01 LOG: tex_iAnisotropy = 16 (4)
19:37:01 LOG: tex_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
19:37:01 INF: AutoDetect: Hardware values unchanged, nothing to do.
19:37:03 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3Controller.xml.
19:37:03 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
19:37:03 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3ControllerAsian.xml.
19:37:03 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
19:37:03 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/SteamController.xml.
19:37:04 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
19:37:04 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/XBox360Controller.xml.
19:37:04 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
19:37:04 LOG: Created thread 2540(SyncWorkshop).
19:37:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/CommandTable/'.
19:37:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:37:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:37:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:37:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:37:04 LOG: Steam workshop sync operation finished in 0.33 seconds.
19:37:06 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/Startup/'.
19:37:22 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld"
19:37:23 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1272 MB)
19:37:23 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:37:23
19:37:23 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld' in 0.55 seconds.
19:37:23 LOG: Created thread 11452(WorkerThreadPool).
19:37:23 LOG: Created thread 6576(WorkerThreadPool).
19:37:23 LOG: Created thread 12284(WorkerThreadPool).
19:37:23 LOG: Created thread 15936(WorkerThreadPool).
19:37:23 LOG: Created thread 14796(WorkerThreadPool).
19:37:23 LOG: Created thread 5508(WorkerThreadPool).
19:37:23 LOG: Created thread 10248(WorkerThreadPool).
19:37:23 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1920x1080.
19:37:25 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld"
19:37:25 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1285 MB)
19:37:25 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:37:25
19:37:25 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld' in 0.69 seconds.
19:37:26 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
19:37:41 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=High, GPU speed=Ultra (4 customized), GPU memory=High
19:37:41 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
19:37:41 INF: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 1 (was 4)
19:37:41 INF: ren_fMirrorQuality = 0.5 (was 1)
19:37:41 INF: shb_pixShadowDensity = 16 (was 96)
19:37:41 INF: shb_iShadowAntialiasing = 0 (was 1)
19:37:41 INF:
19:37:43 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=High, GPU speed=High, GPU memory=High
19:37:43 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1632x912.
19:37:47 INF: Apply quality: CPU speed=High, GPU speed=High, GPU memory=High
19:38:39 LOG: 679 shaders reloaded in 52.5 seconds
19:38:45 LOG: 759 textures reloaded in 5.8 seconds
19:39:07 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Lowest, GPU speed=High, GPU memory=High
19:39:10 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Lowest, GPU speed=Lowest, GPU memory=High
19:39:10 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 928x528.
19:39:11 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Lowest, GPU speed=Lowest, GPU memory=Lowest
19:39:12 INF: Apply quality: CPU speed=Lowest, GPU speed=Lowest, GPU memory=Lowest
19:39:51 LOG: 679 shaders reloaded in 39.6 seconds
19:39:57 LOG: 759 textures reloaded in 5.6 seconds
19:40:14 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:40:14
19:40:14 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000011_QuickSave.sav'.
19:40:15 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '53' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:40:15 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1276 files in 0.06 seconds.
19:40:15 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000011_QuickSave.sav"
19:40:15 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 928x528.
19:40:39 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1156 MB)
19:40:42 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '24' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:40:42 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 55 files in 0.03 seconds.
19:41:07 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Medium, GPU speed=Lowest, GPU memory=Lowest
19:41:10 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Medium, GPU speed=Lowest, GPU memory=Lowest
19:41:13 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Medium, GPU speed=High, GPU memory=Lowest
19:41:15 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Medium, GPU speed=High, GPU memory=Medium
19:41:18 INF: Apply quality: CPU speed=Medium, GPU speed=High, GPU memory=Medium
19:41:26 LOG: 688 shaders reloaded in 8.2 seconds
19:42:02 LOG: 1361 textures reloaded in 35.3 seconds
19:42:06 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '3' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:42:06 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:42:06 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1632x912.
19:42:30 LOG: Requesting auto save...
19:42:31 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.04MB(24.00MB) in 0.137347. seconds
19:42:31 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.67MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:42:31. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000013_QuickSave.sav)
19:42:31 LOG: Save game created in 0.45775404 seconds.
19:42:36 WRN: Can't find animation 'Aim_Pistol' in anim host Content/SeriousSam3/Presets/Animations/Player.anh.
19:42:57 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:42:57
19:42:57 LOG: Stopping simulation.
19:42:57 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:42:57
19:42:57 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/01_CairoSquare/01_CairoSquare.wld'.
19:42:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:42:57 LOG: World deleted in 0.11(0.11)sec.
19:42:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:42:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:42:57 LOG: World stopped in 0.12sec.
19:42:57 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:42:57
19:42:57 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000013_QuickSave.sav'.
19:42:57 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000013_QuickSave.sav"
19:42:58 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '2' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:42:58 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 52 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:42:58 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1847 MB)
19:43:15 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:43:15 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.02 seconds.
19:43:15 LOG: genvLeaderboardWrite() - user: 0, leaderboard: SinglePlayer_01_CairoSquare, Score: 912020, priority: 100
19:43:15 LOG: id: 0
19:43:15 LOG: genvLeaderboardWrite() - user: 0, leaderboard: SinglePlayer_All, Score: 912020, priority: 100
19:43:15 LOG: id: 1
19:43:16 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.78kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 19:43:16.
19:43:16 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:43:16
19:43:16 LOG: Changing to 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld'.
19:43:16 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:43:16 LOG: World deleted in 0.11(0.11)sec.
19:43:16 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:43:16 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2941 files in 0.27 seconds.
19:43:16 LOG: World stopped in 0.38sec.
19:43:16 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld"
19:43:16 LOG: genvLeaderboardGetWriteStatus() - write: 1 - succeeded
19:43:16 LOG: genvLeaderboardGetWriteStatus() - write: 0 - succeeded
19:43:37 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1659 MB)
19:43:37 LOG: <roundstart gamemode="SinglePlayer" fraglimit="20" timelimit="10" goalslimit="10" minplayers="1" maxplayers="1" joininprogress="0"/>
19:43:37 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:43:37
19:43:37 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld' in 21.73 seconds.
19:43:37 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.16MB(24.00MB) in 0.081661568. seconds
19:43:38 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.44MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:43:38. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000014_QuickSave.sav)
19:43:38 LOG: Save game created in 0.3325589 seconds.
19:43:40 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '19' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:43:40 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 42 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:44:20 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:44:20 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.01 seconds.
19:44:20 LOG: Thumbnail generated in 0.02 seconds
19:44:20 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.11MB(24.00MB) in 0.078505784. seconds
19:44:20 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1632x912.
19:44:20 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.43MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 19:44:20. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000015_Save.sav)
19:44:20 LOG: Save game created in 0.36909012 seconds.
19:44:26 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:44:26
19:44:26 LOG: Stopping simulation.
19:44:26 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:44:26
19:44:26 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld'.
19:44:26 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.77kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 19:44:26.
19:44:26 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.01 seconds.
19:44:26 LOG: World deleted in 0.05(0.04)sec.
19:44:26 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:44:26 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2172 files in 0.15 seconds.
19:44:26 LOG: World stopped in 0.19sec.
19:44:26 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '8' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:44:26 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 7 files in 0.00 seconds.
19:44:28 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '7' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
19:44:28 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.00 seconds.
19:44:29 LOG: Saving cvars to "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
19:44:29 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 19:44:29
19:44:29 LOG: Core is shutting down

-------- START OF LOG --------

20:02:58 LOG: Core version: $Version: distro_Sam3_PC; SeriousSam3-Windows-Final; 261096 2016-04-26 02:52:57 @builder09; Win32-Static-Final-Default$
20:02:58 LOG: Command: $
20:02:58 LOG: Initializing timer.
20:02:58 LOG: QueryPerformanceFrequency: 14318180
20:02:58 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:02:57
20:02:58 LOG: Binary name: Sam3.exe
20:02:58 LOG: Binary soft path: Bin/
20:02:58 LOG: Binary hard path: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\
20:02:58 LOG: Application directory: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\
20:02:58 LOG: * OS...
20:02:58 LOG: Name: Windows 8
20:02:58 LOG: Kernel: WinNT (64-bit)
20:02:58 LOG: Version: 6.2, build 9200
20:02:58 LOG:
20:02:58 LOG: * CPU...
20:02:58 LOG: Vendor: AuthenticAMD
20:02:58 LOG: Name: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor
20:02:58 LOG: Type: 0, Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 0
20:02:58 LOG: Clock: 3.50 GHz
20:02:58 LOG: Cores: 8
20:02:58 LOG: CMOV: Yes
20:02:58 LOG: SSE: Yes
20:02:58 LOG: Invariant TSC: Yes
20:02:58 LOG:
20:02:58 LOG: * Memory...
20:02:58 LOG: Total physical memory: 16332 MB
20:02:58 LOG: Free physical memory: 8336 MB
20:02:58 LOG:
20:02:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ScriptLua.dll".
20:02:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GameEnv_Steam.dll".
20:02:58 INF: GameEnv API: Steam
20:02:58 INF: Encoded user ID = b494a85b:9cab72f8
20:02:58 LOG: Error getting mixer source line info for microphone. Will not be able to control microphone.
20:02:58 LOG: Created thread 15516(ResourceLoader).
20:02:58 LOG: Loading cvars from "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
20:02:58 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1920x1080(fullscreen)...
20:02:58 INF:
20:02:58 INF: * Desktop settings...
20:02:58 INF: Color depth: 32-bit
20:02:58 INF: Desktop resolution: 1920 x 1080
20:02:58 INF: Virtual screen: 1920 x 1080
20:02:58 INF: Monitors attached: 1
20:02:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GfxD3D9.dll".
20:02:58 LOG: Loaded "D3D9.dll".
20:02:58 LOG: Loaded "D3DCompiler_43.dll".
20:02:58 LOG: Loaded "D3DX9_43.dll".
20:02:58 LOG: Loaded "ATIADLXX.DLL".
20:02:59 INF:
20:02:59 INF: Gfx API: Direct3D 9.0c
20:02:59 INF: Resolution: 1920 x 1080
20:02:59 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
20:02:59 INF: Driver: aticfx32.dll (0x6938)
20:02:59 INF: Renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
20:02:59 INF: Version: 21.19.407.0
20:02:59 INF: Video memory size: 4096 MB
20:02:59 INF: Available for textures: 4080 MB
20:02:59 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
20:02:59 WRN: Display driver is too old, please update it ASAP!
20:02:59 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SfxXAD.dll".
20:02:59 LOG: Loaded "X3DAudio1_7.dll".
20:02:59 INF:
20:02:59 INF: Sfx API: XAudio2
20:02:59 INF: Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
20:02:59 INF: Mixer frequency: 48000 Hz
20:02:59 INF: Mixer voices: 2
20:02:59 INF: Max sound sources: 25
20:02:59 INF: Max total volume: 3
20:02:59 INF: Speaker config: stereo
20:02:59 INF: Environment FX: enabled
20:02:59 INF: Current environment: Padded cell
20:02:59 INF:
20:02:59 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SeriousSam3_Project.dll".
20:02:59 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_01.gro: 6414 files, signature: OFFICIAL
20:02:59 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_02.gro: 5133 files, signature: OFFICIAL
20:02:59 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_145562.gro: 2565 files, signature: OFFICIAL
20:02:59 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_147686.gro: 835 files, signature: OFFICIAL
20:02:59 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_150406.gro: 627 files, signature: OFFICIAL
20:02:59 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_170136.gro: 703 files, signature: OFFICIAL
20:02:59 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_261096.gro: 312 files, signature: OFFICIAL
20:02:59 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/CachedShaders_PC.gro: 2753 files, signature: OFFICIAL
20:03:00 LOG: Loading translation tables from Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/.
20:03:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation.tbl
20:03:00 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation_All.tbl
20:03:00 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecAudio_Vorbis.dll".
20:03:00 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecAudio_Vorbis.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
20:03:00 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecVideo_Null.dll".
20:03:00 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecVideo_Null.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
20:03:00 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Input.dll".
20:03:00 LOG: Loaded "xinput1_3.dll".
20:03:00 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
20:03:00 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
20:03:00 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
20:03:00 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
20:03:00 LOG: Module 'Bin/Input.module' loaded in '0.04' seconds.
20:03:00 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Game.dll".
20:03:00 LOG: Module 'Bin/Game.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
20:03:00 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ProcRender.dll".
20:03:00 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Shaders.dll".
20:03:00 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.01' seconds.
20:03:00 LOG: Module 'Bin/ProcRender.module' loaded in '0.02' seconds.
20:03:00 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
20:03:00 INF: Using cheats will invalidate your score for this level and achievements won't be awarded for the remainder of the game.
20:03:00 LOG: Skipped assigning to prj_strMultiplayerSessionName because the saved version (0) is different than the current version (2).
20:03:00 LOG: Alienware LightFX is not installed.
20:03:00 LOG: Module 'Bin/SeriousSam3_Project.module' loaded in '0.81' seconds.
20:03:00 LOG: Created thread 11824(GameDataJobs).
20:03:00 ERR: Error opening wave in!
20:03:00 LOG: cvarShowDiffs()
20:03:00 LOG: cmp_pixMaxSize = 1024 (2048)
20:03:00 LOG: crm_fDensityBias = 1.05 (1)
20:03:00 LOG: crm_fDistanceBias = 1.1 (1)
20:03:00 LOG: efx_bDownsampleHQ = 1 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: efx_bSharpStreaks = 1 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: efx_fOcclusionBufferScale = 0.9 (0.5)
20:03:00 LOG: efx_iMaxRippleSources = 20 (10)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bAmmoStays = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bArmorStays = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bAutoCycleMaps = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bExtraMPEnemies = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bFriendlyFire = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bHealthStays = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bPowerupsStay = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bRankedMatch = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bRespawnInPlace = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_bWeaponsStay = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_ctFragsLimit = 20 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_ctGoalsLimit = 10 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_ctMaxPlayers = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_ctMinPlayers = 1 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_ctRoundLimit = 10 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_ctTimeLimit = 10 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_gdDifficulty = 3 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 0 (-1)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 1 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_bRequiredShaderReload = 1 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_bRequiredTextureReload = 1 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 2 (4)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_iFXAA = 3 (1)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1080 (480)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1920 (640)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 1080 (480)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 1920 (640)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_pixResHeight = 1080 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_pixResWidth = 1920 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_pixWinHeight = 1080 (480)
20:03:00 LOG: gfx_pixWinWidth = 1920 (640)
20:03:00 LOG: lmp_iBaseMip = 1 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: men_iMaxGlows = 4 (3)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_bSkippableIntroScene = 1 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 30 (20)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 10 (8)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebris = 100 (50)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 60 (20)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 6 (4)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 3 (2)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 60 (50)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.005 (0.01)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.01 (0.015)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_iFlashlightType = 3 (2)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_iGPUSpeed = 3 (2)
20:03:00 LOG: prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "2017-02-14" ("")
20:03:00 LOG: prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096," ("")
20:03:00 LOG: prt_fParticleBias = 1.1 (1)
20:03:00 LOG: ren_bMultiThreadedRendering = 1 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: ren_fLODBias = 0.75 (1)
20:03:00 LOG: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1.5 (0)
20:03:00 LOG: ren_fMirrorQuality = 0.75 (0.5)
20:03:00 LOG: ren_iMaxThreads = 4 (2)
20:03:00 LOG: sha_bShadowTrilinearDithering = 0 (1)
20:03:00 LOG: sha_fFilledHighlightingDistance = 40 (30)
20:03:00 LOG: sha_iMaxShockwaves = 20 (8)
20:03:00 LOG: sha_iParallaxMappingQuality = 1 (2)
20:03:00 LOG: shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 2048 (1536)
20:03:00 LOG: shb_pixShadowDensity = 64 (16)
20:03:00 LOG: snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7 (1)
20:03:00 LOG: tex_iAnisotropy = 8 (4)
20:03:00 LOG: tex_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
20:03:00 INF: AutoDetect: Hardware values unchanged, nothing to do.
20:03:03 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3Controller.xml.
20:03:03 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
20:03:03 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3ControllerAsian.xml.
20:03:03 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
20:03:03 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/SteamController.xml.
20:03:03 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
20:03:03 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/XBox360Controller.xml.
20:03:04 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
20:03:04 LOG: Created thread 4156(SyncWorkshop).
20:03:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/CommandTable/'.
20:03:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
20:03:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
20:03:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
20:03:04 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
20:03:04 LOG: Steam workshop sync operation finished in 0.22 seconds.
20:03:05 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/Startup/'.
20:03:22 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld"
20:03:22 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1117 MB)
20:03:22 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:03:22
20:03:22 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld' in 0.54 seconds.
20:03:22 LOG: Created thread 12852(WorkerThreadPool).
20:03:22 LOG: Created thread 14740(WorkerThreadPool).
20:03:22 LOG: Created thread 10596(WorkerThreadPool).
20:03:22 LOG: Created thread 7896(WorkerThreadPool).
20:03:22 LOG: Created thread 14616(WorkerThreadPool).
20:03:22 LOG: Created thread 15852(WorkerThreadPool).
20:03:22 LOG: Created thread 10756(WorkerThreadPool).
20:03:23 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1632x912.
20:03:36 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld"
20:03:37 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1632x918.
20:03:37 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1129 MB)
20:03:37 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:03:37
20:03:37 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld' in 0.66 seconds.
20:03:37 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1632x912.
20:03:40 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
20:03:46 INF: AutoDetect: Forced to adjust settings automatically.
20:03:46 INF: CPU efficiency: 3150 MHz * 8 cores = 8150.625 Mhz
20:03:54 LOG: 759 textures reloaded in 8.4 seconds
20:04:43 LOG: 679 shaders reloaded in 48.9 seconds
20:04:50 INF: Vertex thruput: 147.9 Mvertices/s
20:04:50 INF: Pixel thruput: 2473.4 Mpixels/s
20:04:57 LOG: 759 textures reloaded in 7.4 seconds
20:05:03 LOG: 679 shaders reloaded in 5.8 seconds
20:05:03 INF: AutoDetect: storing new settings: gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096,
20:05:03 INF: Auto detect quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra, GPU memory=Ultra
20:05:03 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1920x1080.
20:05:26 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra, GPU memory=Ultra
20:05:44 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
20:05:44 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
20:05:44 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
20:05:44 INF:
20:05:44 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.77kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 20:05:44.
20:05:45 INF: Apply quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
20:05:45 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
20:05:45 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
20:05:45 INF:
20:06:07 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:06:07
20:06:07 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000014_QuickSave.sav'.
20:06:07 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '54' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:06:07 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1277 files in 0.12 seconds.
20:06:07 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000014_QuickSave.sav"
20:06:25 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1851 MB)
20:06:34 INF: > ren_bMultiThreadedRendering=1
20:06:36 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '19' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:06:36 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 42 files in 0.01 seconds.
20:06:53 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '3' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:06:53 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.01 seconds.
20:07:19 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
20:07:19 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
20:07:19 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
20:07:19 INF:
20:07:22 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
20:07:22 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
20:07:22 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
20:07:22 INF:
20:07:31 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:07:31 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
20:08:00 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:08:00 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.01 seconds.
20:08:29 LOG: Requesting auto save...
20:08:29 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.25MB(24.00MB) in 0.10556972. seconds
20:08:30 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.55MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 20:08:30. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000016_QuickSave.sav)
20:08:30 LOG: Save game created in 0.387819 seconds.
20:09:42 LOG: Requesting auto save...
20:09:43 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.48MB(24.00MB) in 0.082116728. seconds
20:09:43 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.71MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 20:09:43. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000017_QuickSave.sav)
20:09:43 LOG: Save game created in 0.34810456 seconds.
20:10:24 LOG: Requesting auto save...
20:10:53 LOG: Requesting auto save...
20:10:54 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.72MB(24.00MB) in 0.082435472. seconds
20:10:55 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.88MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 20:10:55. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000018_QuickSave.sav)
20:10:55 LOG: Save game created in 0.37489128 seconds.
20:11:26 LOG: Requesting auto save...
20:11:26 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.74MB(24.00MB) in 0.099462992. seconds
20:11:26 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.89MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 20:11:26. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000019_QuickSave.sav)
20:11:26 LOG: Save game created in 0.40568396 seconds.
20:11:36 INF: > ren_iMaxThreads=4
20:12:17 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '10' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:12:17 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.01 seconds.
20:12:17 LOG: Thumbnail generated in 0.11 seconds
20:12:17 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.74MB(24.00MB) in 0.080484328. seconds
20:12:17 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.90MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 20:12:17. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000020_Save.sav)
20:12:17 LOG: Save game created in 0.49027496 seconds.
20:12:42 WRN: Can't find animation 'Aim_Pistol' in anim host Content/SeriousSam3/Presets/Animations/Player.anh.
20:19:51 LOG: Requesting auto save...
20:19:51 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.73MB(24.00MB) in 0.09214188. seconds
20:19:52 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.89MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 20:19:52. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000021_QuickSave.sav)
20:19:52 LOG: Save game created in 0.3884242 seconds.
20:19:55 LOG: Requesting auto save...
20:19:55 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.73MB(24.00MB) in 0.087395744. seconds
20:19:55 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.89MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 20:19:55. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000022_QuickSave.sav)
20:19:55 LOG: Save game created in 0.38725336 seconds.
20:20:39 LOG: Requesting auto save...
20:20:39 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.72MB(24.00MB) in 0.084335296. seconds
20:20:39 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.89MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/14 20:20:39. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000023_QuickSave.sav)
20:20:39 LOG: Save game created in 0.38131384 seconds.
20:21:09 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:21:09
20:21:09 LOG: Stopping simulation.
20:21:09 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:21:09
20:21:09 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld'.
20:21:09 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:21:09 LOG: World deleted in 0.07(0.07)sec.
20:21:09 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:21:09 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.02 seconds.
20:21:09 LOG: World stopped in 0.08sec.
20:21:09 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:21:09
20:21:09 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000023_QuickSave.sav'.
20:21:09 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000023_QuickSave.sav"
20:21:10 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '2' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:21:10 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 39 files in 0.02 seconds.
20:21:10 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1977 MB)
20:21:53 LOG: Requesting auto save...
20:22:15 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:22:15
20:22:15 LOG: Stopping simulation.
20:22:15 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:22:15
20:22:15 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld'.
20:22:15 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:22:15 LOG: World deleted in 0.06(0.05)sec.
20:22:15 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:22:15 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.01 seconds.
20:22:15 LOG: World stopped in 0.07sec.
20:22:15 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:22:15
20:22:15 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000023_QuickSave.sav'.
20:22:15 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000023_QuickSave.sav"
20:22:17 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:22:17 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 39 files in 0.02 seconds.
20:22:17 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1977 MB)
20:22:22 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:22:22
20:22:22 LOG: Stopping simulation.
20:22:22 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:22:22
20:22:22 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld'.
20:22:22 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.77kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/14 20:22:22.
20:22:22 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.01 seconds.
20:22:22 LOG: World deleted in 0.06(0.05)sec.
20:22:22 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:22:22 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2178 files in 0.21 seconds.
20:22:22 LOG: World stopped in 0.26sec.
20:22:22 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '14' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:22:22 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.00 seconds.
20:22:25 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
20:22:25 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.00 seconds.
20:22:25 LOG: Saving cvars to "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
20:22:25 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/14 20:22:25
20:22:25 LOG: Core is shutting down

-------- START OF LOG --------

21:12:51 LOG: Core version: $Version: distro_Sam3_PC; SeriousSam3-Windows-Final; 261096 2016-04-26 02:52:57 @builder09; Win32-Static-Final-Default$
21:12:51 LOG: Command: $
21:12:51 LOG: Initializing timer.
21:12:51 LOG: QueryPerformanceFrequency: 14318180
21:12:51 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:12:51
21:12:51 LOG: Binary name: Sam3.exe
21:12:51 LOG: Binary soft path: Bin/
21:12:51 LOG: Binary hard path: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\
21:12:51 LOG: Application directory: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\
21:12:51 LOG: * OS...
21:12:51 LOG: Name: Windows 8
21:12:51 LOG: Kernel: WinNT (64-bit)
21:12:51 LOG: Version: 6.2, build 9200
21:12:51 LOG:
21:12:51 LOG: * CPU...
21:12:51 LOG: Vendor: AuthenticAMD
21:12:51 LOG: Name: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor
21:12:51 LOG: Type: 0, Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 0
21:12:51 LOG: Clock: 3.50 GHz
21:12:51 LOG: Cores: 8
21:12:51 LOG: CMOV: Yes
21:12:51 LOG: SSE: Yes
21:12:51 LOG: Invariant TSC: Yes
21:12:51 LOG:
21:12:51 LOG: * Memory...
21:12:51 LOG: Total physical memory: 16332 MB
21:12:51 LOG: Free physical memory: 9134 MB
21:12:51 LOG:
21:12:51 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ScriptLua.dll".
21:12:51 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GameEnv_Steam.dll".
21:12:51 INF: GameEnv API: Steam
21:12:51 INF: Encoded user ID = b494a85b:9cab72f8
21:12:51 LOG: Error getting mixer source line info for microphone. Will not be able to control microphone.
21:12:51 LOG: Created thread 5788(ResourceLoader).
21:12:51 LOG: Loading cvars from "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
21:12:52 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1920x1080(fullscreen)...
21:12:52 INF:
21:12:52 INF: * Desktop settings...
21:12:52 INF: Color depth: 32-bit
21:12:52 INF: Desktop resolution: 1920 x 1080
21:12:52 INF: Virtual screen: 1920 x 1080
21:12:52 INF: Monitors attached: 1
21:12:52 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GfxD3D9.dll".
21:12:52 LOG: Loaded "D3D9.dll".
21:12:52 LOG: Loaded "D3DCompiler_43.dll".
21:12:52 LOG: Loaded "D3DX9_43.dll".
21:12:52 LOG: Loaded "ATIADLXX.DLL".
21:12:53 INF:
21:12:53 INF: Gfx API: Direct3D 9.0c
21:12:53 INF: Resolution: 1920 x 1080
21:12:53 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
21:12:53 INF: Driver: aticfx32.dll (0x6938)
21:12:53 INF: Renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
21:12:53 INF: Version: 21.19.407.0
21:12:53 INF: Video memory size: 4096 MB
21:12:53 INF: Available for textures: 4080 MB
21:12:53 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
21:12:53 WRN: Display driver is too old, please update it ASAP!
21:13:00 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1920x1080(fullscreen)...
21:13:00 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GfxD3D9.dll".
21:13:00 LOG: Loaded "D3D9.dll".
21:13:00 LOG: Loaded "D3DCompiler_43.dll".
21:13:00 LOG: Loaded "D3DX9_43.dll".
21:13:01 LOG: Loaded "ATIADLXX.DLL".
21:13:02 INF:
21:13:02 INF: Gfx API: Direct3D 9.0c
21:13:02 INF: Resolution: 1920 x 1080
21:13:02 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
21:13:02 INF: Driver: aticfx32.dll (0x6938)
21:13:02 INF: Renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
21:13:02 INF: Version: 21.19.407.0
21:13:02 INF: Video memory size: 4096 MB
21:13:02 INF: Available for textures: 4080 MB
21:13:02 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
21:13:02 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SfxXAD.dll".
21:13:02 LOG: Loaded "X3DAudio1_7.dll".
21:13:02 INF:
21:13:02 INF: Sfx API: XAudio2
21:13:02 INF: Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
21:13:02 INF: Mixer frequency: 48000 Hz
21:13:02 INF: Mixer voices: 2
21:13:02 INF: Max sound sources: 35
21:13:02 INF: Max total volume: 3
21:13:02 INF: Speaker config: stereo
21:13:02 INF: Environment FX: enabled
21:13:02 INF: Current environment: Padded cell
21:13:02 INF:
21:13:02 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SeriousSam3_Project.dll".
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_01.gro: 6414 files, signature: OFFICIAL
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_02.gro: 5133 files, signature: OFFICIAL
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_145562.gro: 2565 files, signature: OFFICIAL
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_147686.gro: 835 files, signature: OFFICIAL
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_150406.gro: 627 files, signature: OFFICIAL
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_170136.gro: 703 files, signature: OFFICIAL
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_261096.gro: 312 files, signature: OFFICIAL
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/CachedShaders_PC.gro: 2753 files, signature: OFFICIAL
21:13:02 LOG: Loading translation tables from Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/.
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation.tbl
21:13:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation_All.tbl
21:13:03 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecAudio_Vorbis.dll".
21:13:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecAudio_Vorbis.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
21:13:03 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecVideo_Null.dll".
21:13:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecVideo_Null.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
21:13:03 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Input.dll".
21:13:03 LOG: Loaded "xinput1_3.dll".
21:13:03 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
21:13:03 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
21:13:03 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
21:13:03 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
21:13:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/Input.module' loaded in '0.05' seconds.
21:13:03 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Game.dll".
21:13:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/Game.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
21:13:03 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ProcRender.dll".
21:13:03 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Shaders.dll".
21:13:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.01' seconds.
21:13:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/ProcRender.module' loaded in '0.02' seconds.
21:13:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
21:13:03 INF: Using cheats will invalidate your score for this level and achievements won't be awarded for the remainder of the game.
21:13:03 LOG: Skipped assigning to prj_strMultiplayerSessionName because the saved version (0) is different than the current version (2).
21:13:03 LOG: Alienware LightFX is not installed.
21:13:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/SeriousSam3_Project.module' loaded in '1.05' seconds.
21:13:03 LOG: Created thread 7788(GameDataJobs).
21:13:03 ERR: Error opening wave in!
21:13:03 LOG: cvarShowDiffs()
21:13:03 LOG: cmp_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
21:13:03 LOG: crm_bCastShadows = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: crm_fDensityBias = 1.1 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: crm_fDistanceBias = 1.2 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: dcl_ctMaxNewTrianglesPerFrame = 4096 (2048)
21:13:03 LOG: dcl_ctMaxTrianglesPerGroup = 8192 (4096)
21:13:03 LOG: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: efx_bDownsampleHQ = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: efx_bSharpStreaks = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: efx_fOcclusionBufferScale = 1 (0.5)
21:13:03 LOG: efx_iMaxRippleSources = 30 (10)
21:13:03 LOG: efx_iOcclusionBlur = 2 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: efx_iStreaksQuality = 3 (2)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bAmmoStays = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bArmorStays = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bAutoCycleMaps = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bExtraMPEnemies = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bFriendlyFire = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bHealthStays = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bPowerupsStay = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bRankedMatch = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bRespawnInPlace = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_bWeaponsStay = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_ctFragsLimit = 20 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_ctGoalsLimit = 10 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_ctMaxPlayers = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_ctMinPlayers = 1 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_ctRoundLimit = 10 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_ctTimeLimit = 10 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_gdDifficulty = 3 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 0 (-1)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_bRequiredShaderReload = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_bRequiredTextureReload = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_iFXAA = 4 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1080 (480)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1920 (640)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 1080 (480)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 1920 (640)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_pixResHeight = 1080 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_pixResWidth = 1920 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_pixWinHeight = 1080 (480)
21:13:03 LOG: gfx_pixWinWidth = 1920 (640)
21:13:03 LOG: lmp_bAllowAnisotropy = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: men_iMaxGlows = 5 (3)
21:13:03 LOG: nmp_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_bSkippableIntroScene = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 50 (20)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 20 (8)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebris = 200 (50)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 100 (20)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 10 (4)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 5 (2)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 100 (50)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebrisCoop = 40 (20)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.0010000002 (0.01)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.003 (0.015)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_iCPUSpeed = 4 (2)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_iFlashlightType = 3 (2)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_iGPUMemory = 4 (2)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_iGPUSpeed = 4 (2)
21:13:03 LOG: prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "2017-02-15" ("")
21:13:03 LOG: prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096," ("")
21:13:03 LOG: prt_fParticleBias = 1.2 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: ren_bMultiThreadedRendering = 1 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: ren_fLODBias = 0.5 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 2 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: ren_fMirrorQuality = 1 (0.5)
21:13:03 LOG: ren_iMaxThreads = 4 (2)
21:13:03 LOG: ren_iMirrorLevelBias = 2 (0)
21:13:03 LOG: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 35 (25)
21:13:03 LOG: sha_bShadowTrilinearDithering = 0 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: sha_bVertexShadows = 0 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: sha_fFilledHighlightingDistance = 50 (30)
21:13:03 LOG: sha_fShadowTrilinearSpan = 0.5 (0.25)
21:13:03 LOG: sha_iMaxShockwaves = 40 (8)
21:13:03 LOG: shb_bForceBilinearFiltering = 0 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: shb_fCascadedStepFactor = 5 (4)
21:13:03 LOG: shb_fNearShadowDistance = 5 (4)
21:13:03 LOG: shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 3072 (1536)
21:13:03 LOG: shb_pixShadowDensity = 96 (16)
21:13:03 LOG: snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7 (1)
21:13:03 LOG: tex_iAnisotropy = 16 (4)
21:13:03 LOG: tex_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
21:13:03 INF: AutoDetect: Hardware values unchanged, nothing to do.
21:13:06 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3Controller.xml.
21:13:07 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
21:13:07 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3ControllerAsian.xml.
21:13:07 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
21:13:07 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/SteamController.xml.
21:13:07 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
21:13:07 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/XBox360Controller.xml.
21:13:08 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
21:13:08 LOG: Created thread 13488(SyncWorkshop).
21:13:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/CommandTable/'.
21:13:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
21:13:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
21:13:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
21:13:08 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
21:13:08 LOG: Steam workshop sync operation finished in 0.57 seconds.
21:13:12 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/Startup/'.
21:13:40 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld"
21:13:40 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1454 MB)
21:13:40 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:13:40
21:13:40 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld' in 0.55 seconds.
21:13:40 LOG: Created thread 15320(WorkerThreadPool).
21:13:40 LOG: Created thread 9800(WorkerThreadPool).
21:13:40 LOG: Created thread 14740(WorkerThreadPool).
21:13:40 LOG: Created thread 8836(WorkerThreadPool).
21:13:40 LOG: Created thread 7408(WorkerThreadPool).
21:13:40 LOG: Created thread 15488(WorkerThreadPool).
21:13:40 LOG: Created thread 11880(WorkerThreadPool).
21:13:40 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1920x1080.
21:14:02 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Models/Vehicles/FrontLoader02/Textures/Wheel_01_CM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
21:14:52 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Generic/Metal/Rust_04_NM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
21:14:52 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Generic/Metal/Rust_04_GM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
21:14:52 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Generic/Metal/Rust_01_GM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
21:15:23 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld"
21:15:23 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1796 MB)
21:15:23 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:15:23
21:15:23 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld' in 0.69 seconds.
21:15:47 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
21:16:28 LOG: Starting level: "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld"
21:16:28 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.78kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 21:16:28.
21:16:28 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '59' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:16:28 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1277 files in 0.15 seconds.
21:16:28 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld"
21:16:57 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1981 MB)
21:16:57 LOG: <roundstart gamemode="SinglePlayer" fraglimit="20" timelimit="10" goalslimit="10" minplayers="1" maxplayers="1" joininprogress="0"/>
21:16:57 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:16:57
21:16:57 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/02_CairoMuseum/02_CairoMuseum.wld' in 29.40 seconds.
21:16:57 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.13MB(24.00MB) in 0.083782848. seconds
21:16:57 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.43MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:16:57. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000024_QuickSave.sav)
21:16:58 LOG: Save game created in 0.33208028 seconds.
21:17:02 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '18' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:17:02 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 42 files in 0.02 seconds.
21:18:20 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/NetricsaLevel.wld"
21:18:32 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (1 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
21:18:32 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
21:18:32 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
21:18:32 INF:
21:19:25 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
21:19:25 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
21:19:25 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
21:19:25 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
21:19:25 INF:
21:19:25 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.77kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 21:19:25.
21:19:30 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 816x464.
21:19:37 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:19:37 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
21:19:37 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:19:37 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
21:19:37 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
21:19:47 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:19:47 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.24MB(24.00MB) in 0.090968544. seconds
21:19:47 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.55MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:19:47. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000025_QuickSave.sav)
21:19:47 LOG: Save game created in 0.39685804 seconds.
21:21:44 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:21:44 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.46MB(24.00MB) in 0.084151968. seconds
21:21:44 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.69MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:21:44. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000026_QuickSave.sav)
21:21:44 LOG: Save game created in 0.35308292 seconds.
21:23:06 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:23:06 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.57MB(24.00MB) in 0.089921352. seconds
21:23:06 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.76MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:23:06. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000027_QuickSave.sav)
21:23:06 LOG: Save game created in 0.39108576 seconds.
21:23:50 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:23:50 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.63MB(24.00MB) in 0.091262368. seconds
21:23:51 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.83MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:23:51. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000028_QuickSave.sav)
21:23:51 LOG: Save game created in 0.39180392 seconds.
21:24:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:24:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
21:24:09 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
21:24:30 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:24:30 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.72MB(24.00MB) in 0.098555128. seconds
21:24:30 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.87MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:24:30. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000029_QuickSave.sav)
21:24:30 LOG: Save game created in 0.49717708 seconds.
21:24:34 WRN: Can't find animation 'Aim_Pistol' in anim host Content/SeriousSam3/Presets/Animations/Player.anh.
21:27:27 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1998 MB)
21:27:27 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:27:27
21:27:27 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/NetricsaLevel.wld' in 724.06 seconds.
21:27:45 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '10' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:27:45 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 4 files in 0.01 seconds.
21:27:57 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:27:57 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.74MB(24.00MB) in 0.093159264. seconds
21:27:57 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.87MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:27:57. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000030_QuickSave.sav)
21:27:57 LOG: Save game created in 0.41694748 seconds.
21:28:01 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:28:01 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.74MB(24.00MB) in 0.096203568. seconds
21:28:02 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.87MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:28:02. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000031_QuickSave.sav)
21:28:02 LOG: Save game created in 0.40267584 seconds.
21:28:45 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:28:45 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.73MB(24.00MB) in 0.097585168. seconds
21:28:45 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.87MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:28:45. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000032_QuickSave.sav)
21:28:45 LOG: Save game created in 0.39351748 seconds.
21:34:02 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:34:05 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.90MB(24.00MB) in 0.104259. seconds
21:34:05 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.91MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:34:05. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000033_QuickSave.sav)
21:34:05 LOG: Save game created in 0.4334284 seconds.
21:34:52 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:34:53 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.93MB(24.00MB) in 0.1016713. seconds
21:34:53 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.91MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:34:53. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000034_QuickSave.sav)
21:34:53 LOG: Save game created in 0.4309522 seconds.
21:35:51 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:35:51 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.93MB(24.00MB) in 0.10132274. seconds
21:35:51 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.91MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:35:51. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000035_QuickSave.sav)
21:35:51 LOG: Save game created in 0.43464132 seconds.
21:36:42 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:36:42 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 2.96MB(24.00MB) in 0.1054773. seconds
21:36:43 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.92MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:36:43. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000036_QuickSave.sav)
21:36:43 LOG: Save game created in 0.43683744 seconds.
21:38:02 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '11' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:38:02 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
21:38:02 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
21:38:19 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:38:23 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.04MB(24.00MB) in 0.10534824. seconds
21:38:23 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.98MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:38:23. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000037_QuickSave.sav)
21:38:23 LOG: Save game created in 0.4519226 seconds.
21:39:15 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:39:35 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.19MB(24.00MB) in 0.11305214. seconds
21:39:36 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 1.10MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:39:36. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000038_QuickSave.sav)
21:39:36 LOG: Save game created in 0.49583752 seconds.
21:41:01 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:41:01 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.14MB(24.00MB) in 0.10145962. seconds
21:41:02 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 1.09MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:41:02. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000039_QuickSave.sav)
21:41:02 LOG: Save game created in 0.46327704 seconds.
21:42:27 LOG: genvLeaderboardWrite() - user: 0, leaderboard: SinglePlayer_02_CairoMuseum, Score: 1380864, priority: 100
21:42:27 LOG: id: 0
21:42:27 LOG: genvLeaderboardWrite() - user: 0, leaderboard: SinglePlayer_All, Score: 2292884, priority: 100
21:42:27 LOG: id: 1
21:42:27 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 21:42:27.
21:42:27 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:42:27
21:42:27 LOG: Changing to 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
21:42:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:42:27 LOG: World deleted in 0.07(0.07)sec.
21:42:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:42:28 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2075 files in 0.42 seconds.
21:42:28 LOG: World stopped in 0.49sec.
21:42:28 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld"
21:42:28 LOG: genvLeaderboardGetWriteStatus() - write: 0 - succeeded
21:42:28 LOG: genvLeaderboardGetWriteStatus() - write: 1 - succeeded
21:43:21 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2215 MB)
21:43:22 LOG: <roundstart gamemode="SinglePlayer" fraglimit="20" timelimit="10" goalslimit="10" minplayers="1" maxplayers="1" joininprogress="0"/>
21:43:22 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:43:22
21:43:22 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld' in 54.77 seconds.
21:43:22 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.56MB(24.00MB) in 0.15243362. seconds
21:43:23 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.69MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:43:23. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000040_QuickSave.sav)
21:43:23 LOG: Save game created in 0.53473156 seconds.
21:44:29 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '17' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:44:29 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 64 files in 0.02 seconds.
21:45:12 WRN: Netricsa HUD element has expired.
21:47:06 LOG: Requesting auto save...
21:47:15 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.60MB(24.00MB) in 0.1645703. seconds
21:47:15 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.71MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:47:15. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000041_QuickSave.sav)
21:47:15 LOG: Save game created in 0.53418012 seconds.
21:47:41 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '3' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:47:41 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 75 files in 0.02 seconds.
21:47:42 LOG: Thumbnail generated in 0.16 seconds
21:47:42 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.57MB(24.00MB) in 0.13738708. seconds
21:47:42 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
21:47:42 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 0.70MB(6.00MB) at 2017/02/15 21:47:42. ($C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav)
21:47:44 LOG: Save game created in 2.7030238 seconds.
21:47:50 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:47:50
21:47:50 LOG: Stopping simulation.
21:47:50 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:47:50
21:47:50 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
21:47:50 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 21:47:50.
21:47:50 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.01 seconds.
21:47:51 LOG: World deleted in 0.29(0.28)sec.
21:47:51 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:47:51 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2642 files in 0.46 seconds.
21:47:51 LOG: World stopped in 0.75sec.
21:47:51 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '9' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:47:51 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 8 files in 0.01 seconds.
21:48:06 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '9' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
21:48:06 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.01 seconds.
21:48:08 LOG: Saving cvars to "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
21:48:08 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 21:48:08
21:48:08 LOG: Core is shutting down

-------- START OF LOG --------

22:08:58 LOG: Core version: $Version: distro_Sam3_PC; SeriousSam3-Windows-Final; 261096 2016-04-26 02:52:57 @builder09; Win32-Static-Final-Default$
22:08:58 LOG: Command: $
22:08:58 LOG: Initializing timer.
22:08:58 LOG: QueryPerformanceFrequency: 14318180
22:08:58 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:08:54
22:08:58 LOG: Binary name: Sam3.exe
22:08:58 LOG: Binary soft path: Bin/
22:08:58 LOG: Binary hard path: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\
22:08:58 LOG: Application directory: D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\
22:08:58 LOG: * OS...
22:08:58 LOG: Name: Windows 8
22:08:58 LOG: Kernel: WinNT (64-bit)
22:08:58 LOG: Version: 6.2, build 9200
22:08:58 LOG:
22:08:58 LOG: * CPU...
22:08:58 LOG: Vendor: AuthenticAMD
22:08:58 LOG: Name: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor
22:08:58 LOG: Type: 0, Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 0
22:08:58 LOG: Clock: 3.50 GHz
22:08:58 LOG: Cores: 8
22:08:58 LOG: CMOV: Yes
22:08:58 LOG: SSE: Yes
22:08:58 LOG: Invariant TSC: Yes
22:08:58 LOG:
22:08:58 LOG: * Memory...
22:08:58 LOG: Total physical memory: 16332 MB
22:08:58 LOG: Free physical memory: 11647 MB
22:08:58 LOG:
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ScriptLua.dll".
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GameEnv_Steam.dll".
22:08:58 INF: GameEnv API: Steam
22:08:58 INF: Encoded user ID = b494a85b:9cab72f8
22:08:58 LOG: Error getting mixer source line info for microphone. Will not be able to control microphone.
22:08:58 LOG: Created thread 11984(ResourceLoader).
22:08:58 LOG: Loading cvars from "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
22:08:58 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1920x1080(fullscreen)...
22:08:58 INF:
22:08:58 INF: * Desktop settings...
22:08:58 INF: Color depth: 32-bit
22:08:58 INF: Desktop resolution: 1920 x 1080
22:08:58 INF: Virtual screen: 1920 x 1080
22:08:58 INF: Monitors attached: 1
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\GfxD3D9.dll".
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D3D9.dll".
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D3DCompiler_43.dll".
22:08:58 LOG: Loaded "D3DX9_43.dll".
22:09:03 LOG: Loaded "ATIADLXX.DLL".
22:09:04 INF:
22:09:04 INF: Gfx API: Direct3D 9.0c
22:09:04 INF: Resolution: 1920 x 1080
22:09:04 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
22:09:04 INF: Driver: aticfx32.dll (0x6938)
22:09:04 INF: Renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
22:09:04 INF: Version: 21.19.519.2
22:09:04 INF: Video memory size: 4096 MB
22:09:04 INF: Available for textures: 4080 MB
22:09:04 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
22:09:04 INF: Driver version: 2 (required: 1100)
22:09:04 WRN: Display driver is too old, please update it ASAP!
22:09:04 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SfxXAD.dll".
22:09:04 LOG: Loaded "X3DAudio1_7.dll".
22:09:04 INF:
22:09:04 INF: Sfx API: XAudio2
22:09:04 INF: Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
22:09:04 INF: Mixer frequency: 48000 Hz
22:09:04 INF: Mixer voices: 2
22:09:04 INF: Max sound sources: 35
22:09:04 INF: Max total volume: 3
22:09:04 INF: Speaker config: stereo
22:09:04 INF: Environment FX: enabled
22:09:04 INF: Current environment: Padded cell
22:09:04 INF:
22:09:04 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\SeriousSam3_Project.dll".
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_01.gro: 6414 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_02.gro: 5133 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_145562.gro: 2565 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_147686.gro: 835 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_150406.gro: 627 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_170136.gro: 703 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_261096.gro: 312 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:04 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/CachedShaders_PC.gro: 2753 files, signature: OFFICIAL
22:09:05 LOG: Loading translation tables from Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/.
22:09:05 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation.tbl
22:09:05 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation_All.tbl
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecAudio_Vorbis.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecAudio_Vorbis.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\CodecVideo_Null.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecVideo_Null.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Input.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "xinput1_3.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
22:09:05 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
22:09:05 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
22:09:05 LOG: Applying gamepad config for gamepad GUID 78696e70757400000000000000000000
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/Input.module' loaded in '0.04' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Game.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/Game.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\ProcRender.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Loaded "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3\Bin\Shaders.dll".
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.01' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/ProcRender.module' loaded in '0.02' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
22:09:05 INF: Using cheats will invalidate your score for this level and achievements won't be awarded for the remainder of the game.
22:09:05 LOG: Skipped assigning to prj_strMultiplayerSessionName because the saved version (0) is different than the current version (2).
22:09:05 LOG: Alienware LightFX is not installed.
22:09:05 LOG: Module 'Bin/SeriousSam3_Project.module' loaded in '1.08' seconds.
22:09:05 LOG: Created thread 9056(GameDataJobs).
22:09:05 ERR: Error opening wave in!
22:09:06 LOG: cvarShowDiffs()
22:09:06 LOG: cmp_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
22:09:06 LOG: crm_bCastShadows = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: crm_fDensityBias = 1.1 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: crm_fDistanceBias = 1.2 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: dcl_ctMaxNewTrianglesPerFrame = 4096 (2048)
22:09:06 LOG: dcl_ctMaxTrianglesPerGroup = 8192 (4096)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_bDownsampleHQ = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_bSharpStreaks = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_fOcclusionBufferScale = 1 (0.5)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_iMaxRippleSources = 30 (10)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_iOcclusionBlur = 2 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: efx_iStreaksQuality = 3 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAmmoStays = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bArmorStays = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bAutoCycleMaps = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bExtraMPEnemies = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bFriendlyFire = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bHealthStays = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bPowerupsStay = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bRankedMatch = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bRespawnInPlace = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_bWeaponsStay = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctFragsLimit = 20 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctGoalsLimit = 10 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctMaxPlayers = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctMinPlayers = 1 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctRoundLimit = 10 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_ctTimeLimit = 10 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_gdDifficulty = 3 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 0 (-1)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_bRequiredShaderReload = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_bRequiredTextureReload = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_iFXAA = 4 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1080 (480)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1920 (640)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 1080 (480)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 1920 (640)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixResHeight = 1080 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixResWidth = 1920 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixWinHeight = 1080 (480)
22:09:06 LOG: gfx_pixWinWidth = 1920 (640)
22:09:06 LOG: lmp_bAllowAnisotropy = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: men_iMaxGlows = 5 (3)
22:09:06 LOG: nmp_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_bSkippableIntroScene = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 50 (20)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 20 (8)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebris = 200 (50)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 100 (20)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 10 (4)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 5 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 100 (50)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebrisCoop = 40 (20)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.0010000002 (0.01)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.003 (0.015)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_iCPUSpeed = 4 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_iFlashlightType = 3 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_iGPUMemory = 4 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_iGPUSpeed = 4 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "2017-02-15" ("")
22:09:06 LOG: prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096," ("")
22:09:06 LOG: prt_fParticleBias = 1.2 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_bMultiThreadedRendering = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_fLODBias = 0.5 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_fMirrorQuality = 1 (0.5)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_iMaxThreads = 4 (2)
22:09:06 LOG: ren_iMirrorLevelBias = 2 (0)
22:09:06 LOG: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 35 (25)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_bShadowTrilinearDithering = 0 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_bVertexShadows = 0 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_fFilledHighlightingDistance = 50 (30)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_fShadowTrilinearSpan = 0.5 (0.25)
22:09:06 LOG: sha_iMaxShockwaves = 40 (8)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_bForceBilinearFiltering = 0 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_fCascadedStepFactor = 5 (4)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_fNearShadowDistance = 5 (4)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 3072 (1536)
22:09:06 LOG: shb_pixShadowDensity = 96 (16)
22:09:06 LOG: snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7 (1)
22:09:06 LOG: tex_iAnisotropy = 16 (4)
22:09:06 LOG: tex_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
22:09:06 INF: AutoDetect: Hardware values unchanged, nothing to do.
22:09:09 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3Controller.xml.
22:09:09 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
22:09:09 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/PS3ControllerAsian.xml.
22:09:09 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
22:09:09 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/SteamController.xml.
22:09:10 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
22:09:10 LOG: Loading gamepad icons file Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Input/XBox360Controller.xml.
22:09:11 LOG: Icons file loaded successfuly.
22:09:11 LOG: Created thread 9228(SyncWorkshop).
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/CommandTable/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:09:11 LOG: Steam workshop sync operation finished in 0.63 seconds.
22:09:15 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/Startup/'.
22:09:44 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld"
22:09:44 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1439 MB)
22:09:44 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:09:44
22:09:44 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld' in 0.55 seconds.
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 11188(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 10672(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 1684(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 17000(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 16652(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 6652(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created thread 6656(WorkerThreadPool).
22:09:44 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
22:09:49 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld"
22:09:49 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1333x750.
22:09:49 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 1451 MB)
22:09:49 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:09:49
22:09:49 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld' in 0.70 seconds.
22:09:50 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
22:09:50 LOG: Found 0 script(s) in 'Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/DefaultBindings/'.
22:10:11 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:10:11
22:10:11 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:10:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '56' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:10:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1280 files in 0.11 seconds.
22:10:11 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:10:11 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
22:10:47 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2051 MB)
22:10:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '17' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:10:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 64 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:12:03 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:03
22:12:03 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:12:03 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:03
22:12:03 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:12:03 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '4' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:04 LOG: World deleted in 0.80(0.79)sec.
22:12:04 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:04 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:12:04 LOG: World stopped in 0.81sec.
22:12:04 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:04
22:12:04 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:12:04 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:12:06 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '2' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:06 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 61 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:12:06 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2229 MB)
22:12:12 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:12
22:12:12 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:12:12 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:12:12
22:12:12 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:12:12 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:12:12.
22:12:12 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.01 seconds.
22:12:13 LOG: World deleted in 0.28(0.27)sec.
22:12:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2646 files in 0.46 seconds.
22:12:13 LOG: World stopped in 0.74sec.
22:12:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '16' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.00 seconds.
22:12:22 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
22:12:22 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:12:22 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:12:22 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:12:22 INF:
22:12:41 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
22:12:41 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:12:41 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:12:41 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:12:41 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:12:41 INF:
22:12:41 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:12:41.
22:12:44 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra
22:12:44 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:12:44 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:12:44 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:12:44 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:12:44 INF:
22:12:58 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:12:58 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:12:58 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:12:58 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:12:58 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:12:58 INF:
22:12:58 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:12:58 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:12:58 INF:
22:12:58 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:12:58.
22:13:01 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:01 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:01 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:01 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:01 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:01 INF:
22:13:01 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:01 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:01 INF:
22:13:18 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:18 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
22:13:18 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
22:13:18 INF: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 25 (was 35)
22:13:18 INF:
22:13:18 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:18 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:18 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:18 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:18 INF:
22:13:18 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:18 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:18 INF:
22:13:18 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:13:18.
22:13:22 INF: Current quality: CPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:22 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
22:13:22 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
22:13:22 INF: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 25 (was 35)
22:13:22 INF:
22:13:22 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:22 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:22 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:22 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:22 INF:
22:13:22 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:22 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:22 INF:
22:13:33 INF: Customized quality: CPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:33 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
22:13:33 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
22:13:33 INF: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 25 (was 35)
22:13:33 INF:
22:13:33 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:33 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:33 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:33 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:33 INF:
22:13:33 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:33 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:33 INF:
22:13:33 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.81kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:13:33.
22:13:35 INF: Apply quality: CPU speed=Ultra (2 customized), GPU speed=Ultra (3 customized), GPU memory=Ultra (1 customized)
22:13:35 INF: Customized CPU speed cvars:
22:13:35 INF: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0 (was 1)
22:13:35 INF: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 25 (was 35)
22:13:35 INF:
22:13:35 INF: Customized GPU speed cvars:
22:13:35 INF: tex_iFiltering = 21 (was 22)
22:13:35 INF: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1 (was 2.0)
22:13:35 INF: efx_bAmbientOcclusion = 0 (was 1)
22:13:35 INF:
22:13:35 INF: Customized GPU memory cvars:
22:13:35 INF: cmp_bLowQuality = 1 (was 0)
22:13:35 INF:
22:13:40 LOG: 554 shaders reloaded in 4.3 seconds
22:13:46 LOG: 430 textures reloaded in 6.3 seconds
22:14:23 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.82kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:14:23.
22:14:32 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:14:32
22:14:32 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:14:32 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '8' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:14:32 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 7 files in 0.01 seconds.
22:14:32 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:14:32 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1328x744.
22:15:04 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2167 MB)
22:15:17 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '15' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:15:17 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 64 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:15:57 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:15:57
22:15:57 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:15:57 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:15:57
22:15:57 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:15:57 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:15:58 LOG: World deleted in 0.61(0.61)sec.
22:15:58 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:15:58 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:15:58 LOG: World stopped in 0.63sec.
22:15:58 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:15:58
22:15:58 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:15:58 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:16:00 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:16:00 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 61 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:16:00 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2171 MB)
22:16:56 INF: AutoDetect: Forced to adjust settings automatically.
22:16:56 INF: CPU efficiency: 3150 MHz * 8 cores = 8150.625 Mhz
22:17:05 LOG: 1225 textures reloaded in 9.2 seconds
22:17:10 LOG: 635 shaders reloaded in 5.0 seconds
22:17:18 INF: Vertex thruput: 159.4 Mvertices/s
22:17:18 INF: Pixel thruput: 2831.0 Mpixels/s
22:17:28 LOG: 1225 textures reloaded in 10.1 seconds
22:17:33 LOG: 635 shaders reloaded in 5.2 seconds
22:17:33 INF: AutoDetect: storing new settings: gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3500,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26936,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=4096,
22:17:33 INF: Auto detect quality: CPU speed=Ultra, GPU speed=Ultra, GPU memory=Ultra
22:18:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:18:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.01 seconds.
22:18:11 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1920x1080.
22:18:12 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:18:12
22:18:12 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:18:12 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:18:12
22:18:12 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:18:12 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:18:13 LOG: World deleted in 0.44(0.44)sec.
22:18:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:18:13 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2 files in 0.01 seconds.
22:18:13 LOG: World stopped in 0.46sec.
22:18:13 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:18:13
22:18:13 LOG: Loading '$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav'.
22:18:13 LOG: Started loading world "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000042_Save.sav"
22:18:14 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:18:14 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 61 files in 0.02 seconds.
22:18:14 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 2236 MB)
22:19:07 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:19:07
22:19:07 LOG: Stopping simulation.
22:19:07 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:19:07
22:19:07 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/03_IbnTulun/03_IbnTulun.wld'.
22:19:07 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.82kB(96.00kB) at 2017/02/15 22:19:07.
22:19:07 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.01 seconds.
22:19:07 LOG: World deleted in 0.29(0.29)sec.
22:19:07 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 2646 files in 0.77 seconds.
22:19:08 LOG: World stopped in 1.07sec.
22:19:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '16' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:08 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:11 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.00 seconds.
22:19:13 LOG: Saving cvars to "$C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/88670728/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
22:19:13 LOG: Timestamp: 2017/02/15 22:19:13
22:19:13 LOG: Core is shutting down

Last edited by BillsGymSock; Feb 15, 2017 @ 2:38pm
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babbygremlin Apr 6, 2017 @ 12:03am 
Bumped, looking for help on this problem.
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Date Posted: Feb 15, 2017 @ 2:25pm
Posts: 1