BioShock Remastered

BioShock Remastered

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MarcusZ Mar 1, 2019 @ 11:06pm
Unable to unlock research acievements
Hey guys, i have researched all splicers and got the damage +++ and some gene tonics as well , however i did not get the steam achievement for any of these. Any idea if this might be a glitch?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
MarcusZ Mar 5, 2019 @ 6:39pm 
Guys us there anyone who can advise if this is a bug Mar 8, 2019 @ 1:06pm 
Originally posted by MarcusZ:
Hey guys, i have researched all splicers and got the damage +++ and some gene tonics as well , however i did not get the steam achievement for any of these. Any idea if this might be a glitch?
Did you research EVERYTHING??

Splicers ( Houdini, Leadhead, Nitro, Spider, Thuggish ), Security Bot and Camera, Turret, Big Daddies ( Bouncer, Rosie ) and Little Sister ?

Check your archievements... you can get more info about which one you missed. ( Probably it's Bouncers and/or cameras. It's hard to miss the ones from Little Sisters, but just check it and come back ).
MarcusZ Mar 8, 2019 @ 7:32pm 
Originally posted by Apryed:
Originally posted by MarcusZ:
Hey guys, i have researched all splicers and got the damage +++ and some gene tonics as well , however i did not get the steam achievement for any of these. Any idea if this might be a glitch?
Did you research EVERYTHING??

Splicers ( Houdini, Leadhead, Nitro, Spider, Thuggish ), Security Bot and Camera, Turret, Big Daddies ( Bouncer, Rosie ) and Little Sister ?

Check your archievements... you can get more info about which one you missed. ( Probably it's Bouncers and/or cameras. It's hard to miss the ones from Little Sisters, but just check it and come back ).

Yes i cannot take a picture of anyone anymore, i m not looking for the the overall research achievement , i am looking for the individual ones ('Fully Researched a spider splicer' or lead head splicer) i did not even get those single achievements yet i got the genetonic rewards for fully researching them
Last edited by MarcusZ; Mar 8, 2019 @ 7:34pm Mar 9, 2019 @ 6:14am 
Originally posted by MarcusZ:
Yes i cannot take a picture of anyone anymore, i m not looking for the the overall research achievement , i am looking for the individual ones ('Fully Researched a spider splicer' or lead head splicer) i did not even get those single achievements yet i got the genetonic rewards for fully researching them

As I said:
Originally posted by Apryed:
Splicers ( Houdini, Leadhead, Nitro, Spider, Thuggish ), Security Bot and Camera, Turret, Big Daddies ( Bouncer, Rosie ) and Little Sister.
You need to research everything to it's maximum ( Level 5 if I'm not wrong, can't remember it now ), for each of those.

Check the Wiki if you need to Rearch Rewards[].

Make a list, and keep crossing out which ones you have done already. That's the easiest ( and the only - That I can think of ) way to do it, if you have the research archievements.
MarcusZ Mar 9, 2019 @ 9:21am 
Originally posted by Apryed:
Originally posted by MarcusZ:
Yes i cannot take a picture of anyone anymore, i m not looking for the the overall research achievement , i am looking for the individual ones ('Fully Researched a spider splicer' or lead head splicer) i did not even get those single achievements yet i got the genetonic rewards for fully researching them

As I said:
Originally posted by Apryed:
Splicers ( Houdini, Leadhead, Nitro, Spider, Thuggish ), Security Bot and Camera, Turret, Big Daddies ( Bouncer, Rosie ) and Little Sister.
You need to research everything to it's maximum ( Level 5 if I'm not wrong, can't remember it now ), for each of those.

Check the Wiki if you need to Rearch Rewards[].

Make a list, and keep crossing out which ones you have done already. That's the easiest ( and the only - That I can think of ) way to do it, if you have the research archievements.

I just have 1 question ...if i research a leadhead splicer to max will i get that specific achievement unlocked on steam? or do i have to do ALL research first to unlock all achievements in one go? how does this work? for example i have the camoflague gene tonic unlocked - i think thats a reward for fully reseaching spider splicers however i dont have the researched spider splicer achievement.... Mar 9, 2019 @ 2:05pm 
Natural Camouflage[] is achieve ones you have research Houdini Splicers to Level 2.

Read the Wiki, check what you have, cross out what you have compleated. Easiest way possible.

It will only take you up to 2 min to create a list [].

Different enemies need different photos. Just go back to Medical Pavilion[], and start taking photos. There are : Leadhead Splicers, Thuggish Splicers, Nitro Splicer and Bouncer. If you didn't recue/harvest the Little Sister, then there should be 2. If no photo is needed anymore, then you will know that all those enemies have been researched.

If you didn't played the NG+ ( New Game Plus ), you can simply finish the game, and start over, taking every photo you can.

GL & HF.
MarcusZ Mar 10, 2019 @ 1:20am 
Originally posted by Apryed:
Natural Camouflage[] is achieve ones you have research Houdini Splicers to Level 2.

Read the Wiki, check what you have, cross out what you have compleated. Easiest way possible.

It will only take you up to 2 min to create a list [].

Different enemies need different photos. Just go back to Medical Pavilion[], and start taking photos. There are : Leadhead Splicers, Thuggish Splicers, Nitro Splicer and Bouncer. If you didn't recue/harvest the Little Sister, then there should be 2. If no photo is needed anymore, then you will know that all those enemies have been researched.

If you didn't played the NG+ ( New Game Plus ), you can simply finish the game, and start over, taking every photo you can.

GL & HF.

Yea i will be playing again in 'good guy' mode then ill maybe pay more attention Mar 10, 2019 @ 3:05am 
Originally posted by MarcusZ:
Yea i will be playing again in 'good guy' mode then ill maybe pay more attention

Survival is so easy, you can actually start a New Game and finish it in about a day twice.
I did it with all extra Little Sisters.

But it's your game... as I said: you can also go back to the beggining of the game and start researching them, once you finish, go "New Game +" and do the Little Sisters if those are the one you missed.
Last edited by; Dec 30, 2023 @ 2:19pm
SKY Dec 27, 2023 @ 4:47am 
I have the same problem. No matter how long I take photos (it's my third playthrough) I don't get any of the separate camera related achievements. I've been watching my friend playing and he seemed to get those just by photographing everyone several times so I can tell I've photographed them more than him and I have nothing. I reinstalled the game and I still can't get any of those achievements.
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