Burly Men at Sea

Burly Men at Sea

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juicyluce9 Oct 6, 2016 @ 2:46pm
How many different scenarios did you find?
I've so far found the whale (think that's unavoidable), the seals, the flower-loving mountain, maelstrom (didn't work out the mini game there), big octopus and the Styx river reaper. I'm not sure if there's a more elaborate mermaid thread
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
lancelot Oct 21, 2016 @ 5:52pm 
There are 12 scenarios, as confirmed by the Sea Serpent herself. Spoilers, obviously, because the "puzzles" in the game are all about finding different paths. Pretty neat how the paths are embedded into a single playthrough, so that NPCs go "Hello, we were awaiting your return" (good writing too).

A. exit the whale at the final stop
a. leave the rock creature's island on the tree
1. get catapulted from the leviathan's mouth
2. overpower the leviathan
b. leave on the ship
1. listen to the mermaids
2. don't listen to the mermaids
B. eject from the whale without the barrels
a. get defeated by the kraken
1. break the seal enchantment
2. keep the enchantment
b. subdue the kraken
1. annoy the musician
2. don't annoy the musician
C. eject from the whale in the barrels
a. lose the race to the ferryman
1. choose the left path
2. choose the right path
b. win the race
1. get sucked into the whirlpool
2. escape the whirlpool
Last edited by lancelot; Oct 21, 2016 @ 5:53pm
UltimaDeplete Jun 28, 2017 @ 1:27pm 
I don't get how to overpower the stupid kraken D: DIE, JERK
lancelot Jun 28, 2017 @ 2:53pm 
If I remember correctly, you have to not just click on a tentacle, but click and hold.
lpsrocks00 Dec 2, 2017 @ 5:26am 
How do I not break the enchantment in the seal part? I keep moving slowly, but I can't figure out how to keep all the characters together without turning back to humans.
lancelot Dec 5, 2017 @ 3:13pm 
I don't remember anything particularly tricky there. The bubble extends when you swim and will break if it extends too much; don't swim too far to the right, slow down or stop to let it contract again.
MakoSipper Jan 7, 2021 @ 12:12pm 
I've swum for over 5 minutes, keeping the bubble intact, but nothing never happened. I ended up pushing a bit and the bubble burst again. Weird.

EDIT: Turns out I was "not being transformed back" already...
Last edited by MakoSipper; Jan 7, 2021 @ 12:25pm
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