Ultimate Rock Crawler

Ultimate Rock Crawler

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Khos  [dezvoltator] 25 ian. 2016 la 11:03
Open for further ideas for future updates
If you have any ideas to eventually add or if you think can be improved on, please use this thread to add these, thanks.

E.g. Multiplayer? More levels?
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Can i ask how much worker this game has?
Khos  [dezvoltator] 25 ian. 2016 la 14:26 
Postat inițial de Der Geselle:
Can i ask how much worker this game has?

It has a total number of 1 :) Indie dev here. Why do you ask, just curious.
because i know a better game and i want to know how much worker this game has befor i help the community. So you are still the only worker of this game and i must say, you do a very nice job and i know the hard work on this game so, i do not want to help the community anymore.
Good luck with your game :)
Khos  [dezvoltator] 25 ian. 2016 la 14:53 
Postat inițial de Der Geselle:
because i know a better game and i want to know how much worker this game has befor i help the community. So you are still the only worker of this game and i must say, you do a very nice job and i know the hard work on this game so, i do not want to help the community anymore.
Good luck with your game :)

Thanks for your input and time taken to reply,it has taken quite some time to develop this game of couse, everyone will have their view on my creation but I am very happy with the result :)
I don't quite understand what you say with "before you help the community", I would like to understand this more, anyway which game is better? :)
English is not my main language (so sry for wrong words etc.) If you work alone, what you have say. So i want to help you while i not call the better game, because you lost buyers.
If that not so important for you, i can call the game.
(I hope you understand me)

and no problem :)
Editat ultima dată de Der Geselle; 25 ian. 2016 la 14:59
Khos  [dezvoltator] 25 ian. 2016 la 15:05 
Postat inițial de Der Geselle:
English is not my main language (so sry for wrong words etc.) If you work alone, what you have say. So i want to help you while i not call the better game, because you lost buyers.
If that not so important for you, i can call the game.
(I hope you understand me)

and no problem :)

Hallo, verstehe Ich vieleicht richtig, ist Deutsch deine erste sprache? Kannst auch mal in Deutsch scheiben, kein poblem fuer mich. Meinst du Spintires als anderes spiel?
Meine erste Sprache ist deutsch, sehr richtig. Eigentlich spreche ich von "BeamNG", es ist in allen Punkten besser. Da du alleine an deinem Spiel arbeitest, würde ich andere Nutzer eher ungern auf die bessere Variante aufmerksam machen. Wenn du möchtest entferne ich den Namen wieder, damit dir vermeintliche Käufer nicht verloren gehen.
Editat ultima dată de Der Geselle; 25 ian. 2016 la 15:14
Khos  [dezvoltator] 25 ian. 2016 la 15:26 
Postat inițial de Der Geselle:
Meine erste Sprache ist deutsch, sehr richtig. Eigentlich spreche ich von "BeamNG", es ist in allen Punkten besser. Da du alleine an deinem Spiel arbeitest, würde ich andere Nutzer eher ungern auf die bessere Variante aufmerksam machen.

Das haengt von spielern/usern ab, in meiner meinung ist beamng nicht ein spezielles Rock Crawler spiel, kann natuerlich verkehrt sein, mein spiel enthielt viele scenes mit mehreren kursen (courses)/Steine (manche fasst unmoeglich;) ) die man fertig machen muss, auch winch muss man verwenden, sehr langsam/genau fahren, auch auto muss man selber bedienen (servicing?), Ich finde auch dass Physics sind auch mehr für rock crawling geeignet mit meinem spiel, und soweiter..aber naturlich ist das nur meine meinung :)
Weil man kann BeamNG auch modden, so kann man zusätzliche Dinge wie die Kurse die du anbietest hinzufügen und somit bräuchten die Spieler dein Werk nicht mehr zu kaufen.
Wenn dir irgendwas an meinen Texten nicht gefällt, weil es den Verkauf deines Spiels ausbremst dann sag das bitte, dann änder ich die entsprechende Stelle.

Viel Erfolg wünsch ich dir noch bei deinem Spiel.
I havent bought this game, and probably wont due to some of the feedback left on the storepage. From an outside point of view (if you care for it), is perhaps announce this game as a beta, and continue to polish it, so that your customers are content. As a keen 4WDer myself (in Australia) I was interested, but sadly this game seems extremely bland, and full of bugs from some of the play it now videos on youtube. Will follow for news though.
multiplyer wouold be cool
Khos  [dezvoltator] 26 ian. 2016 la 22:43 
Postat inițial de DGC Lemsta.au:
I havent bought this game, and probably wont due to some of the feedback left on the storepage. From an outside point of view (if you care for it), is perhaps announce this game as a beta, and continue to polish it, so that your customers are content. As a keen 4WDer myself (in Australia) I was interested, but sadly this game seems extremely bland, and full of bugs from some of the play it now videos on youtube. Will follow for news though.

HI, thanks for your feedback,I would recommend you give the game a try first before making your mind up, remember with steam you can ask for a refund should not like it, don't always believe what other say. In my view some of the apparent bugs are not bugs but rather cases of not knowing what to do possibly, I am working on a couple of things for a update that makes the camera behave differently as that seems to have thrown a few people off, will improve that in a day or two time. Hope you get to enjoy the game and do some nifty crawling.
Khos  [dezvoltator] 26 ian. 2016 la 22:43 
Postat inițial de KronicHippie:
multiplyer wouold be cool

I gave this some thought before release but could not see how useful it would be,make people interested can vote, if there are enough votes I can add.
Khos.. You want MY opinion... STOP! Stop right there!

Your game is a FAIL right now bud. You can't just start tacking on extra crap like multiplayer and more vehicles and parts and levels to fix it. It's broken. You told me in your first reply to my first video review that this game was "without bugs". That my friend is denial.

I understand how much time and how difficult that it likely was to get what you've made. Hell, I found some videos of your game on youtube from two full years ago when it was in beta. I've made games myself before, though nothing this ambitious yet.

Listen, before you try to tack on more features, please, please please fix the things that are broken now. Because honestly, I WANT to like this game.. and I think it could be a really good game if you just spent some more time on it, but before you can do that, you first have to admit that this game is getting all negative reviews so far for a good reason. ..I'm not a troll, and I'm not here commenting now because I want you or your game to fail. ..I have no bias against you.

Here's a list of some of the things I'd love to see you work on and fix (make better). Keep in mind that just because YOU might be able to work through this game and it's faults doesn't mean the average player wants to or knows how.. or wants to work through problems with the game to try and figure it out.

1) INDICATORS: Simple fix! Tell us on the main screen if we are in 4WD or in 2WD and what gear we are in! It doesn't need to be fancy.. a simple '4WD' or "Gear: 2" indicator down by your UI would do a lot to help players.

2) REWARD THE PLAYER! When the player goes through a flag gate successfully, let's hear a cheer or something come from the crowd, and combine that with some kind of visual indicator, maybe simple a few pieces of confetti falling from the top of the screen to the bottom in a couple of seconds! Anything to visually and audibly let the player know they have touched and made it through that particular goal. ..This is another very easy fix.

3) FIX THE GARAGE UPGRADES: No, don't let us go in debt to buy parts. That's just a weakness in your game, whether intended or not. If we don't yet have the cash, make us go earn it somehow before we can upgrade or fix the vehicle. If you did that because peoples cars might be in shambles and someone might be broke and need repairs, then make a vehicle so that it can always be in good enough shape to "crawl" through at the level 1 flags and earn some amount of cash. Make the game so even if you fall from a cliff, your vehicle NEVER is at a 0 point of operation and always capable of sluggishly earning a few coins somewhere, somehow. Put a little thought into this. This is a little harder fix, because I understand why you likely allowed the player to go into debt, but that just gives me the feeling of a poorly designed game.

Also, fix the problems with the upgrades. I mentioned and showed with my first video review that I had $800, bought the big tires for $400, then added a $200 suspension, and then my tires when back to the default tires! I had still spent the money on the big tires but now I was back at the small original tires! I noticed someone that reviewed the game after me also had this same problem! This should be a very easy fix, but make sure something like this can NEVER happen. To add on multiplayer to this game when problems like this exist is plain out silly. ..I hope you see my point.

4) This one will be a harder fix, but it needs work.. Fix the JANKY situations where you get crossways or have tires in the air in places that look flat and like you can cross them easily. I understand that if I try to manuever in places that look dangeous or risky to cross that I take that chance. But look at my video review, in the 1st level where I'm going for the 3rd red flag I think and move from one rock to another over a little grass! Fix areas like that! I shouldn't get stuck and have to fight places like that! I mentioned it in the video by telling players to "be careful crossing that spot". But don't just fix that spot, fix all areas like that where players might get hung up in areas that look easily crossed. Places like that will just frustrate your players and make them uninstall your game and/or demand a refund. Not good!

5) If you want to add an editor, that's cool... but come on man. Nobody wants to fumbe and fight with an editor for upteen frustrating hours to even get one simple little level designed. The editor needs massive work to make it "user friendly, easy to use, and quick". Your editor is a nightmare, period. Place a small rock tosses out a mountain sized boulder, and placing a large rock puts a small rock hanging in the air. That's just a small example, but mainly it needs a quick way to ummm I dunno.. make the user at least be able to turn on physics or something. For example if I turn on physics, make anything I place not hang in the air but fall naturally to the ground below. Just that alone would help tremendously, and it might even be fun to toss random trees and rocks onto an empty map to make a random mess for a level, shrugs. Anyhow, if you want to advertise that the game has a built in editor, make it at least half way usable by the common player that doesn't want to fight with it for 10 hours just trying to make a decent level.

6) SCORING: Needs a complete overhaul. On this one, just don't fix it. Erase every bit of code you have for your scoring formulas and RE-DO it from scratch! Period! Right now, you have levels that give you a ton of points for ultimate failing and crashing but giving paltry points for moving between all flags and successfuly completing it pretty quickly without problems. That's another aspect of your game that will frustrate the hell out of your players and make them quickly uninstall it and/or refund it! It needs to make sense, not just feel random and like you are a azy developer that don't care that your scoring system is broken.

7) LET THE PLAYER BUY WINCHES: What if a player gets stuck often and thinks your game is awesome, but always runs out of winches half way through the levels? ..It's another frustrating feeling that will likely once again lead to to quickly uninstall and refund your game. A quick, easy fix would be to allow the player to buy the ability to buy more winches that can be used at any time in the garage for an affordable amount of money, I'm thinking $50 per winch. You got the winches programmed in and they seem pretty functional overall. This is an easy fix that might help keep lots of potential players happy.

8) ADD AN AUTO TRANSMISSION OPTION. - Leave the requirement for the player to need to move into four wheel drive, but there's a lot of players that hate having to switch gears in these games (me included). Give us at least an option to change the car to automatically switch us to higher and lower gears. This should be an fairly easy fix. First add the option in the main menu, and have it be able to switched at anytime from the game and label such a key/keys in your ESC menu. Then simply add a function to your code that when auto ♥♥♥♥♥♥ is on, check to see what speed the player is at.. and IF player is still pressing W (or up) at that speed, increase the gear. Another line, IF player is at your at defined speed that would be good to lower gears at for an auto ♥♥♥♥♥♥, and IF player is pressing the S key (down) then lower gear for them. You'll need to set these gear changing speeds and define them obviously but it shouldn't take much code or time to add an automatic transmission for the players that want this.

Okay, I think that's about all I can think of for now.

Please fix this stuff first, and I'll be more then happy to re-review your game and let you know see if work increases my current score on the game of its 20% grade that I gave it.

After you get all of the above fixed without causing any other issues, then its time to add more "cool stuff" such as multiplayer, and weather. Imagine having it rain and cause slippage on rocks and even cool mud puddles that the player can "splash" through! That would be very, very cool I think. There's a TON of stuff that could be added to this game to make it "cooler" but right now, you need to fix all the stuff that's broken.

Please don't take this post as a negative. If I didn't think you had something worthy of fixing here, I wouldn't be spending this time writing this post to try and help you out. I may have only given your game a 20%, but that's because I am honest and brutal, but you can use such a negative review to help you make the game 10x better.

- Zaxx
Khos  [dezvoltator] 27 ian. 2016 la 14:33 
@zaxtor99 , thanks for the feedback, there may be a misunderstanding when I said no bugs... anyway try not to dwell on that.
4wd/2wd indicator is already present, hover over the ? icon in game to see this.
There will be an update today/tomorrow with some changes, Gear indication now present (hover over ? icon in game), camera now makes objects in-between car and camera transparent, no jaggy camera anymore which should make gameplay smoother/better (only if trying to go into the ground, to prevent camera from going underground), I'll consider all other input, thanks for continuing to play and review the game :)

If you saw some of my early videos you can imagine how much it has progressed :) , plus I am only a one man band so progress is slow. even though the game is set as released it does not mean I cannot update it in the future, so feedback is valuable and I take it all into consideration, what I do ask or like to see is a positive review, so hopefully my efforts to work on improving can have a positive effect on the reviews, let's see.

-Buy winches, I like that idea!
-This is how score is calculated currently: Score = ((hours + minutes left)/10) - (cardamage/10)) + (Score * (winchleftover+1)); , I'll have another think on how to make it more fair? You can also suggest an algorithm if you want to :)
-Level editor is functional, it takes getting used to I know, I wanted to give players a degree of freedom to place rocks in any XYZ axis in a 3d space with no physics, this is not an easy feat to code by any means.. I will consider the option of turning on physics of a e.g. rock to let it drop on the ground, then turn it off, level editors.
-Reward the player - this already happens in some form, by opening new levels , in some areas where there are crowds there are faint cheers already added, it is not very obvious, will consider adding some kind of reward system for going through gates.
-Not sure about automatic transmission, you mean 2 - 4wd , should that be automatic?
Editat ultima dată de Khos; 27 ian. 2016 la 14:39
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Data postării: 25 ian. 2016 la 11:03
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