Out of Space

Out of Space

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Servers are flakey as hell
Me and my wife trying to play this game for the weekly challenges, our experience is not a good one so far, Servers have constant issues when i try to invite her to my game and when she finally manages to join my game on my end she's rubberbanding ALL over the place...

I don't recall the servers being this crappy a year orso ago when i was playing the game with my friend.

My Suggestion to mitigate this problem:
Allows us to host a game ourselves locally which we then can have other people connect to either via LAN or Direct Connect using an IP Adress turning it into a Peer 2 Peer connection, this should resolve rubberbanding and connection issues in most cases.
Last edited by General M-13 / Vindya Miriel; Mar 27 @ 12:58pm