Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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UlτrαΤwο Feb 7, 2024 @ 11:54am
[PSA] Nintendo-related mods are being DMCA'd by Nintendo themselves, unfortunately...
Since there are still some people who think it's a DMCA troll, I'll be linking Mutahar's video here where he debunks the claims. If you are somehow still convinced that it was not Nintendo filing DMCA claims, you need to get your brain checked.

TL;DR Nintendo is actually taking down mods, Garry and Valve confirmed it.

Exactly as the title says. Several Nintendo-related mods were being flagged with DMCA claims and were successful on some notable mods (Such as Apoc Hedgie's Mario ragdolls pack and Super Mario Odyssey pack).

Several other mods were also flagged with DMCA claims. Unfortunately, it was not what we originally assumed and it turns out that Nintendo is behind the DMCA strikes using a site known as MarkMonitor, which is used to tackle copyright infringement.

In short, that means that it is NOT a copyright troll as we believed at first.

That doesn't mean that Nintendo won. Some good people in the community managed to archive the mods that were taken down (Most of them anyway). The link to the archives will be added below. Kudos to the people who made them.

I also want to make a disclaimer that I am NOT in any way experienced in modding and will NOT reupload any mods removed from the Workshop out of respect.

One last thing: PLEASE DO NOT HARASS OR GO AFTER ANYONE! And please for the love of god do NOT attempt any act of vigilantism. Two wrongs do not make a right and I do not support nor endorse harassment, witch-hunting, or doxxing. The whole point of this post is to raise awareness.

We'll do what we can to archive mods in Google Drive, Mega, and other sites if possible.

Google drive #1[]

Google drive #2[]

Google drive #3[]

Google drive #4[]

Google drive #5[]

Google drive #6[]

Google drive #7[]

Google drive #8[]

Google Drive #9[]

Google Drive #10[]

Pastebin #1 (Provided by Sinful Mario)[]

Pastebin #2 (Provided by Apoc Hedgie and RTB)[]

Pastebin #3 (Provided by Yunpol)[]

Mega Drive #1 (Provided by RTB)[]

Mega Drive #2 (Provided bylegoj15)[]

Mega Drive #3 (Provided by Yunpol, GMOD version)[]

Mega Drive #4 (Provided by Yunpol, SFM version)[]

Mega Drive #5 (Provided by Skefil☆)[]

Mega Drive #6 (Provided by l'écureuil)[]

Mega Drive #7 (Provided by EnergyFlamer)[]

Dropbox #1 (Provided by "That cat from Oured")[]

Once you downloaded them, put them into the "addons" folder in the game's files:

Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons

If you wish to find mods updated after the 2020 update, locate this folder:

Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\4000

One last thing; you will need the Extended Spawnmenu addon to access them.
Last edited by UlτrαΤwο; Sep 3, 2024 @ 12:07am
Originally posted by Gordon Freeman:
I find it completely absurd that children are willing to jump to such outlandish conclusions out of denial. Instead of their glorious (and definitely not Yakuza-backed) Japanese mega-corporation, with a documented incredibly litigious history, children are still peddling stories pinning it on one man. The supposed "Aaron Peters" figure either does not exist or, if he does, likely works as an actual legal official for MarkMonitor.

The reason for pinning it on this man? Simple, out of denial, children spun a tale that would inspire hope. Obviously, a legal pursuit against Nintendo would be a hopeless endeavor. So, out of denial, children hope that it's one "fraudster", who wouldn't (as a smaller entity than Nintendo) have sufficient legal funds to make legal action as fruitless. Hell, that's how this thread originally started, as an anti "Aaron Peters" thread with very loose evidence, which is likely responsible for the spread of these stories amongst children. Yet the rumors have grown out of hand, and even after this thread and all other reputable sources have abandoned them, they're still being peddled.

In situations like this, it is best to employ the use of Occam's Razor. The fewer moving parts and hoops your theory has to jump through, the more realistic it is. If Facepunch is saying it's Nintendo, and there's no evidence against it being Nintendo (and yes, there almost certainly isn't any evidence clearing Nintendo's name, anyone claiming otherwise is absolutely grasping at straws), then it bloody likely is Nintendo's doing.

Yet, even still, children are radicalized in their hope that this can all be "set straight". They go and harass anyone with the name "Aaron Peters" they can find. They call anyone who opposes their cause "censorship lovers", as though opposing a theory with no evidence automatically means one believes that Nintendo's behavior is justified. I, for one, do not think Nintendo should do what they have done, but they do have the legal right to do it. I grew up with many of the maps being removed, and made abominable creations with many of the models being threatened. I don't like the situation any more than any reasonable person would, but that doesn't mean that I need to be feverishly opposed to the idea that Nintendo did it. Perhaps it just takes some growing up to realize that Nintendo sucks, and hasn't even really produced anything worthwhile since the end of the Wii era.

Doxxing, harassing, and witchhunting people based on their name over some Splatoon OC ragdolls getting taken down is absolutely insane. I wouldn't personally feel safe if my name was Aaron Peters right now, solely because some freak with mental disorders would almost certainly be stalking me with the most malicious intent.

Unfortunately, I don't expect to be able to stop people from spreading their misinformation and lies about this situation, as this will likely register as nothing but a fizzling match-head under the weight of a tidal wave of Nintendo fans who simply don't want to believe that Nintendo could do something like this. But I won't stand for absurd conspiracy theories about the FBI and CIA investigating some guy who made "false copyright claims" when there's no evidence to support any of it outside of the emotional reactions of children. I do hope, however, that at least somebody will see this and think twice about jumping to conclusions that don't really make sense outside of the mind of a child.
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Showing 1-15 of 6,189 comments
DJ Kirby 88 Feb 7, 2024 @ 3:18pm 
Is there a way for us to find out who this piece of crap is? They can't get away with this!
UlτrαΤwο Feb 7, 2024 @ 3:18pm 
Originally posted by DJ Kirby 88:
Is there a way for us to find out who this piece of crap is? They can't get away with this!
Unfortunately, no.
DJ Kirby 88 Feb 7, 2024 @ 3:19pm 
Originally posted by UlτrαmαrιnεΜεwτwο:
Originally posted by DJ Kirby 88:
Is there a way for us to find out who this piece of crap is? They can't get away with this!
Unfortunately, no.
Crap... There's gotta be someway to find out who this guy is.
UlτrαΤwο Feb 7, 2024 @ 3:23pm 
Originally posted by DJ Kirby 88:
Originally posted by UlτrαmαrιnεΜεwτwο:
Unfortunately, no.
Crap... There's gotta be someway to find out who this guy is.
Even if there was, it would be against Steam's TOS. It would count as harassment which is something you definitely should NOT do. That and naming and shaming.
Brewster T. Koopa Feb 7, 2024 @ 3:33pm 
Originally posted by UlτrαmαrιnεΜεwτwο:
Originally posted by DJ Kirby 88:
Crap... There's gotta be someway to find out who this guy is.
Even if there was, it would be against Steam's TOS. It would count as harassment which is something you definitely should NOT do. That and naming and shaming.
Naming and shaming is when you post the person on forums like these, especially if it leads to harassment, obviously not a good idea. But the person should be exposed and reported to valve as filing false DMCAs is illegal, and especially since this is a coordinated attack, not just some random troll
UlτrαΤwο Feb 7, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
Originally posted by Brewster T. Koopa:
Originally posted by UlτrαmαrιnεΜεwτwο:
Even if there was, it would be against Steam's TOS. It would count as harassment which is something you definitely should NOT do. That and naming and shaming.
Naming and shaming is when you post the person on forums like these, especially if it leads to harassment, obviously not a good idea. But the person should be exposed and reported to valve as filing false DMCAs is illegal, and especially since this is a coordinated attack, not just some random troll
Wait, this is actually a coordinated attack? That just sounds even worse.
Originally posted by UlτrαmαrιnεΜεwτwο:
Originally posted by Brewster T. Koopa:
Naming and shaming is when you post the person on forums like these, especially if it leads to harassment, obviously not a good idea. But the person should be exposed and reported to valve as filing false DMCAs is illegal, and especially since this is a coordinated attack, not just some random troll
Wait, this is actually a coordinated attack? That just sounds even worse.

From what I can tell, it's not all addons, so what's been targeted was:

All of Apoc/s WiiU/3DS ports and the OG Super Mario addon
My Mario galaxy and Odyssey packs
RTB's "Super Mario - Others pack"
Crispy Toast's Bowser Baddies and Mario Party with animations pack

biggest connection is Mario, it's all completely cherry picked
Last edited by Brewster T. Koopa; Feb 7, 2024 @ 3:40pm
UlτrαΤwο Feb 7, 2024 @ 3:41pm 
Originally posted by Brewster T. Koopa:
Originally posted by UlτrαmαrιnεΜεwτwο:
Wait, this is actually a coordinated attack? That just sounds even worse.

From what I can tell, it's not all addons, so what's been targeted was:

All of Apoc/s WiiU/3DS ports and the OG Super Mario addon
My Mario galaxy and Odyssey packs
RTB's "Super Mario - Others pack"
Crispy Toast's Bowser Baddies

biggest connection is Mario, it's all completely cherry picked
Whoever is doing this seems to have some beef with the makers of those mods but I could be wrong either way. That or they just want to take down Mario stuff for their own amusement which is really sickening.
Last edited by UlτrαΤwο; Feb 7, 2024 @ 3:43pm
DJ Kirby 88 Feb 7, 2024 @ 4:44pm 
Yeah, they need to be stopped. PRONTO.
DJ Kirby 88 Feb 7, 2024 @ 4:49pm 
Is there a way to contact a Steam official?
DJ Kirby 88 Feb 7, 2024 @ 5:50pm 
Well said, but as of right now, there's nothing we can do if we can't find him.
DJ Kirby 88 Feb 7, 2024 @ 5:54pm 
Is there a way to do that? Would they even care? These are the guys who've abandoned Tf2 till the community spoke up about the Bot Crisis. =/
Originally posted by Astro Star:
Just contact Valve, that's the only way.
the only thing to do is contact Steam Support, which may not even work tbh, but it's all we can do for now.
UlτrαΤwο Feb 8, 2024 @ 4:14pm 
It just got even worse. Now Pokémon is being targeted.
LeftyGemsMagpie Feb 8, 2024 @ 5:34pm 
Hi, Mario content creator for Garry's Mod. My sister's (BabyLuigiOnFire) ragdoll packs were targeted by DMCA trolls. Super Mario Bros. babies, Mario Tennis rackets, and Random Mario Things. Nothing else has been taken down as of this post, but it might not be true the next week or so.

Please take advantage of .gmad to extract my files. You can find the ID of my workshop addons on the url.

You can also ask on my profile page for files if they get affected.

In the meantime, to try to limit future disruption, I've listed my content as unlisted. I'll revert visibility back once this stops.
Last edited by LeftyGemsMagpie; Feb 8, 2024 @ 5:37pm
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