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Garry's Mod

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How to Run a Stock Market [RP | HARD]
Things you need:

2 pads of paper, probably
Calculator (I would use one like a ti 83 the parentesese are helpful)
Good Managing Skills
Good Base.
Textbox to display Stock Records in

To start off, find a relatively open building. Don't use a stupid huge building if you can't utilize the space to display. Make a gun dealer hut in a corner if you think the players would need it. Not every server is full of ♥♥♥♥♥ after all.

After that, advertise! "Stock Exchange is now OPEN! Be the First company to open stocks! Make money fast!"

Now you need the math for it all.
To cacalculate shares for a singular business

S=((D+F)*(B/1.35)) * T+15(cash put in)
Where S=Shares D=Doors owned F=Floors (multifloor building) B=Buildings T=Time on server (2 if fresh spawn, 5 if 1-3 hours (avg play time), 10 if on all day).

Example: So S=((2+1)*(1/1.35)) * 2+15(1000) is 33337 shares for a fresh spawn gun dealer.
To calculate for a multiperson business (drug gang, mob, many gun dealers working together)

S=(D*(B/1.5))*(P + Cash)

Where S = Shares D = Doors Owned B = buildings owned P = people in the organization and Cash = Cash paid to the company to open stocks.

Example = (4*(1/1.5))*(3+21000) = 56008 shares.

If the total number of shares has a large decimal, round up and ignore it.


Prices for shares can vary as well. If your organization only has 56008 shares but is relatively large, price them high. If a hobo is opening a stock exchange price them low. High for a stock would be 250 bucks per share, low would be like 20 bucks per share.

If a company later wants to add more shares:

AS=TS*CC/2 OR /0.35

Where AS=Added Shares, TS=Total Server Time (can be approximate IE 2 and a half hours becomes 2.5), CC=Current Cash Added. If they want to add shares not long after they enter your stocks and have no money whatsoever relatively speaking, change the /2 to /0.35.

A player who opens stocks for their business automatically gets 50% of their stocks on the market. If a player has bought shares on top of the original 50% (say the have half of their 40 shares for sale and bought 2 more so the had 62% or whatever) and they want to cash out, they can recieve 50% of their original investment (say it cost tho person 20 bucks to open 40 shares, they recieve 10 of that back) plus the amount of their added shares.

If a player who owns shares from companies wants to sell their shares or cash them out:

Cash = (P*S) - 18%

Where Cash is Cash to the player, P is price of the shares to the current company (company can change the price if they want), and S is the number of shares. You can change the percentage but 18% of the cash out is the broker's.

Abandoning the server or changing jobs without cashing out / closing your shares of your company will result in loss of that money made and will be kept by the broker. If a player (non-business owner) changes jobs, they can cash out whenever they want to. Business owners will need to cash out before changing jobs or leaving the server if they expect money back from their investments in.

Investment rankings are listed by how many thousands of dollars are invested into the company. If a company has 386,000 dollars total investment from the server, they have 386 points on the market.

A basic board will look like this, optimally done on a textscreen:

B1: Gundealer Associates (2) - 40001 Shares - $280 - 60 p

The business has 2 people, they own 2 doors and one building and invested 60000 into their opening shares. Because its a multiperson business / corporation the math done was

(2*(1/1.5))*(2+60000) = 800002

If I were the broker I would write down the name of the player and the amount of cash he/she put in and the number of shares they got, if I were the player I would do the same.

So yeah, enjoy running a stock market in DarkRP. Its stupidly complicated and if you like math like I do then you'll probably like doing this. If someone wants to make a mod out of this please add me and ask first since I developed the equations. <3

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8 yorumdan 1 ile 8 arası gösteriliyor
Why not make a guide?
İlk olarak \:Stupid:/ tarafından gönderildi:
Why not make a guide?
I'm not good at writing them. So, I just posted the math and how it would work if someone wanted to do it. Though I guess I could just make this a guide too huh. Didn't think of that TBH I ignore them most of the time. Lol.
En son Poon Master SLASH tarafından düzenlendi; 13 Şub 2017 @ 10:34
What job should I be to run the market?
I made an archaic virtual system for this kind of thing. If you can contact me through friends list, so that you can give advice on how to improve it, it would be a great help. Note: it is mostly for keeping track of ownership, rather than to do the math for you. I will not ask you to download anything, i will show screenshots.
İlk olarak Rivercabbage75™ tarafından gönderildi:
Another necro, yummy.
Silence crying pink child™ fan.
İlk olarak shadowmig_br tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak Rivercabbage75™ tarafından gönderildi:
Another necro, yummy.
Silence crying pink child™ fan.
İlk olarak Rivercabbage75™ tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak shadowmig_br tarafından gönderildi:
Silence crying pink child™ fan.
Peace at last.
< >
8 yorumdan 1 ile 8 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 13 Şub 2017 @ 10:26
İleti: 8