Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Could not establish connection to Steam servers.
Every time I start a game the console says "Could not establish connection to Steam servers." I uninstalled gmod and installed it again but it didn't worked. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
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I tried but it didn't worked. But still Thanks
There's also this forum, but thats about all I could find, you might have to go to the deep depths of Google to find a solution:
Thanks but I think I have to go to the deep depths of Google to find a solution :)
Did you have any luck fixing this?
it fixed it self after 10 days so I can only tell you that you have to wait
I had the error again after the latest update of garrys mod and it fixed just yesterday so 13 days after the error has occured
(( SOLVED ))

Found part of the solution on a game server hosting website, a little more research, and when implemented, totally fixed the problem:

Could not establish connection to Steam servers. (Result = 3)

Steam has a longstanding bug that causes it to not bind TCP connections to the correct IP address on the outbound.

This basically means that the game is reporting the wrong IP address to the HEARTBEAT server that lists your known external IP address to the world, so people can connect to you remotely.

Error will manifest itself two different ways, but both are caused because the game will not always update it's TCP IP Table Rules correctly,,, or at all!

The game will list to the world your internal IP address, such as, as if it's your external one, so nobody can ever connect to you remotely.

OR sometimes the game will not update when your ISP changes your external IP address periodically, so when you send a HEARTBEAT command with your external IP address, even though you might hard code the correct IP in your SERVER.CFG file, the game will still send the incorrect older IP address from the incorrect IP Table Rules the game never updated, therefore breaking the handshake that has to take place for you to ultimately appear on the in-game master server lists so players can find your server.

In your firewall rules, either in your router or the software one on your computer that’s hosting the game server (or if your situation requires both), force the port forwarding to ONLY pass UDP packets,,,, do NOT allow TCP packets to pass at all on the specific port your game requires to be open to allow outside connections.

**Because there are so many games available, you will have to determine your specific games needed port(s).**

Doing this will force it to fall back to using UDP, which does work correctly every time.

This is one of those bugs that would be super-super-easy for Valve to fix, but for some reason they haven't ever fixed it.

Good Gaming! :-)


I had this error a few minutes ago too. The solution is in start.bat. Remove this commandline in start.bat file:
"+sv_setsteamaccount yoursteamid"

I hope this helped xD
Ultima modifica da CyberNeo; 11 lug 2019, ore 4:12
Messaggio originale di killbilly {KBC}:
(( SOLVED ))

Found part of the solution on a game server hosting website, a little more research, and when implemented, totally fixed the problem:

Could not establish connection to Steam servers. (Result = 3)

Steam has a longstanding bug that causes it to not bind TCP connections to the correct IP address on the outbound.

This basically means that the game is reporting the wrong IP address to the HEARTBEAT server that lists your known external IP address to the world, so people can connect to you remotely.

Error will manifest itself two different ways, but both are caused because the game will not always update it's TCP IP Table Rules correctly,,, or at all!

The game will list to the world your internal IP address, such as, as if it's your external one, so nobody can ever connect to you remotely.

OR sometimes the game will not update when your ISP changes your external IP address periodically, so when you send a HEARTBEAT command with your external IP address, even though you might hard code the correct IP in your SERVER.CFG file, the game will still send the incorrect older IP address from the incorrect IP Table Rules the game never updated, therefore breaking the handshake that has to take place for you to ultimately appear on the in-game master server lists so players can find your server.

In your firewall rules, either in your router or the software one on your computer that’s hosting the game server (or if your situation requires both), force the port forwarding to ONLY pass UDP packets,,,, do NOT allow TCP packets to pass at all on the specific port your game requires to be open to allow outside connections.

**Because there are so many games available, you will have to determine your specific games needed port(s).**

Doing this will force it to fall back to using UDP, which does work correctly every time.

This is one of those bugs that would be super-super-easy for Valve to fix, but for some reason they haven't ever fixed it.

Good Gaming! :-)


Excuse me for bumping an old thread, but, this is the approach you never wanna use. Using UDP makes your server connection faster but less secure, meaning more network drops will occur. TCP makes use of the "Two-way-handshake method" which allows a server to all ways check before incoming connections occur. UDP makes your server accept all connections, meaning easy hacks could be applied as well.

The solution of KitsuneHD would be the best one right now.
Ultima modifica da KeithMarex; 5 dic 2020, ore 7:36
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Data di pubblicazione: 9 mar 2015, ore 12:45
Messaggi: 10