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Counter-Strike: Source. Please Help!!!!!
My Portal game downloaded something called 'Counter-Strike: Source and when I try to open it because I thought it was exactly the same I get this error message:

Setup File 'gameinfo.txt' doesn't exist in subdirectory 'Cstrike' Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.

Please tell me how to fix this
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Mine started updating a gig of stuff and is now listed as Half-life 2 Episode 1 in the library. Can't find any information relating to why, or what it's downloading for.
kt 22 janv. 2014 à 2h00 
Same here. Steam grid icon is coming up as the default Portal one, however. When I launch the game it instantly crashes. Steam is saying the its only taking up 101mb of space when the actual portal game takes up a few gigs.
same issue for me
same i hate this
same -.-
At least it's not just me, I'm sure it will be fixed..
It looks like this is a very recent bug that everyone got hit with. Since this is a big game that was made by valve I'm sure it will be fixed very quickly
Got the same problem, Portal is now listed as HL2E1 and Universe Sandbox is listed HL2E2.
Gabe hit the bar...
I have the same problem T-T , at least that's not our steam client which have a bug !
In case anyone was thinking of trying, re-installing doesn't help, it just downloaded a 67MB "Counter Strike:Source". I thought it might work because the HL2 episodes I don't have installed are correctly labeled in my games list.

I guess we just have to wait for Valve to sort it out....have they responded to this yet btw?
I hope they fix this soon. Not only my Portal became a Counter Strike Source, but also DotA 2 became Left 4 Dead 2.
Comment about Half life in one two ... no wait no, Valve can't ... hum I can't say it
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Posté le 22 janv. 2014 à 1h29
Messages : 34