Portal 2 SkinPack for Portal 1 Problem
So, I recently downloaded the Portal 2 SkinPack for Portal 1 where it replaces the GLaDOS Model with Portal 2 GLaDOS' model. It can be found here. https://www.moddb.com/mods/portal-2-skinpack-for-portal-1-v15 My problem is that GLaDOS has become invincible. Like, every time I hit her with a rocket, nothing happens. Why is that? EDIT: Also, don't tell me an excuse that the mod is 'poorly made'. It's literally just a glitch. You can see the mod in action here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLabmp62k1s
Отредактировано heroheenie2; 20 янв. 2020 г. в 11:59
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Simple explanation, the mod is poorly made
Автор сообщения: ꧁Renfrew꧂
Simple explanation, the mod is poorly made

I've seen other people use it and the problem doesn't happen. So it's not just a problem relating to if the mod is 'poorly made'.
Отредактировано heroheenie2; 19 янв. 2020 г. в 12:52
Автор сообщения: ꧁Renfrew꧂
Cute you edited your post to address me, that's some next level of raging, how pathetic!

Quick process of elimination:
"Did the issue exist before the mod?"

If we assumed your answer was yes, then there would be an issue with the game, but you acknowledged that the boss was fine before, so the answer is of course "no", which therefore means that the issue must have come as a result, it's basic logic, if you can't handle basic logic then that is literally your problem. :steamsalty:
I did not edit my post to address you, and the fact that you're calling it 'raging' is way more pathetic than my edit. I edited it so that if anyone else came to this discussion with that logic, they would know the correct issue. Like I said, the issue did or did not come with the mod. Doesn't mean it's because of the quality of the mod. It just means there's like, some sort of glitch. I literally linked to a video of it in action WORKING, and you're still trying to say the mod is bad somehow.
Again you are incapable of understanding basic deduction. A video showcasing that the mod works, doesn't prove anything; people have issues with mods all the time, despite them working for other people, this is nothing new, as there are literally hundreds of thousands of threads on the internet complaining about weird in-game issues that happened after installing a mod (keyword here is "after").

EDIT: Also, don't tell me an excuse that the mod is 'poorly made'. It's literally just a glitch. You can see the mod in action here. EDIT: Also, if you're coming here to say the mod was 'poorly made', you can see it in action here without the glitch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLabmp62k1s
You are clearly addressing me here, and anyone who isn't blind can clearly see what has already been written on this thread, making your excuse worthless.

Lastly, there are no Portal threads that discuss an issue with the final boss being invincible, so unless you are a complete moron (which nvm, you already are) it is obvious that the mod is causing this issue.
Автор сообщения: heroheenie2
Also, I know it's the mod that's causing this issue.
Автор сообщения: heroheenie2
I've seen other people use it and the problem doesn't happen.
Furthermore, if you know the mod is causing the issue then you would be able to recognise that the mod hasn't been tested properly, and guess what? Is therefore poorly made.

You didn't ask for advice:
Автор сообщения: heroheenie2
My problem is that GLaDOS has become invincible. Like, every time I hit her with a rocket, nothing happens. Why is that?
You asked why a problem is occurring, you got your answer, but apparently you already knew, oh wait you lied, as proved by your contradiction.
@RenfrewIdris Here's an idea, if you want to feel like you WON the argument, I'll just tell straight out lies. The story was fake. It worked perfectly. This WAS a post that was baiting people. You won the argument. There, are you happy I just told you four lies?
Автор сообщения: heroheenie2
You went to my profile and stole my pseudonym (yup it's a pseudonym :winter2019joyfultearsyul:) from my URL, that is some next level attempt at trolling. You claim you are not a troll, but then you do ANYTHING to try and get a reaction...

If you wanted to know how to fix it there is no "technically", state it in your original post, people are only going to answer what is written in your post, otherwise it is off-topic (and moderators on this platform are inconsistent and unpredictable). Try verifying your game files then re-installing the mod, or a fresh game re-install then re-install the mod. If the problem persists it is definitely the mod.

This is a PUBLIC forum. There was never an argument to be had, because I had no ill-will against you, I was just giving my deduction on what I think happened, based on YOUR post, you overreacted from the very beginning for no reason.

Автор сообщения: Retro Link
Posts multiple times berating the guy over everything .. lmao. You do realize a lot of kids possibly play this game. And this person your viciously tearing into is probably still in middle school? Yet you’re sitting there with your big boy pants on talking trash like some entitled prick? :Lacerator:
Guy below me is just something else... Stop virtue-signalling. Here's the simple solution: Press Report, if you think something will happen...

Right blocking both and unsubbed, I have had it with these trolls. This is why Steam forums are the worst, you try and engage in a discussion other person tries to be a know-it-all and acts passive-aggressive, then you get accused of being a troll for calling someone out, I see it happen to others all the time, and now I remember why I stopped posting on forums for a long time. Goodbye and good riddance.
Отредактировано Ad Hoc; 21 янв. 2020 г. в 3:02
Автор сообщения: ꧁Renfrew꧂
Автор сообщения: heroheenie2
You went to my profile and stole my pseudonym (yup it's a pseudonym :winter2019joyfultearsyul:) from my URL, that is some next level attempt at trolling. You claim you are not a troll, but then you do ANYTHING to try and get a reaction...

If you wanted to know how to fix it there is no "technically", state it in your original post, people are only going to answer what is written in your post, otherwise it is off-topic (and moderators on this platform are inconsistent and unpredictable). Try verifying your game files then re-installing the mod, or a fresh game re-install then re-install the mod. If the problem persists it is definitely the mod.

This is a PUBLIC forum. There was never an argument to be had, because I had no ill-will against you, I was just giving my deduction on what I think happened, based on YOUR post, you overreacted from the very beginning for no reason.

Автор сообщения: Retro Link
Posts multiple times berating the guy over everything .. lmao. You do realize a lot of kids possibly play this game. And this person your viciously tearing into is probably still in middle school? Yet you’re sitting there with your big boy pants on talking trash like some entitled prick? :Lacerator:
Guy below me is just something else... Stop virtue-signalling. Here's the simple solution: Press Report, if you think something will happen...

Right blocking both and unsubbed, I have had it with these trolls. This is why Steam forums are the worst, you try and engage in a discussion other person tries to be a know-it-all and acts passive-aggressive, then you get accused of being a troll for calling someone out, I see it happen to others all the time, and now I remember why I stopped posting on forums for a long time. Goodbye and good riddance.
I have just about had it with you. You're accusing ME of being a troll for no reason at all. You weren't calling me out at all, you were just being mean. I was calling YOU out, and you called me a troll. I asked you COUNTLESS times to leave me alone, and you didn't. Leave me alone.
@꧁Renfrew꧂ Words of a robot from a certain wormhole game. "Here are the test results: You're a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: 'A horrible person.' We weren't even testing for that."
jesus christ just help the poor dude
if you're just here to babyrage about the smallest things then guess what, nobody cares, either help or shut the ♥♥♥♥ up please :)
I know what to do. The thing is, GLaDOS herself doesn't become invincible, her hitbox becomes extremely small. It still can be hit, but you need to hit it in exactly the right spot to trigger a core drop.

There is a way to enable the hitbox visibility on her as well; simply type "developer 1" and then, "ent_absbox glados_body" to enable visibility.

The hitbox is suppose to encompass the entirety of the main body, but with the skinpack, it shrinks to a small area located at the top, rendering the boss almost impossible. This is kind of a major flaw. I know it's the skinpack in some way because when I delete it and reload escape_02, the hitbox works fine. Kind of a bummer. Also, the GLaDOS model reverts to the Portal 1 one for her destruction sequence, and when in deactivated form in Portal: Prelude.
Thank you. Even if this was a while after the post was originally made, I'm just glad SOMEBODY helped.
It's just a poorly made mod
Автор сообщения: Vytlo
It's just a poorly made mod
this post was made almost a year ago. can you screw off?
Автор сообщения: heroheenie2
Автор сообщения: Vytlo
It's just a poorly made mod
this post was made almost a year ago. can you screw off?
that was a bit mean
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Дата создания: 18 янв. 2020 г. в 15:51
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