SpellForce 2 - Anniversary Edition

SpellForce 2 - Anniversary Edition

JohnLegion May 9, 2023 @ 5:41am
Windows 11 - Stuttering/Lagging
The game worked perfectly fine on Windows 10, but now I've updated to windows 11 I get a consistent stuttering that stops me from encircling my troops!

As you can imagine, it makes moving people around troublesome when the going gets tough!

Has anyone had this issue on Windows 11? If so, is there a fix for it?
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
The Nothing Man May 9, 2023 @ 7:04pm 
did your "scaling" change in windows ?
if so try setting it only to 100%

sadly win 11 is the worst os currently
even ms released win 12 already, which isnt called win 12 and is .. TERRIBLE
you will see
win 11 will still be supported by ms, but they disowned it tpm was bypassed and this was
win 11's goal mainly
win 11 removed TONS of features to help legacy hardware and software
win 10 has this ...so so but win 7 has it in spades
atm the best os in win 7 pro, but for gaming win 10 pro
NOT home

post back the below!

Is this a new machine or just new install of the os?

What is your current scaling % set to?

What is the aspect ratio 16:9? 16:10? less ? more?

Did you change tv/monitors along with win 11? Or is it the same monitor/tv?

GPU nvidia or amd? if nvid got a few easy fixes but methinks this is win 11 being lame

Have you checked windows SOUND settings, to change audio quality from the TERRIBLE default "studio" change this to CD/ DVD 16 Bit 48000hz =DVD quality
Most games do stutter if this option is set to studio at a REALLY high rate

Is vsync on, or did you let gsync take over?
gsync = monitor does the tally for hz to fps 60hz = 60 fps but its NOT! its really 59.89fps for 60hz lol

ahhh my head

ok hit me back
JohnLegion May 10, 2023 @ 9:53pm 
The scaling hadn't changed as far as I was aware, the UI and everything still looks fine! (tbh I couldn't find an option for scaling in the settings!!!)

Regarding the questions asked:

Is this a new machine or just new install of the os?
A:= New install of the OS (New SSD with OS fresh installed)

What is your current scaling % set to?
A:= Presumably 100% (Like I say it doesn't look different to me!)

What is the aspect ratio 16:9? 16:10? less ? more?
A:= 16:9

Did you change tv/monitors along with win 11? Or is it the same monitor/tv?
A:= The machine is a Laptop so the display remains the same.

GPU nvidia or amd? if nvid got a few easy fixes but methinks this is win 11 being lame
A:= NVidia

Have you checked windows SOUND settings, to change audio quality from the TERRIBLE default "studio" change this to CD/ DVD 16 Bit 48000hz =DVD quality
Most games do stutter if this option is set to studio at a REALLY high rate
A:= I've not tried this one, but I can try it later on today!

Is vsync on, or did you let gsync take over?
gsync = monitor does the tally for hz to fps 60hz = 60 fps but its NOT! its really 59.89fps for 60hz lol
A:= I tried turning VSync off with no change

Thank you very much for your time!
The Nothing Man May 10, 2023 @ 10:01pm 
For scaling check
just type scaling in the windows search bar or
Control panel>SYSTEM> Display

no way does any modern win 10 or 11 use 100% as old games need or game in general that arent brand new

16:9 works so thats good ty

no youd want it on, not letting the monitor take over
you want the gpu to control it, but what hz is your monitor what hz as hz = fps
60hz 60 fps
but not quite
again 59.89fps=60hz monitor
not 60=60 same with 120 140 etc
good devs put in an option for 59fps

so lemme know the hz or rather the fps you aim at with vsync

also try the audio
if not you can try nvid control panel but I use a great app
Nvid Inspector
you have sooo many settings to play with
JohnLegion May 11, 2023 @ 2:32pm 
Thank you again for your help! I've tried the things you'd mentioned which seemed to have helped a little but I still get some stuttering :(

The Scaling on my display is set to 100% by default which is nice :)

I re-added VSync in game and amended the Audio Settings as you'd mentioned, it took a bit of rooting about but I did find the way to reduce the Audio to CD/DVD Quality.

My Monitor is 144hz and can't be amended I'm afraid!
The Nothing Man May 11, 2023 @ 3:01pm 
Originally posted by JohnLegion:
The game worked perfectly fine on Windows 10, but now I've updated to windows 11 I get a consistent stuttering that stops me from encircling my troops!

As you can imagine, it makes moving people around troublesome when the going gets tough!

Has anyone had this issue on Windows 11? If so, is there a fix for it?

Ah I see
yes this is the issue 144hz
the game cant take more than 60fps fyi

"Turn on Vsync or Borderless window, one of these works in every game."
this is WIN 11's issue, so you dont want the os/monitor in control
set the game up to be borderless window with vsync ON at 59fps cap or 60 if you are in game control panel allows for 59

know how to use control panel NVID?
if so find the game exe in control panel for nvid * I use inspector app
when there

about 900000 games do this in win 11 only and sadly the fastest way around all this is to roll back to win 10
again win 11 is now blacklisted so, ms will support it, but its being thrown away due to how terrible it is esp for gaming.

3 solutions:

Limit FPS in-game to 60 and / or activate vsync in game.

Try to play in Windowed mode

Go back to Windows 10.

try the first 2
borderless window, or window and make sure 60fps cap frame limiter with vsync on
problem is your fps is going to high
its fun to run old games on modern os's
if they do run its super fast or ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hit me up!
try those they are easy tests!
and no alt enter doesnt = borderless window
lemme know if ya need pm helps
we will sort this
The Nothing Man May 11, 2023 @ 3:53pm 
turn OFF capture> type capture in the windows box and click CAPTURES SETTINGS
Turn OFF
and is game mode ON or OFF?

also this IS a win 11 issue

number 3 and 5 skip 1 and 2 just look at 3 and 5
Last edited by The Nothing Man; May 11, 2023 @ 4:04pm
JohnLegion May 13, 2023 @ 2:24am 
Hi, I've tried running through all of the steps you'd listed to no avail :(

I've tried updating windows and reinstalling my graphics drivers too.

VSync was enabled and I tried it in windowed/borderless.

I think I'll just look into getting Windows 10 back to be honest!

Thank you very much for your help anyway!! :)
The Nothing Man May 13, 2023 @ 9:46am 
I do recommend win 10 for any win 11 people
even ms agrees

did you lock your fps as mentioned?
I wasnt sure if you knew how..
its not in the game, its in the os gpu control panel..
lemme knooow
waves fist at win 11
if you think thats bad wait for 12
no installs, just stream gaming
its terrible
JohnLegion May 29, 2023 @ 12:52pm 
I had a bit of a mess around and found my way to the Windows Graphics settings (Display > Graphics), I'd noticed that SF 2 wasn't listed in here so I added it and defaulted the graphics card used to my 2070 instead of the onboard graphics.

This has mostly removed the stuttering (there's a very small amount now compared to constantly!)

It's not a 100% fix but it's a good bit of progress!
The Nothing Man May 29, 2023 @ 1:02pm 
please note
fps and hz

if you EVER have an onboard gpu, ALWAYS disable it if you have a PCI GPU

please cap fps at 59.89 not 20000
JohnLegion May 30, 2023 @ 1:00am 
My display on Windows and my resolutions in game are both locked to 144hz (No other options!).

I did notice a comfortably pleasant increase in the FPS when I'd set it to use my 2070!

I have VSync enabled and I don't think there's an option for Borderless Windowed to my recollection, unless there's a hidden config file somewhere for SF2 where I can enable?
The Nothing Man May 30, 2023 @ 10:00am 
where are you looking and seeing the lock?
nvid panel?
did you get nvid inspector?
post back!!

also if you FEAR inspector which you shouldnt
you CAN use the os!

or even just nvid panel
it has the refresh lock or not and you can pick 59.89 fps or hz in the os
then disable vsync as that would make it back to 144fps
you dont want that here

Last edited by The Nothing Man; May 30, 2023 @ 10:02am
JohnLegion May 31, 2023 @ 12:08am 
Terribly sorry if I'm being a bit dense!

I've downloaded the Nvidia Inspector and it seems to do nothing more than display the technical information for my graphics card (Which is useful in it's own right!), there doesn't seem to be any place/option to change Hz or FPS Limitations.

Regarding the Windows approach, I've already checked on the Advanced Display settings and I can't change the Hz on my laptop screen :(
The Nothing Man May 31, 2023 @ 9:30am 
its ok matey
there should be 2 exes
one is called
run the profile exe


check the pic, you have 3 areas to change the fps lock or limiter
also you can do this in nvids control panel
which inspector is just an advanced version of.

one thing i did notice there was no entry for spellforce 2 complete ed
just spellforce 2
you can always ADD any exe
thats the driver BASE
make SURE you have a game exe up top
its got thousands n thousands of games pre set just type
mafia 3 or far cry x or just cause 4 etc
then that games details popup :P
JohnLegion May 31, 2023 @ 10:14am 
I used the Nvidia Profile Inspector as you'd said (It didn't come with the Nvidia Inspector app funnily enough!) and locked the FPS for Spellforce 2 to 60.

It worked the charm it seems!

I tried adding the Exe first since its the anniversary edition I have but it said the app is already there under 'Spellforce 2'!
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