Bit Shifter

Bit Shifter

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Sideshowjim  [developer] May 14, 2016 @ 1:18pm
UPDATE Indie Royale Bundle
We would like to thank everyone who supported us way back when we participated in the Indie Royale Debut 22 Bundle. For some time now we have been honoring the Desura Keys and gifting Steam keys to people who showed Proof of Purchase. Even though we never saw a dime from the bundle we felt obligated to honor what Indie Royale offered to the people who bought the bundle and that was a Steam key when available. We will be ending this promotion on May 31st 2016. This promotion has been going on since November 2nd 2015 and we feel that 6 months was a fair amount of time for users to get in contact with us. Thank you again to everyone in the community who supported us.
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I tried accessing your website but it appears to be down. How can I contact you regarding press inquiries and the like?


Sideshowjim  [developer] Aug 19, 2016 @ 6:01am 
Originally posted by Dad's Gaming Addiction:
I tried accessing your website but it appears to be down. How can I contact you regarding press inquiries and the like?



Sorry about that vince I just checked our 2 sites and they seem to be up now must have been some internet glitch, I blame Google :-p

To contact us you can email us at and we can get the ball rolling.
Hope this helps and have an awesome day.
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