Rogue Wizards

Rogue Wizards

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Grotzel Oct 9, 2017 @ 2:56pm
Force of Nature weird or bugged?
Okay ... I've wasted enough green mana and give up: does this spell actually do anything?
I've aimed it at hordes of enemies - directly and indirectly, near and far away. They all appear to be completely unharmed by it. Even Shadowlords who are definitely vulnerable to nature damage.

Has anyone actually slightly inconvenienced an enemy by using this mighty ultimate nature spell? If so ... how? I'm genuinely curious.
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Tyrion44 May 17, 2020 @ 12:25pm 
Yes, the same for me!
colinday  [developer] May 31, 2020 @ 2:45pm 
Hmm, that's not supposed to be like that. The ball will keep moving but green offshoots should come off the ball and auto attack enemies as it passes by. I'll check it out to make sure it's not broken.
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