Sid Meier's Pirates!
for Sid Meier - Sid Meier's Pirates Remake/Sequel Petition
Let give this game a brighter future, for Sid Meier please remake or make a sequel of this masterpiece,
There is only a least amount of Pirate-themed game on the market, let alone a good one. So, we don't have any hope than this game, for everyone who has same opinion with me, sign this petition by commenting below, let make Sid Meier see this!

EDIT: March 23 2017, I got a reply from 2K Support, saying that they really appreciate our enthusiasm, and if there is a big enough demand, they sure will be noticed. Come on guys, make it happen
I've shared this thread to Sid Meier on twitter, but since then i got no reply
Автор останньої редакції: _veleron; 13 жовт. 2020 о 23:38
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Показані коментарі 115 із 364
Автор останньої редакції: Simon Love; 24 черв. 2016 о 20:34
Цитата допису CHE:
Here are a couple of pirate games:

I'm not asking about it, i'm asking Sid Meier to remake the game .
I agree with you m8
That's the best pirate game of all these ♥♥♥♥♥.
I have over 1000+ hrs not on steam but on boxed version. <33
Fully in agreement here. Next year will be the 30th anniversary of Sid Meier's Pirates! as a franchise, when the original hit AMIGA and MS DOS among other platforms. It's been 12 years since I first played this on the original Xbox, and seeing the great treatment Firaxis has given to XCOM, I think they can pull off a near-perfect reboot that manages to both satisfy old fans and bring in new ones.

Make it happen, Sid! Here's a poorly written quarter of a map with a tree and the visible phrase "...f Maracaibo," get searching!
Автор останньої редакції: Space Coward; 30 черв. 2016 о 23:51
Yep, the new crappy "Pirates" is "Star Control 3" level failure. The new designers just don't "get it", completely failed in the job which was to understand and preserve the aspects which made the original great. Also it may have been intentionally "modernized" - I blame stupid millennials.
Цитата допису Lord:
Yep, the new crappy "Pirates" is "Star Control 3" level failure. The new designers just don't "get it", completely failed in the job which was to understand and preserve the aspects which made the original great. Also it may have been intentionally "modernized" - I blame stupid millennials.
Link please. I would love to buy this new crappy "Pirates," especially with the new bit.
Its hard to find a decent sailing/pirate type game these days. I often go back to playing uncharted waters on the old snes and sega to get my fix.

Oh yea.. and +1.
Автор останньої редакції: Teralitha; 23 лип. 2016 о 11:53
I've been playing this game (non-steam) since it was released; only recently bought the Steam version; now I'm having "Drect X" issues with it; I'm going to be "Steamed" if this issue results in a dead game that I can no longer play....

I'd love to see Sid re-work this game & maybe even release a "Pirates II" version....

Unfortunately; this game was pretty much orphaned within 1-2 yrs after it was released; despite the "cult" following it has among die-hard fans like us.....

I think the time limit feature kind of hurt it; especially among Civilization fanatics who were used to marathon games that you could often play for months on end.....
Автор останньої редакції: VanSchaick; 13 листоп. 2016 о 8:14
If they make it, I will buy it
+1 I'm in

One of my favorite games of all time
id buy the remake 10 times over for this
Цитата допису Moss:
Link please. I would love to buy this new crappy "Pirates," especially with the new bit.

Can't remember what I was referring to, but I was probably thinking of Windward (search on Steam, they aren't worth linking), which I guess was being cast by some as the Pirates successor. But it's not, it's not even close really. It sucks, don't buy it unless you like childish arcade-y MMOs, it's no "Pirates 2". It's designed for simpleton morons who never experienced the golden age of gaming (which is where SM's Pirates is from). It doesn't even have the "huge world" feeling that Pirates had, it's just a bunch of "level instances" linked together non-seamlessly.

Edit: Actually, this isn't the original game, so I was probably talking about this trash! Both suck!
Автор останньої редакції: Lord; 21 листоп. 2016 о 13:13
This would be a fantastic game to remake!
Signing this. Make it an official petition on some websites
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Показані коментарі 115 із 364
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Опубліковано: 24 черв. 2016 о 12:57
Дописів: 364