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Stuck on Safer Sephiroth ;_;
I'm at the end of the game. My party is around level 60(Not enough grinding, I know, I know...) and I can defeat Jenova-SYNTHESIS and Bizarro-Sephiroth just fine, but Safer is owning me. And no, I don't have Knights of the Round.

I generally spend some time frantically trying to heal, then trying to revive, then trying to revive again, then looking for the Remedy that I had already wasted, then having my last party member turned into a frog, then...
Game over man, game over :C
< >
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I just love the Alien reference :D, when I was reading I could actually hear him heheheheh
your parties level is fine get white cape accessory so your party dont get turned into frogs and give all the players a ribbon just so super nova doesnt inflict any stats if you have the ribbon that is and also keep regen up from time to time.
Dernière modification de Bond Forger; 24 juil. 2013 à 18h12
SHave 25 juil. 2013 à 16h33 
Cast big guard and use white wind/angel whisper. Magic generally becomes useless as you collect more E. Skills. Also what Jason said, equip Ribbons! You can morph Master Tonberries for Ribbons and you get two more Ribbons throughout the game!
You should be able to beat safer sephiroth at your level.
I havent battled Seph since the original release but I do recall All+Regen being a crucial spell during this battle. But then again my stats weren't maxed and I didn't have all the powerful magic, it was a true chess match
Dernière modification de The Brown Hornet; 25 juil. 2013 à 22h06
He scales to your level iirc so hes actually easier the weaker you are. Just remember that as bad as Supernova damage looks it doesn't ever instagib you it just puts you at a REALLY low amount of hp with ailments. Most of these are combatted by having at least one person equipped with a Ribbon. If you dont have one, Morph a Master Tonberry for one. While the animation is going on go through your list and find a Megalixer. (no point in hoarding them when youre here) Even if half your party is in trouble with bad status effects at least theyll have full health. His other attacks are mostly easily manageable (especially with barriers up and regen rolling) and hes more than possible to kill without the almighty spells. I literally JUST did it the other day without ANY of the uber materia or weapons. It just takes some strategy and a couple of the right things. Mainly having a Barrier (leveled up to Wall preferably) constantly up with Regen going and Elixirs on hand for tight spots (like when he uses Shadow Flare, which you should be able to survive with an Mbarrier up but the barrier will halve your healing so Elixirs are your best friend.)

Granted Ive beaten this game like 10 times but as much as I swap my party members around, use different weapons, experiment with new offensive strategies, etc there's ALWAYS certain things you can't do without. Barrier, cure spells, and at LEAST one ribbon. Everything else (Knights of the Round included, I dont have the achievement for it yet I have the beaten the game achievement so its more than possible, hell I havent even killed Ultima Weapon so I wassnt even using amazing weapons either) is optional.

Now kill him already and feel like a winner!
Yea, Saphoroth is able to be killed at level 50 without knights of the round. (I've done it.) The trick is to keep big guard up with regen. Have white wind on your list to clear any transformations and sepheroth becomes a 15-20 minute fight (okay i might be exagerating but I don't know because i didn't time it but I do know it was a long and fun fight) this is why enemy skill is the one inportant thing to go out of your way to get the skills and is easly one of the most inportant materia to get.
Edit: have 1 max hp up on all characters. I'm not sure if it will help but who argues against extra health.
Dernière modification de Sadach; 26 juil. 2013 à 2h37
Go back to Cosmo Canyon, and buy some HP Up materia, so you can have everyone's health at 9999 and avoid being one-shot.
Dernière modification de Jikosei; 26 juil. 2013 à 2h34
Btw only disadvantage of party members being level 99 is that safer sephiroth gets about 50k extra health for each party member at level 99 including ones no tin your party so if your stuck my suggestion is just go to something low like level 90
I never use big guard mainly because im to slack to get it and i just zerg :) and i seriously need to complete the pc version instead of saying ill go on ps1 and play it :)
I'm in the same situation as you lol, healing, reviving, healing. Stupid sephirtoh seems to just spam Super Nova and I have to watch the cut scene each time, making the battle a lot longer. I didn't know where to use the save crystal so I started out after I died at the airship and lost like 2 hours of progress...I basically rage quitted and haven't played it in a few days. I honestly don't feel like grinding out a few levels or source items. I'll try some of the tactics people have suggested here, using ribbons and capes, all+regen. what's the best party to use? I use Cloud, Red, and Vincent.
i just unlocked the omnislah and just mimic killed i know iknow cheat way but i used what i earned easy fight aswell and it works with summons too i wish Final fantasy XIII had mimic
lilmr2ther a écrit :
i just unlocked the omnislah and just mimic killed i know iknow cheat way but i used what i earned easy fight aswell and it works with summons too i wish Final fantasy XIII had mimic
Not really a cheat if its stuff thats there to use in the game
Meatman a écrit :
Consider doing some of the sidequests to find extra materia (finding the double-slash materia is very important, which can be found on the sunken gelnika sidequest). Doing the chocobo sidequest may as well offer much more materia that makes you so powerful, fighting ruby weapon is a breeze. IMPORTANT: ALWAYS BRING ENEMY SKILL MATERIA WITH: BIG GUARD, PANDORA'S BOX, AND SHADOW FLARE. SUPER IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO BEAT HIM. You can learn shadow flare/pandora's box ultimate weapon, and/or zombie skeleton. Keep at least one character with cure, that is paired with all materia, so that after super-nova is casted, you have a fast recovery. Using haste on your team, and slow on sephiroth becomes important as well. That is as much I know, although I will emphisize sidequests: more sidequests while collecting materia/weapons make any boss a tad easier. That is all I can offer, I hope you find this information useful. (also, fighting ruby weapon is never a breeze!)

If you spam 'Dazers' Ruby weapon is a breeze :) you can set up an evil formation that won't even allow it a single hit once you have it in place, just got to know that timing :)
Knights of the Round breaks the game completely. Link it with HP absorb use with W-Summon and mimic and you can solo every battle in the game. It's a cool materia but I find the game more enjoyable without it/not using it.

Meatman's advice is good. Should help you beat it.
< >
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Posté le 24 juil. 2013 à 17h03
Messages : 16