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Mr. Oibyr Jul 27, 2021 @ 2:33pm
Stuck at Keyboard screen
I pressed everything, what are you supposed to press? I only have the on-screen keyboard and controllers.
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SinonSnipe Jul 27, 2021 @ 2:35pm 
I am having same issue
Nedge Jul 28, 2021 @ 11:38am 
You're suppose to press X on the keyboard. It's the default [OK]. Controller inputs don't work until you get past that screen. Also, all control bindings remain there defaults until you load a save file. You can get around some of these restrictions by using Steam's controller settings to bind keyboard input to the controller.
Mr. Oibyr Jul 28, 2021 @ 12:10pm 
Originally posted by Nedge:
You're suppose to press X on the keyboard.
tried that, doesn't seem to work with the on-screen keyboard
Nedge Jul 28, 2021 @ 12:39pm 
Originally posted by Mr. Oibyr:
Originally posted by Nedge:
You're suppose to press X on the keyboard.
tried that, doesn't seem to work with the on-screen keyboard
That because the game hibernates when its window isn't active. The thing to do is bind the keyboard X to a controller button using Steam's controller configuration settings.
1. Make sure your controller is connected to your PC.
2. Select FFVII in your library (without launching it).
3. Under the play button there is an options bar with one being "Controller Configuration".
4. Click the option. Then, in the new window click the box at the bottom right that shows the action buttons.
5. (Assuming an Xbox like controller) Click the B controller button.
6. Click the X keyboard binding.
7. Click Back.
8. Click Done.
9. When you get to that screen press B on the controller.
Mr. Oibyr Jul 28, 2021 @ 3:27pm 
that didn't work either, but joy2key does?!?!?!?!

thanks for the tip, this pc is old and is starting to need workarounds just to play old games
Originally posted by Nedge:
Originally posted by Mr. Oibyr:
tried that, doesn't seem to work with the on-screen keyboard
That because the game hibernates when its window isn't active. The thing to do is bind the keyboard X to a controller button using Steam's controller configuration settings.
1. Make sure your controller is connected to your PC.
2. Select FFVII in your library (without launching it).
3. Under the play button there is an options bar with one being "Controller Configuration".
4. Click the option. Then, in the new window click the box at the bottom right that shows the action buttons.
5. (Assuming an Xbox like controller) Click the B controller button.
6. Click the X keyboard binding.
7. Click Back.
8. Click Done.
9. When you get to that screen press B on the controller.
Thanks it worked
juangirelli2003 Feb 20, 2024 @ 3:12am 
scusatemi vorei sapere come risolvere una problematica nel gioco final fantasy 7 originale per steam uso la tastiera ma una volta iniziato a giocare dopo il filmato introduttivo non riesco a correre con il cloud ma riesco solo a camminare molto lentamente lentissimo quindi ogni due per tre finisco in un combattimento casuale mentre ho visto che normalmente i personaggi possono correre io ho un pc da gaming da 3000 euro quindi non può essre un problema di potenza ho provato anche ad utilizarre 7th even ma non è cambiato nulla potreste darmi suggerimenti mi sposto ovvio con le freccette mi potresti aiutare grazie mille
Nedge Feb 20, 2024 @ 8:47am 
Originally posted by juangirelli2003:
scusatemi vorei sapere come risolvere una problematica nel gioco final fantasy 7 originale per steam uso la tastiera ma una volta iniziato a giocare dopo il filmato introduttivo non riesco a correre con il cloud ma riesco solo a camminare molto lentamente lentissimo quindi ogni due per tre finisco in un combattimento casuale mentre ho visto che normalmente i personaggi possono correre io ho un pc da gaming da 3000 euro quindi non può essre un problema di potenza ho provato anche ad utilizarre 7th even ma non è cambiato nulla potreste darmi suggerimenti mi sposto ovvio con le freccette mi potresti aiutare grazie mille
It's an old game. It never used an analog stick. You have to hold down [Cancel] while using the direction buttons. [C] + [↑/↓/←/→]
Last edited by Nedge; Feb 20, 2024 @ 8:48am
Originally posted by Nedge:
Originally posted by Mr. Oibyr:
tried that, doesn't seem to work with the on-screen keyboard
That because the game hibernates when its window isn't active. The thing to do is bind the keyboard X to a controller button using Steam's controller configuration settings.
1. Make sure your controller is connected to your PC.
2. Select FFVII in your library (without launching it).
3. Under the play button there is an options bar with one being "Controller Configuration".
4. Click the option. Then, in the new window click the box at the bottom right that shows the action buttons.
5. (Assuming an Xbox like controller) Click the B controller button.
6. Click the X keyboard binding.
7. Click Back.
8. Click Done.
9. When you get to that screen press B on the controller.
I'm playing this on a steam deck with it docked to my TV and I'm trying this but I'm not seeing the controller config button underneath the play button like you're referring to. Doesn't anyone know how to get this to work on a steam deck? Docked
Nedge Feb 23 @ 9:48am 
Originally posted by CabeloDeFogo86:
Originally posted by Nedge:
That because the game hibernates when its window isn't active. The thing to do is bind the keyboard X to a controller button using Steam's controller configuration settings.
1. Make sure your controller is connected to your PC.
2. Select FFVII in your library (without launching it).
3. Under the play button there is an options bar with one being "Controller Configuration".
4. Click the option. Then, in the new window click the box at the bottom right that shows the action buttons.
5. (Assuming an Xbox like controller) Click the B controller button.
6. Click the X keyboard binding.
7. Click Back.
8. Click Done.
9. When you get to that screen press B on the controller.
I'm playing this on a steam deck with it docked to my TV and I'm trying this but I'm not seeing the controller config button underneath the play button like you're referring to. Doesn't anyone know how to get this to work on a steam deck? Docked
On the SteamDeck (once you have a game selected and can see the "Play" option), the controller configuration button is next to the settings button on the right. From there, you have to click on "Edit Layout" to rebind the buttons. However, when the game starts, before you even get to the screen that shows the keyboard bindings, you have to get past the SquareEnix launcher by using the mouse or trackpad to click on "Play".
I've been looking into ways to use an external controller to get past the launcher (without a mouse or trackpad). I think it may be possible with Virtual Menus and Action Sets, but I haven't been able to find a good tutorial on them yet.
Daenoxiis Feb 25 @ 10:12pm 
"X" or "C" on the keyboard.
There's a bunch of options on steam to remap the controller proper like we used to play it. I played this OG controller version for a long time, found the remap recently and it makes such a difference. With the remap the controller works on the start screen too. It's one of the options depending on your play style under the list... some work better than others. Just keep trying them until you find the one that works or play it the way it is once you're past the menu.

Right click on the game, manage, controller layout... there's all kinds of choices. I think mine is the 360 layout. It plays exactly like the OG ps1 now though.
Last edited by S'bass thulu; 13 hours ago
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