Is Rift Still Active
Hello All,

I've recently been on a permanent vacation from mmos since aion started up, seeing as how i have a lot more time on my hands I've been thinking about joining up in one just to give myself something to do. After looking at all that's come out since I last quit, I've narrowed my search down to two possibilities, Rift, and Guild Wars 2. I don't want to join a game where no one is playing, but really have no idea how to tell the population of the game. If you all could let me know what its like before i go and buy the game, I would be greatly appreciative.
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
Nove1tyHammer Sep 11, 2012 @ 6:33am 
Very much so! New calm before the stom patch is coming out soon as well. Whole new ball game with this xpac that is out nov 13!
Sier Sep 11, 2012 @ 7:20am 
There's a new patch coming out tomorrow. Word's out the war beteween Defiants and Guardians is OVER and they'll now cooperate to beat a stronger foe(which only comes out with the new expansion).
As for your question, yes, Rift is still very active. Just pick one of the most populated shards and you'll be set. I play on Wolfsbane, feel free to tag along.
Demus Sep 12, 2012 @ 2:38pm 
You can always try Rift for free before subbing!
Gia_SC Sep 12, 2012 @ 9:40pm 
Originally posted by Sier:
There's a new patch coming out tomorrow. Word's out the war beteween Defiants and Guardians is OVER and they'll now cooperate to beat a stronger foe(which only comes out with the new expansion).
As for your question, yes, Rift is still very active. Just pick one of the most populated shards and you'll be set. I play on Wolfsbane, feel free to tag along.

The war between Guardians and Defiant isnt technically Over, with 1.10 they have allowed players to somewhat make their own choice as to which side they agree with, and if the politics is actually worth killing eachother over. Guardians and Defiants from day 1 have been segregated by politics alone. not by race or class or whatever. but by their views. Now players are able to choose an almost "Neutral" Stance on the matter and join cross faction guilds. where both guardians and defiant can work together. You still have the die hard defiant aswell as the die hard guardians fighting eachother, but now there is a whole new group of people that are in between. Allows for almost a 3 faction system, created solely by the playerbase
hydrabytez Sep 14, 2012 @ 12:52am 
Yes, always very active when i play :D
That_Raving_Cat Sep 14, 2012 @ 2:59pm 
if you're considering on getting this game, come to the Faeblight shard. Plenty of peeps on there.
Raynor Sep 14, 2012 @ 10:58pm 
I played Rift and I kinda liked the gameplay and the idea for the class system is really cool. I think Guild Wars 2 it way better. you can't "make your own class" like you can in Rift but the feel of the game is much better and its not play to play. The pvp system if better in Guild Wars 2 if much better then Rift and I'm not a really big pvp fan. I really like the world vs. world system and I like how in pvp and wvw you can level up and you can start pvp from level 1.

All in all I'd give Rift a 6\10 and GW2 a 8\10
Sarpy Sep 15, 2012 @ 7:41am 
Jesus christ, ♥♥♥♥ off Master. Don't infect even steam with your disgusting GW2 fanboy-ness.
No one asked about GW2
Rift is a really good PvE MMO. If you're looking for PvE, then Rift is awesome. But if you're looking for PvP then there is better out there.
Originally posted by Masteromen:
I played Rift and I kinda liked the gameplay and the idea for the class system is really cool. I think Guild Wars 2 it way better. you can't "make your own class" like you can in Rift but the feel of the game is much better and its not play to play. The pvp system if better in Guild Wars 2 if much better then Rift and I'm not a really big pvp fan. I really like the world vs. world system and I like how in pvp and wvw you can level up and you can start pvp from level 1.

All in all I'd give Rift a 6\10 and GW2 a 8\10

Guild Wars 2 is way too casual in PvE content. In PvP it might be better but it doesn't offfer a traditional MMO experience like Rift.
Neario Sep 26, 2012 @ 2:27pm 
GW2 and Rift are both good MMO's. Personally I favor Rift, mainly because of the better PVEcontent and the godawsome raids.
If you are strictly into pvp give GW2 a chance. Any other gamestyle(or combined) -> Rift. specially with the Xpack coming up.
I do have GW2, but only to play "on the side" of Rift

About activity:
You in US or EU. For EU the choise would be narrowed down to 2 servers(Icewatch, and to a lesser degree Blightweald), though I think the Xpack will deliver quite some extra traffic
Dont forget that GW2 is just out, and that population will be dropping(like any mmo). Rift is already more then 1.5 year out there, and with an Xpack coming up the population can only grow
Last edited by Neario; Sep 26, 2012 @ 2:29pm
TankyJokey Oct 7, 2012 @ 5:19am 
LargeCaca Oct 7, 2012 @ 8:33pm 
I Love Playin pvp in Rift, im sure is the best game in the whole planet by this days
Originally posted by Quistic:
Rift is a really good PvE MMO. If you're looking for PvE, then Rift is awesome. But if you're looking for PvP then there is better out there.
LowfatEnvelope Oct 9, 2012 @ 2:02pm 
Originally posted by Sarpy ♥ :3:
Jesus christ, ♥♥♥♥ off Master. Don't infect even steam with your disgusting GW2 fanboy-ness.
No one asked about GW2

Incorrect. The OP said his choice was between GW2 and Rift. Also that was not being a fanboy.

Anyway, I think they're both good games. I've played Rift off and on since around launch, and find it quite enjoyable. The devs seem to do many things right, and push out content very quickly. They also interact with the community which is nice. GW2 is also a good option however, a big plus being no monthly fees if that could be an issue.
buttrake Oct 12, 2012 @ 3:08am 
Just buy guildwars2 its better and theres no monthly fee
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Date Posted: Sep 11, 2012 @ 12:46am
Posts: 26