Is this game pay2win?
What is it you buy in the game for real money? Whats in the store? I'm interested in this game but if its slightly pay2win-ish then im not gonna bother
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Not actual literal P2W though you may find aspects of it right on the edge enough to be 'P2W' for you.
Not all. You can earn plat and buy credits from other players with it. Most of the credit stuff is cosmetic. the only store item you feel the need to purchase is bag space.
Define "win" for the context :-)

If you enjoy discovering, leveling, crafring, developing stats and gear the natural way you are well without paying at all -- though a small amount saves a lot of clicks.

If you want to rule over other players in PvP -- and especially get there in short time, getting ahead of those around for months, maybe years -- guess what is the only way. O,O
I call this game fair P2W. It's designed so well that even if you don't spend a dime you're not at a disadvantage against others who do.

You can buy gear in the store, or you can easily grind it out. Buying gear in the store will give you a solid start, but you can easily get the marks for that gear by doing IA, running dungeons, and PvPing.

Simply put, buying gear is not worth it. Do some PvP and Instant Adventures and you'll quickly get gear.

Speaking of PvP, if you're buying gear for that, you really shouldn't. It's easy to get gear from chests in PvP, which with very little work, will upgrade into frentic gear. The frentic gear is far better for PvP than anything in the store (and store gear is expensive as hell) Most importantly, frentic gear has stats weighted better towards life and damage.

There is nothing in the store you HAVE to buy with cash. I've bought a lot of cosmetic items like hairstyles and wardrobe items since I like how they look, but even those usually can be found on the auction house.

Long story short, this game is fair about cash items, unlike many other free and some subscription ones. You can buy gear but it won't give you an advantage since it's found/earned so easily. If you want to support the developers and spend cash, buy interesting/useful things, like mounts, wardrobe items, and bag slots.

(edit for typo fixing and clarity)
Отредактировано Loco; 6 окт. 2015 г. в 10:51
I have a lot of experience with free to play/pay to play and monthly fee mmos, I tend to play for a month or two then move onto another game, but be aware that my view on this may be skewed a little as I have been playing on and off since release and so got some bonuses a new player may not get regarding character/bag slots etc due to owning the game when it was a monthly cost, and I have not played in a while (which is why im on the forums to see what is going on :P) so for all I know they may of overhauled the system sometime in the last few months since I played.

While I feel RIFT has a few issues game wise, regarding its free to play aspect when I was last playing it had one of if not the best I have seen in any game, there IS gear you can buy, but it is so mediocre that it is not worth it, you get equal if not better just as you level or do the puzzles/cairns. When it comes to pvp again, even the middle range stuff you can earn is significantly better than anything you can buy.
Their whole store is set up to sell cosmetic items, most of which are copies of stuff you can earn from end game rep grinds or raid drops. Ontop of all this, there is no 'gamble boxs' which you need to buy keys for (like GW2 lion keys), and you can use in game money for anything in the store if you have enough.

Regarding other aspects like character and bag slots, I felt that the default you get is more than enough, though again that could be due to any bonuses I get from owning the game pre F2P (honestly not sure how many more I get, its been a while). The only 'must have' cost you will have as a new player will be the expansion souls, some of which are really powerful while leveling/doing solo content (no more powerful than the other soul in group/pvp though).
im assuming its possible to "twink" in rift too, and perhaps mistakeable for P2W while levelling, i mean ive noticed some people dealing absoloutley stupid amounts of damage when doing pvp in the mid-high levels, yet when you attack them they take about 20% of the damage you do to anyone else, and this is people with 0 points into tanking, i need at least 30 points to get the same toughness.

whats really up with this?
F2P -

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I really hope the game does NOT turn into a nagware -- today I got a nag "welcome" screen on all my logins. If they will keep coming into my fase I'll seriously will consider not to log in at all.
Just remember buying is a choice not every player will do the same. Those charges help support the game as well do things like server fixes etc. So paying some minor amount here and there is not always a bad thing.
Отредактировано jareadsin; 9 окт. 2015 г. в 16:59
Автор сообщения: jareadsws
Just remember buying is a choice not every player will do the same. Those charges help support the game as well do things like server fixes etc. So paying some minor amount here and there is not always a bad thing.

Well yes of course, buying is always up to the player and kudos to those who buy stuff in a f2p game to support it. I just dont like when people who actually buy stuff gets a huge advantage over those who does not. Microtransactions should be purely cosmetic IMO, I can accept stuff like EXP boosts and such though. But if it starts to sell stuff that clearly gives an advantage in some way, then its a no go for me
yeah you wont find any of that here wakko, the gear that is for sale is hardly even a time saver. As you level do the puzzles and carins to get equal gear, follow something like;

they also offer a good chuck of money for a starting player
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Дата создания: 6 окт. 2015 г. в 8:28
Сообщений: 11