Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion

Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion

Näytä tilastot:
Other languages?
I need this game ! But..... in german ! :-D
Alkuperäinen julkaisija: TinManGames:
We have no plans at this time translate the game into any other languages as sadly it isn't cost-effective to do so.
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me in french !!!
+1 for french
Tämän ketjun aloittaja on ilmaissut julkaisun vastaavaan alkuperäiseen aiheeseen.
TinManGames  [kehittäjä] 5.1.2018 klo 5.10 
We have no plans at this time translate the game into any other languages as sadly it isn't cost-effective to do so.
I understand, thanks for your comment.
in french please !
Val 22.1.2018 klo 14.59 
And need Russian lang...
spanish here!
spanish here!
Val Aponsky lähetti viestin:
And need Russian lang...
need Russian lang... and i buy game =)
1 for German
TinManGames lähetti viestin:
We have no plans at this time translate the game into any other languages as sadly it isn't cost-effective to do so.
Yup, as translators, we know that... BUT, could you be so kind to put the texts for the open public to be fan translated?
Consider that approach...
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Näytetään 1-12 / 12 kommentista
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