Flight Sim World

Flight Sim World

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PMDG likey NOT coming to FSW offical statment from PMDG.
Quote from their offical facebook page:

Dovetail Games' Flight Sim World:

A number of folks have been wondering what our official position is with regard to the recently announced Dovetail Games' Flight Sim World package. I wanted to summarize our thoughts in hopes that it will prevent some of the uninformed conjecture that has started up on the topic.

Summary: We are very excited to see Dovetail's work beginning to bear fruit and we look forward to learning more. At this juncture it is really not a simple task to answer the many questions being asked about whether or not PMDG will support the platform, whether our existing product line can be converted to FSW, etc etc. The bottom line is that we don't know much of anything about the platform.

For a period we were in fairly regular communication with DTG regarding their plans and progress, but that communication dried up shortly after we declined to offer our product line via the DTG controlled Steam channel for FSX-Steam Edition, and we haven't really heard much of anything from them since that time. We received a few email announcing staff changes, but we received no replies to our ongoing outreach effort, so at the moment when I look at the planning board for the next year, I see only a question mark next to the DTG platform.

We are simply waiting to hear, and remaining open minded.

With that said, I can boil the whole thing down pretty easily: Once we have a platform and an SDK and some marketing direction from DTG to work with, we will make a business decision: If the platform is capable of supporting highly complex simulations of modern airliners (we presume it will) and if we are able to market our products through our existing channels then there is a high degree of certainty that we will support it. If the market will require participation through a market controlled channel such as steam, the likelihood of our support diminishes rather significantly depending upon the costs of doing business through that channel.

As for whether our products can be ported to their new platform- it is safe to presume that they can... After all- it is just software. We do not doubt that it will require some dedicated development work and that is why we have the big question mark next to DTG on the planning board... We know work will be required, but we don't know when or how much to plan...

So stay tuned...
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Viser 1-15 af 66 kommentarer
Torg Smith 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:24 
I like that response from PMDG a lot better than the one they put on AVSim. I don't get the "NOT" part of your title. I get "wait and see".
Capt.SumTingWong 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:25 
my personal thoughts on the matter: it seem to me because DTG cant profit off PMDG by forcing it on steam they want nothing to do with it, this is a TERRIBLE idea because it can and WILL alienate the flight sim community. I have a sneaking suspicion Captain sim has similar feelings.

This next part is to DTG and the devs, if you say your working with 3rd party devs then actually work with them dont push them away because you cant profit off their work, LM with P3D is more than happy to work with devs because it DOES benefit them in the long run, more 3rd party devs does mean a larger install base. HOWEVER if DTG shuns away potential devs this will end the same way MSflight and Flight school ended.
The Oldar 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:25 
If FSW becomes one of the dominant platforms, they will come. Simple as that.
Keyholebud 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:27 
Well since they charge "money grabbing prices" for ther OOM planes. I figure they can develop there own simulator. These PDMG fanboys are all butt hurt becuase they spent all this money on PDMG. Well DTG has a right to make a profit too. Also its their right to distrubute it anyway they want. Keep posting old news likes its new. From a old Simmer that owns all of them, I never bought a PMDG OOM plane and never will.
Capt.SumTingWong 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:27 
Oprindeligt skrevet af The Oldar:
If FSW becomes one of the dominant platforms, they will come. Simple as that.
but it wont become a dominant platform if they dont pull a majority of the hardcore simmers which so far they have pushed away a majority of the sim community, based on a majority of negitive posts and reviews by large members of the community.
Keyholebud 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:41 
Look it this way a Nascar team charges money to put your product sticker on the car. DTG says if you want to Put your product on our platform, we have to charge you for that. Where in the world says that you have a right to distribute your wares "for free" on Steam. Valve has spent millions on the distribution infrastructure. Apparently PDMG seems to think they should get special treatment and don't have to pay to distribute ther software.


rjlfry 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:47 
You build it they will come, if they don`t someone will take it on it`s called business, one possible reason may be PMDG do not do discount or sales you pay the price, but steam do have sales as we all know and they discount there prices at seasonal limeted time offers.
Torg Smith 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:52 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Capt.SumTingWong:
my personal thoughts on the matter: it seem to me because DTG cant profit off PMDG by forcing it on steam they want nothing to do with it, this is a TERRIBLE idea because it can and WILL alienate the flight sim community. I have a sneaking suspicion Captain sim has similar feelings.

This next part is to DTG and the devs, if you say your working with 3rd party devs then actually work with them dont push them away because you cant profit off their work, LM with P3D is more than happy to work with devs because it DOES benefit them in the long run, more 3rd party devs does mean a larger install base. HOWEVER if DTG shuns away potential devs this will end the same way MSflight and Flight school ended.

Don't sweat it. Later when this sim is a rocking, PDMG will want to produce for it. Right now they can't. The interface for 3PP will be changing. I doubt DTG wants people producing content before the game moves out of Early Access.
Hailey 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:55 
"Later when this sim is a rocking"

LOL this "sim" will suffer the same fate microsoft flight & flight school suffered it's only a matter of time...
Keyholebud 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:56 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Capt.SumTingWong:
Oprindeligt skrevet af The Oldar:
If FSW becomes one of the dominant platforms, they will come. Simple as that.
but it wont become a dominant platform if they dont pull a majority of the hardcore simmers which so far they have pushed away a majority of the sim community, based on a majority of negitive posts and reviews by large members of the community.

Well Your "majority" seems to be the same people. I see a totally different. I saw a lot finally go to X-plane 11 dropping everything else. 64 bit, no oom's, you can VATSIM with X-plane. I am a Hard core simmer. But why oh why haven't I purchased a PDMG. Trust me I' like my study sims. When it takes ten minutes to start a DCS A-10, and wait for the Mavericks to cool, Im in.
Cost versus content never seemed to qualify a purchase of PDMG product.

When PDMG said it's a money grab by DTG I was like, That's calling the kettle black.

Sidst redigeret af Keyholebud; 20. maj 2017 kl. 11:59
rudyflyer 20. maj 2017 kl. 12:01 
I had PMDG for FS9 when i upgraded to FSX I felt like it was overpriced to repurchase the 737 again. I feel PMDG only cares about $$ so once this takes off and FSX is removed they will move over. I still hate how they did not give me a discount for FSX so I did not buy. I actually like steam better because i feel it is a safer platform to buy add ons. So I think they need to eat the rate to get there product seen :) Not everyone knows about these random flight sim sites and I want this hobby to grow more.
Keyholebud 20. maj 2017 kl. 12:02 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Hailey:
"Later when this sim is a rocking"

LOL this "sim" will suffer the same fate microsoft flight & flight school suffered it's only a matter of time...

They failed because of other reasons not because of No PDMG. Using that arguement is
inacurate. No simulation of the whole world is one of them.

Sidst redigeret af Keyholebud; 20. maj 2017 kl. 12:08
Keyholebud 20. maj 2017 kl. 12:08 
Oprindeligt skrevet af rudyflyer:
I had PMDG for FS9 when i upgraded to FSX I felt like it was overpriced to repurchase the 737 again. I feel PMDG only cares about $$ so once this takes off and FSX is removed they will move over. I still hate how they did not give me a discount for FSX so I did not buy. I actually like steam better because i feel it is a safer platform to buy add ons. So I think they need to eat the rate to get there product seen :) Not everyone knows about these random flight sim sites and I want this hobby to grow more.


Good example. Just like when I stopped buying P3D at 2.5. Another 60.00 bucks for an upgrade really!! F U.
Jaxs1016 20. maj 2017 kl. 12:11 
PMDG can eat my cats poop....other devs will support FSW. Screw Randazzo and his nazi crew of monkeys :steamhappy:
Sidst redigeret af Jaxs1016; 20. maj 2017 kl. 12:11
Keyholebud 20. maj 2017 kl. 12:12 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Jaxs1016:
PMDG can eat my cats poop....other devs will support FSW. Screw Randazzo and his nazi crew of monkeys :steamhappy:

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