Sol 0: Mars Colonization

Sol 0: Mars Colonization

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Some1xx Jan 29, 2016 @ 7:11am
Full List Of Bugs/Glitches And Problems In Game.
These are for in game bugs/gliches and not technical issues that are preventing people from start the game or playing.
If you have trouble with starting the game or crashes then go here instead:

Most of these are ones I've seen for myself but I've included some others that I've seen people post so I can't be 100% sure about.

I've tried to catagorise them based on how much they effect the game play.


* Colonists can use beds from the lander.

* Water recyclers being able to build nearly anyway, face the wrong way and ignores impassable terrain. Demolishing a misplaced one prevents the ground from being used for other buildings.

* Demolishing a hall that has O2 Gen joined allows you to place a fourway in its place and have the O2 Gen work on a fourway. (Airlock are the same but you can't use them as they're blocked)

* An active Dust Devil or Meteor Shower is removed if you save and exit or request a new rocket.

* Warnings from radars for Dust Devils and Meteor Shower are removed if you save and exit or request a new rocket

* Units are able to pass through raised terrain by spam clicking on the suface layer within raised terrain. They can get stuck in certain raised lands but can be used to go over lowered lands. Not a huge advantace but ables miners to get ores that are otherwise out of reach.


* Unable to complete buildings if they have a specific side 'blocked'.

* Unable to delete unfinished buildings.

* Units are able to float over gaps - by cliping through raised terrain next to it first.

* Rocks spawning on ice locations can prevent you from starting up a colony.

* Being told Launchpad already exists when it either doesn't (caused by exiting without saving?) or there is one outside the map (Unknown?)

* Unable to build anything on the land after demolishing a building (rare? Hasn't happened to me.)

* Pallets can cause a lot of problems with forklifts. So much so that these aren't recommended to build except for 3D printer and their mode changed. - Probably more of an AI issue.

* Unable to cancel the upgrade for refinary once started in the GeoLab. If there's no rocks this can't be completed.

High Irritation

* UI Windows and HUD aren't solid.

* Click and dragging a box over a unit isn't quite accurate, it's like the box is above the terrain in the air and it's selecting what is 'under' it rather than what we see inside the box, sometimes being able to select things outside of the box.

* Astronaut won't automatically clean solar panels that are on the edge of the map.

* If you give an build order to an astronaut then request a new rocket from Earth they forget their order.

* Unable to refuel landers if you don't have the total amount required.

* Forklifts occasionally refuse to let astronauts take supplies from them, they don't turn to face in their direction and the astronaut will just walk to it and not take any. You have to tell the forklift to move to be able to take them.

* Forklifts will drive towards the middle of the Launch Pad to collect supply from landers, when they are there you can't left click on them to select, you have to click outside the structures area and drag over the units instead.

* If a miner is told to mine at the edge of a map (radius outside the battlefield) it will continue to mine even when there's nothing else there. It won't get anything but it won't stop until you tell it to or after you launch a new rocket from Earth.

* It's possible to use up/delete all of the basic DNA in farming/research.

* A Microflora became unusable in the farm (only ever occurred once for me - Would put as problematic if it was common or I knew what caused it).

* Jumpy physics when pushing rocks.

Low Irritation

* The circle around the drill doesn’t quite mark where the resources are being drilled.

* The resource display as well as the rover (science screen) shows that there are recourses still available after a miner says that there’s no minerals left.

* After demolishing a building the land is unable to be used for a short moment and you have to wait for the tiles to clear.

* When your water reaches your storage limit you can't see how much you are producing as it only shows up as (0.0) making it hard to know how many colonists you can bring.

* When you reach the maps water production cap you can't see the toal amount of water you're able to produce making it harder to know how many more people you can bring in above the cap shown.

* Game speed is forgotten after launching rocket from Earth.

* If you have a terraformer on the map you are still asked if you are sure you want to use a Microflora that has no Cyanobacteria, despite this no longer being needed.

* After declaring independence you receive a new message for colonists not having enough living space each time a new one arrives.

* The white box on the mini-map doesn't adjust when you zoom in or out.

* The white box on mini-map doesn't really match up to the screen that you see

* Clicking on the mini-map while you have a unit selected deselects it, you have to scroll to where you want a unit to move to instead.

* Zooming in and out doesn't focus on the centre, it moves "upwards" resulting in most things being put behind the HUD, you then have to scroll downwards to see the area you were looking at previously.

* Unable to build on the bottom row of the map, yet all other edges work.

* The game remembers if the map had a lander on the Launchpad even if the last save of the map didn't have one there. Exiting the game without saving (abuse) or having a crash when you had a lander there will cause you to have a lander there when you load even if you didn't have one there at time the game has loaded up from.

* Rover is doubling messages occationally.

Not quite right

* While a lander is landing you can deploy cargo that are inside it. They appear on the ground before the lander gets there.

* If you return a lander back to Earth, then click on to send a new one from Earth before the lander leaves the map the lander will appear on the ground when you are asked to select the location for the new one.

* Landers don't disappear when they reach the top of the maps height. They stick around for a moment.

* Colonists that were inside a structure that was destroyed ended up walking on the surface for a short duration before dying

* You can build halls on top of colonists walking outside, if you are quick enough they can be saved.

* The arboretums don’t depressurise correctly.

* Buildings are able to get O2 when there's no Hall connected to it anymore but the O2 Gen is still there. No Air Leak notifications.

* Splicing the same two strains together gives different results. Requires you to have an empty space even if you made one from them. (Intentional?)

* When you have two BioLabs you can have one researching (allocates a slot for the result) while you delete strains from the list using the other Lab, results in a "null" strain being added to the list.

* Clicking on most notifications fails to take you directly to the building being mentioned in it.

* "A colonist died from dehydration" when water is plentiful. This can happen when there isn't any colonists but seems to be extremely rare (only happened to me once).

* Living quarters are written as Habitat on the HUD when selected.

* Refrigerators are written as greenhouse on the Resource Profile / Oxygen tab.

* You receive food/water from the landers before you tell them where to land.

* Colonists start to enter the colony before the lander reaches the launch pad

* Colonists continue to unload after you've refuelled and launched the lander.

* You can refuel the lander and launch it before it lands.

* You get the message saying you have put a satellite in orbit even if you never put one on the rocket that can carry them. (Not sure if it counts towards you having one if you didn't already have one).

The rocket for sending up satellite still displays the bars for Food/Water/Supply, the fourth rocket has this disabled, neither of them are for brining them to Mars.

* It's possible to put Food/Water/Supply onto the fourth rocket by using one of the others to change the sliders and then go back to the fourth rocket to put colonists on.

* You can send up multiple satellites but there's no reason to.

* On the menu, the map Planum Boreum displays the 'Scientific Progress' Challenge but this isn't possible as there's no Gypsum (unable to research in BioLab)

* In the build menu Farms say you can get 1-4 food, when it's possible to get 5.

* You require 1 supply to build a pallet but this isn't shown on the build menu and it's not used up. (stored on pallet after).

* Units not moving during solar flare event can "crash" (not very common). Also happens to miners that are drilling (seemingly more likely than it not moving)

* Rover doesn't reveal the area when exploring at the edge of map, only shows up when it moves away from it.

* After a rock has been pushed by a bulldozer, any other unit is able to nudge it around although not as controled like a bulldozer.

* When selecting location for the lander you can select other buildings/units. Text will overlap buttons on the HUD - when options are available for the selected object.


* Route given to a rover don't go away if destroyed whilst select, until reset.

* Meteor shower hits the same map height regardless of hills and holes being there.

* Dust devils travel on the same map height and go over holes.

* Dust devils can go outside the maps shown terrain.

* When a forklift has five or six boxes the top row is floating slightly above the bottom row.

* Supply box can be seen under forklifts when they are near lowered land.

* When there is a disaster the windows on halls and rooms get covered up. However the window on top of fourways are still visible from certain points.

* Colonists clip through the door on the airlock for the launch pad.

* When you have the Resource view on, the Microflora bar above farms show through some windows like the notification history.

* Air leaks appearing in the wrong place - usually at the end of unfinished buildings or other nearby buildings.

Issues when being a little cheaty..

* If you exit the game without saving, the game still remembers if the map had any deaths but the people are still alive. This only effects "Colony planning". [Can't be changed]

Suggestions to tweak minor irritations but aren't really bugs.

* Upgrade Hall into Airlock or fourway (has the same cost) or allow order to build them on top of hall.

* Upgrade Habitat into Living Quarters (might need an alternative way due to cost difference such as showing required boxes the same way rocks are needed for upgrading refinary).

* Being able to lower methane on the mine to 0.

* Being able to toggle notifications from rovers to help reduce the messages, similar to Solar panel.

If there's something else that's missing let me know and I'll try add it.
Last edited by Some1xx; Jan 31, 2016 @ 7:37pm
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
solzerogame  [developer] Jan 29, 2016 @ 5:25pm 
Thanks - this is helpful, I'll pin this. It closely matches my internal list I've been compiling, which is good since that means I haven't missed too much.
solzerogame  [developer] Jan 29, 2016 @ 5:54pm 
Everything looks great - the only one I can't do much about is the exit w/out saving / deaths issue. Exiting without saving sort of kills the game process, and skips the writing to disk of things like number of deaths... everything else is fixable I believe.
Some1xx Jan 30, 2016 @ 3:19am 
added the following:
+ After a rock has been pushed by a bulldozer, any other unit is able to nudge it around although not as controled like a bulldozer.

+ Rover is doubling messages. Not as bad as the other person said it was for him but I am getting two messages each time a resource is discovered.

+ Be able to toggle notifications from rovers to help reduce the messages, similar to Solar panel.
Last edited by Some1xx; Jan 30, 2016 @ 3:24am
Some1xx Jan 31, 2016 @ 4:43am 

* When selecting location for the lander you can select other buildings/units. Text will overlap buttons on the HUD - when options are available for the selected object.
Some1xx Jan 31, 2016 @ 7:30pm 
Did a bit of playing around with the units and terrain.
You're able to clip into just about any raised land by spam clicking on the surface layer withinside it, not always easy to do and probably depends on the angles of the walls but you can just about get into any land. If it's next to a hole then you can happly drive through the otherside of the raised terrain and over the top of the lower terrain.

Allowing you to get that hard to reach resource (Which I have to wonder why it's in some locations..)

Gonna say this is abusable as I can now do it nearly anywhere without any real trouble other than a little time and effort in some places. Still they can get stuck inside terrain that completely covers them up. Not really a big thing besides getting ore you couldn't otherwise reach.

More of an update to the terrain clipping issue of getting stuck and not really a new bug.
Some1xx Mar 5, 2016 @ 3:00pm 
That was more of a technical issue, I had this post for bugs whilst playing the game.
There's a post for that and other technical related problems already made:
TashaRules93 Mar 30, 2016 @ 6:33pm 
Having a slight issue, everything is fine and dandy until I have to build a second hallway? It wont let me build a hallway so I'm stuck, anyone else having this issue? I have all the supplies and power requirements but when I try to build a new hallway it comes up red and I'm unable to build it. Doesn't matter where on the map either.
solzerogame  [developer] Mar 30, 2016 @ 7:35pm 
Hi tasha_sand, once you place your first hallway, all other hallways must connect to that first one - so all buildings end up connected together. Let me know if that does not fix the problem!
Raszagal Apr 6, 2016 @ 6:57am 
Suggestions to tweak minor irritations but aren't really bugs. (what I find that could be added)
+ Allow Barracks to be Upgraded to Living Quarters by either building over them and thus having to invest an extra supply box to finish the upgrade or by having to use ore.

This would help a lot once people start to shrink down my base after getting the 100 colonist mark to get less influenced by meteological disasters.

+Add clay and gypsum varients of the ore mine to the game for those maps where there just isn't any gypsum or clay.
dasir0 Apr 19, 2016 @ 8:18am 
some interface-issues that bother me:
- scrolling speed on higher resolutions (like 2560*1440 in my case) is extremely slow
- change controls: wasd is only useful on qwerty, but other countries have layouts that make the wasd directions unlogical to use
Some1xx Apr 19, 2016 @ 8:21am 
You can rebind keys on the standard Unity start window, When you launch the game click on Input tab. There's a few things that can't be changed, can't remember which ones can be but it might help with a few things.
lodestar Apr 20, 2016 @ 3:49pm 
I think I just found a bug, but I'm not sure if it's the one already mentioned. I tried to build a recycling center attached to the water tank and the footprint was green but it failed because no supplies were available. I waited for supplies from the 3d printer but now the footprint is red, as the recycler were actually built. I tried it again to confirm it and the same happens. Now I can't destroy the ghost recycler.
sa_bubbles May 19, 2016 @ 2:14pm 
Hey Devs. I found a bug on the testing branch. A dust devil destroyed my geodesic dome but not really. After it hit the dome the internal models stuck around, and surprisingly none of the colonists were dying as a direct result. I reloaded the game and sure enough the colonists started dying off from inadequate facilities and the internal model was gone. To make things worse, I couldn't rebuild on the old site, even though it didn't look like anything was there. The game runs quite smoothly otherwise.

By the way, I love the addition. I think adding more variety to the game like this is making the game a bit more playable after the independence stage where things just start getting repetitive.
matisk May 29, 2016 @ 4:11pm 
2 minors bug:
On Mac OS X.11.5:
The acceleration x2, the key ">" is not fonctionning. The 0.5x is not "<" but : "," !
Nothing key found pour 2x ! :-(

- the savegame Mac is not move to my pici.

nota bene: else, this very beautifull, simple, but attractive.
Last edited by matisk; May 29, 2016 @ 4:13pm
Atlana Jun 30, 2016 @ 5:42am 
I noticed a (logical) bug, you can place ANYWHERE a 2-way/4-way hall only ONCE, it seems that subsequent hallways always require to be connected to already existing ones?

I also had once the glitch, that in my 3 greenhouses the %-indicator (food supplies? O2 content ? or what does the indicator mean?) went counting up from average 20% up to 2-3 THOUSAND (and my system (i7 core, 24GB ram, GTX660) started stuttering. When I exited and returned, my 3 greenhouses turned (w/o order to upgrade) into fridge's (???)

Further have I noticed, that the food and water storage seem to be just a "global" one, as I can land 5x tier 1 landers with 400 food EACH (and none eaten), but the UI counter at the bottom-center of the screen only always goes max to 400 food, instead to 2000 food.
Which supports my assumption, considering you can not fill any tier lander to the max payload with food and/or water past 400, regardless how much payload capacities are still available.
Last edited by Atlana; Jun 30, 2016 @ 5:46am
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