FIVE: Guardians of David

FIVE: Guardians of David

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Burusagi Jul 1, 2016 @ 1:09pm
So is this game going to try and convert me to Christianity...
...or is it simply using the mythology as it's setting?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
76561198247876728 Jul 1, 2016 @ 1:44pm 
The short answer is: No, our game is not going to try and convert you.

The longer answer is: We are enthralled by the story of King David and wanted to explore it further, telling it through the genre of an action-rpg. We are a diverse team and have no desire to "convert" anyone.

Several reviewers have weighed in on this subject though:

"It manages to use its biblical roots well without coming off like a sermon" --RPGamer

"Fans of ARPGs will find a lot to like here...on the eighth day god gamed and it was good" {LINK REMOVED}

"Five’s an action-RPG of Biblical proportions." --CheatCC
Burusagi Jul 1, 2016 @ 2:16pm 
Sounds good. There's some interesting stories in that ol' book, as long as you don't take it too seriously and literally!
justinsane11 Aug 10, 2016 @ 5:06pm 
lol, typical, the guy that doesnt want to be converted and would be offended at a game doing that has no problem dropping in a random comment that the religion represented by the game is just a bunch of stories and you've got problems if you take it literally

hypocrisy much
MAK777 Aug 19, 2016 @ 3:10am 
Hey Brewtality, I believe Chris has already answered your question as OP, and I must warn you that name calling will not be tolerated on these discussion boards.

Please keep in mind that this forum is for the discussion of FIVE: Guardians of David, so while we realize there will be some discussion of the source materials, and naturally also differences of opinion, we ask that you keep the conversation civil or it will be locked.
BlackOpsElf Aug 26, 2016 @ 4:01pm 
Thanks devs for being honorable and not tolerating the haters. Bout time somebody took a stand.
Redrusty66 Jun 24, 2017 @ 2:20am 
Originally posted by justinsane11:
lol, typical, the guy that doesnt want to be converted and would be offended at a game doing that has no problem dropping in a random comment that the religion represented by the game is just a bunch of stories and you've got problems if you take it literally

hypocrisy much
I think you proved his point of the question, with these days being so "Strange" if you will with all the bashing, hate, supremacy type stuff going on around that group of religious persons towards anyone who's not it seems., I think his question was spot on, in that he was just asking if it was just source material and setting presented in a neutral way or was there actual sermonizing and indoctrinization going on in any way or subtle attacks on other groups of people in the game as opposed to just being what's advertised as, a nice ARPG that just happnes to be set in that setting.. I'm glad he asked and glad the dev answered. I have their other Arena game and enjoyed it. Would like to pick up this but also wondered about any associations with , shall we say, todays version of the religion and what it seems to be used for. Will probably grab it since I liked the arena game so much.
Last edited by Redrusty66; Jun 24, 2017 @ 2:21am
Doc Roley Jun 29, 2017 @ 3:16am 
Just been gifted this by a good friend, I look forward to playing it. :Wreath:
Hykciv Jun 22, 2023 @ 2:36am 
I have a couple of points to make about this:
1) Being that there are like almost ZERO games in the market made for the MILLIONS of Christian teens/youth/young adults AND adults in the world, I would say... LIVE and LET LIVE! plus WELCOME and THANK YOU!!! There's a huge market need and It would be quite stupid to keep ignoring it... :/

2) Nobody will force you or anybody else to play THIS particular RPG, so it's your choice and remember that, as Christians are forced to get brainwashed ALL THE TIME about the non-Christian-way from most digital content and don't complain, -instead exercise common sense and hopefully good judgement- I would think that a non-Christian could just do just the same: allow her/himself be exposed to Christian digital content and exercise common sense and good judgement. Just remember that, the worse thing that could happen is that you take an interest and start learning a bit more about it. Imagine becoming a REAL Christian (one of those people that love everybody and are helping all the time and fight for justice and equality and for the poor and the forgotten and don't judge and are so nice and cool... Nice!).

3) I used to be of a different religion and then ATHEIST for decades... I found God in Science; since then, it has been a love relationship and I'm honored that I've learned about this amazing person called Jesus who's so AMAZING and did so much to give us so many special powers... yet he gets used so badly and gets SO MISREPRESENTED by so many people interested in $$$ and in power, INCLUDING many self-called "Christians" who have NOTHING in their personality or behavior as a real follower of the Christ (Jesus) would... JESUS WAS SO AMAZING that we have a BEFORE AND AFTER Him in the way we constructed our time, our History. This is NOT A COINCIDENCE and now that I'm no longer atheist, I am so very grateful I got to know all these super amazing secrets on how to connect with the most powerful energy on Earth... A-MA-ZING....

4) As an RPG gamer, (Diablo, Path of Exile, others) I'm thrilled that there's a Biblical version where I can learn while playing, the history of the greatest love story ever told; not just for the poor abandoned Christian market, but also for all those many people to whom this game could be a door for the beginning of the best of the rest of their lives, like it happened to me with Science.
Shalom -
Last edited by Hykciv; Jun 22, 2023 @ 2:49am
Draco T Nov 4, 2023 @ 9:07pm 
Simply, this game is a fun depiction of the story of David from the Old testament. There is no intention to convert anyone. It's just a fun, and enjoyable game. Christianity has nothing to do with this. It's sad people have such limited understanding of history, and religion in our world that has had the information available for 2000 years. Oh well:(
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