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Game not starting
When I try to launch the game it doesn't do anything, my screen just stays empty
When I try to re-launch it Steam says it's already running, and when I go to Processes in my Task Manager I can see it there, but otherwise it doesn't do anything else

Anyone got a solution for this?
I really want to play the game
< >
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ebihime  [kehittäjä] 16.10.2015 klo 11.42 
I'm not sure why it isn't opening. Does it bring up any kind of error message, or does it just refuse to work?
Maybe you could try to start it from the .exe file in the steam downloads folder, rather than directly through Steam? That should probably work.
Opening the game via the .exe worked!
Thanks for the tip!
I'm not sure why it didn't work through Steam, it didn't give me an error message or anything, it just ran the process without showing any kind of window, it's probably an error on Steam's side
ebihime  [kehittäjä] 16.10.2015 klo 13.07 
Ah, I'm glad it worked! I'm going to guess this means it's a problem with Steam, not the game itself.
well... some issues are usually fixed by verifying game file installation, Clear Data Cache and log in again....
reboot after installing
moneybags48525 lähetti viestin:
well... some issues are usually fixed by verifying game file installation, Clear Data Cache and log in again....
reboot after installing
Thanks but it's been 7 years
< >
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