Fantastic Contraption

Fantastic Contraption

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Files Mar 9, 2016 @ 8:24am
Steam OS/Linux
Might this have a compatibility in the future?
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Showing 1-15 of 61 comments
saschpe Mar 16, 2016 @ 2:17am 
Just asked for it on twitter, let's see...
Drawing! Mar 22, 2016 @ 6:26am 
Seconding this!
sarahnorthway  [developer] Apr 7, 2016 @ 11:00pm 
We'll look into it - seems possible since Unity + SteamVR support it. Everybody please +1 here if you want this!
geerky42 Apr 8, 2016 @ 1:59am 
.san Apr 12, 2016 @ 12:32pm 
+100 Sarah!

I bought the Vive expecting SteamOS/Linux support from day one ( but reading this and seeing no reaction from Valve on support questions / emails I'm doubting my decision (I don't have/want Windows).

Feel free to contact me for beta testing.
EndeavourAccuracy Jun 2, 2016 @ 10:17am 
Originally posted by sarahnorthway:
We'll look into it - seems possible since Unity + SteamVR support it. Everybody please +1 here if you want this!

Valve Corporation's CEO has said that Linux is the future[]. Valve Corporation has co-developed the HTC Vive. HTC's CEO has said that Vive would support Linux day-1. HTC has co-developed the HTC Vive. During the Vive's pre-order period, it displayed the SteamOS/Linux icon in the Steam store. I'm a Linux-only user and I pre-ordered the Vive on the very first day this was possible. One of the games in the package I was promised and received is Fantastic Contraption.

I'm reading this thread where user "sarahnorthway", who is marked by Steam as a "[developer]", wrote on April 8th in response to a question about SteamOS/Linux support: "We'll look into it." She suggests: "Everybody please +1 here if you want this!" This is truly amazing to me. She wrote these things not just after the pre-order start date, but after the release date of the HTC Vive! I'm almost at a loss for words to describe just how crazy this all is. Not only did Valve Corporation and HTC ship a non-Linux game with the Vive, apparently they didn't even contact the developer of a game they included in the their package to say that a Linux port would be most welcome.

Now, you need to understand that I'm writing this as a Linux-only user who, after almost two months since the release of the Vive, still cannot use my head-mounted display because Valve has not yet released the software to support my operating system. And here I am: if I want to play a game that doesn't work on my OS on my headset that doesn't work on my OS, I should "+1" in a forum thread. Just... wow.
gibblets Jun 3, 2016 @ 11:19pm 
I already own the game as a Vive owner but I'd definitely prefer to play it in Linux whenever possible.
lotw_1 Jun 7, 2016 @ 4:58pm 
TheSelousScout Jun 9, 2016 @ 12:09pm 
Originally posted by sarahnorthway:
We'll look into it - seems possible since Unity + SteamVR support it. Everybody please +1 here if you want this!
+1 please do it, it shouldn't be that hard...
saschpe Jun 11, 2016 @ 4:29am 
SnugglePilot  [developer] Jun 20, 2016 @ 12:39pm 
Hey everyone, I just wanted to clarify a bit here. Right now the HTC Vive does not support Linux (see sys req's here) though Valve has mentioned in the past that they would like to support Linux. As a developer, I fully believe support will come, but I've not seen any official announcements that it'll happen yet.

We are coding the game in Unity, and making a Linux build is relatively easy (we don't have to rewrite an engine or anything) - but we use several external DLLs for small things here and there that do not have Linux support (nor have they announced plans for it). These are little things like GIF generation, Webcam access, etc., which don't affect gameplay.

Making the Linux build of the game is pretty easy, but first we need support for the Vive, then we need to replace our plugins that don't support Linux (or we can make an intermediary build that removes certain features to hold us over). I personally dev on a Mac and my build script builds for all three platforms each time, we just have no way of testing if the non-PC builds even work at this juncture.

Once official support is out, we'll be pretty quick in getting this out there. But as all you linux users know, the more vocal you are (+1s, or just comments in this thread in general!) the more ammo we have to throw at valve/plugin devs to show them this is an urgent matter!
Last edited by SnugglePilot; Jun 20, 2016 @ 12:41pm
EndeavourAccuracy Jun 20, 2016 @ 1:06pm 
I've just now contacted Joe Ludwig again to ask if he can give me/us any more information about the progress they are making with supporting Linux than 'we are working on it'. I'm at a point where maybe I'll be returning the Vive (on false advertising grounds, since they showed the SteamOS icon during the pre-order period) and getting a 1T PS4 with PlayStation VR instead. That's 399 euros + 399 euros, which totals to about the same I had to put down for the Vive. My excitement about using the Vive has almost disappeared, it's very unforunate. I'm actually quite sad about it all, I wish Valve had cared more.
Timrock8 Jun 21, 2016 @ 7:22am 
Madrang Jun 23, 2016 @ 10:43am 

Bought my HTC Vive day one, never used cause no linux support....
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