Novus Inceptio
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McP  [desarrollador] 27 MAR 2018 a las 2:15 a. m.
What do you like and dislike in our game?
Hello to everybody,

thanks in advance to all those who spent so many hours in our game and helped us get the game where it is today.
We are aware that the game is not perfect and is far from complete.
But it would never move forward without your comments, ideas and bug reporting.

We would like to know your opinion on what you like and what do you not like in our game.

Just a short list (to have a complete list of points and know what to improve and what maybe to remove, etc.).

Please focus on game elements - thanks so much!

We can not promise that everything will be met (it's just a research in curent time).

And if you like our game really, do not forget to write some review here on Steam for our game. We have a lot of reviews (but very big % are negative without constructive criticism). We welcome any negative and positive reviews but with a meaningful content. Few people are aware of the importance of Steam reviews (adding energy to next development (especially those positive;) ), but mainly reflects the overall rating of Steam and indirectly (but strongly) affects other full-time development.

Thanks a lot!
Última edición por McP; 27 MAR 2018 a las 2:16 a. m.
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Mostrando 1-15 de 149 comentarios
Tonique 27 MAR 2018 a las 4:43 a. m. 
Well, personally, what I do not like, is that movement that the character makes in the third person, when the terrain changes. I honestly do not know what it's called in English, but I think it will understand me.

Thank you very much.
Karmite 28 MAR 2018 a las 12:14 a. m. 
Fantastic game with an amazing amount of potential! I can be having the worst day of my life and this game will somehow calm and relax me in a matter of moments. The landscape is beautiful and soothing with a wondrous ambiance. The music is nice and mellow while exploring and exciting while fighting truly inspiring one to continue over the next hill. An in depth crafting system is coupled seamlessly with a more simplified version for beginners or people who simply want a more casual experience. In essence, Novus Inceptio has somehow found a special spot in my heart and become my happy place. (This is exactly what I wrote in my review, but I feel it applies to this thread as well.)
Ardenian 28 MAR 2018 a las 8:59 a. m. 
I like a lot that this game plays itself like a mix of RPG, similar to games like Witcher 3, Fallout, Mass Effect et cetera, while also offering elements known from Sandbox and Survival games, like Minecraft. It creates a powerful hybrid mix and I would love to see this getting deeper and more detailed, like more building options and deed customization options, as example pavements, as well as quests and background stories.

I love building my own village! I have yet to build something from scratch, but using the pre-created blueprints is neat and I see some great Workshop potential here.

One point I dislike, however, is how unbalanced and squishy the combat feels like. I would appreciate if combat was faster, involved more dodging and strategies to kill certain enemies, just like ones used in popular RPG titles. I believe the current solution with having a 'hit circle' is only temporary? I personally do not like it and would love an improved combat system.

What I dislike most, that's the (artistical) style and theme inconsistency of the game. We obviously have some Sci-Fi elements here, but also some post-apocalyptic vibes. I wished the game would strongly emphasize one direction, instead of mixing elements. Anomalies are a great idea to get different styles into the game, but for the main map I would prefer one dominant style and theme. Additionally, I hope we will get an overhaul one day, re-doing the whole map design. To me, the current terrain does feel like a placeholder in many places, empty and unnatural. This especially concerns the bordering mountains preventing players to get off the map.
scottster858 28 MAR 2018 a las 9:14 a. m. 
I think the game is fun. I will list some of the things that I both like and that I thnk need improvement. I won't say they are things I don't like, just that I think should be modified some :)

What I like:

The different areas. I enjoyed finding the "jungle" area and some of the ruins, etc.

The crafting. Once you figure it out, it is interesting being able to do advanced crafting with specific items to make the best bonuses.

The atmosphere of the game.

Things I think need a little improvement:

Certain skills need adjustment on improving. Things like foraging and fishing take a really long time to improve compared to skills that are used to craft things.

Farming needs some streamlining. Maybe have planters stay after collecting and start growing again instead of having them disappear on harvest and having to replant.

Streamline mass delete/sell of single items. Since the game requires 1000's of items made to get good skills, trying to sell all those items are a big pain.

Change armor requirements. For one, it seems off that gloves and chest take the same amount of cloth. Second, making cloth packs take so much more time than weapons, weapon crafting goes up a lot faster than armor crafting. Maybe remove cloth/leather packs and make armor use a certain number of cloth or leather directly. Example, gloves take 1 piece, helmet 2 pieces, legs4 pieces, etc. Reduce the amount of material for armor.

Add higher level creatures in later areas. By the time I had T4 stuff, no creature was an issue. With T10, you just plow through everything. So, adding things (even if same creatures) that are higher level when exploring further would make more of a challenge.

Add some story. I think you have an idea behind the world and the things we find in the world. Adding a story and some questing dealing with that would give people more of a sense of being in this world and why. I.e. Why are we clones? What happened? Why are there the towers around the world? etc.

Stramline custom building. It is a pain to first lay out things, then go to each one and "make" it. I prefer the style other games have done of needing the material when you place it, and it is created right then.

Need to "fix" A2-A crafting. It is a bottleneck. There are too many things that have to be crafted in it vs. the crafting stations. A few options would be: 1) Be able to upgrade it to work on multiple things at once. 2) Add a couple new workstations that are simple to build and offload Some of the things that it does (like a spinning wheel to make fiber into things, and a grinding stone to make salt and brick, or things like that).

Última edición por scottster858; 28 MAR 2018 a las 10:04 a. m.
oldkevin53 28 MAR 2018 a las 7:00 p. m. 
I read what ardenian wrote and liked what was posted. I have not played lond (but I have 10 on all my pre-made structures) it would be nice if there was something that was hidden and you have to find it. you need more time places I go to them to just get rid of them. make them special
Kylestra 29 MAR 2018 a las 10:06 a. m. 
I just starting playing but I really like this game, the crafting is interesting and it is nice to be able to drill down to make the required materials you need instead of having to back out and make them. I like having the abilty to build my own base in the way i would like to see it built, with a mix of prebuilt templates and creating my own as well.

Some things I would like to see added to the game are the ability to craft from storage when you are on your claim area or building. For example putting your foods into the freezer and cooking from your kitchen without having to get each item out of storage to use it. There are so many different materials this would be really nice. Another thing that I think would improve crafting is if you build a workstation like the carpentry workstation filtering the crafting menu to items available to make at that station. This makes it clearer what can be done there.

I would really like to see controller support added. I know from reading your reasoning behind it not being there because of the complex usage, but from watching older videos and from playing the current game I see you no longer use so many keys for things. Right now I see the following left and right click/hold and the E and F key for harvesting. Using WASD is painful for me as I have nerve damage on several fingers so I can only use 1 finger without pain.

Helie 30 MAR 2018 a las 4:52 a. m. 
for me, as what I like the most is building, I would like to have more stuff (different textures for the walls and all that stuff ;) ) just to have variety if we buildt many houses for a town, and as other said the different biomes are amazing and very pleasant to watch :) animals are fine too :)
Smoelfen1978 30 MAR 2018 a las 12:16 p. m. 
Pro: Stunning graphic, I like the crafting, I like the level system, easy gameplay, No blood, No magic, minimum violence, no zombies or undead.


From a person who have played A LOT of different MMORPGS I feel it could use a little more "action." I know survival games are a bit different that games like WoW, Aion, Everquest etc. but this game could use some sort of quest/goal you could work towards. I know there is the gathering and kill animals goals but those are easy achiveed and I also enjoy they new repeatable POI quests, but I still think there could be some more added :D

E.g. the anomalies could have a goal you could work towards, the reward could be armor/ressources/ rune fragments etc. there could be a "boss anima/alpha animall" in each anomaly which dropped a special set/look of armor/weapon. It should scale with how many ppl entered the anomaly so it could be doable both as solo as a group/raid.

There could also be dungeons/castle/caves etc to explore , we would need a more detailed map for the dungeons/caves/castles so we dont get lost, Each cave could then again have a special animal in them which would give a reward. This would make a sence of adventure with a good reward.

Another con is the decay system. Why do cola you find in an ancient city hundres maybe thousand of years from where you are at decay in 30 days? Make no sense.. decay on items is not a good thing imo
Última edición por Smoelfen1978; 6 ABR 2018 a las 12:24 p. m.
JeSuisPret 30 MAR 2018 a las 10:05 p. m. 
I like special events, the crafting, and the scenery.
However, it lacks a storyline, or at least end-game general objectives.
skiiwa 31 MAR 2018 a las 6:20 a. m. 
Dislike:No ranged weapons...Give us a bow at least! Likes:The crafting and freedom to do whatever I want. The Crafting is VERY well done. (Still needs tweaking though{decay nonsense})
Chicken Gamer 2 ABR 2018 a las 3:49 p. m. 
I want fishing is more activity and atleast I can see my rod
CorsePerVita 3 ABR 2018 a las 3:46 p. m. 
Things I really love:

- Crafting elements are really cool. I love that you can craft basic stuff if you want, or get wildly specific with the advanced tab in making something really specific and better.

- Being forced to go out and explore if i want specific materials. I can't just go away from my home in game and find everything, i have to explore to get all the really advanced stuff that i want.

- The world is huge, and I love that there is so much to explore. It's going to take me forever to get through so much of it.

- Absolutely love the building mode. Very easy to use so far and also ties in with exploring more to find blueprints/papers, etc.

- I feel like the crafting system is pretty easy to use. I like that i can go to an item, click on something, see how it's made, filter things out, make those things specifically.

- The survival aspect of understanding cooking, hunting, to survive easier is nice.

- I quite enjoy the anomalies. They keep things very interesting.

- the various levels of skill increase is awesome. I love love love the age leveling up and generation points system, it's SUCH a cool concept and makes it so much more rewarding to play for a while to earn things and make them better. I love the concept. I feel like the skill trees could be even bigger and more complex as time goes on, but right now it's fine.

Things I feel could use improvement.

- Combat is very clunky. The stats in creatures starting out has a pretty odd jump. I might wander into a forest and there's some level 1 wolves, then suddenly a level 3 that'll nearly 1 shot you. the stats and defense of starting out in combat is a bit odd. How is it a level 1 wolf has a base defense of 25, but if i'm wearing full leather armor I'm 15? Also how is it a basic wolf has a base attack of say... 25, but a well built sword with semi-good materials is 6? Though once you understand how easy it is to glitch something, it becomes clunky and not too much of a challenge. I think it could be increased dramatically to make combat more fun. I feel like the stats on some of the animals/items could use a bit of a rebalance.

- The Camera is a bit odd up and down vs left and right, even though the framerate is spectacular. it feels a bit less natural than most 3rd person games. It's possible this could be settings on my end, but i noticed this starting out.

- A very limited selection of things to build for weapons at the beginning. I feel like it would be great to have a starting selection of some weapons. Perhaps a purpose built club, a bow would be nice to start, some arrows perhaps, and a mace option would be cool to build. Perhaps adding into that one could get even more advanced into crafting, maybe a mace could have an advanced option for "chain and ball" to make it a flail. Definitely not necessary of course, but having a basic sword, some knives, and tools for combat to start out seems rather limited. Then again, combat is still pretty clunky so i'd want to see combat more fluid before i'm worried about weapons.

- I wish there was the ability for some more realistic survival elements such as rain catching devices during a rainstorm for water so that traveling to a water source isn't a common thing. Perhaps boiling water instead of just drinking it. it doesn't make a lot of sense to me that you get food poisoning from eating raw meat, but you can drink water out of a random water source and your character is fine. this is really a minor thing, not huge. just a consistency thing for me.

- I dislike the fact that i can't have my inventory open and crafting open at the same time. it would be much easier if i didn't have to constantly go between the two. For instance maybe i need to make lye at a water source. It's a pain to go back and have to fill water bottles in inventory, then close it, go back to crafting, make more, exit, go to inventory, fill, close, go back, make more lye. If both could be open, a fairly large decrease in time could be found in the interface by allowing both to be up. Either that, or something is wrong with my UI if this is an option.
Última edición por CorsePerVita; 3 ABR 2018 a las 3:49 p. m.
McP  [desarrollador] 3 ABR 2018 a las 11:29 p. m. 
Thank you all very much for your knowledge and ideas!

We do not want respond here to we disturb your flow of thoughts and ideas.

But we have to respond to one thing:

Publicado originalmente por CorsePerVita:
- I dislike the fact that i can't have my inventory open and crafting open at the same time. it would be much easier if i didn't have to constantly go between the two. For instance maybe i need to make lye at a water source. It's a pain to go back and have to fill water bottles in inventory, then close it, go back to crafting, make more, exit, go to inventory, fill, close, go back, make more lye. If both could be open, a fairly large decrease in time could be found in the interface by allowing both to be up. Either that, or something is wrong with my UI if this is an option.

Inventory can be accessed during production.
The inventory is snaped to the production UI - in the right part of the crafting UI is at the top of the "Inventory" tab (next to the production queues), so you can handle items in your inventory.
Última edición por McP; 3 ABR 2018 a las 11:30 p. m.
CorsePerVita 5 ABR 2018 a las 9:22 a. m. 
Awesome, thanks for the response, I'll check that out tonight when I get home. Also one thing to add that I love that I figured out: Your mines and mills work when you're offline but decay. I think this is a fantastic game mechanic. It doesn't feel like a chore to me to repair stuff, and keeps it so that it isn't going forever if i'm off for a while. It's nice to log in and see they did work and I'll have some stuff to work with.

appreciate your clarifying response. This game is addicting! And devs who ask for feedback, respond AND do updates? I couldn't ask for more to be honest.
oldkevin53 10 ABR 2018 a las 5:45 p. m. 
I have played to level 10 but the building mode needs work. we have gold can I have a cup? or a plate. you are still working on the main game we know it I for one love it.
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