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Account hacked, how screwed am I?
I started playing Crossout June of last year, put hundreds of hours and about a $100 into it, then had to stop because of computer problems around December. Just linked it to my steam account since I have my computer up and running again and noticed that someone logged into my account in February and sold all my stuff the same day. Just opened a support ticket on Gaijin, how likely am I to get my stuff back? Has anyone else had this happen, and if so, was the problem ever solved?

I'm really bummed because this was the first freemium game I ever actually spent money on and now everything is gone.
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Dr. Smith Jul 6, 2018 @ 12:27am 
You have no chance that they'll return your stuff back.
  • a. You shall not share the Account or the Login Information with any third party, let anyone else access or use your Account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your Account;
  • b. In the event you become aware of or reasonably suspect any breach of security, including without limitation any loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of the Login Information, you must immediately notify Gaijin and modify your Login Information;
  • c. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Login Information, and you will be responsible for all uses of the Login Information, including purchases, whether or not authorized by you; and
  • d. You are solely responsible for any unauthorized use of your Account.
Check the paragraph (d) of the terms of use.

The devs can only punish the thief, but it takes some time.
Last edited by Dr. Smith; Jul 6, 2018 @ 12:40am
V3rgi1 Jul 6, 2018 @ 12:37am 
pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥, they stated multiple times they can't give stuff back.
Any idea what lead to this? Did you share Accounts, or didn't activate 2 factor or anything?
Chopper Jul 6, 2018 @ 12:58am 
I am not saying you did.
I do know players rage sell all in game goods, then blame account was hacked, and demand to have their goods return. This happens very often.
In your case. Did you have your computer repair at the time of acount hack?? If someone login to your account, they can do quick sell, and really you should not have lost much. They can't sell low on all items at once, most items hold at a price level. This 2 patchs push the prices on all items higher the normal.
As the others said...I don't think they will replace anything for you.
underaneonhalo Jul 6, 2018 @ 3:31am 
I do my own PC repair, and no one has access to my accounts so it wasn't a physical breach. I didn't have 2 factor authentication enabled so I'd encourage anyone else playing to enable it. I've checked the email that the account is linked to and it's not compromised. As far as rage selling goes, I really enjoy the game and only stopped playing because my video card died and I didn't have the money to replace it. I initially missed the email from Gaijin reporting a strange login (originated in Brazil, I'm in USA) because it went to my spam, I just found it when I noticed everything was gone.

A warning to everyone else. I have good security practices, multiple emails and different passwords for every account, never click links from emails, never install strange programs or use browser addons, always double check the URL I'm on before entering information. I've been on the internet since 1996, and this is the first account I've ever had breached. All I can think of is a data breach on Gaijin's side, and a quick google search revealed many people suffering the same problem.

I'd encourage everyone to enable 2 factor authentication, cause it looks like Gaijin doesn't care as much about your data as you do.

Edit: The weirdest part of all this is that the person sold everything, then a month later bought 3 weapon skins.
Last edited by underaneonhalo; Jul 6, 2018 @ 3:33am
underaneonhalo Jul 6, 2018 @ 3:56am 
Got a reply from Gaijin.


Thank you for contacting Gaijin Customer Support.

Unfortunately, there were some 3-party entries on your account at the mentioned moment. We are sorry that this situation happened to you.

Please, change the passwords associated with your gaming account and email address.

Unfortunately, it is technically impossible to revert the operations performed with your account.

Best regards,

Specialist at Gaijin Entertainment Support Team
V3rgi1 Jul 6, 2018 @ 5:35am 
Damn :-/
Yea i've seen a few thread about stuff like that now, this makes me feel uneasy. Not much more we can do than link accounts, activate 2 factor and use a strong Password. But still accounts are getting hacked...(and usually everyone says they used all those security measurements)
Chopper Jul 6, 2018 @ 7:59am 
This mean they have leak. How can us players be safe from that?? I think we should put this topic to the main forum.
An other thing they can do is put a limit to sell higher grade items with in hours or a day. At lease this can slow down the damage hackers can cause.
underaneonhalo Jul 6, 2018 @ 7:37pm 
My discussion with the gaijin support rep was interesting. Initially they said it wasn't technically possible to restore my items or give me in game currency to replace what was lost, but when I mentioned that I was familiar with their twitch streamer incentives program of giving in game currency and items to streamers they told me that it simply wasn't their policy to reimburse hacked players and that it was my own fault for not enabling two factor authentication.

I recouped some of my items by selling what the guy bought after clearing me out, so it wasn't a total loss, and I can understand their policy considering there is no way for me to prove that I didn't log in through a foreign proxy and do it myself for God knows what reason.

My take away from this whole experience is that they have sloppy in house data handling practices and I simply won't be giving them any more of my money, but it's still a fun game. Still pretty bummed about the whole thing.
Big.Bear Jul 31, 2018 @ 11:13pm 
Originally posted by underaneonhalo:
My take away from this whole experience is that they have sloppy in house data handling practices

yea they say they aren't responsible for anything, but their games involve peer to peer downloading
This is total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! It they don't replace the stuff that was stolen from you becaue of theyr chickenshit security then that should be a crime on their part, because it wasnt your fault, its technically theres for not having better security.

Thats like saying your car gets hit by a drunk driver totals your car but you have to pay for all the damages to his car and yours outta your pocket.

This is suck crap and is so corrupt. So corrupt they name their business after a name japanese call foreigners, which can actually be offensive!

I am glad my password to my steam as well as all my accounts is a mix of Manderin , Japanese, Tagolog and Pinyin!
Ragnarr Loðbrók Aug 28, 2018 @ 7:31pm 
Other guy made a thread in this forum, that his account got hacked and he need help, told him that he can contact gaijin support but that he won't get any help and nothing will be recovered.
and that he should take a look in reviws threads and forum there is plenty of it with the same case

What did the mod do? deleted my answer and locked the thread x)
#FreeSpeech?! #TruthWhereAreYou?
Last edited by Ragnarr Loðbrók; Aug 28, 2018 @ 7:36pm
Ermost Aug 28, 2018 @ 8:06pm 
Originally posted by Ragnarr Loðbrók:
Other guy made a thread in this forum, that his account got hacked and he need help, told him that he can contact gaijin support but that he won't get any help and nothing will be recovered.
and that he should take a look in reviws threads and forum there is plenty of it with the same case

What did the mod do? deleted my answer and locked the thread x)
#FreeSpeech?! #TruthWhereAreYou?
Omg, they did the exact same thing with me some hours ago. Corrupt devs, corrupt mods. Expect these messages to be deleted too.
Last edited by Ermost; Aug 28, 2018 @ 8:08pm
FireFrost Oct 24, 2018 @ 11:22pm 
ya i just got back from working for 2 weeks out of town , logged into crossout on the 19th of october and bam was hit with nothing left in the garage , i did have 2 factor email turned on but ya no go on anything , i can confirm after spending thousands of dollars in the game they will not give you anything back , honestly i think it was a gm , they had from 104 to 10/14 to clear me out , 63 pages of sales . when i filed the ticket previous to this one i had to submit a code and on this one i didnt the 2 factor was disabled , thats why i think it was an inside job , in the response they said looking forward to you spending more money with us . i think once you reach a certain spending cap they intentionally drain you - thinking you will just grab your parents credit card and keep on rolling , same response from steam - seems no matter what no one ever backs the consumer anymore - cause they would have to pay back the 3% they get off the top im thinking . point being if you are browsing this articale you are probably already screwed - my advice if you cant authenticate using a phone then dont play the game , meaning you dont want to give these guys your phone # you would have 40-50 calls a day lol - nothing left to do for me , just try to get the word out about these clowns maybe ag's office and the BBB but that usually takes forever
Murdockx Oct 25, 2018 @ 3:03pm 
Same for me, hacked the 19 august, stuff value for 37 000 coins was stolen, 170 € spend and Support say the same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to me... They are just unable to securize the game so they said the security is our problem.

The hacker was able to imitate my steam authentification without hacking my Steam account. It's a crypted authentification. I also think there is a security breach since the massive DDOS attack and they have data stolen by hackers. Maybe an inside revenge, if they respect their employees as they respect their customers...

Strangely, my online bank account has never been hacked because my bank know how to secure their site ....
FireFrost Oct 25, 2018 @ 4:28pm 
as i saidi would be up for putting up cash for a lawyer if anyone would like to join in , or something i mean there has been 55 accounts hacked since 1st oct , seems even more since august now , steam just keeps backing these games that screw the consumer no matter the amount spent , surely something can be done
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Date Posted: Jul 5, 2018 @ 11:58pm
Posts: 24