ABD: A Beautiful Day

ABD: A Beautiful Day

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Layla Feb 8, 2016 @ 2:45pm
Sad Times!

i rebought the game, even after reading the latest news, only to find a post in the forums saying we still cant move characters, i purchased it anyway thinking that cant be right, but its true, i connect i find my characters but there just hovering in the sky and as the /respawn /restart dont seem to work, its impossible to pretty much do anything,

i have spent 2 hours on it trying to at least progress but im at my wits end. i really love the games concept and i appreaciate it can be difficult creating a game, as well as dealing with negative comments, im really trying to like the game and as its only ever been a concept for me, couldnt play in november when i originally bought it and still cant 4 months later, i read your staff left but i cant find what skills you have, posted anywhere so im not sure if you can progress alone and develop it further or if i should just forget the game and move on.

whats mad is i actually had a game concept similiar to this 10 years ago and wanted to create it, i even tried, alone and was able to create a basic game starter level with character, GUI and collables in Cryengine, but i just got fed up and filed the concept away and this showed up so i am really passionate about the game & concept thats why im so eager to try it.

Goodluck is all i can really say and hope you have the drive to continue your project.

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Crayon Delicatessen  [developer] Feb 9, 2016 @ 5:10am 

Thanks for checking back! We actually had a huge quantity of features working, but the budget ended and it coincided with a movement bug. Without movement, you can't move to rocks/trees/foliage to harvest them, then stock up and craft objects, create structures, and kill eachother. So theres a lot there but I need bug fixes, and I don't have any more money to continue. I am working on a contract with a company to come in, do the fixes, and complete the rest of the game. Its just bad timing, it would have been nice to let the game sit with movement fixed but it just didn't happen that way.

I ran two crowd funding campaigns without putting enormous ammounts of cash into funding the marketing side, so they fell through. Initial sales were pretty low, and after the disaster at launch the YouTube contacts didn't want to touch it, so. Life happens.

I'll be continuing on the project and acquiring the talent required to continue working, but it may not be for another month or so, these deals are pretty long winded.
Crayon Delicatessen  [developer] Mar 13, 2016 @ 1:23am 
So February 8th you posted this, with some positive words - now you're coming into the community hub spewing "abandonware" and other nonsense? So what, every month you guys come in and add more rants to the stack at random? Nice. Thanks.
Layla Apr 7, 2017 @ 10:01am 
lol thats why you have no staff and why your games not going anywhere, your attitude...wow.. seems adandoned to me so im not spewing anything except the truth.
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