Industry Manager: Future Technologies

Industry Manager: Future Technologies

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G.I._Joke Oct 6, 2016 @ 8:38am
Current state - Bug fixing
Hey everyone,

there's a brand new patch available for Industry Manager: Future Technologies that you can download right now! :)

With this latest patch we focused on improving the AI to make it more realistic and a readjustment of the overall game balancing. Of course we fixed, changed and added a few other things. To see what the patch brings just have a look on the changelog below:

- AI improvements: better and smarter AI
- Game Balancing: production speed, number of workers, capacity, prices, upgrades, profit margins, advertising impact...
- Global market: prices balancing
- Resource inventory: added the amount required for a specific resource consumed by all buildings
- Messages: added the option to enable/disable global market messages/alerts
- Goal panel: besides the required buildings for the production chain the panel now displays the required resources too
- Warehouse/storage: items without production lines and quantity 0 are now removed from the storage list
- Reports: list of affected cities added
- The option to choose currency: € or $ (when starting a new game)
- Production lines: added the possibility to add a note beside the production line name
- Game goal: "Landlord" win conditions adjusted
- Game goal: "Builder" win conditions adjusted
- Achievements: "Brand name" achievement fixed
- Global market: fixed a bug with negative amounts from the global market
- Localization updates/improvements
- Performance optimizations
- other minor improvements

We hope that you like the new improvements and changes, so that you have the best possible experience with Industry Manager: Future Technologies!

Thanks for your feedback and support and best regards! :)
Last edited by G.I._Joke; Jan 17, 2017 @ 9:19am
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
G.I._Joke Oct 7, 2016 @ 7:09am 
Good news everyone!

Thanks to your ongoing feedback and reportings we were able to detect the most important bugs that commonly occurred and already fixed them!
Here you can see which problems we solved so far:
  • Advertising boosts the product way too much
  • Warehouses do not show up on the global market when trying to sell products or resources
  • [Only in German language] On page nine of the tutorial there's a spelling issue
  • The requirements to complete challenges will be displayed in a proper language instead of english only.
Of course that's not it. We will continue to gather your feedback and fix bugs to deliver you the best possible gaming experience!

We will now focus on the following high priority bugs, that we will fix next:
  • The game gets stuck on the loading screen after trying to load the tutorial for the second time
  • Game gets stuck on the main menu
  • AI players frequently go bankrupt
  • rotating buildings feature has no other key bindings than the mouse wheel
  • seperate pricing per trade center
  • Product report: supply displays average supply by each company, not in total
  • Product reports: Market share percentage shows invalid values - shares of all companies do not add up to 100%
And once again: Please bear in mind that we are just a very small team and therefore it simply takes longer for us to reproduce your issues and then to find the problem in the code. :)

If you are experiencing severe issues, you can help us by reporting those and send a mail to us. Here we explain how:

Thanks again for your help and your patience!
Ben | Astragon  [developer] Oct 11, 2016 @ 3:34am 
Hi Folks,

I just wanted to give an update on the current fixes. We managed to fix almost every issue we mentioned in here (an a few more) but the AI topic simply is too big to put in a hot fix. Therefore we are taking the time to think this through and run some tests first before we release the next patch. I hope you understand that we want to streamline it first before throwing it out again ;-)
G.I._Joke Oct 14, 2016 @ 2:39am 
Hello everyone,

we are very happy to announce that we have a new patch ready and fixed many of the bugs we found and that you reported.
With this newest patch we were able to fix the following issues:
  • Global market: demand and supply fluctuation is now smoother
  • Global market: price change percentage calculated and formatted correctly
  • Research: unlock proper buildings when taking over an AI company
  • Trade center store: the prices for goods can now be different in different trade centers
  • Building rotation: added additional key bindings for players without mouse or Mac users
  • Achievements: fixed Car and Warehouse achievements
  • Sounds: fixed windmill sounds – reconnected to the mixer output (Ambient sound)
  • Sectors: workforce available shows now correctly after loading a savegame
  • Construction limit: counter reset properly when loading a savegame or after starting a new game
  • Building upgrades: UI refreshed properly when switching between buildings
  • Main Menu freeze fix: alert message for players without necessary permissions
  • Cursor lock: small fix for windowed mode
  • Bank loans: early repayment message shows the correct amount
  • Production: fixed an issue that could cause AI and player to stop selling
  • Production: fixed wrong alert for missing workers on a production line
  • Localization and other minor fixes

The next update will mostly focus on AI improvements.

If you still encounter any bugs or issues you can help us by reporting those and send a mail to us. Here we explain how:

Thanks again for your help and your patience!
Ben | Astragon  [developer] Nov 8, 2016 @ 1:30am 
Hi everyone,

sorry that you didn't hear from us for quite a while but we are ankle deep in AI overhaul :)

The tests last week resulted in some further issues and therefore we couldn't release the patch yet. Today we started another test round and hopefully the result will be satisfiying. If the tests, which will take a couple days, are positive we will release the patch asap ! So please be a little more patient since rewriting some huge parts of the AI simply takes some time :/

G.I._Joke Nov 14, 2016 @ 7:48am 
Dear Fans,

we have good news for you - Patch #3 is out now and fixes several bugs and issues.
Here you can find the complete changelog for this patch v.1.1.2:

- AI: All buildings are properly removed after a company leaves the game.
- AI: Improvements for AI companies
- AI: AI companies do not go bankrupt so frequently
- Market: The demand does not drop so suddenly
- Market: A message is shown when a demand change happens because of in-game events.
- Stock market: Should not display negative shares anymore
- Message: Sales reports from the global market no longer appear in a new game
- Product reports: Corrected generation and numbers
- Warehouse: Sometimes the quality shown on transport routes was 1 instead of the correct value
- Warehouse: Sometimes the upgrade caused a crash/bug
- Global market: Does not provide easy profit anymore
- Game goal: Scientist end game goal fixed
- UI: Scrolling the map using the mouse on the window borders is now more reliable
- UI: Texts are now bigger to have better visibility on smaller monitors/resolutions
- Construction menu: When scrolling through the building shop the camera does not zoom anymore
- Util: added the option to switch full-screen game between multiple monitors
- Localization, stability and other minor fixes

Thank you everyone for your ongoing feedback and your support on finding some of those bugs! :D
G.I._Joke Nov 24, 2016 @ 7:33am 
Dear fans,

we just wanted to let you know what bugs and issues we are currently working on that will be fixed with the next update!

  • AI improvements
  • Performance optimizations
  • Market balancing
  • Resource inventory: displaying the overall requirements for specific resources for the whole company
  • Messages: option to disable warnings from the global market
  • Required buildings gadget: we are adding also the list of all required resources
  • Storage: items with quantity <1 will be removed if there is no production or transport line
  • Different currency symbols (€,$)
  • Production lines: additional production line title note (in order to differentiate lines if needed)"

By the way, beside the upcoming update we have a surprise for you coming before christmas!

Thank you all very much for your support and your patience! And please keep in mind, as we are a small team we need some time to locate and fix bugs in the game.

Best regards!
G.I._Joke Jan 17, 2017 @ 9:18am 
Hey everyone,

there's a brand new patch available for Industry Manager: Future Technologies that you can download right now! :)

With this latest patch we focused on improving the AI to make it more realistic and a readjustment of the overall game balancing. Of course we fixed, changed and added a few other things. To see what the patch brings just have a look on the changelog below:

- AI improvements: better and smarter AI
- Game Balancing: production speed, number of workers, capacity, prices, upgrades, profit margins, advertising impact...
- Global market: prices balancing
- Resource inventory: added the amount required for a specific resource consumed by all buildings
- Messages: added the option to enable/disable global market messages/alerts
- Goal panel: besides the required buildings for the production chain the panel now displays the required resources too
- Warehouse/storage: items without production lines and quantity 0 are now removed from the storage list
- Reports: list of affected cities added
- The option to choose currency: € or $ (when starting a new game)
- Production lines: added the possibility to add a note beside the production line name
- Game goal: "Landlord" win conditions adjusted
- Game goal: "Builder" win conditions adjusted
- Achievements: "Brand name" achievement fixed
- Global market: fixed a bug with negative amounts from the global market
- Localization updates/improvements
- Performance optimizations
- other minor improvements

We hope that you like the new improvements and changes, so that you have the best possible experience with Industry Manager: Future Technologies!

Thanks for your feedback and support and best regards! :)
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