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mshibuya 2015년 4월 21일 오후 9시 08분
Control issue on swinging bars
I am having trouble getting up the swinging bar obstacle course due to a control issue. The controls work fine jumping on the bar when swinging in one direction (right) but as soon as I switch the direction of the swing to left, the game no longer responds to the jump command. Is anyone else having this issue/have a possible solution?

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cancerman 2015년 4월 23일 오전 5시 04분 
Yup same problem here and why I have stopped playing this game for time being since it's so irritating ARRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Sometimes moving to the left or righ just a bit will allow you to use jump again but then again seems totally random and if that don't work try hitting X key on keyboard since that's supposed to make you let go of bar and fall to ground to try again. So that is how I get around that but takes so much time gets annoying and sometimes he just jumps off into space instead of grabbing next bar so that seems totally random to me too or maybe you supposed to time it just right or let go of bar at certain point when he is swinging.
Maybe someone know the answer here if not was going to google it when I wasn't so pissed off at game and wanted to try playing it again.
mshibuya 2015년 4월 23일 오후 5시 02분 
Yeah, I have tried shifting on the bar, but it hasn't worked. I can go right 100% of the time, but left has never worked. do you want to try posting the question on this forum? I would do it myself, but I can't seem to post to the thread.

Furiey 2015년 4월 24일 오후 3시 53분 
I have found that it only lets you jump if you swing in the direction you want to jump while facing in that direction. So if you want to jump to the left, you have to be both facing left and use the left button (A) to swing.

The problem I have then is turning to face in the other direction. Sometimes pressing the button facing backwards will turn you, other times it just makes you swing backwards. I've yet to find out why it is inconsistent. I use keyboard/mouse.
mshibuya 2015년 4월 24일 오후 4시 06분 
Haha, I feel so stupid. I have been facing in the right direction, but never payed attention to which direction I was swinginh in! It totally worked, thanks!
Furiey 2015년 4월 24일 오후 4시 12분 
Glad it helped.

I still can't turn to face the other way...
Elaine Marley 2015년 4월 25일 오전 3시 03분 
The button you press for "Use/Talk to" is the button that makes you change direction when you're hanging from a bar :)
mshibuya 2015년 4월 25일 오후 2시 44분 
I use the 'F' button to change directions on the bar. I guess you have to be facing the right direction and swinging in that direction to jump consistently.
cancerman 2015년 4월 25일 오후 2시 57분 
mshibuya님이 먼저 게시:
I use the 'F' button to change directions on the bar. I guess you have to be facing the right direction and swinging in that direction to jump consistently.
Well that's the thing it isn't consistent FWICT!
Hard to get past walls till I hit F key to turn and face in both directions until he's finally grabs the damn bar instead of falling or jumping into space!!!
And took me a while to figure out in 2nd wall you come to that you need to use x key to jump on top of rope instead of swinging.
Furiey 2015년 4월 25일 오후 5시 42분 
Ah the F button! That's it! Now I can get it consistently. The times I was turning before I thought I was hitting the D but must have been missing and getting the F instead. No wonder I was confused...
4tado 2023년 12월 23일 오후 4시 54분 
Elaine Marley님이 먼저 게시:
The button you press for "Use/Talk to" is the button that makes you change direction when you're hanging from a bar :)
Wonderful thank you, that had me stuck for a while. Unbelievable how many workarounds I had to look up for just the first level of this game
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